I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 42 Exam Month (Part 2)

In the third week, continue to explore the experimental conditions.

This time there were only two variables: the amount of solvent additive and the rotational speed.

Xu Qiu designed the experimental conditions:

The volume fractions of DIO were 0.4%, 0.7%, 1%, 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively, in five groups.

The rotation speeds are 2000, 2200, 2500, 2800r.p.m., four groups in total.

Other conditions are: chlorobenzene solvent, solution concentration 20 mg/mL, donor acceptor mass ratio 1:1.3, no annealing operation.

A total of 20 sets of conditions.

Spin coating, evaporation, testing.

In the end, the "0.7%, 2200" sample achieved the highest efficiency, up to 10.68%.

Xu Qiu is quite satisfied with this result. Although there is still room for improvement in efficiency by continuing to fine-tune the experimental conditions, there is not much need for it.

After all, this is just a benchmark system, and it is enough to reach the average level of other researchers.

If it is a new material synthesized by oneself, it is necessary to test its efficiency and test its performance limit.

On Sunday, Xu Qiu went to the laboratory again.

"Xu Qiu, my efficiency has reached 9.6%, and it will be 10% soon." Chen Wanqing said happily as soon as we met.

"Congratulations, senior." Xu Qiu said.

It seems that there is no need to continue to remind the seniors. This system only needs to know the two key points of thermal coating and solvent additives. The general direction is well grasped, and a few more batches of devices can always reach 10%.

"Senior sister, how is your article, has it been submitted?" Xu Qiu asked.

"Not yet, basically everything is written, and now there is one missing piece of data." Chen Wanqing said.

"What data is missing, can't we test it directly?" Xu Qiu said.

"It's the grazing-type X-ray diffraction experiment I told you before, and it needs to be tested at the Modu Synchrotron Radiation Center, or the Modu Light Source.

The test over there needs to be reserved in advance, because scientific researchers from all over the country will come to test, so the time of the machine is very tight, and the time is arranged by the magic city light source.

Our next test time is two weeks later, so we have to wait two weeks to finish testing this data before submitting the article. "Chen Wanqing said.

"Okay, what about Wu Feifei and Duan Yun's article?" Xu Qiu said.

"Wu Feifei's review has already been submitted, and Mr. Wei submitted for EES, Energy Environ. Sci. I didn't expect him to be so fierce.

Generally, the reviews of such large journals are drafted by appointment, and I don’t know if he has hired a journal editor, but I read Wu Feifei’s article, and the writing is still acceptable.

In the past few days, Mr. Wei has been helping to correct Duan Yun's article, and will start to correct mine after his submission is submitted. "Chen Wanqing said.

"EES, isn't that one of the first three reviews you gave me, I remember the impact factor is more than 30." Xu Qiu said.

"Yes, it's the top journal in the field of materials, and then it's the sub-journals of the "Nature" series." Chen Wanqing said:

"Wu Feifei's scientific research ability is still good. She also published an article on Chem.Mater., which has been cited more than 80 times. Teacher Wei regrets that she was too cautious when submitting."

"So he made a big move this time." Xu Qiu said.

"Who knows, maybe I'll win the prize, and I must let Wu Feifei treat me when the time comes," Chen Wanqing said:

"When we publish articles, Mr. Wei will give cash rewards. Usually, the journal impact factor is multiplied by 200 yuan, and the review is halved."

"That's not a lot. If it is published, it will be 3,000 yuan." Xu Qiu said.

"It's okay, the money is paid by Teacher Wei, so I won't give too much, but like some research institutes, such as my classmate went to the Magic City Silicon Institute, the rewards for publishing articles are much richer.

The reward for publishing articles there is that the square of the impact factor is multiplied by 500 yuan, and the research institute will pay for it, but it is more difficult to publish articles there. "Chen Wanqing said.

"Then publish an article in "Nature", it will cost more than 800,000 yuan." Xu Qiu said after calculating in his heart.

"Yeah, although there may only be 200,000 left when you get a game, it's quite a lot," Chen Wanqing said:

"However, someone who can publish an article in "Nature" may not be interested in 200,000 people. Most university professors will not be able to produce an article in their lifetime."


In the fourth week, the exam month is drawing to a close.

"Material Preparation and Processing" examination room.

When Xu Qiu got the test paper, he first went through it as a whole.

Noun explanation 10 courses, 10 points.

10 true or false questions, 10 points.

5 short answer questions, 30 points.

4 comprehensive questions, 40 points.

1 calculation question, 10 points.

There is also an additional question, "Please write down your suggestion for this course.", 5 points.

It should be to give students some welfare points.

After confirming that there was no missing text in the test paper, Xu Qiu began to answer the questions quickly.

The exam took two hours, but after an hour and a half, candidates began to hand in papers one after another.

Xu Qiu was not in a hurry to hand in the paper, and delayed until the last minute.

He didn't review a short-answer question, so he had to write a bunch of words based on his own understanding, and he didn't know if he answered the point.


After the exam, Tao Yan proposed a treat to go out for lunch. Naturally, Xu Qiu and Ren Bin had no reason to refuse.

Tao Yan picked out a teppanyaki restaurant. When he came to the store, he skillfully picked up the menu and ordered ingredients such as chicken drumsticks, short ribs, pork belly, bacon, mushroom platter, and teppanyaki tofu.

"Tao Yan, why did you suddenly call us for dinner?" Ren Bin said.

"Do you still need a reason to treat guests?" Tao Yan said: "Well, the main reason is that after the exam, I feel that this semester's grades are good, and the graduate school should not be a big problem."

"You're so confident before the results come out," Ren Bin said, "Let's talk about the estimated score."

"It's a conservative estimate of 3.8. This semester, I took courses in the Department of Materials Science and Technology. It's easier to get a good grade." Tao Yan said.

"I*, 3.8!" Ren Bin exclaimed, "Xu Qiu, what about you?"

"It's probably 3.6. There are two courses outside the department. The total grade point should not change much this semester." Xu Qiu thought for a while.

"Hey, if I can get a 2.5, I'll burn the incense." Ren Bin sighed.

"You, now I still have to find a way to pass a few compulsory courses, and a grade point above 2.0 is enough." Tao Yan said.

"That's right." Ren Bin said.

"By the way, Xu Qiu, I will be entering the laboratory next semester, do you have any suggestions?" Tao Yan said.

"That depends on your future plans, whether you plan to continue doing scientific research, or study for a master's degree and leave." Xu Qiu said.

"Study a master's degree. My family's request for graduate school is mainly because they said that if I can't keep it, they will let me take the postgraduate entrance examination." Tao Yan said.

"No wonder you studied so hard this semester. It's not so easy for our school to enter the postgraduate entrance examination," Xu Qiu said:

"To get to the point, if it's just a master's degree, you can find some teachers who have cooperated with the industry, such as the field of material failure analysis done by Li Xiaobin, or the field of semiconductor packaging done by Huo Xujun. There should be other teachers. You can go to the official website of the Department of Materials have a look.

Such a mentor has little research pressure, and may be able to directly recruit into the job after graduation. "

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