I have a magical world

Chapter 335 Confrontation, review of the garrison station [Please subscribe

Chapter 335 Confrontation, review of the garrison [Please subscribe]

This voice doesn't speak to Baron Bezos every second.

Even like a suffocating strangulation poison.

As soon as the words fell, Baron Bezos was slightly startled.

The city's garrison has completed its restructuring and has basically popularized the use of modern firearms.

Even before the arrival of Inspector Arnel Reyes, Baron Bezos had ordered the garrison to put away its modern firearms, but the traces of various trainings remained.

If you look carefully, you can easily spot flaws.

Firearms are definitely a novel concept to the Naloa Aboriginal people.

What's more, this guy Anel Reyes is very smart and rigorous.

If he saw those modern weapons, he would quickly understand the value contained in them.

At that time, the situation will be reported to Ataxlog.

Marquis Andrea, who suffers from insufficient defensive intensity, will never let this opportunity pass by.

At that time, it was Magtan City's trouble.

Chen Xuan was not afraid that Magatan would appear abrupt, but he was afraid that Magatan City would reveal its value in the eyes of Jucheng.

But now is not the time to hesitate.

All thoughts were over in an instant.

Baron Bezos turned his head and his eyes met Chen Xuan standing next to him.

The latter gave him a determined look.

This made Baron Bezos feel a lot more at ease.

He turned around silently and looked directly at the owner of the voice.

No surprise, it was the astute Sir Anel Reyes.

"Sir Arnell wishes to inspect the garrison?"

Baron Bezos asked straight to the point.

After all, he is a Magatan lord and baron recognized by the kingdom.

Even though there is a gap between the two sides in terms of strength and public office.

He doesn't need to grovel at all.

But Sir Anel raised his brows slightly and nodded gently.


"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it convenient?"

He asked casually, his narrowed eyes revealing a hint of scrutiny and suspicion.

Just staring at him.

Anel Reyes seems to have no intention of hiding his thoughts.

In other words, he didn't take Bezos seriously at all.

At the same time, he is also a guy who is good at controlling people's hearts.

Know how to apply just the right amount of pressure.

Without letting the scene get out of control.

To be honest, this is real learning.

As expected of an official from a giant city, he is indeed very good at this.

Even Chen Xuan sighed in his heart.

The real talents are indeed found in those big places.

However, this kind of conversation made the Baron feel a little uncomfortable.

Mainly because of the vague but just right sense of pressure, it made his nerves become tense.


"There's nothing wrong with that."

"But the assembly of the garrison will take time."

"Please give us a water clock."

"At that time, you will review the military appearance of the Magtan garrison at the school grounds of the third circle."

Even though he was unhappy, Baron Bezos still answered appropriately.

Still following the previously discussed principle, that is, these envoys from Ataxlog must not be offended.

When Attucks was promoted from Megacity to Logue, it wasn't just the name that changed.

And the size of the military.

According to the standards displayed by the Logue class, Attax will possess tens of millions of levels of force.

They will also receive a large amount of war resources urgently allocated by the kingdom.

This includes a large number of incredibly powerful war equipment.

For example, the Magic Series.

It is said that high-level magical weapons can wipe out everything within a ten-kilometer square radius with just one blow.

Of course, the use consumption and charging time of this weapon are also ridiculously high.

But in any case, Attucks, who was upgraded to Logue, is definitely not something that the current Magatan City can offend.

Baron Bezos thinks this answer is correct.

However, Sir Arnel's words at the next moment gave him a feeling of panic.

"By order personally issued by Marquis Andrea Ferre."

"I want to review the Magtan City garrison immediately."

"Your Majesty, Baron, just take me to the station."

Anel Reyes's words were so light that they made cold sweat break out on Baron Bezos' back.

All ordnance and ammunition were collected and put into storage two water hours ago.

They were all stored in storage jewelry and taken by confidants in the city to a secret stronghold dozens of kilometers outside the city.

The original shooting range and the training ground filled with sandbags and barbed wire were also urgently demolished.

It would be no problem if it was a review. The key lies in whether Anel is careful or not.

If Anel is careful enough, there are still many opportunities to discover clues.

The key is that Baron Bezos doesn't dare to gamble.

Because the Sir Arnel in front of him didn't seem to be the kind of careless person.

If he is allowed to inspect the station smoothly, it will almost be inevitable to find abnormalities.

That’s why Baron Bezos feels uneasy.

In fact, Bezos also thought that the other party would do this, but he did not expect that the other party would ask for an immediate review.

Unexpectedly, just after meeting him, he realized Sir Arnel's sharpness.

In addition, the other party also mentioned that this was done under the orders of Marquis Andrea.

The other party didn't give him any face at all, and he didn't play according to common sense at all.

Normally, even the execution of official duties and orders would never be carried out so smoothly.

Sir Arnell didn't care about the attitude of Baron Bezos, Magtan and others.

Maybe this is his style.

And it also reveals the thoughts of Marquis Andrea.

After all, he was an official from a giant city, and he seemed to be extremely rigorous.

It is impossible to say that this guy is a man of both sides.

Being sent to Magatan City by Marquis Andrea is enough to prove this guy's skills.

Baron Bezos did not answer immediately, but made a thoughtful expression.

This is used to cover up changes in breathing that become rapid.

Except for Sir Arnell, no one else spoke.

The scaly mouth of the iguana man Lazarus was slightly raised, looking a little gloating.

It was obvious that this guy was not as greedy a fool as he had shown before.

It is simply fooling Baron Bezos and waiting for Sir Arnel's arrival to launch a real attack.

Standing next to him, Chen Xuan remained calm.

The worst outcome would be to kill Anel Reyes and Lazaros.

Anel's trump card is space movement, and there is a high probability that he cannot escape his ability to interfere with space.

Chen Xuan is only opening the [cross-border] channel, and the surrounding areas will be in a state where spatial displacement is impossible.

At that time, we will slowly concoct them. If they cannot be conquered, we will consider other methods.

And to take a step back, even if the other party goes to the station, they may not really find anything.

During this time, training in the city has been going on, but always with caution.

Even the fired bullet casings are recovered and counted.

Each Naroa will also clean the metal shrapnel and warheads on the ground more carefully in the future.

Basically, it can be done as much as it is consumed and as much as it is cleaned.

Under such circumstances, if the other party could find anything else, then Chen Xuan would have to wonder if he was a Shinigami primary school student from the island country, a great detective in the foggy city.

No matter how unexpected the other party's request is, take one step at a time.

Anel Reyes did not urge, but looked at Baron Bezos calmly.

Chen Xuan could see that there was a hint of teasing in his eyes, and he was just waiting for the next step.

In fact, the nervousness is secondary. What worries Baron Bezos is the scrutiny shown by the other party.

If it receives targeted attention, there is a real possibility that Magatan's secret will be exposed.

At this time, Baron Bezos did not dare to look at Chen Xuan, otherwise he would definitely arouse suspicion.

Sir Arnel was horribly silent where he was.

It is like a silent predator, quietly targeting its prey.

After pondering for a moment, Baron Bezos smiled.

"Of course, no problem."

"After the review, I invite you to come to the castle for lunch."

"Although the area near Magatan City is barren, there are also many unique food products."

“Once you taste it, you’ll love it.”

He said with a smile.

Putting aside the mentality issue, Baron Bezos' acting skills are still online. At least he doesn't write his inner thoughts on his face. At this time, his performance is still up to standard.

At least both parties can live with it in terms of face.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Sir Anel also smiled, savoring the complex emotions hidden deep inside.

The delay caused by panic has a clear time limit.

When such emotions accumulate to a threshold, some kind of reaction will inevitably occur.

Either angry or reluctant to accept it.

Baron Bezos's performance is obviously the better one.

Sir Arnell was calculating silently.

In the end, it turned into a smile and a nod, while making a polite gesture.

At least Baron Bezos gave a sufficient response within seconds.

This shows that he is not that panicked yet.

But analyze it from what you’ve seen along the way and everything you’ve seen so far.

Sir Arnel knew very well that he must be hiding some secret that could not be seen.

You can even roughly guess what Baron Bezos is thinking.

Secrets are always in doubt until they are revealed.

This is a tacit understanding between both parties.

At least so far, to Sir Arnel, the city of Magtan only looks suspicious, and there is actually no real evidence of guilt.

At least according to the laws of the Kingdom, there really isn't.

As time passes by minute by second.

After the two parties exchanged greetings for a while, Sir Anel, Lazarus and the two attendants let the mutant griffon ride into the sky and fly freely.

And they got on the carriage in Bangcheng and headed to the garrison station of Magatan City.

It is located in the northern area of ​​the third circle.

It occupies a large area alone, and there are many small buildings in it.

There is a dedicated training ground nearby.

It's quite a distance from here to the North District, so it's better to take a horse-drawn carriage.

Considering some customs, Sir Anel was not in a hurry to ride the griffon directly.

After all, Baron Bezos is the territory here and has legal rights to it.

Including in the air.

If he acts recklessly, he will end up with the weakness of being unruly.

Out of caution, Anel Reyes chose to take the carriage, and the time was almost the same anyway.


About half an hour later.

Arnel Reyes and others and Baron Bezos's carriage arrived at the northern area of ​​the third circle.

Along the way, he saw the situation in the city, including the new tower with obvious signs of repair.

What puzzled him was that the pedestrians in several commercial streets had become very sparse.

The residents I occasionally see are a bit reserved.

It stands to reason that Magtan City, which successfully survived the previous small demonic disaster, should have accumulated a batch of demonic materials.

This will lead to a certain degree of prosperity and change in the business and trade within the city.

But the fact is just the opposite. The business in the city has become more deserted.

There's also an eerie quietness.

However, considering the current trend of military control in Magatan City.

Anel Reyes did not delve into this issue.

In order to rush to the station as soon as possible, he did not plan to visit the residents in the city personally yet.

Because he was back to the topic, Marquis Andrea only asked him to investigate by the way, and mainly asked him to keep an eye on Baron Bezos's reaction to the recruitment order.

The carriage stopped outside the station.

The street is separated from the station by a fence.

Sir Arnell saw a series of standard small buildings with a noncommittal look on his face.

On the surface, this garrison is similar to an ordinary city-level garrison.

There were no sergeants resting in the garrison at this time.

When they walked in, they saw only dozens of scattered sergeants gathering together to drink in small groups. The drinking sergeants immediately stood up and saluted when they saw Baron Bezos and others.

I saw Baron Bezos scolding him angrily.

Drinking alcohol was against the rules of the garrison.

So far everything is normal for this.

The soldiers of the garrison usually live in the garrison.

Only squad captains and deputy captains, as well as those of higher rank, could live outside alone.

After passing through the small building of the station, Anel came to the training ground.

Several green trees were planted on the flat, compacted land.

There are dozens of dummies used for training military formations.

There are also weapon racks with wooden ordnance placed on the sidelines.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

Just as Sir Arnel nodded secretly.

The golden warrior iguana man Lazarus Huga, who had been silent until now, narrowed his eyes.

Its nose sniffed, and its cold vertical eyes soon became deep.

It quietly came to Arnel Reyes' side and whispered in his ear.

"Sir Arnel, I smell something strange."

"On the ground beneath our feet."

Lazarus Huga's words made Sir Anel couldn't help but glance at it.

The latter then continued.

"It was a burning smell mixed with a little bit of toner."

"The smell is mixed in with the soil."

"I think if we do some digging, we should be able to find something."

Its words made Sir Anel Reyes nod secretly.

At the same time, the two people's whispering behavior was also seen by Baron Bezos and Chen Xuan.

But they all had a tacit understanding and didn't take the initiative to say anything.

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