Rescuing roommates and breaking into the small black room, followed by a sneak attack on Matthew, everyone is exhausted from exhaustion this night.

Not only Zhou Yu, even NPCs need to rest.

But luckily it's Sunday and I don't have to go to class.

After leaving the cafeteria, the roommate returned to the dormitory to rest, and Zhou Yu had to drag his tired body to the cafeteria to meet his real companions.

When they learned what happened last night from Zhou Yu, all the companions were surprised.

"Zhou Yu, you're moving too fast, aren't you? I thought we were going to deal with Matthew together, but I didn't expect you to do it in one night. "

It's so boring, I still want to fight Matthew!"

Narimatsu said.

"That schoolboy roommate is really a powerful fighting power, but this guy is not a good stubble, who knows if he can be used to help us next time."

Kim Yongjun got to the point at once.

"Let's take a gamble, anyway, at the moment, I have a good relationship with my roommates, and the muscular male roommate and the tablemate are in a couple relationship, and I have a deep hatred for the casino."

"At least it should be fine to deal with the casino, as for that, it's hard to say."

Zhou Yu said.

"But Zhou Yu, you're really lucky, why is your roommate so powerful? Although my roommate is not weak, he once gave me a punch and knocked me down in a previous conflict, but he is not strong enough to single-handedly take on Matthew.

Narimatsu said.

"Hmph, you idiot, let you have a good relationship with your roommate. It's good that you became enemies with your roommate.

Kim Yongjun said.

"Cut, I just don't like that guy. If I had been a werewolf at the time, that guy would definitely not be my match.

Narimatsu said.

"It seems that the NPCs around everyone are actually very strong, at least they have the strength of danger level to disaster level. But it's true that the top roommate is a little too strong.

"So I suspect he's one of the creators of the weird story, probably the curator we've been in contact with."

Zhou Yu said his previous speculation.

"Yes, I think so too. After all, these bigwigs have made bets on both you and Matthew, and the war between you may have become a game for them completely.

"Since that priestess has already died, she even did not hesitate to expose her true identity and save Matthew. That means that there is also a big guy by your side in Zhou Yu.

"Judging from personality and ability, it is really possible that the head of Xueba is the director of the strange talk shelter."

Jin Yongjun's inference is also completely consistent with Zhou Yu.

"You're right, now it seems that it is necessary to first clarify the roles played by the six bosses, including the Strange Tale Restraint, the Strange Tale Maker, the Strange Tale Constructor, the Strange Tale Presiding Joker, the Strange Tale Dream Collector, and the Strange Tale Asylum Curator."

"If possible, we try to win over as much as possible, just like winning over a top student roommate, it will be a powerful boost!"

"Even if you can't win them over, it's best not to be enemies of these guys, as you can see from Matthew's performance, these guys are scary enough even if they are doppelgangers."

Kim Yongjun said as he dissected the current situation.

"Yes, but now it seems that in addition to the fact that the curator is likely to be a roommate of the top student, I can't see what role the other five bigwigs play."

Zhou Yu said.

"Joker, maybe it's the clown. There's a play show tonight in which the role of the clown appears, and this guy looks interested in you, just like the curator. Maybe he's one of the targets we might be wooing.

Kim Yongjun said.

Zhou Yu nodded, "Okay, then we'll see the situation in the afternoon."

"However, there is a greater possibility about the clones of these big guys, that is, the target we will attack next is one of the creators of strange talks, and it is very likely that it will be the priestess..."Kim

Yongjun said with a frown.

"You're the dean? The actual manipulation and beneficiary behind the casino, one of the five guys.

Zhou Yu said in a deep voice, there had been this kind of speculation before.

"That's right, didn't Will say that one of the six big guys in the weird creator is a woman? It just so happens that the teaching director, one of the five casino guys, is also a woman, which is too coincidental, right?

Kim Yongjun said.

"You're right, besides, this priestess is completely on Matthew's side, and seems to have made a big bet on him from the beginning."

"If there's one role that is the most antagonistic to me and the most helpful to Matthew, it's this dean."

"On the surface, the director of teaching is Matthew's absolute boss, and he can easily arrange for him to change the course, arrange for him to become the invigilator, and arrange for him to deal with me at the best time and time."

"And the identity of the casino boss in the secret is more suitable to deal with me. As long as I continue to explore the casino, sooner or later I will run into her huge obstacle.

"Moreover, these guys just like to gamble on every copy, and according to their personalities, they will also play the big guys in the casino."

Zhou Yu frowned and analyzed.

"Hmph, yes. Their avatars treat every copy of the world of weirdness as a gamble, while the clones enjoy every game in the casino at the Guilty School.

Kim Yongjun nodded and said with a sneer.

"Why do you talk so much? It doesn't matter what her real body is, her doppelganger, it's over! Can't we do it, plus the people in your dorm?

Narimatsu said.

"Also, after all, the doppelganger next to me is also one of the big guys, plus so many people, there should be nothing to worry about."

"But I guess I'll have to wait until the afternoon to act, not to mention those roommates, even I'm sleepy."

"As for the morning, everyone is going their own way, get ready, I'm going back to sleep."

"Wait until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, let's meet in our dormitory."

After Zhou Yu conveyed these important news to his companions, he also returned to the dormitory to rest tiredly.

This sleep, Zhou Yu slept very deeply, but he was also very down-to-earth and at ease.

After more than 2 o'clock, Zhou Yu woke up and immediately began to contact the little ghost with his mind.

"How? My Queen, how is your recovery?

"It's not good, I can barely open the fear realm, but don't expect too much, if you want to recover your peak strength, I guess tomorrow morning."

"Otherwise, you give me an extra 200 life force, maybe I can recover in the evening."

The imp said.

"I'll give you up to 50 life force now, and I'll try to find more sinners."

Zhou Yu said, but he didn't regret it too much.

After all, the main force this time is not a ghost, but a roommate who is a top student.

"Zhou Yu, you woke up early. Everyone is sober and sober, it's time for us to get ready to go to the dean of students for an explanation..."

The roommate of the top student said in a deep voice.

"How's your recovery, chief?"

Zhou Yu hurriedly asked.

"Very well recovered, better than before! Every time I fight a powerful opponent with a fear realm, I feel that I can get stronger! The

corner of the roommate's mouth twitched and said confidently.

Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Great!" Then let's do it now! "

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