what! ! ! !

After his body was slashed, it exploded on the spot, blood flying everywhere, the blood sparked in the air, and his internal organs exploded all over the place.

It's not Chen Feng's one-shot enemy at all.

But Chen Feng's face was flat: "These horse thieves have at least 700 or 800 points of magic suppression points after they are wiped out. They just belong to me. Go to hell!"

These evil horse thieves, Chen Feng will not show mercy, and several lightning strikes behind the city wall and the man, boom, boom, boom...

Those horse thieves were terrified and wanted to run away. After all, it is a very scary thing for a person to be able to attract thunder.

But another bolt of lightning came over and struck them, with no intention of letting them go at all.

Ever since, in two or three strokes, the defeated horse thief Zhuang Wu and the others were all killed on the ground by Chen Feng's lightning technique without even making a move.

The corpses were scattered all over the place, some were exploded, some were turned into ashes, and the scene was a mess.

In less than a moment, these people were all killed by Chen Feng's lightning, so that Zhuang Wu, Wang Hao and others looked at Chen Feng in horror, with disbelief on their faces.

They don't seem to know Chen Feng anymore. Although they are not familiar with Chen Feng at first, this kind of method is too shocking. Although they are disciples of Tiansheng Academy and a force near Gu Loulan, they are also very powerful people. rare.

Seeing a young man with such supernatural power now, these people were all dumbfounded.

In their eyes, the young man at this moment is as majestic as a celestial being, and his backhand is thunder and lightning. He can be called a celestial being, not a mortal.

Wang Hao and the others were grateful to Chen Feng for their survival, but the shock Chen Feng gave them had already made them seem to forget how dangerous the situation was just now, and the roar in their minds was actually the scene of thunder and lightning just now.

How strong does a person have to be to cultivate to the point where thunder descends from heaven?


It's not human at all.

This is God.

Zhuang Wu and the others looked at God. Call Brother Chen awesome!

Everyone admired Chen Feng, and they were all words of admiration.

Chen Feng waved his hand, saying that this is nothing, but it made Zhuang Wu and others feel ashamed, such a method can be called a genius.

Brother Chen is amazing!

It was also thanks to Brother Chen, otherwise they would have all died in the hands of the horse thieves just now, and they had absorbed all the blood in their bodies, and their deaths were extremely tragic.

After these people were settled, at the same time, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

"Has the horse thief come again?"

"It's not like a horse thief!"

Wang Hao hurried out of the city to look: "It's the seniors from Tiansheng Academy, they're here!"

Fireworks are really effective. Where there are fireworks, there are horse thieves. These disciples will come here to compete for merit, and saving people is only second.

Dozens of young men came over on horses. These horses were not their own, but were obtained after beheading horse thieves.

Now, seeing corpses all over the ground in the city, there were no horse thieves to kill at all, and the leading young men looked at each other in blank dismay. They came here to compete for merit, but there was nothing there.

There are only a few young people left here.

In addition to being shocked that these people can kill so many horse thieves, they are also a little annoyed.

They were all killed. With such strength, why ask for help and waste their energy?

They looked at Chen Feng, Zhuang Wu, Wang Hao and others, but they really couldn't see who had such strength. These horse thieves were covered in smoke from dead bodies. They were obviously beheaded by powerful means. Who was so powerful?

They glanced at everyone, and at this time, a senior brother in the lead came riding over.

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