I guess seeing myself eating and eating here, the halazi is about to flow down, right?

I don't know what kind of picture it will be at that time, I really look forward to it.

"Come here and watch and eat. Anyway, I ate very well this morning. It seems like no one has eaten. Isn't it just to watch you eat? Look at what you said, wait, I will immediately It's over!"

Su Mengya's voice sounded a bit coquettish, but now after hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing Su Mengya, so he immediately recorded the call.

What Su Mengya said now, he must let Su Mengya put it down for a while, and Su Mengya should be embarrassed by then.

He can guarantee that Su Mengya will definitely be greedy after seeing what he eats, and the expression she will show at that time will definitely be very exciting. If he just happened to play this recording, it would be even more funny.

Of course, Su Mengya didn't know about Chen Feng's careful thoughts, she thought that Chen Feng was having dinner at home now, just eating a casual meal.

After all, breakfast is impossible to eat too much, even if it is very rich, what can you eat?

After a while, Su Mengya rang the doorbell of Chen Feng's house, and Chen Feng rushed over to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, Su Mengya smelled a sweet fragrance.

"It smells so good. The food you cook tastes really good. I can't stand the smell!"

Su Mengya was a bit greedy by this smell, and couldn't stand it anymore, but after smelling this smell, Chen Feng actually thought it was quite fragrant.

To be honest, my craft is getting better and better now.

Originally, I had never acquired any cooking skills.

But it happened that as he got more and more system rewards.

I have become more comfortable with all kinds of skills in life, and I can learn things that I am not proficient in at first.

It may be because these skills make his mind clearer and his thoughts clearer.

Just like a top student, if he has learned many subjects very well, then this person's brain has already been well developed.

learn something new or do something else,

It is definitely much stronger than those ordinary people.

This is why he can do so well and do so well with some things that he is not good at or has never been exposed to.

It is for this reason.

Because he can do other things very well.

With the help of the system, he can master everything.

Then nothing else matters.

It is absolutely easy to get in touch with new things, much better than ordinary people.

"Look, I knew you would be hungry."

Chen Feng said with a smile.

After hearing this, Su Mengya originally wanted to have a meal with Chen Feng, but suddenly she was speechless.

She simply pretended that she didn't like to eat these things made by Chen Feng, and sat down in front of Chen Feng pretending to be calm.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, and silently picked up a piece of lettuce and added three to five shrimps to himself, and spread a piece of meat, rolled it up and put it in his mouth, biting it hard, the aroma was overflowing in an instant, Come out of your mouth.

Chen Feng picked up another fried bun, biting lightly the soup almost overflowed.

This is simply the day of the gods.


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