I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 275 Common sense doesn't work in front of Giorno

"That stone man, when you take it back, it's best not to bump into it. Maybe he is not dead, maybe there is a possibility of resurrection, right?"

Hancock is too lazy to talk to the navy, so Lynch can only do it for him.

He smiled at the embarrassed Lieutenant General Bastiew and Smoker who was buried in the soil, and after saying this, he left with the girls of Nine Snakes.


Buried in Doma Smog endured the shame and wanted to take a look at these pirates, but only one head remained, and it was difficult to move, and only traces of flowered dress hems and trouser legs passed by from the corner of his eyes.

Disabled sailors, pirates, bounty hunters, etc. all over the ground watched them walk away helplessly and with a little fear.

In fact, the sailors were fine. Although they were injured or even disabled, they did not sacrifice at least. Now that the gang of fierce pirates from Nine Snakes had left, the operation was over and they were safe; the pirates were helpless. Originally, I could find an opportunity to escape, but now that everyone is being made into such a state by that terrible monster Giorno, I am afraid that the navy will not be so kind as to let them go like this...

Sure enough, as they expected!

Captain Hina couldn't stop smoking, controlled his emotions, treated the wounds of the injured sailors one by one, and said a few words of comfort, and borrowed the handcuffs that the sailors carried with them, and then calmed down. Face off to the guys who aren't sailors...

"Sure enough, the navy is too despicable!"

"Navy...you can't be so dishonest!"

"Damn the navy, you can't handle Giobana Giorno, you can't handle the Nine Snake Pirates... just come and bully us honest pirates!"


Hina turned a deaf ear to these voices of panic or dissatisfaction. Now that you are a pirate, don't naively expect to end up decently, right?

"Wait, I'm not a pirate! I'm a bounty hunter..."

Click, Hina nimbly handcuffed the people in the pool of blood on the ground one by one.

"When you return to the naval base, your identity will be checked."

As for those who lost their hands and arms under Giorno's attack, they were handcuffed together with the neighbors.


Bastiyu covered his crumpled mask, wiped the blood that covered the lower half of his face, took a few breaths, and heard the head on the ground beside him say in a deep voice: "The magnetic demon used by Giorno Fruit... I heard that on this island and in this sea area, there is a terrifying legend called 'Iron Demon', a user who is suspected of being a magnetic fruit... Cough cough! Cough cough cough..."

Smoker, who used to have the ability to smoke fruit and smoked three big cigars all day long, actually choked when he spoke. He didn't admit defeat, his expression didn't change, and he continued to smoke his cigar.

Bastiyu said with difficulty: "It was Giobana Giorno who snatched the devil fruit of the 'Iron Demon'!"

As he said that, he picked up his Zhansha knife, gestured twice around Smoker's head, and dug!

Kacha, Kacha... There was the sound of iron knives digging the soil, dust and sand and gravel sprinkled on his hair from time to time, Smoker's eyes were red from choking on three cigars, and he mused: "But, people from Nine Snakes came to this island It didn't take long to go online, when did he find the Iron Demon hidden somewhere on the island, and even snatched away the opponent's Devil Fruit, and finally came here to fight us..."

Could that guy know how to do the ninja avatar technique?

Really will! Bastiyu said: "Have you forgotten, that Giobana Giorno...he...has some kind of ghost-like ability...huh..." Mr. Lieutenant General worked hard to dig the ground, and finally got Small Greg dug it out.

Both of Smoker's arms were severely injured and he was unable to move, so Bastiew had to pull him out of the pit.

"Ghost ability, magnetic ability..." Smoker's two arms were hanging limply. At this time, after dealing with the others, Rina came over with a wooden board and cloth belt, and simply tied his two arms for Smoker. Alright, wait until you go back and treat him properly. Smoker was still frowning, his eyes were bloodshot, and said hoarsely: "These are two different abilities. How could he have two abilities at the same time?"

"Everyone doesn't understand this question."

Bastiou rested for a while, feeling much better, he walked towards the stone sculpture of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, "But this is the truth, we can only accept it!

"Giobana Giorno, in front of this person...a lot of common sense doesn't work.

"For example, in today's battle, there were too many unexpected situations... Who would have thought that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, our main force in this operation, would be suddenly turned into a stone statue by the enemy at the beginning of the battle? Who would have thought that Giorno would never use the gas fruit he snatched, but had a brand new magnetic fruit? Who would have thought that his own personal strength alone... would be so powerful? Skills, domineering, everything has reached a truly first-class level! What a monster-like growth..."

Bastiyu walked slowly to the stone sculpture of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. Why is such a powerful character a pirate?

He remembered what he heard at the beginning, when Lieutenant General Kuzan saw Giorno for the first time in Xihai, that guy was just a weak boy. At that time, Lieutenant General Kuzan seemed to see the kid's potential To bring it back to the headquarters and lead it on the right path... Lieutenant General Kuzan's vision is really powerful! Back then, Giobana Giorno's extraordinary aptitude for a strong man could be discovered... If Giorno was really brought back to the headquarters, if he could be taught by Mr. Zefa and become a glorious sailor, then now The powerful pirate Giorno with strange abilities is another look. He has become an outstanding elite navy, right?

Lieutenant General Kuzan, you said why you didn't insist on a few more times and brought Giorno back to the headquarters neatly?

Bastiou yelled in his heart what a pity!

Of course, he also knew that this was a meaningless idea. There will be no sea soldier Giorno in the world, only one as the enemy of the navy, the fierce pirate Giorno who is a headache!

The lieutenant general shook his head...

Also, who would have thought that the female captain of Giobana Giorno would be so cunning!

At the very beginning, I deliberately showed a weak appearance, pretending that I was weak and quietly dodged on the edge of the battlefield but did not want to attract attention. In fact, I deliberately attracted my attention, which made me waste too much time observing her secretly. ... In the end, I was really stupid enough to take the bait, and was caught off guard by the other party!

Damn, hateful pirate! Hateful and cunning female pirate!

Blank! Xu Lun!

Bastiyou gritted his teeth angrily, and wanted to punch the stone sculpture in front of him, but suddenly realized that this was Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, and his fist barely stopped on the surface of the stone statue.

Click! A piece of stone carving was broken off, it was the knife of the flying squirrel that was petrified together...

Hina looked at Smoker's eyes reddened by the smoke from the cigar, and said puzzledly, "Are you okay? It's all like this, so don't smoke. Hina thinks it's bad for your health."

Smoker looked at the plumes of smoke flowing from the other party's long pink hair, which was a sign of lack of control over the smoke fruit.

Is that all?

At this moment, Smoker finally realizes that his Yanyan fruit has really been replaced into Hina's body, and he... is now a person with the ability of the threshold fruit, not Yanyan.

The emptiness of losing something important is long overdue, and it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that Smoker's eyes were in a trance, Hina comforted him: "The sill fruit is also very useful..."

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