
On the polar continent, a strange three-masted sailing ship is like an icebreaker.

Even if there is no one at the helm, the ship can still move quickly on the ice and snow environment, and take the lead against the wind and snow. Its efficiency is no worse than that of the ghost captain's spaceship that can stay in the air.

If there is a Transcendent who is above a demigod, he will definitely notice the strangeness under this pirate ship named "Tianyasha".

A thin phantom figure struggled to support the boat with its body, all four limbs touched the snow-covered soil, trying to swim on the ice in a swimming posture.

During the half-month-long voyage on this land, Mingesa was the first to experience the danger of this land, and those unpredictable alien creatures harassed his team again and again, and they were all particularly troublesome exist.

Fortunately, the particularity of this ship is enough to escape from the spirit world in time when they encounter trouble, and come out after the crisis is over.

With such efficiency, no team has surpassed them so far.

In the captain's cabin of the Tianyasha, a group of cadres gathered here, organized and planned by sharpshooter Belleman, and reported the current situation to the captain one by one.

"Speak to the captain, we have news from the courier on the skeleton ship.

At present, the Alliance of Seven Gods has formed an alliance and divided into two teams, one focuses on searching for temples, and the other is stationed in polar regions to clean up alien species. How should we respond? "

"Who is the commander of the team?"

"Tuff Capet!"

"Why is it that kid again?"

Mingesa, who was leaning on the chair, opened his closed eyes slightly, as if everything in this matter was related to that little guy.

But for the sake of the alliance, the former sea emperor wrote lightly:

"Let the Queen of Soul and Landis's fleet stay, and the two demigods join the hunting team, which is enough to show Qi Wuhai's sincerity."

The intelligence officer received the answer and left the cabin silently.

"The Alliance of Seven Gods is also looking for the temple now. It seems that the source of the Lionheart King's power was indeed obtained from the temple. Otherwise, the legendary life has come to an end, so why bother to go to the pole with all his life?"

Mingesa guessed nonchalantly.

"You are right. If the Lionheart King indeed fell in the polar region, perhaps the secrets and treasures he hid may also be found in the polar region." His deputy, Belleman, nodded in agreement, although his face was calm and his heart was extremely excited.

Generally speaking, that kind of big man would hide his wealth in advance before he died, and as long as he found the corpse, he would be able to find the treasure left by the other party.

Known as the Emperor of the Sea, Mingesa, and his Ayasha Pirates Group, are the most powerful forces in the sea both in the past and in the future.

Since Captain Mingesa formed the pirate group, the crew have been on an adventure to find treasures. The ultimate goal of the group, including the captain, is to find the treasure left by the Lionheart King.

That may be the secret to upgrade to Sequence 1.

Or maybe it is a treasure that increases the lifespan, some kind of taboo that is powerful enough to deter the nations.

It is the infinite longing for the ultimate treasure that motivates this group of special people to act.

In the past, due to many reasons, even if they explored the polar regions many times, they could not find anything valuable, so they had to do some scrappy treasure hunting activities within the five seas.

Only this time is different, the lives above the dome appear frequently, that is to say, the passage between the two worlds is opened, taking this opportunity to go to the poles may be rewarding.

"Captain, there is an unknown situation on the road ahead, please give me instructions." The voice of the navigator outside the cabin came, bringing important news to the captain and cadres who were still in the meeting.


"A strange mountain range appeared one kilometer away. It is different from all the mountains we have seen before. The information about this mountain range did not appear on our previous maps."

The lookout replied seriously that it was not the first time that the Tianyasha crossed the polar region.

The crew had already recorded the main mountains and rivers of this mysterious land on the map, but now a mountain that has never appeared before appeared, it is hard not to doubt its authenticity.

"Let's go and see together."

Mingesa raised his fiery red beard, and walked to the deck with a trident in his hand. The pirates of the Tianyasha stood on the railing of the sailboat, marveling at the strange scene in front of them.

"Look at the black mountains."

"I don't remember it being like this the last time I was on the Fraser River."

"In a ghostly place like the polar region, so many strange things have happened recently, I'm not surprised that anything happens now."

"Get out of the way, the captain is coming!"

While the crew was still in shock, Mingesa brought the cadres to the deck.

Of course, as the navigator said, a strange black mountain that was so high that it could not be seen ended blocked the only way they had to go.

To say that there are countless strange places, the tall and towering pitch-black mountains are incompatible with the ice and snow weather of the polar regions.

When the snowflakes floating in the sky fell on this mountain range, they turned into liquid the moment they touched it, and evaporated soon after, so they couldn't form snow.

Several huge pillars stand at the foot of the mountain, with obscure and incomprehensible winding around them.

Seemingly chaotic and giving people a sense of confusion and confusion, the impact brought by the weird scene, whether it is the captain's low-order transcendent or Mingesa who has reached the peak of human transcendence, is shocked by it.

"Do you want to move on?"

Bellerman looked at his captain, and the latter flashed a trace of restraint amidst the desire in his eyes.

This strange mountain range that appeared at an unknown time gave him a sense of danger and temptation.

He pondered for a long time, and finally made a more restrained decision:

"Continue to move forward and climb to the highest peak of the mountain range, but before that, send coordinate information to the Church of the Seven Gods through a messenger."


At the same time, the other side of the Black Mountain.

A large pagoda tree with a dozen dead bodies stands here.

The area where it took root is the only piece of green soil in the polar region. It is the same as the black mountains in front of it. Even when the wind and snow fall to the trunk of the big locust tree, it can't leave any traces.

Just a few days.

On the branches of the locust tree are not only human corpses, but also advanced amphibious life forms "strange demons", remnants of worms that can dig holes and molt at will, and many new species.

Many of them are the same batch of companions who arrived in the New World with it.

However, in the eyes of the big locust tree, there is not much difference. Anyway, they are just absorbing nutrients from organic matter. They have already grasped a lot of information, and anyone who devours is devouring.

At this moment, on the branches of the big locust tree, a variety of corpses are hanging like bacon,

It looks more and more like a Christmas tree.

After a few days of cultivation, his body shape has returned to what it was before the battle, which is not too difficult. He only needs to absorb healing from other lives, fill up the energy and quickly recover to the peak.

What makes it more troublesome is another thing. The human side seems to have colluded with the news, and the magical traps it has succeeded in the past have also lost their magic power.

After the transition from scattered to centralized, the human forces finally merged into one.

When hunting, at least two of the "half-gods" they called walked together, which was extremely difficult to deal with.

That's why it redirects its prey to its companions.

When the three-masted sailboat that could walk on the snowy field arrived, the big locust tree also sensed the aura of a large number of humans coming, and did not choose to attack directly.

Just listen to the human corpse that was devoured last time muttering:

"On top of another 'half-god', there is still the most mysterious Ayasha pirate group on the sea. There are at least two half-gods on that ship. I suggest giving up this hunt."

The "strange demon" hanging beside it opened its mouthparts, and also said in human language: "Their destination is that mountain range, but the way to death.

It's better to wait at the foot of the mountain. There may be an opportunity for that team to break up. "

"Listen, there are enough dangers on that mountain range, the Lord doesn't advise us to go, and evacuate immediately."

A female corpse spoke indifferently, conveying the will of the big locust tree.

There was silence on the locust tree.

The other hanged corpses knew it was the Lord's will, and didn't say any more nonsense.

If Tu Fu saw this scene here, he would be as surprised as he was when he saw a big locust tree with wisdom for the first time.

Last time, the big locust tree only learned about the composition of the human world one-sidedly through the way of extracting memories.

Not long after the last time, the big locust tree evolved again, simply borrowing the thinking of the dead, simulating the scene of human discussion, and finally making a decision based on the reference answers of several people.


After the meeting reached a conclusion, the rattan branches around the big pagoda tree slowly sneaked into the ground.

That touch of green turned into a sheet of ice and snow. Before the big locust tree left the black mountains, the corpses hanging from the branches looked at the insurmountable mountains in front of them, all showing panic.

The fear they reveal is also a symbol of the uneasiness of the "Lord".


Two days later.

A silver-clad team in the Beisen Mountains traveled overhead in airships and other equipment. The sound of rattling machines kept ringing, and the propellers of the aircraft in the sky were fanning, constantly checking the situation ahead.

No matter how far you fly, what you see below is a vast expanse of white silence.

Tu Fu fulfilled his promise to the professors. No matter how urgent the situation was, he would give priority to the scholars of the University of Michigan to investigate in the "canteen" for two days and retrieve some samples of rocks and fossils.

After satisfying the professors, the group set off again.

The Church of the Goddess of Wisdom has only five demigods left to accompany it, and the demigods sent out together with other Six Gods and secret organizations formed a hunting team.

Stationed on the edge of the polar region, in case the visitors from the sky leave this land.

Taking the same airship with Miss Winster, Tu Fu went to the center of the polar region without any haste. Anyway, they were not the first team to reach the polar region, and there was no need to rush to open up wasteland.

After sharing the information, Tu Fu has already grasped the landing area of ​​the Church of the Seven Gods.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a prior arrangement.

The seven schools landed from different directions of the polar region, so that in the end, everyone's goal is to go to the very center of the polar region, and there will always be a team that can find the trace of the temple in advance.

"Behind the Beisen Mountains are the Nicro Mountains, the Yatan Plateau, the Diaby Mountains, and the Fraxi River..."

Sitting at the dining table, Tu Fu carefully flipped through the notebook that Jack Sparrow picked up in the polar region.

There is also the road that the expedition team passed by. The expedition team of the Seven Schools Alliance lasted for several months, and it seems that it has reached the center of the polar region.


While he was still studying geography, a strange energy fluctuation flickered in the boat, and an irregular "wormhole" in the void was torn open.

All I saw was a bone frame with thick bones, struggling to get out of the tiny hole.

The breath of the spirit world also overflowed into reality.


Tu Fu raised his brows, looking at the white skeleton that was about to fall apart, and stepped forward with a letter in his mouth.

He was about to reach out to take it, when he saw the white skeleton twisted his head, just turned his head, and stretched out his withered palm.

Tu Fu immediately understood, and took out a yellow gold coin from his wallet and put it in the other party's hand, before he got the letter full of teeth marks.

"I hate collect."

Tu Fu complained about the messenger expressionlessly, and opened the mail.

This is a letter from the Pirate Alliance. From being careless at first, until seeing the black mountains described by the other party, I immediately cheered up.

The church demigods of the surrounding aircraft or airships also sensed the spiritual fluctuations on the main airship, and immediately launched their respective methods to shuttle over.

"Any new information has arrived?" Uncle Roman touched his chin and asked actively.

"Mingesa's fleet has arrived ahead of schedule. I think they are also the closest team to the polar core. That team discovered an unusually weird black mountain range."

Tu Fu handed over the letter like someone taught by the Goddess of Wisdom, and talked about his thoughts:

"According to what they said, when Tianyaksha reached the pole in the past, there was no obstacle near the Vlassey River. Only this time, the mountain range seemed to appear out of thin air."

"What about the other places?"

"There are rewards along the way. Occasionally, I meet some guests who come from outside the sky. Although it is an adventure, it is safe and sound with the church escort. All the teams have been heading towards the most central area."

Tu Fu reported the information received from each team in the past few days.

He thought for a while and added: "But after that alliance, no team has encountered that big locust tree again, and it seems to have noticed our changes."

"Hiding? This monster is really cunning enough to make adjustments in such a short time." Uncle Roman shook his head with quite a headache.

"The matter of the ultra life form will be handed over to the hunting team for the time being, and we can just head towards the temple."

Ms. Carlo's tone was indifferent, and all her thoughts were on the final battle.

Tu Fu compared the record log left by Professor Bella, and murmured:

"People from the Seven Schools Alliance, and many of these teams have been in the polar region for almost half a month. They have not achieved any results so far. They have almost explored the surrounding conditions of the polar region. If they can find it, they will have discovered it long ago."

"you mean?"

"The area of ​​the temple must be in the vicinity of the black mountain range. The members of the expedition team of the Seven Schools Alliance happened in the Vlassey River area.

Now a mountain range suddenly appeared here, and there may be some similarities between the two. "

With Mingesa's information, it is hard not to let Tu Fu compare the information he has obtained so far.

Tu Fu looked at the information repeatedly and pondered, "Perhaps Mingesa also sensed the danger of that mountain range, so he sent the news at this critical moment."

"It means that we don't have a choice now. No matter how we think about it, there is something wrong with that place." Roman Richard smiled lightly.

"Since we set foot on this continent, we have no choice."

Tu Fu shattered his illusion lightly.

"Go ahead! The target, the Black Mountain Range."

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