Chapter 131 "A Chance Encounter" Su Lapei [Qiuzhui Order Ⅱ]

Just when Chen Xuan quickly sneaked into the venue.

Surapai and Burmese representative Suoqi Duzheng accompanied the main members of the PBS camera crew to sit in front of a row of long tables.

There are microphones and Burmese Eagle bilingual shikas placed in front of everyone.

The flash light came on accompanied by a series of "click" sounds.

The banquet has not officially started yet, and it is still in the interview stage to shape public opinion.

Sulapei, who was wearing a military uniform, and Sochido, who was wearing an administrative uniform, had several speeches printed in advance in front of them.

At this time, Surapai was reading the manuscript in Burmese with his mouth into the microphone.

There were obviously hundreds of people present, but there was a sense of drowsiness.

No one interrupted at the scene, and the scene was like the principal giving a speech in front of the stage when he was a child.

The PBS crew members sitting in the seats all had awkward and stiff smiles on their faces.

Fortunately, this is not their first time participating in "Oriental" entertainment and they know what to do.

Judging from the number of speeches, Surapai and Sochido probably had to read for at least ten minutes.

Fortunately, Sulapei had been reading the manuscript for a while, and only half of it was left.

Except for reporters and guards, all the heads of major parks in Myawaddy came to the scene with their assistants.

They were dressed in formal suits, their hair was neatly combed, and they looked like business people.

Among them was the talker of Jinxin Park, the son-in-law of the northern Burmese warlord——

——Xiong Haibo.

He was holding a glass of red wine, and beside him was a plump female assistant with an Eastern European face, fair skin and a deep-collared evening dress, holding his arm affectionately.

Almost all the leaders of the surrounding parks are accompanied by male or female companions.

At this time, Xiong Haibo didn't have many charming thoughts in his mind. He was just staring at the American reporters whose seats were marked with James, Irving, Cody, and Aaron.

He had already inquired beforehand, and they were the ones responsible for the interview part of the park.

And today we have completed our first stop, KK Park, which should now be called KK Garment Factory.

As one of the directly controlled parks, it has been completely "stopped" and has been perfectly disguised.

Unless the United States deliberately explores, there will be no clues.

If the real and cruel Myawaddy crime complex is revealed to American reporters, even if they temporarily agree to keep it secret, they will immediately use the materials at hand to expose it after returning to the country.

It's not based on the so-called sense of justice, but at that time, exposure is far more popular and gimmick than turning a blind eye to a documentary.

As for Jinxin Park, in the final analysis, it is because Xiong Haibo is too greedy and unwilling to cooperate in acting.

He tried to find a simpler and cruder way to solve the problem.

Sulapei was quite dissatisfied with his risky behavior.

However, considering Xiong Haibo's background and "shares" in Jinxin Park, it was decided to let this guy try to bribe reporters, so it was best for James and the other four to simply skip there.

The recent online gambling project in Jinxin Park has attracted quite a lot of money.

In terms of profitability, it is even close to surpassing the old fraud projects.

Taken together, even a partial shutdown could cost millions of dollars in lost revenue every week.

As a large-scale criminal park with annual profits of hundreds of millions of dollars, there is money flowing there every second.

Other parks like Yulong Bay Golden Rosewood, which are also dominated by Xia people, although they are somewhat dissatisfied, have still adopted certain disguise measures to cooperate with DKBA.

Decorate a prosperous and peaceful Myawaddy.

Only the greedy guy Xiong Haibo was unwilling to give up those interests.

This guy is a weirdo among all the heroes.

However, the reason why he was able to rise up in Myanmar and climb to the top of the warlords was also thanks to his own greed.

Without this inner driving force, he would not be able to reach the heights he is today.

Now Xiong Haibo is carefree and happy, and thousands of "piglets" in the park are making money for him.

There is also a group of soldiers brought from Guo*Gang, plus well-trained armed guards in the park.

His obese first wife stayed in Guo*Gang under his pretext.

He has a great mind for crime and making money, and he can perfectly satisfy the material desires of his original wife. Both parties just use each other.

Here, Xiong Haibo has all the popular food, spicy food, Asian, European and American food.

In terms of the rigor of preparations alone, he was far superior to Bai Ying, who relied on her father's connections to get into the management position of the park.

Everyone has their own agenda, and each has different ideas and purposes.

Sulapei, the leader of DKBA, wants to gain the full support of the military government and establish an autonomous region as soon as possible.

Maybe we can catch up with next year's general election. Even if we can't become the chief official, we should strive to enter the federation.

Since the Aung San family came down, the slightly famous warlords from various places have begun to make moves again.

The Myanmar government wants to embrace the Bald Eagle's lap, try to completely solve Myanmar's internal problems, establish a joint government as soon as possible and ask for assistance from the United States.

Assistance in ordnance, medical care, education, infrastructure, international trade and other aspects are all urgently needed by Myanmar.

Of course, the so-called joint government must still be a team of the military government at its core. Ethnic minorities in places like Kachin, Karen, Kokang, Mongla and other places will definitely not be able to gain power.

The leaders of the park and the criminal syndicates just want to continue making dirty money here.

The relationship between the two parties is like maggots growing on a piece of smelly meat.

So the atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange.

When Surape put it on the last page of his speech.

The smart guy was the first to applaud.

Then there was thunderous applause in the venue.

The PBS reporter smiled awkwardly and clapped his hands.

In fact, they did not understand what Sulapei was saying at all, and there was no simultaneous interpretation at the scene.

I just gave them a few English versions of the manuscripts. After all, they were all drafted in advance.

At this time, Suo Qidu coughed lightly, picked up the manuscript and started reading it again.

At the same time, an elite bodyguard in civilian clothes wearing a black suit quietly came behind Surape with his headset pressed, leaned over and spoke in an unintelligible voice.

"Sir, the Security Department has discovered something unusual."

"You turn on your phone and they send the video."

After finishing speaking, the bodyguard stood up straight again and stared at the venue warily.

After hearing the words of his confidant's bodyguard, Sulapei frowned slightly, took out his mobile phone and put it under the table to check.

Opening the video sent by the Security Department, he saw a surveillance video from the corridor on the 16th floor seven or eight minutes ago.

In the somewhat distorted and blurry image, Surape saw a vase flying from a blind spot in the corridor more than ten meters away.

Then there seemed to be abnormal airflow disturbances in a certain part of the screen.


(supernatural event?)

He pulled the progress bar and watched the video twice.

I couldn't help but turned around and asked the bodyguard softly.

The bodyguard slowly shook his head and replied in the same slight voice.


(Not sure yet, no intruders have been found anywhere yet.)


(To be on the safe side, you’d better go to a safe house and wait for the security department’s investigation.)

After hearing what he said, Surape suddenly looked hesitant.

In his nearly thirty-year career as a warlord, his ability to survive to this day depends on his cautiousness and decisive response.

No one could tell the origin of the strange floor-standing vase, but it didn't stop him from being wary.

The 19th floor was originally a place for bathing and recreation.

A venue was specially set aside for the banquet, and a special safe room was also prepared on the same floor.

Now that he has finished reading the manuscript, it doesn't matter if he exits first.

Thinking of this, Sulapei made a gesture, and the bodyguard immediately came to Suochidu's side to explain.

Suoqi Du, who was reading the manuscript, smiled apologetically at everyone in front of the stage, and then looked at the bodyguard with dissatisfied eyes.

Taking advantage of the interruption in reading the manuscript, Surape stood up directly and nodded in greeting with a somewhat arrogant expression.

He explained with a smile that was heroic but not majestic.


(Sorry, I need to leave temporarily for convenience.)

After saying that, he left the venue directly with the accompanying bodyguards.

In response, the park managers and reporters from the Myanmar Radio and Television Station had no reaction.

Only the American reporters from PBS looked confused.

The banquet was nominally held to welcome them.

But in fact they became marginalized people on the field.

Sochido's face was ugly, but he was a representative sent by the Burmese Army and could not leave the scene casually.

After all, Surape represents only the regional warlord, and he is the face of the military ZF to the outside world.

Just when DKBA boss Su Lapei followed the bodyguard to the safe house.

In the utility room located at the back of the venue, Chen Xuan climbed out of the pipe.

This small room is about ten square meters, with iron shelves placed on three sides.

Disinfectants and cleaning supplies are placed above, and there are many mops and brooms hanging in front of the door.

There is no surveillance here, and the environment is cramped and crude.

Chen Xuan took out a small handful of [Disguise Powder] and raised his hand to brush his face.

The next moment, his appearance changed from a Southeast Asian youth to a foreigner with a high nose bridge and cheekbones.

It looks a bit weird, mainly because the hair color is wrong, and it is not suitable to use a wig now.

But it doesn't matter. This disguise doesn't need to be perfect, as long as it's not fake at first glance.

In fact, there are many foreigners with black eyes and black hair among the non-Germanic peoples in Europe and America.

So it's not really a flaw.

The invasion point he chose was right between the temporary venue and the original entertainment hall on the 19th floor.

It's a blind spot in the middle of the aisle.

And he activated his space perception just half a minute ago and confirmed that no one was outside the utility room.

Although spatial perception is easy to use, it also consumes a certain amount of energy, which is far lower than the consumption of activating [Time Suspension] and [Flash in the Same Domain], but this does not mean that Chen Xuan can activate it without limit.

After getting ready, Chen Xuan opened the door of the utility room and walked out openly.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned.

Sulapei, who was being escorted to the safe house by two close bodyguards, happened to pass by the door.

Both sides stared at each other.

But they didn't act rashly.

Chen Xuan's disguised appearance and the PBS tag on his chest temporarily confused them.

At the same time, Chen took the opportunity to activate [Insight].

He has never seen Surape himself. In the photos that can be found online, the guy is wearing sunglasses and a military hat.

When one of the bodyguards asked in Eagle language, Chen Xuan's pupils narrowed and he quickly locked onto the target.

It is true that the flowers planted with intention do not bloom, but the willows planted with unintentional intention create shade.

Chen Xuan did not answer, but quickly looked around.

He smiled after confirming that this was a surveillance blind spot.

You know, it is not easy to achieve full surveillance coverage in such a building.

Even if there are only two or three surveillance cameras on each floor, there will be a hundred or ten surveillance screens in total.

This does not include ground surveillance.

At present, advanced surveillance systems will use AI dynamic recognition technology. In important places such as research institutes, large-scale surveillance equipment with thermal imaging functions may be deployed.

But Myawaddy obviously does not have this condition.

This place is just a "middle of the road", not backward, but far from advanced.

Chen Xuan has observed that the cameras used here are all red dot cameras like those in shopping malls.

This kind of camera has certain night shooting capabilities and its performance is relatively stable.

Apart from anything else, even if DKBA deployed hundreds of surveillance cameras in this building, they still couldn't achieve full coverage.

It can only be arranged in key areas, as well as main entrances, stairwells, and elevators.

After feeling confident, Chen Xuan no longer held back.

Before the bodyguard got suspicious, he activated the magic energy in his arms, and the light green halo disappeared fleetingly.

Then he punched suddenly, and tons of force was concentrated on the small fist, giving this pair of physical fists a powerful impact.

"Bang bang!"

The bodyguard's cheeks were sunken, his eyeballs were bulging, and both of them spurted blood and flew backwards.

Sulapei, who had doubts in advance, reacted quickly.

He stepped back and pulled out a silver custom-made Colt 1911 pistol from his waist.

This gun has been modified. The safety is a trigger safety and uses a two-stage knock to unlock.

It can be taken and shot at any time.

So after Chen Xuan knocked away the two bodyguards with a heavy punch.

Su Lapei had already retreated two or three meters away and tapped the trigger towards Chen Xuan!

The trigger safety is quite special. It is reset and unlocked by tapping it for the first time, and it can be fired after tapping it for the second time.

But before Surape could pull the trigger for the second time, he felt his arm loosen.

At some point, the man with the PBS tag was standing in front of him.

Moreover, the delicate barrel of the silver-plated customized M1911 pistol was caught by the other party's fleshy hand.

As the five fingers exert force, they slowly deform and twist!

Chapter 2, catching up.

Still owe 7K

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