I have a magical world

Chapter 133 What a coincidence, this is not the [half-revised version]

After hearing the words of his confidant's bodyguard, Sulapei frowned slightly, took out his mobile phone and put it under the table to check.

Opening the video sent by the security department, he saw a surveillance video taken seven or eight minutes ago in the corridor on the 16th floor of the building.

In the somewhat distorted and blurry image, a vase flew out from a blind spot in the corridor more than ten meters away, and then there seemed to be abnormal airflow disturbances in a certain part of the screen.


(Supernatural incident?)

He pulled the progress bar and watched the video twice.

I couldn't help but turned around and asked the bodyguard softly.

The bodyguard slowly shook his head and replied in the same slight voice.


(Not sure yet, no intruders have been found anywhere yet.)


(Your best bet is to go to a safe house and wait for a full investigation.)

After hearing what he said, Su suddenly looked hesitant.

In his nearly thirty years of civilian martial arts career, his survival to this day has been due to his caution and decisive response.

No one could tell the origin of the strange floor-standing vase, but it didn't stop him from being wary.

The 19th floor was originally the entertainment floor, and a venue was specially set aside for banquets.

A safe room is also prepared on the same floor.

Now that Su has finished reading the manuscript, it doesn't hurt to leave first.

Thinking of this, he made a gesture, and the bodyguard immediately walked to Suo Qi Du's side and explained in a low voice.

Suo, who was reading the manuscript, smiled apologetically at everyone in front of the stage.

Then he looked at the bodyguard with a rather dissatisfied look.

Taking advantage of the interruption in reading the manuscript, Su stood up directly and nodded in greeting with a somewhat arrogant expression.

He spoke in Burmese with a smile that was heroic rather than majestic.


(Sorry, I need to leave temporarily for convenience.)

After finishing speaking, he followed the other bodyguards who accompanied him and left the speaking table directly.

In this regard, the park managers and reporters at the venue did not react much.

Only the American reporters from the PBS camera crew looked confused.

This seemingly beautiful banquet was ostensibly held to welcome the film crew.

But in fact, American journalists have become truly marginalized figures.

Suoqidu looked very ugly, but he was a genuine representative and could not leave the field casually.

After all, Surapai represents only the local military, and he is the face of Myanmar to the outside world.

Just as DKBA boss Su followed the two bodyguards and hurried to the safe house.

In the utility room located at the back of the venue, Chen Xuan climbed out of the pipe.

This small room is about ten square meters, with iron shelves placed on three sides.

Disinfectants and cleaning supplies are placed above, and there are many mops and brooms hanging in front of the door.

There is no surveillance here, and the environment is cramped and crude.

Chen Xuan took out a small handful of [Disguise Powder] and raised his hand to brush his face.

The next moment, his appearance changed from an ordinary Southeast Asian young man to a Western crooked nut with a high nose bridge and high cheekbones.

It looks a little weird, mainly because the hair color is not right, but it is not suitable to use a wig now.

The disadvantage of [Disguise Powder] is that it cannot change hair color. Maybe Chen Xuan needs to find a way to get some more advanced magical disguise items.

But it doesn't matter much, this disguise doesn't need to be perfect anyway.

As long as it's not fake at first sight.

In fact, there are many Western crooked nuts with dark eyes and black hair among non-Germanic people.

So strictly speaking, hair color is not a very outrageous flaw.

The entry point chosen by Chen Xuan was right between the temporary venue and the original entertainment hall.

It happens to be a blind spot in the middle of the aisle.

He had activated spatial awareness in the pipe just half a minute ago.

Confirmed that no one was staying inside or outside the utility room.

As a derivative ability of flash, spatial perception is very useful, but it also consumes a small amount of energy each time it is activated, but this consumption is much lower than activating [Time Stop] and [Flash in the Same Domain].

But this does not mean that Chen Xuan can activate it without limit.

He wants to make sure that he stays in good condition,

After getting ready, Chen Xuan opened the door of the utility room and walked out openly.

As soon as they were opened, Chen was stunned.

Outside the door, Sulapei, who was escorted to the safe house by two close bodyguards, happened to pass by.

Both sides stopped in unison, you looked at me, I looked at you, big eyes and small eyes.

No one acted rashly.

Chen Xuan's disguised appearance and the identity tag on his chest representing the PBS crew temporarily confused the other party.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to activate [Insight].

Since Chen Xuan had never met Su in person, the only photos that could be found online were of the guy wearing sunglasses and a fungus hat.

A bodyguard guarding Su suddenly spoke to him in eagle language.

Chen Xuan's pupils shrank and he did not answer, but immediately locked the target.

"What a coincidence, isn't it?"

The person he met by chance was not someone, but one of Chen Xuan's targets.

Speaking of which, it is really true that the flowers planted deliberately do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade!

He smiled brightly.

The surrounding area happens to be a blind spot for surveillance.

You must know that it is not easy to achieve full surveillance coverage in a building of this size.

Even if only two or three surveillance cameras can be placed on each floor, there will be at least hundreds of surveillance screens in total.

This does not include surveillance near ground entrances and exits.

Currently, slightly more advanced monitoring systems use AI dynamic recognition technology.

In important places such as research institutes, comprehensive monitoring equipment with thermal imaging capabilities may also be deployed.

But Myawaddy obviously does not meet this condition.

The security measures here are just "not slipping through". They are not backward, but they are far from advanced.

Chen Xuan has observed the cameras used here, and they are all common red dot cameras.

This type of monitoring equipment has certain night shooting capabilities and relatively stable performance, but that's it, and there isn't much black technology.

Apart from anything else, even if DKBA deployed hundreds of surveillance cameras in this building, it would not be able to achieve full coverage in the true sense.

At best, it can only be monitored in key areas, main entrances, stairs, and elevators.

After knowing what was going on, Chen Xuan decided to take action immediately!

Before the bodyguard got suspicious, he activated the magic energy in his arms, and the light green halo was fleeting.

Then he suddenly punched out at the last moment, and tons of surging power was concentrated on his small fists, giving this pair of physical fists a terrifying impact.

"Bang, bang!"

His fist hit two bodyguards one after another.

The bodyguard's cheeks suddenly sunken, his eyeballs bulged, and both of them spurted blood and flew backwards.

Su, who had become suspicious in advance, reacted relatively quickly overall.

He stepped back repeatedly and pulled out a bright silver customized Colt M1911 pistol from his waist.

This gun has been modified. The safety is a trigger safety and uses a two-stage knock to unlock.

It can be taken and shot at any time.

After Chen Xuan knocked away two bodyguards with heavy punches.

Su Lapei had already dodged and retreated two or three meters away, with a fierce look on his face as he was about to tap the trigger on Chen Xuan!

The structure of the trigger safety is rather special.

The first knock is reset and unlocked, and it can only be officially launched after the second knock.

But before Surape could press the trigger for the second time, he felt his forearm loosen.

He didn't know when the young Wai Guoren with the PBS tag was standing in front of him.

Moreover, the exquisite barrel of the silver-plated customized M1911 pistol has been grasped by the opponent's palm.

It slowly deforms and twists with the force of the opponent's five fingers!


There was a crisp sound, and the front half of the M1911 turned into disintegrated parts on the spot.

The aluminum alloy gun body with good hardness was like a piece of plasticine in Chen Xuan's hands.


Su quickly let go of his hand and shouted out in a panic.

But before the sound was completely released, his mouth was covered the next moment.

Chen Xuan then dragged him into the utility room.

PS: You cannot change the chapters that have been reviewed by machine, even if it is a typo, because once you change it, it will be harmonious in seconds.

I hope this chapter can be published smoothly! ! ! ! ! !

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