I Had a Home In 1982

Chapter 496: 495. The atmosphere is full, disaster is looming (votes on Monday

   Chapter 496 495. The atmosphere is full, disaster is looming (please ask for a ticket on Monday)

   January 20, 1983, the Year of the Dog in Renxu, the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

   Great cold.

  In the early morning, Wang Yi put on a cotton coat and got out of the shack. Outside, the northwest wind was blowing majestically from the pine forest.

   But as the so-called small cold and big cold, there is no wind and it is cold, and the weather is still very cold now.

   Even if this pine forest has blocked the sea breeze from the front.

   It is already the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year is approaching. The fishermen’s hearts are fiery.

  This is another place where the times are different. In the 1980s, the common people were full of expectations for the New Year. This is a day with a specific meaning.

  Tomorrow is Laba Festival, and after tomorrow, people will prepare for the New Year.

  It is different in an era like 22 or 23. Everyone is still looking forward to the New Year, but firecrackers are not allowed, and the living standard is high. Many factors have led to the lack of New Year's taste.

  The society has progressed, people don’t have to wait for the New Year to buy new clothes, and they won’t have any delicacies that are hard to reach during the New Year. These factors further weaken the taste of the “Nian”.

  The weather was very cold, so Wang Yi called someone to carry away the shed, packed up the layers of bedding, and then lit a bonfire to start making breakfast.

   At this time, the sky was just bright, and there were cloudy clouds floating in the sky. Looking east, there was a fish belly white in the east, but there was no trace of the rising sun.

  Wang Xianglai yawned and opened the tent door. He looked at the sky and said, "Well, is it going to snow?"

   The temperate zone where the outer islands are located is close to the subtropical zone, and there is often no snow in winter. Fortunately, it has already snowed this year, but the fishermen still expect another snow at sea.

  Snow can help the New Year.

  The cadres beat gongs and drums to greet the members to get up, make breakfast and prepare to go to the mobilization meeting.

   Through the tin horn, there was a loud voice: "It must be ignited in the nest, and be careful not to let the flames enter the pine forest!"

   "Setting a forest on fire is a big sin!"

   "Which team do you guys belong to? Why are you still smoking cigarettes in the woods? If you want to pick up firewood, just pick up firewood honestly. You are not allowed to go in with a cigarette in your mouth! If you don't smoke for a while, can you still suffocate to death?!"

   I don't know which production team someone laughed: "They are not in a hurry to smoke, they are smoked rabbits and smoked mice who want to go in and find mouse holes in rabbit dens!"

   Hearing this, the cadres of the battalion headquarters became anxious, and hurriedly chased after the few communal members smoking cigarettes: "You dare to go into the woods and open fire to smoke the rabbit hole? Don't look for death!"

  Wang Yi used dried pine cones and dried pine needles to start the fire. A member of the commune dragged a large piece of red-yellow pine branch, as if he had slanted a small pine tree and split it open.

   Seeing this, he was a little anxious and said, "Don't go splitting the tree."

The    member explained: "I didn't split it. The trunk burst itself. Look at the fracture. It's already dried."

  Wang Yi went up to look, and the commune continued to explain: "This tree is about to wither, so I dragged down the half that was about to fall."

   "It's dead." Wang Donghu glanced at the little insect that was pointing at it, "Look at the insects on it, the insects in the cold weather are still alive, which means that the tree is not dead!"

  Wang Yi glanced at him and didn't see any bugs, and asked suspiciously, "How can there be bugs—wait, what bugs are on this pine tree? There are quite a few."

   There were indeed bugs in the broken tree, and it was too small, so Wang Yi could see it after looking carefully.

  Wang Xianglai said carelessly: "What kind of bugs could it be? Bugs that eat pine needles and bark, anyway, any tree has bugs, is a tree without bugs still called a tree?"

   Qiu Weishui looked at the pine bark carefully and sighed, "You guys have such good eyes, you can even see such small bugs."

  The bugs on the pine tree are really small, like a bit of hair or thread, that is, one millimeter in size. If you are a little careless, you cannot find them.

  Wang Donghu said triumphantly: "Let's not say anything else from the outer islands, our eyesight is absolutely amazing, and we can be pilots!"

   "Aim at the little devil's headquarters from 800 miles away, and shoot their gun turret with one shot." Wang Yi joked casually, lighting a fire and starting to cook.

  Morning is about to start sweating, so breakfast must be hard!

  Wang Yi cooks the rice directly, stir-fries the pickled vegetables with the minced meat he brought, and eats rice bowls in the morning!

  The minced pork with snow cabbage is delicious. The fishermen's sister-in-law and the aunts themselves dry the snow lily, which is soft, tender and delicious.

No seasoning is needed, just boil a pot of minced meat in oil, fry the oil with 'chilachila' and let the minced meat turn brown. At this time, put the onion, **** and garlic in the frying pan, and stir-fry the chili until fragrant. .

  The chili used by Wang Yi is very particular, called Erjingtiao, which is a slightly spicy but very fragrant chili. Once this thing is put in the oil pan, it will immediately have a fragrant smell and start to permeate.

  Pour in soy sauce, sprinkle with chicken essence, and the dish is ready.

   When the rice is boiled, the members bring their own big lunch boxes to prepare the rice.

  Half rice and half minced pork.

  Wang Yi did not make it salty, so that the members could eat the food and let the body get oily.

   With oil and water in the stomach, this person is hungry and strong!

   He used a lot of meat and squeezed out a lot of lard. A portion of minced pork with mustard greens was oily. When mixed with rice, the rice became oily.

   At this time, the rice, minced meat with snow cabbage and spicy oil came together, and the members had a feeling: "Fragrant! The fragrant has arrived at Grandma's house!"

  This morning, don’t be afraid to cook too fragrantly, because this meal will be managed by the canteen of the group.

  This morning, it was Wowotou with rice noodles and sweet potato porridge. There was enough pickles. The other members of the production team were all rushing to get their meals. There were not many people in the camp when they were eating.

   Fewer people came over.

   But here comes the heavyweight - Cao Yuqing.

  The old doctor Cao Yuqing came again with a smile: "Mr. Wang, have a meal together?"

  Wang Yi took his lunch box and gave him a scoop of vegetables from the bottom of the pot. Cao Yuqing was carrying a felt hat in his arms. Inside the hat was a plastic bag, and a plastic bag was full of fried peanuts.

   He invited the commune members to come and share the peanuts, and each grabbed a handful of them. They were reluctant to eat them. The breakfast was delicious enough.

   Qiu Weishui knew Cao Yuqing, she went to pick up firewood and came back to see Cao Yuqing eating deliciously, and asked, "Director Cao, why are you here?"

  Cao Yuqing wiped his mouth and joked: "Why don't I come? Are you only allowed to show your style to serve the people? Are my old comrades not allowed to come?"

   Qiu Weishui giggled: "We young people are just about to learn from your old comrades."

  Cao Yuqing got serious after joking and said, "I'm the captain of our battalion medical team. Every year this sea-going worker has a cold, fever, bruises, etc. We have to come here to do logistical work."

  Wang Yi handed the lunch box to Qiu Weishui.

   Qiu Weishui took it with one hand and pulled his sleeve with the other, and said, "Come with me and show you the sea."

  The two went through the pine forest to the protective embankment, walked along the protective embankment for a while, and then there was a beautiful scenery in front of them.

   is the layer of reeds under the breakwater!

   In winter, the reeds have withered to brownish yellow, but there are still many white plushs on the reed heads.

   Then, under the cloudy clouds, countless reeds formed into clumps, swaying in the wind, blooming magnificently beautiful.

   Standing on the height of the breakwater and looking out, the white reed waves are rolling, and the white ones are connected together. When the wind blows, some white plush is always flying.

   Loose and loose, fluttering, towering like snow.

  Wang Yi immediately understood the purpose of Qiu Weishui leading himself to see this scene.

   He said blankly: "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

   Qiu Weishui put his arm around him and smiled sweetly.

   She knew that her man would like this scene.

  Wang Yi really likes it.

   In front of the sea, the white waves are rolling, and the blue waves in the pine forest behind him are surging.

  The reeds fly like fine snow, and the seabirds fly in the pine forest and pass through the reed snow.

  The sound of the rumbling waves and the crisp bird chirping ups and downs together form the early morning duet.

   He stretched his arms around Qiu Weishui and watched this scene, but today's scene made him feel that he was on duty to catch the sea this time!

   A sharp whistle finally broke the calm.

   Time for work!

  Wang Yi and Qiu Weishui rushed back. At this time, all companies and teams in the camp were busy.

   In addition to leaving behind the logistics staff, the others wore leggings, tied hand towels, and carried a military water bottle for each person. Thousands of troops marched to the construction site, ready to respond to the country's call to fight against heaven and earth!

   First, a plenary mobilization meeting should be held.

   This is a mobilization meeting held by the regiment headquarters for the cadres of the battalion headquarters and company headquarters, and then each company headquarters, with the instructions and requirements of the regiment headquarters, organizes all company commanders and fighters to hold a mobilization meeting.

  The more than 1,000 migrant workers of the Fuhai Company gathered on the land under the breakwater. This used to be a flood detention area. Now the grass is swaying with reeds and overgrown with weeds.

   In this way, the cadres of the company and platoon stood on the breakwater.

   The strong wind was blowing, making their hair messy, their clothes swaying, and they could hardly open their eyes.

   The atmosphere is up.

  The migrant workers stood in line in an orderly manner, looking up at the figures of the cadres with their heads held high.

   The commander and fighter of the battalion department is a deputy leader of the county's construction management, and he is from Ye Changan's home, and his name is Ye Chen.

   He is a burly middle-aged man, with one hand pinching his waist and the other waving, full of energy: "Comrades..."

  Although there is no audio equipment, but this time is when the northwest wind blows in winter, the wind is downwind, and the coast is empty, so the sound can always be poured into everyone's ears.

   Ye Chen, who was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit and an army green coat, was in high spirits, and his voice was loud and clear:

   "The leader said that the Haihe River must be rooted, and the East China Sea must be done well..."

   "Today we once again responded to the leader's call, made contributions to the people and the country, controlled floods, improved alkalis, built fertile fields, and fought for high yields..."

"If the masses of the people want to move mountains, the mountains must go; if the masses of the people want to move the land, the land must be moved; if the masses of the people want to dig out a sea, the sea will have to be filled! We will definitely be able to complete this glorious task that the organization has handed over to us!”

   Ye Chen's mobilization was over, and the commanders and fighters of the following companies stepped forward and started scrambling to express their positions.

  Some cadres that Wang Yi knew or did not know, knew or did not know waved their fists and said impassively:

   "Please rest assured that the organization, we must carry forward the revolutionary spirit of not being afraid of hardship, and not afraid of death, competing with rockets for speed, and comparing the level of the sun and the moon. Complete the task ahead of schedule with quality and quantity..."

   "Please rest assured the leaders, and let the people of the city rest assured! We are ready, we are determined, we are not afraid of sacrifice, we will overcome all difficulties and strive for victory..."

   "Leaders give an order, we can't wait to start construction, we must eradicate the Haihe River problem and make contributions to the people..."

   Such a set is put together.

   The atmosphere of the scene was instantly full.

   There was a fire burning in the heart of the big guys. When the wind blew, the flames became more violent. Some platoons sang:

   "Forward, forward, forward! Our team is facing the sun, stepping on the ground of the motherland..."

  Marven Ye was very satisfied and shouted: "Okay! Please gather the commanders and fighters of each company to gather your squad leaders and send out the tasks clearly!"

   The leaders of the commune raised their arms and called on the cadres of their respective production teams to assemble on their own basis. When everyone arrived, they lined up and started counting.

  The cadres reported the numbers with enthusiasm and hoarseness. After reporting, they found that there was no individual...

   The leaders of the commune were immediately stunned.

   Big guy is right up here, who is here to liven things up?

   Then the leader shouted: "Re-count!"

After hearing this, Cui Qingzi from    county came over and said, "What's the matter with you? You've been queuing all the time, and everyone has a meeting to issue a mission."

  Le Chenggong, the leader of the commune, said embarrassedly: "We are missing a cadre here..."

   "Then what's the use of reporting the number? Can you report him?" Cui Qingzi rolled his eyes and asked everyone, "Look around, who is missing?"

What    is missing is Wang Yi's acquaintance, Huang Zhiwu.

   Then the squad leader of the civilian production team was called over, and he said, "Our captain Huang has a stomachache."

   This is done!

   The commune cadre scolded, and first assigned the tasks of the other teams.

   The job they have to do is very simple, that is, to excavate the sea mud outside the breakwater, to clear this silt out during the dry season in winter, and the big river will enter the sea in the spring of the coming year, and the sea area under the breakwater will be used for aquaculture.

   Unlike the ditches in the farmland in the Mainland, the design of this breakwater is strict and the standard is very high.

   The ground behind the breakwater is the standard, and the height of the **** is 2.5 meters. This is the outer dyke, that is, the **** that the common people can reach.

  There is a dam on the inner floor. That is the inner dam. There is still a large space between the inner and outer dams. Now what the marine workers have to do is to clear the silt in this space.

   The width between the inner and outer embankments is ten to thirty meters, with an average of sixteen meters seven, and the depth should be one meter below the ground level behind the outer embankment.

   In other words, the workload of the rushing workers is to dig soil in the silt layer between the dams, and the digging is more than one meter, because now the inner and outer heights of the dams are basically the same and even higher inside than outside.

  Then what they have to do is to dig the silt in the silt layer and put it in the truck, then climb the dam and drag it up, and push the silt to the designated spoil ground by pushing the trolley.

  The job is very simple, it just requires a lot of effort.

  Wang Yi went back and pointed out the silt layer that was distributed to the commune members, and said, "This life is not easy, comrades, get ready, we have to win in difficult and difficult conditions!"

  Wang Xianglai spit in the palm of his hand and wiped his hands, saying, "Our Zhuang family has nothing else, the whole body is full of strength!"

   "Man, son and nephew, come on?"

  The big guys shouted: "Come!"

  The silt layer is all the mud formed by the alluvial of the big river. This thing is different from the sand. It is very sticky, muddy, and firm after accumulation, and it is very difficult to deal with.

  The members of the commune had to wave their big hoes to loosen the soil first. One group in front loosened the soil, two groups in the back digged the soil, and another group followed with a cart.

   Each shift group is assigned like this.

   The river that was still barren and cold in the morning is now crowded and loud.

  Red flags were planted on the dykes, and people were waving red flags in the mud between the dykes.

   But seeing the red flags fluttering everywhere, and the sea breeze blowing, there are cadres at all levels patrolling, and photographers from the media units of newspapers and television stations are taking pictures.

  The leaders came in one group, and another group, they gestured here for a while, and then went there to shout for a while.

   There is also a security team composed of militiamen. They are also patrolling, and they point their noses and start scolding when they see which team is not active.

   There will be a water truck coming soon. A man-powered tricycle walks along the dam, followed by a large bucket of hot water. When it reaches a row, it stops for the team members to go up and take a sip of water.

   There are also barefoot doctors with medicine boxes on the dam. Whoever calls them, they immediately go over and start dressing and disinfecting the wounds.

   Today is the first day of construction. As the so-called husband and courage are also, they are exhausted again and again, and the security team is responsible for the task of encouraging.

   When they go to the responsibility area of ​​any shift or group, they have to find some problems for rectification, and raise the height first.

   Then they came to Tianya Island to pretend to be coercive. Wang Xianglai pulled up their red flag and planted it on the ground.

  The 8 golden characters of the Tianya Island Wangjia production team fluttered in the wind.

   The members of the security team shrank their heads one after another, and went to the next family's civilian production team in despair.

The    public security team is an exchange system between neighboring counties. The security team here in Fuhai is the Fohai militia, but the reputation of Tianya Island is very loud. The militiamen dare not point fingers at Wang Yi's side.

   "You're better than that college student in Tianya Island? Then why didn't you see you lead your production team to develop a commune enterprise? Why didn't you see your production team build a small building for every family member of the commune?"

  There is no need to urge the other side of Tianya Island, because they are the hardest and hottest.

  Wang Xiang took the lead and took off his coat to reveal his autumn clothes. Wearing his autumn clothes, he drilled forward like a humanoid machine.

   The cart they used to push the silt was a large unicycle, the overall shape of which was made of wood. The wheels were one meter in diameter. There were two long baskets on each side of the cart, which were tied symmetrically on both sides of the spine of the cart.

  This kind of big wheelbarrow can carry a lot of weight, and the mud density is high. It is 400 kilograms when it is filled with two baskets. If the mud is hung on the tip, it can reach 500 kilograms, and this car can bear it.

   Of course, to push a big unicycle, you must be a tough guy who can't lose his strength.

  Wang Xianglai is a master at this kind of work.

   Don't look at him not tall, but his body is strong and powerful, especially burly. He has lived a good life in the past six months, and his muscles are stronger. If his neck is thick enough to the mainland, people will think that he is suffering from iodine deficiency and big neck disease.

   In fact, he eats sea vegetables every three or five times. If nothing else, the iodine supplement is very sufficient, so the whole person is fine, and he is simply strong.

  Wang Xiang relies on one person to do the work of three people.

He first waved a big **** to loosen the soil, then picked up the shovel and shoved the soil, and finally when the basket on the car was full, he went to the back of the car and hung the **** his shoulders, spit on both hands and rubbed it, shouting road:

   "Not enough! A few more shovels!"

The mud in the two baskets was piled high, and when he saw this, he shouted, "Hey yo", grabbed the handlebar and pushed the car into the wood-paved driveway, with his short legs galloping fast, he set up a new building in front of the embankment. The ramp goes up.

  Other cars have to be pushed by one person and pulled by two people.

  He didn't need it here, he slammed the car up by himself, blushing and having a thick neck, like trying to find someone desperately.

   The security team not far away swallowed dryly when he saw this, and said again and again: "It's awesome!"

   Looking to both sides, ramps were built in front of the dam, and then there were cars pushing up.

  Most people have to work hard and straighten their waists to get the car up, so two people have to climb up to the dam and pull the rope first, and they have to shout while pulling the rope:

   "Make up your mind, don't be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory!"

  Either you have to call the number according to the rhythm of 'one two one', and only then can the car be pulled up.

   And the second car on Tianya Island has arrived.

   Big daze in the cart.

   He does not work as well as Wang Xianglai Lisuo, but he has more strength and is stronger than Wang Xianglai.

  Wang Xianglai had to blush when he pushed the cart uphill and had a thick neck, humming, humming, humming, humming, humming, and humming. He pushed the nearly 1,000-pound cart uphill steadily.

After    went up, he blinked and asked, "Where is the dumping ground? It's so close!"

   Hearing this, the man on the cart who was resting on the dam next to him was distraught on the spot.

   He was exhausted just by pushing the car up the dam, so he was out of breath before he could continue working, but the people next to him were just playing.

Are you a human?

  This is an animal!

  Tianya Island is full of energy and hurry to work. The battalion headquarters suddenly found that they were advanced. Cui Qingzi came over and shouted: "The east row and the west row are all bears, and the first row is the big hero!"

  Wang Yi wanted to catch him down and shove him into the mud.

   Damn it for hating Lao Tzu!

   But that's the trick to working in groups.

  Compared with a competition, a competition, it is a mule or a horse to go out.

   When people work, the blood flow in the whole body is accelerated and the blood vessels are congested. At this time, the blood goes to the muscles, and the brain is more impulsive.

   Hearing Cui Qingzi praising Tianya Island loudly, someone shouted, "Damn it, the first row is a hero and the third row is not a hero? Fuck them! Catch up with them!"

The leader of the    commune came over and laughed when he saw the speaker: "Okay, who do I think? It's Song Tie's neck from Songzhuang!"

   "Who in our commune doesn't know that Song Tie-neck has the toughest temper? In ancient times, there was a strong command, and now we also have a captain of Tie-neck!"

   "The third row has to be compared with the first row. What about your other squads? Do you dare to join?"

   The other clever groups are all slowly squatting with their necks shrunk.

   Two catties of grain and two eggs a day, what a life!

But the leaders of the commune had a way to provoke them, so they shouted to the adjacent second row: "Huang Zhiwu, you son-in-law! Did you have diarrhea and also pulled the eggs out? Look at what your team is doing. s things!"

   "What did Huang Zhiwu do in your team? The big men are like mules that have been swept away! They don't look good, and their work is useless!"

   The other teams roared with laughter.

   Schadenfreude is very happy.

  Huang Zhiwu is a person who wants to be embarrassed. Hearing this, he was anxious.

He took off his jacket and fell to the ground, grabbed the shovel from the hands of the people around him, and shouted, "One row and three rows is a bird! Brothers, do it with me! You can do whatever I want with him. You can do it in one row and three rows. Egg!"

  Cui Qingzi nodded with satisfaction: "That's right!"

   The other teams, led by their own cadres, also gained momentum and shouted:

   "Down with the first row, the second row and the third row! We are the real heroes!"

   "Go forward! Go forward! Go forward! All comrades, let's sing together!"

   "Go ahead, put a big red flower on my chest at noon, and no one is allowed to fall behind, get on me! Get in a row!"

  Wang Yi saw that he had become the target of public criticism.


   It's still the same sentence, the atmosphere is up, and it would be a little rude to not do something!

   He said: "Comrades, please continue to work for me, and I will go to our production team's warehouse on the dock to get a tool!"

   The tricycle that happened to deliver water swept them here. Wang Yi moved the hot water bucket down, turned the front of the car and rode away.

  The water delivery worker was stunned: "This, this, these meanings! Hey, comrade, it's a public car..."

   They are not far from the dock of the city harbor. Wang Yi estimated the distance, and he should be able to get there in a quarter of an hour by pedaling at full speed.

  The tricycle ran all the way along the breakwater, and red flags fluttered everywhere on the road.

   And some villages have brought radios, and they are using the radios to sing and cheer up.

   But this radio is not a tape recorder, and it's not up to them to decide what song to play.

   A song 'A big river with wide waves, the wind blows the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides' was playing in front of it to make the members work hard. As a result, a song 'Little Swallows, Wearing Flowers, Come Here Every Spring'...

   The members who were preparing to show off when they heard this song were immediately distracted, and some of them almost flinched with their hoes.

The    security team hurried over to hear the singing and asked, "Why are you still coaxing the child?"

  Wang Yi laughed loudly and ran wildly with his car.

  The extreme of joy produces sorrow.

   Today's cars are not mature industrial products in the 21st century. These days, cars are especially prone to lose their chains!

   He was working hard, then the car slowed down and felt wrong on his feet.

   Dropped the chain!

  The people on the shore shouted: "Comrade, brake quickly! The chain is about to be squeezed!"

  Wang Yi has never ridden a bicycle a few times in his life. His only experience is to share a bicycle, and the shared bicycle does not need to consider the chain loss or even squeeze the chain.

   So he didn't understand what he meant.

   It's too late to understand.

  After the chain of the tricycle fell off, some parts were still running, and some parts could not move, so he was crowded into a ball.

  Wang Yi got busy but didn't get a result.

   Fortunately, there were a lot of people nearby. Several men with carts put down the big carts, found a wooden stick, and pulled and provoked them, and finally pulled the chain away.

   Wang Yi thanked, and one of the men smiled and said, "Thank you for what? They are all comrades who came to catch marine workers!"

   These words made Wang Yizheng's heart quite warm.

   He looked at the red flags in the area where these men were, wrote down their team numbers, and rode on the road again.

   This time it was much more gentle.

After    entered the warehouse, he moved a rotary tiller that was going to be replaced by the production team into the bucket.

  With this machine, the productivity of hoeing will definitely be liberated!

   He is going to get the rotary tiller.

   But after thinking about it, I have already come to the warehouse, why not go back every 23 years?

   Go back to 23 years and search for what happened in the early 1983 when he was rushing to the sea. Just like the last time he participated in the fishing flood battle in Fohai, check whether there was any major incident in the sea rush. He can take precautions before it happens.

   So he went back to the civil servant community and searched the Internet.

   did not find any information.

   This time the sea rusher was not registered, so there should be no major incident.

   However, when I searched for the keywords '83, Wengzhou breakwater, windbreak forest', I found such a message:

  …Since it was first discovered in Zhongshan Mausoleum, Jinling in 1982, the disease was inadvertently introduced by the imported pine and brown beetle, its medium, which soon caused the destruction of the black pine windbreak in Wengzhou City in 1983…

   Seeing this message, Wang Yi immediately felt wrong.

   He quickly clicked on the message.

   Yesterday evening, he had a doubt when he heard Cui Qingzi and Gu Gonghe introduce the black pine forest.

  According to the meaning of the two, this black pine forest is a scene of Wengzhou, called 'Watching the Sea and Listening to the Pines'.

In fact, according to his view, this is no exaggeration. The windbreak forest is very spectacular. With the country's emphasis on forestry work after the reform and opening up, such a large windbreak forest should be preserved. .

   Now it seems that the answer has come out.

   This huge pine forest was destroyed in history!

   He hurriedly opened this report, which was a copy from the media to introduce a forestry pest called pine wood nematode.

   The pine wood nematode can cause a major forestry disease in pine forests.

  This disease is called pine wilt disease, which is called cancer of pine trees. It is a devastating disease. It has the characteristics of many transmission routes, hidden disease sites, fast incidence, long incubation time, and difficult management.

  Wang Yi hastily read the article about the introduction of pine wood nematodes and then went to Wengzhou windbreak forest to see it.

The article    wrote:

   Constrained by the lack of people's vision and professional talents at that time, Wengzhou City failed to discover the desperate situation of the windbreak forest in time. At that time, people did not know that once the pine forest that was supposed to be green and green, once attacked by pine wood nematode disease, it would show a picture of "red and green, like a mountain fire".

   At that time, people thought it was a magnificent view of the pine forest. As everyone knows, this beauty represents that this pine forest is on the verge of death...

   Seeing this, Wang Yi couldn't help patting her thigh.

  My grass!

   It's a big deal!

   He didn't have much time to linger, so he printed all the articles in this article and related links such as "Comprehensive Introduction to Pine Wood Nematode Disease" and "Things About Pine Wood Nematode Disease".

  The article on pine wood nematode disease was published by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration. It was very long and professionally introduced. With these articles in hand, he should be able to deal with the crisis encountered by the windbreak.

  In this way, he packed up these documents and took them with him, and returned to the construction site on a tricycle back in 1983.

  The construction site is still in full swing, and I don’t know which team is still shouting happily:

   "...the row is full of straw bales, and the platoon leader has been killed!"

   "...the platoon surrendered quickly, our army has a tradition of preferential treatment of prisoners!"

  Wang Yi couldn't care about the pine wood nematode when she heard this. Damn it, which team is so arrogant?

   He stepped on the tricycle and squeezed the brakes and made a big tail flick, and shouted: "Comrades, don't mess up, your platoon leader is back!"

   "Don't be happy with the other teams, your nemesis is back!"

   (end of this chapter)

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