Entering the abandoned teaching building, Zhou Yu immediately transformed into the posture of the old man of the dormitory administrator.

For Zhou Yu, infiltrating underground casinos is already a familiar way.

What's more, now that his vitality is full and his life will not be in danger, Zhou Yu's mood is no longer nervous, only excitement remains.

Smoothly entered the basement three floors of the casino, and everyone, especially the thugs and security guards, greeted the "administrator" respectfully.

This time, Zhou Yu finally understood why these guys were so in awe of the old man of the administrator.

It turns out that these people are actually the administrator's subordinates, which means that at a critical moment, he can command these people.

But it's not that time yet, and we have to continue to disguise and not startle the snake.

This time, Zhou Yu decided to explore all the secrets of the third floor of the underground casino, because this might be the last chance to successfully infiltrate.

Zhou Yu looked at the time, there were still 30 minutes before the auction started at 10 o'clock.

Zhou Yu came to the area opposite the auction meeting, and the viewing hall on the second basement floor was very similar to the viewing hall to investigate.

Zhou Yu had noticed that many people had gathered in this dark venue, but they didn't enter, and he didn't know what they were watching.

Could it be that he also watched the live broadcast of the crime and ordered the thugs to torture and destroy innocent people?

But when Zhou Yu entered this viewing hall, he found that this was not a light and shadow hall, but a brutal crime scene.

The VIPs on the second basement floor saw the live broadcast, and the location of the live broadcast was actually the third basement floor!

Zhou Yu saw that the black cloth that had been covered in front of the seat had been lifted, and behind the curtain wall, there was a scene of several thugs torturing innocent girls.

The VIPs on the second basement floor can vote on how to treat this innocent girl, whether to violate, torture, or cut her throat and kill her directly.

And the VIPs on the third floor of the basement, although they can't decide how to torture the girl, can carry out the crime with their own hands!

Seeing the innocent girl being tortured inhumanely, and hearing the terrible scream, Zhou Yu really wanted to burn down all the underground casinos with a fire.

Even if you know that what is happening in the world of strange talk is not true, you can't help but feel angry when you see such a scene.

But Zhou Yu could only hold back his anger and continue to investigate.

When he found that there were no other noteworthy clues here, Zhou Yu hurriedly left.

Seeing that the auction was about to start, Zhou Yu also sat on the left-hand side.

With the experience of infiltrating last night, as well as through the engagement and investigation of the criminal file, Zhou Yu already has a certain understanding of the old administrator.

This time, Zhou Yu's disguise was more real, and there were almost no flaws.

An even more malicious auction began, and the form of the auction was still so evil, so evil, all of which were the most valuable things in a person by the Black Witch, and auctioned for this thing.

The first night is a blessing in misfortune, and for the so-called "auction item", at least it won't hurt much.

If you are auctioned off to your palms and feet, you can at least save your life.

But if it's about the brain and the heart, it's the whole life.

After being reincarnated last night, Zhou Yu didn't sneak into the auction again, and he didn't know what happened later.

However, it seems that the contradictions between the theater director and the female vice-principal still exist.

Zhou Yu has investigated in the past few days, and combined with the information he got from the countless unjust souls in the abandoned teaching building before, it can be deduced that in fact, the relationship between the five bosses, at least the four guys, is not harmonious.

In particular, the curator and the female vice principal often have friction over some trivial matters, because the female principal is a veritable second-in-command, so the curator will back down a few points.

But behind the scenes, the curator was extremely dissatisfied with the headmistress.

Originally, the five guys were each responsible for the casino business, just like the fake "clown" said, running different areas of business.

The most mysterious boss in the casino is in charge of the poison part, and the curator is naturally in charge of Huang, as well as the live broadcast of the auction and the screening hall, as well as the experience activities for the VIPs to practice by themselves.

The headmistress and vice-principal in charge of finance are jointly responsible for the largest gambling business, as well as some fraudulent transactions and money laundering in various ways.

The old man of the administrator is responsible for security and practical operations, and to put it bluntly, he is responsible for violence and killing, helping the casino do the dirty work.

It seems that the five bigwigs of the casino have their own duties, and the well water does not interfere with the river water.

However, the headmistress will often get involved in the curator's auction business, and her greedy nature always wants to get some oil and water everywhere.

Originally, the gambling business was very profitable, but I didn't expect that the auction created by the theater director and a series of games full of tricks were refreshing for those rich and powerful VIPs.

Whether it's an auction or other games, VIPs are willing to spend huge amounts of money on bidding and participation fees.

As a result, the casinos on the second and third basement floors have become dismal.

Don't look at the larger scale of the casino on the ground floor, but the casino with a higher chip multiple is the casino on the second or third floor underground.

Since the expansion of auctions and other games, the casino business on the second and third basement floors has been reduced to nothing.

"Hmph, dean, congratulations, yesterday's transaction volume is almost over 100 million. Your commission for one night's auction is equivalent to the proceeds of all the casinos on the three basement floors. The

female vice principal said in a weird manner.

"This is because at the beginning of the auction, the VIPs felt a little novel, and after a few days, everyone found it boring and would not participate in the auction again. The

curator said.

"I have a suggestion that we might as well run the auction together. I'll host for one day, and you'll host for one day, so that we can offer a different kind of auction and maybe the VIPs won't get bored. The

headmistress said with a smile.

"I'll just take it as a joke, I don't allow anyone else to get involved in the auction I started!" the

curator snorted.


"If you want to negotiate with me, then you shouldn't have been so arrogant yesterday. I begged you so, and you ended up cutting off her tongue!" said

the curator angrily.

"Hmph, you are so angry about such a trivial matter, I think you should do your cheap business!"

"Hmph, if you want to talk to me about business, you still have this attitude! Don't expect me to get a piece of your pie!" the

curator still said coldly.

"I want you to go home and be careful when you walk at night, be careful if there are potholes on the road and you will fall to your death!" said

the headmistress, turning and leaving.

At this time, the curator frowned slightly, and his face became a little ugly, obviously the headmistress was intimidating him again.

Seeing that the relationship between the two was so bad, Zhou Yu suddenly thought of something...

Trying to challenge the five guys one by one is not only a huge risk, but also a waste of time and energy.

More importantly, it will startle the snake, will make them aware of it, and finally concentrate on dealing with themselves.

These bigwigs can withstand the wheel war, but Zhou Yu and them can't withstand the continuous battle.

But if you can let them kill each other, maybe it won't go unnoticed, at least it can save energy and time.

It seems that when the casino is over and the curator is on his way back to the theater, there will be a good show.

It would be a great time to sit back and watch the tiger fight!

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