And many delivery people work hard all day to run orders, but in the end they can't make one or two hundred a day.

I could have earned more, but money will be deducted for overtime, and money will be deducted for complaints.

If you put in all this effort, you may not actually be able to earn much, and sometimes these delivery people will risk their lives to rush on the road, running as fast as they can in order to avoid the time limit.

A lot of dangers have been added invisibly.

When an accident occurs, a lot of money will naturally be lost.

In short, food delivery is not as profitable as it seems.

It's a dangerous and low-paying job.

Fortunately, Chen Feng is just experiencing it and is not doing this job for a long time.

After completing the task, I will definitely not do this kind of thing again.

I'll do it when the mood strikes.

It can be said that now I no longer have to force myself to do things I don’t want to do for money or to achieve a certain purpose.

For example, these system tasks that are completed now are completed because I am interested in them.

If you have no interest at all, no matter how generous the reward is, you will never force yourself.

You should be happy in your life.

"Just complain. By the way, let me tell you, don't think that the service staff owes you. The work within our duties is what we should do, but you don't need to force yourself outside of your duties, and don't think about threatening to complain! "

Chen Feng said forcefully, "I don't know how many service staff this kind of person has threatened."

It is estimated that many delivery people are used by this guy as porters, or to do errands and other tasks.

Such people must be given a serious warning.

But this man didn't buy it at all. Not long after Chen Feng left, he directly complained to Chen Feng.

After receiving the second complaint, Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

How interesting!

I delivered two orders today, but there were complaints about both orders.

However, Chen Feng has no regrets. He will never compromise with these two guests.

After sending these two orders, Chen Feng was not interested in sending any more orders for the time being.

He took the car back and paid the fine. The fine he complained about was just a drop in the bucket to him.


Not even a drop in the bucket!

Because he no longer knows how many zeros are behind his current deposit, Chen Feng certainly doesn't care about this kind of hundreds of dollars.

The delivery guys were dumbfounded when they saw Chen Feng handing over a thousand yuan fine so generously.

I didn't expect Chen Feng to be so fierce. He received two complaints on the first day he delivered food. I wonder what Chen Feng did to those customers. Can't he please those customers a little? In fact, those customers just love to be licked.

Do your best to accommodate those guests' requests, and generally you won't receive complaints.

Unless they are particularly unreasonable, and you have to make them do this or that, you can still complain after doing that, but there is no way around this.

Chen Feng told Su Mengya about this as if he was telling a joke, but Su Mengya became unhappy after hearing it.

"This is too much. They are asking you for such unreasonable demands. If you don't satisfy them, they will come directly to complain. Don't you know how difficult it is for a delivery person to earn hundreds of dollars?

no! I will report this matter online right away. We must not let such evil people live happily! "

Su Mengya was so angry that she didn't expect there to be such a person who bullied the delivery boy.

Fortunately, Chen Feng was not short of money, so he could afford a fine of several hundred yuan or one thousand yuan.

But those delivery guys are different.

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