I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 565 The news is confirmed, the whole world is shocked!

By the time Steve regained consciousness, he had now returned to the original world.

Opening his eyes and looking at the familiar factory building outside the Soul Teleportation Pod, Steve sighed softly, feeling as if he had passed away.

Walking out of the soul transport cabin, Steve glanced at the passers-by around him, and found that most of them were excited, and only a few of them blinked, not knowing what to think in their hearts.

The experience of Loucheng World obviously shocked them, and they haven't recovered yet.

"You are aggression and slaughter. We humans cannot do this, and we should coexist peacefully with all foreign races!"

Suddenly a short man shouted, his emotions were very excited, and he kept persuading and inciting everyone around him.

"We absolutely can't help the emperor, this is unfair to those alien races, do you know that the human army and the Holy Dragon City are butchers and executioners, and we are becoming a tool for their aggression and killing!

I would never do this again because it makes me sick and anyone with a conscience would approve of my approach! "

The more the man said, the more excited he became. His face turned purple. He waved his arms and yelled at the soldiers approaching, "Go away, stay away from me, you fucking butchers!"

It seems that a few people were really persuaded by this man. They shouted loudly at the soldiers who arrested them, and their emotions were also very excited.

Steve watched the performances of those guys silently, but he was a little disapproving.

Everyone is an independent existence and has their own ideas. This is their natural right to think. There is no right or wrong.

But this man didn't realize that the living resources he enjoyed were overdrafting the welfare of future generations, which also made the resources of the original world more and more depleted.

As time goes by, even if there is no natural disaster, human beings will be on the verge of extinction due to the exhaustion of resources.

The emergence of Loucheng World has perfectly solved this problem, giving human beings the opportunity to develop brilliantly again. This is definitely something that all human beings should cheer and celebrate.

If a race wants to survive in an unfamiliar and sinister environment, it must inevitably kill and war. If it wants to grow, it must be prepared for the accumulation of corpses.

This is the truth summed up by countless blood and tears during the historical exhibition, and it cannot be broken!

Wanting to talk about peaceful coexistence with a group of hungry wolves who are used to eating human flesh is like a joke, because it is destined to not have a good result, but will attract more hungry wolves!

Taking advantage of your own advantages and occupying enough living areas in the building world is the right way.

As for the killing, blood and tears of this generation, after tens of hundreds of years, how many of the alien descendants who live comfortably in the human race control area will take the things that happened in those years seriously!

In a short period of time, Steve thought about a lot of things, until someone called his name, he came back to his senses.

"Steve, would you like to continue this job?"

Behind the desk, the man in the suit looked at Steve with a serious expression on his face.

"Of course, I would love to!"

Steve nodded, he didn't want to miss such a cool thing, and he vaguely guessed that this job would be very sought-after in the future, and he must not miss this opportunity.

The man in the suit nodded and pushed a contract in front of Steve.

"Sign it, you will become a regular employee of the company, and then receive your exclusive items!"

Steve took over the contract, read it carefully, signed his name, and then received a work permit, an item similar to a watch.

"This is a multi-function watch given to employees by the company. The instructions are in the box, and you can study it yourself."

After receiving his belongings, Steve turned around and walked out of the warehouse. When he was about to go out, he saw that there were thousands of people lining up in front of another warehouse not far away.

"These people may be the colleagues who took over, and they are also going to Loucheng World!"

Steve thought to himself,

The footsteps also became cheerful.

When a lot of people do something, you take it for granted that it's normal, and it's not particularly difficult to join because you're not alone.

Along the way, Steve saw more soldiers, and even in front of the factory gate, an isolation and warning area had been set up.

Getting into his car, Steve couldn't wait to take out his phone, wanting to share his experience today with his partner.

I believe that they will definitely drop their jaws and envy themselves to death!

As for secrecy, please, if this matter is really to be kept secret, how can they let them come and go, this is obviously just to scare people!

Steve even had some doubts that this matter was deliberately done by the company, and it was intended to spread the information of the existence of Loucheng World through them.

Thinking of the information on the Internet some time ago, Steve has realized that it may not be long before everyone knows the existence of Loucheng World!

Skillfully turned on the phone and clicked on the social software. Before Steve could publish his knowledge, he was attracted by the information that was almost swiped on the screen.

"The world of Loucheng is not a legend, humans have already entered it!"

"Is it correct to conquer and kill, and should humans treat otherworldly creatures like this?"

"I am a staff member of a certain company, the following is my personal experience, it is absolutely true..."

"The total number of human beings stationed in Loucheng World has reached nearly one million, and the second home is just around the corner!"

This kind of information can be seen everywhere. The original world has been completely detonated by the term "loucheng world". People express their opinions on social software. Some people are excited, some people are suspicious, and some people resist!

The term Loucheng World has become completely popular!

However, when talking about these topics, people are well-founded, relying on information learned through games, movies, and the Internet.

It was not until then that people realized that the building world was not far away from them, and when they knew that it existed, it was not particularly repulsive, on the contrary, there was a faint sense of intimacy.

A well-known person on social software claimed that in fact, human beings have been in the world for a long time, and they have already decided to let ordinary people know about this matter.

But in order to prevent this news from appearing too abruptly, through games, movies and other means, people can subtly understand and accept the existence of Loucheng World, which seems to be very effective now!

At least when the existence of Loucheng World was confirmed by countless people, people did not panic. This is the best proof!

There is also news that the virtual games that have just emerged recently, as well as the recent blowout of various technology and medical products, have actually benefited from the emergence of the world of Loucheng, and its existence has completely changed the human world!

People do not doubt this statement, because it has been suggested for a long time that the technological progress in the recent period is somewhat abnormal, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a jumping exhibition.

They insisted that it was human beings who got alien technology, but now it seems that they got the high-tech heritage from Loucheng World!

In short, the technology of the original world can advance by leaps and bounds, and it is completely dependent on these alien technologies.

Opponents admit that there is some truth to this statement, but they must not ignore the technological accumulation of the original world, otherwise, even if they get these high-tech items, it will never be easy to crack the imitation!

As the incident continued to heat up, more and more news about Loucheng World was spread, and people realized that the original world had already been implicated so much with Loucheng World!

Everyone thought that this was the layout of the big forces in the original world, but they didn't know that the initiator of this matter was actually Tang Zhen, the lord of the Holy Dragon City!

Just as this matter became more and more popular, news suddenly came that the second film filmed in Loucheng World was about to be released, and the main actors in the film would also come to the original world to meet the fans in person. !

The original world, which has always been concerned about the dynamics of Loucheng world, is completely boiling at this moment!

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