I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 80: 12 midnight

   "Then there is such a good thing, no one in this era puts his head on his waist."

   This remark silenced everyone. The armed forces of the military need to take the initiative to attack and suffer heavy casualties. Ordinary people may also be dragged into the treacherous realm at any time and be attacked by evil spirits. This is indeed a dangerous era.

   shook his head and threw away the thoughts in his mind. Squad leader Zhang, who has seen many casualties, quickly adjusted his mind and said: "Leave 30% as the team's pension. Let's distribute the rest according to the credit."

   The distribution was carried out by squad leader Zhang. This was indeed an upright person. When fighting, as a soldier, he took the lead and the distribution was fair.

   The only thing is that I gave Lin Yao too much.

   "One thousand is too much, I want five hundred."

   "You are very useful, more than 500..."

   "But my danger is very small. You will protect me in the center when we go out. You don't need me to take action when fighting. I won't encounter any danger at all."

   "Who said that you didn't make a move, didn't scream with thunder, I, Li Shan and Wen Shang were all seriously injured."

   After some argument, Lin Yao was finally assigned 800 points of merit.

   After gaining 800 points of merit in desperation, Lin Yao also remembered the words of Squad Leader Zhang just now.

   "Without the thunder roar, the squad leader will get a shot, and Li Shan will be smashed as a gopher, but squad leader Zhang said that they were only seriously injured instead of dead. Do they have the treasure or ability to resist the weird rules?"

   This is the question that arose in Lin Yao's heart, but he nodded soon.

   "It should be, as war fighters, they must have something to save their lives."

   After the materials were distributed, just as Lin Yao was about to let everyone attack again, a bell ringing sounded from outside the door.

   Hearing that voice, everyone huddled in the room, without the slightest idea of ​​going out, even the team that went out hurriedly returned.

   Lin Yao was taken aback for a while, and then asked the police officer Wenshang.

   "What's the matter, why don't you go out anymore."

   "It's already twelve o'clock."


Seeing Lin Yao's face full of doubts, the policewoman said: "You also know that Weird does not directly kill but obeys the rules to kill people because of the suppression of the world, or the suppression of human kindness. This kind of suppression is the strongest in the daytime, and it is weird. The realm is not visible at all, and it is slightly weaker before midnight. This is the moment when the strange realm shows us to attack. After midnight, the rules of the strange realm will have the upper hand. At this time, all the strange realms in the strange realm will unlock one or two limits. This is the most dangerous moment, and the country does not support us to clean up the weirdness at this time."

   "This copy actually has a time limit."

   The policewoman's words shocked Lin Yao, and he was even more surprised that he was still behind.

"Our task now is to reduce the influence of the treacherous environment and prevent it from causing harm to reality. If there is no major change, we don’t have to work hard for the time being. The moment to completely eliminate it is when the nation was founded and the army was founded. That day, it was us. The day that the Chinese people of China will remember forever is also the day when everyone’s will is most concentrated. On that day, the country will hold a large-scale military parade. Watching those ceremonies, the will of the people of China will overwhelm everything, and the treacherous world will be affected. Influence, we take this opportunity to completely clean up the deception."

   "What is this, is it a holiday celebration?"

Although he was vomiting in his heart, Lin Yao also felt that what Police Officer Wenshang had said was reasonable. After all, the treacherous realm was different from Warcraft. It was on the illusory level. The confrontation between spirit and will was very important. On that day, the will of Divine Land was indeed unprecedented. Cohesion, shot on that day is the best choice.

   This is just like in Xiuxian's novels, Nine-Nine Chongyang has the strongest yang energy and is the best time to kill demons.

  While talking with the policewoman, Lin Yao rested, and while resting, feeling the infuriating seed that hadn't recovered in an hour or two after using it in his body, Lin Yao was a little helpless.

   "Without the sun, my staying power is too bad."

   At this time, Lin Yao tragically discovered one thing, he became a sun knight.

   In the daytime, the light battle body is blessed, and his endurance, resilience, training speed, and even combat power have increased a lot, but at night, especially at midnight, he withers.

   Although it is not weak, it is far from daytime.

   After realizing the physical condition, Lin Yao also understood why the armed personnel here only fought for a long time.

The weird increase in strength after midnight is one of them, and the second is that the low-level warriors are also humans, and they are also tired and need to rest, especially the true energy seed. After consumption, those low-level warriors need time to replenish their losses, which makes the warriors It is impossible to fight one night like the brave in the game.

   "It is indeed good practice to fight in the first half of the night and rest in the second half of the night."

   With this thought, Lin Yao slowly fell asleep, but before he fell asleep, he also made a decision.

   "I have four opportunities to apply for gold materials (three times in the country and once in the city), and one opportunity to apply for diamond-level materials (in the city). After I go out tomorrow, I will exchange these things for things that can increase combat and defense."

   "The most tragic thing in life is that the money is still there and people are gone. I don't want to be like my predecessor. I have accumulated thousands of dollars and left without spending a cent."


   I slept until dawn. The next day, when I woke up, Lin Yao felt a little soft in his arms. When he opened his eyes, the two children, Xiao Meng and Xiao Fei, were sleeping in their arms.


   shook his head, Lin Yao looked around but found that he was still in the hall of the haunted house.

   However, the haunted house at this time had no such supplies, and even the boss of the haunted house with a sledgehammer was gone, and an abandoned haunted house appeared in front of him.

   At the same time, Lin Yao also discovered that the fog outside the haunted house had also disappeared.

   "This is leaving the slyland."

   When Lin Yao made such an analysis, a series of hurried footsteps came from outside. Looking around, Lin Yao found that a large group of medical personnel rushed over carrying a stretcher, and there were many soldiers guarding around.

   Fortunately, Lin Yao is also dominated by state armed personnel here, and his own armed personnel on the night watch stepped forward to negotiate.

   "Wake up, you need to record a confession later, these two children need to be erased with other people."


   There seems to be a big horror in Deception, unable to tell the public. This is something Lin Yao knew yesterday~www.ltnovel.com~Captain Li, when will you come in tonight, let's go in together. "

   Lin Yao's words made Li Shan smile, and smiled very relievedly. Not everyone dares to enter the treacherous realm to kill the enemy. Lin Yao is such a brave, responsible and capable young man will naturally be loved by the frontline fighters.

   However, he did not immediately answer Lin Yao's words, but said: "I can't make a decision about you. I need to report it. You can wait for the result to be reported."

   "I will also report it here."

   It was the policewoman who had awakened at this time. Ten teams and nearly two hundred people gathered together. They were still gathered in the haunted house. Everyone slept soundly. The conversation between Li Shan and Lin Yao woke up Wen Shang.

   Li Shan smiled at what she said: "Or don't report it on your side, just report it on my side."

"Ha ha."

   In response, the policewoman gave Li Shan a roll of eyes and a face full of huh.

   The matter of reporting Lin Yao was not only to ask Lin Yao if he could enter the treacherous realm again, but also to report the discovery of a genius to his department.

   Although China is generally united, even brothers need to settle accounts, not to mention different departments.

   Everyone wants their department to be strong. In this dangerous world, a strong department means that it is easier for them to seek help and to survive. To be strong, talents are necessary.

   Because of this, Li Shan, who was born as a night watchman, hopes to report Lin Yao's affairs and pull Lin Yao into the night watchman army.

   Wen Chang is the same, and although the awakened squad leader Zhang did not say, he was ready to go back and reported Lin Yao's matter.

   "There are many talented people, but they are talented and dare to fight, even if they are brave to fight, such people must be drawn into the team."


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