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Cao Ming sat shyly on the sofa.

Looking at the doorway, there was a sluggishness inside.

The expression on his face was as if he had been frozen, and there was a little bit of shock in the iron blue, which had not changed for a long time.

One of the deepest hidden and most important hole cards was abruptly exposed.

The kind of horror and wandering caused by the moment is by no means something that can be calmed down by fading away.

At this moment, his mind was completely chaotic.

Cao Jia’ Ah Qi, known as the Zhi Arc, lost all inches.

Not to mention the calm and indifference of the past when everything can be handled without being alarmed.

Even if you sit down and think about something, you can’t do it at all.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Outside the door.

The roaring engine of the Lamborghini suddenly sounded, and the wave was higher than the wave.

Cao Mingcai suddenly broke free from this state.

He forcibly pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing an ugly smile.

It was in this smile, I don’t know why, full of some bitterness and self-deprecation.

If there are familiar people here, they may be able to produce a feeling of sadness when they see it.

Because in their impressions.

Cao Ming is well-informed, cautious and resourceful.

Be patient and be patient.

At the critical time, he also dared to lay down a fierce hand and dare to fight for his life.

It belongs to the kind of players who do not make a sound and have shocked the world.

And this kind of person, not to mention most of the things that happen around him, is planted in his predictions, speculations, and even calculations.

Even if there are occasional accidents, it can be done without alarm.

Take another 10,000 steps back, even if the waves in your heart are already raging.

On the surface, it can still be plain as water.

But at this moment, Cao Ming was obviously panicked.

Moreover, it is still the kind of extreme panic that cannot even be disguised.

Especially after the ability to think gradually recovered.

All kinds of antecedents and consequences, as well as the meaning and consequences represented by this matter, have been analyzed one by one.

The panic in my heart, far from calming down in the slightest, became more and more vigorous.



Cao Ming was still wandering alone.

On the other side, Jiang Chen did not stay.

After getting in the car, the throttle is directly pressed to fly.

With a posture that was even more arrogant than when he came, he sped out from the main gate of the Cao family.

Of course, this time, he did not drive into the garden and destroy the strange flowers and plants that Cao Ming regarded as his life.

It’s just a little faster.

But even so, almost every pair of eyes he retreated from the Cao family.

In the first instant, they were filled with extreme shock.

Stare to the rolling circle.

Even after Xiao Han and Li Hua, they were not exempt from vulgarity.

However, the difference is that after the two people reacted, their expressions fell directly into a certain confusion and anger.

Others, on the other hand, will exclaim in amazement or.

Then, a strong sense of reverence and worship rose in the eyes.

However, no matter whose expression was, Jiang Chen did not care about them at all from beginning to end.

At this moment, his mood was really a little agitated.

Starting from choosing to take a shot at Zhang Qiushan and refusing Ji Tao’s help.

Jiang Chen has actually been walking a tightrope.

Under the seemingly indifferent and even somewhat ignorant expression, the mind is always tense, calculating every moment.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he just arrogantly rushed into the Cao family, and then came out even more arrogantly.

And to be amazed, or admired.

But the real process is far more tortuous and dangerous than this.

It was different from the severely flattened world of the previous life.

It’s not only hierarchical, it’s also hierarchical.

Moreover, because of the existence of practitioners, some laws such as the law of the weak and the strong are much more naked.

In this case.

Blatantly and proactively provokes the existence of a behemoth at every level, not at all on the same order of magnitude, not even comparable.

The degree of danger is by no means describable in a sentence or two.

Even if he has almost complete certainty, the pressure inside is very high.

Because most of them have done this, the end is very tragic.

Can’t bear to look at it directly.

Even if the body is destroyed, others will talk about it, and they will disdainfully scold a few words such as brain damage, stupidity, and stupid bi.

In the original work, the author has expounded this point very clearly through various levels, angles, and details.

And, from time to time, it is also pulled out to emphasize.

In other words, the predatory and hierarchical are themselves one of the basic settings of the novel.

And it is with this background that it exists.

Every time, when the protagonist provokes a villain or force stronger than him.

The reader’s adrenaline rushes wildly.

Then, involuntarily into the plot, began to worry and nervous.

Follow Xiao Han to walk the tightrope.

Same, every time.

When Lu Xuemei and Cao Yang, who are themselves very pleasing supporting characters, they encounter some treatment that has long been commonplace in this world and no one else feels strange.

The reader’s sympathy and anger will also be filled.

Because, according to the eyes of modern people, they have been squeezed, persecuted, and exploited.

However, when countless awesome supporting characters worship the protagonist.

Pledge allegiance to the moral standards of this world.

When countless heroines who are so good that they can hardly be excellent and cannot be found in the real world, they are included in the harem by the protagonist.

Then every one of them was unswerving, and neither the mind nor the body had ever wavered in the slightest.

Readers, far from turning a blind eye to this “injustice.”,

On the contrary, it was cool enough to fly, like poisoning, which was called a desire to stop.

Because in their subconscious, they have fully accepted this setting, it will not feel strange at all.

PS: Disgusting people disgusting things, impulsive, caused some trouble.

However, this should be processed in two days, and will continue to be updated from April 1st at the latest.

Again, this book will not be eunuchs, nor will it be ghostwritten.

The gunner counts money by word count, who would be as slow as I wrote?

There is also a brush data, I am speechless, is the book’s results good? Is the data explosion unreasonable?

Four hundred thousand words, less than 40,000 flowers, tips and evaluation votes are even more miserable, not even ten thousand.

How is this data brushed? Didn’t have a brain to grow eyes?

To be honest, I don’t care too much about these things myself.

From the opening of the book to the present, the number of times to ask for tickets and flowers can be counted on one hand.

You can think of what I write as garbage, after all, aesthetics is a very subjective thing, but is it too much to say that brushing data? _

Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read –

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