I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 129 The bait has been put out, just waiting to be baited

Feng Qi was stunned when he saw the message in his mailbox saying that Le Pingan was a werewolf.

He had doubted everyone among the students, including Le Pingan, but now he was still a little unbelievable when he learned that Le Pingan was a werewolf.

He had a good impression of this student.

During this period of contact, he found that Le Pingan was a very studious and extremely self-disciplined person.

And he learned how to brew Qingxin wine thanks to Le Ping'an's tireless guidance.

Seeing this result, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But as long as it is confirmed that Le Pingan is a werewolf, he will never show mercy.

With doubts, he began to continue reading the contents at the back of the mailbox.

126. I know you are shocked, and I feel as unbelievable as you when I know the truth, but that is the fact.

After I was drunk, Lepingan sent me back to my dormitory and implanted a listening chip in my body during this period.

Everything that happened at that time was filmed by the experts sent by the Scarlet Research Institute.

Attached video here (video attachment)

Click on the video, the perspective is from a high altitude, and it is still moving forward rapidly.

Below is Le Pingan, who is carrying Future Him on his back, heading towards the dormitory building.

After Le Ping'an took his future self into Room 301, the figure of the strong man from the Scarlet Research Institute turned into a shadow and followed him in close to the crack of the door. A miniature camera was then installed on the roof, allowing him to clearly see the room. The scene inside.

Lepingan took off his shirt, took out a chip from his mouth, then cut open the back of his neck with his nails and implanted the chip.

As Lepin's hands glowed with green fluorescence and he released medical spells, the wounds on his back healed at an extremely fast speed, leaving no scars.

Next, Lepingan put on his shirt and thoughtfully poured a glass of water on the bedside before leaving.

Lepingan's series of actions all proved that he was a werewolf.

This made Feng Qi couldn't help but suspect that the science and technology research institute behind Leping'an was a dark force.

But there is one question that cannot be answered.

Mo Fei later also worked at the Institute of Science and Technology. Didn't Mo Fei know all this from beginning to end?

With doubts, he continued to read the subsequent contents of the mailbox.

127. When I woke up, I couldn't feel the existence of the chip at all, but I didn't choose to remove this chip, otherwise I would alert the enemy.

It will be an important clue for my next search for dark forces.

129. After confirming that Le Pingan is a werewolf, the Scarlet Research Institute has launched a secret investigation of Le Pingan. I think relevant information about Le Pingan will be released soon.

134. Today, Scarlet Research Institute sent a piece of information about Lepingan.

His parents are core members of the Science and Technology Research Institute and have always worked in the Science and Technology Research Institute. There is no doubt at all from this information.

After Weiwei contacted me, she said that the top management of the Scarlet Research Institute now suspects that the dark force may be the Science and Technology Research Institute, and is preparing to launch a secret investigation (text contact to prevent the chat content from being stolen by the monitoring chip).

The top management of Scarlet Research Institute has the same idea as me.

There are only two possibilities now.

1. The Science and Technology Research Institute is a cancerous force hidden in the dark.

2. Lepingan and his parents are spies planted by the dark forces in the Science and Technology Research Institute.

No matter which result, it proves that the Science and Technology Research Institute has been infiltrated, and may even be completely controlled by dark forces.

I also cannot ignore the possibility that there is not only Lepingan as a werewolf among the students, but the other students will also have to undergo various investigations and undergo a series of tests on them.

168. During this period, information gaps were continuously used to test all students. The rest of the students passed the test, except Lepingan, who was exposed again as a werewolf during the test.

Now I am sure that apart from Le Ping'an, all the students are trustworthy.

171. Now the Scarlet Research Institute has launched a comprehensive investigation into the Science and Technology Research Institute, but this investigation cannot be conducted openly, otherwise it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the dark forces, so the progress is very slow.

173. Today, while Le Pingan was going home, I called all the students to my room. After carefully checking the room, I used my mobile phone to type and tell them the fact that Le Pingan was a werewolf.

The students were all in disbelief about this. During this period, Lu Yue even expressed whether he wanted to kill Lepin.

I immediately rejected Lu Yue's idea, because Lepingan was not important at all, the dark forces behind him were the focus.

He cannot die until he clearly finds the dark forces.

182. The Scarlet Research Institute’s investigation has made progress.

According to the information sent by Weiwei, the Science and Technology Research Institute did have a series of abnormal behaviors before.

For example, the Institute of Science and Technology once rejected a plan on artificial intelligence.

The proposer of this plan believes that human work efficiency is too low, and it is possible to build an artificial intelligence system with ultra-efficient processing capabilities to process existing data instead of humans.

With the advancement of artificial intelligence learning, big data can even be relied upon to provide professional guidance on the physical condition and subsequent growth direction of all practitioners in the future.

The proposer of the plan is a teacher from the "Science and Technology Institute", and he has also completed the first step of artificial intelligence architecture.

However, this plan was rejected by the Science and Technology Research Institute before it was fully launched.

The Science and Technology Research Institute believes that the development of artificial intelligence is simply unachievable with current technology.

Real artificial intelligence requires a variety of abilities, such as observation, memory, imagination, creativity, analytical judgment, thinking ability, adaptability, reasoning ability, etc.

Instead of just processing information according to orders, that is artificial intelligence, not artificial intelligence.

Therefore, it rejected this technology and stated that it would not invest resources and energy in developing artificial intelligence.

However, according to the results of the Scarlet Research Institute's investigation, the teacher who proposed this concept already has a very good set of logical algorithms. Except for the inability to give artificial intelligence autonomous consciousness, other problems can be solved.

At that time, major research institutes expressed interest in this technology.

The Future Research Institute even stated that if the Science and Technology Research Institute has no ideas, then they are willing to take over the development of this project.

But only a month later, the teacher from the science and technology university died mysteriously in the teachers' dormitory. All his research materials were destroyed, and no reason or clue could be found.

Looking at it now, it is very likely that he died in an assassination attempt by the Science and Technology Research Institute.

If the Science and Technology Research Institute has been completely infiltrated, they certainly don't want humans to produce a super technology that can change the future.

If artificial intelligence is really created, human science and technology will enter a stage of rapid development. Secondly, the development of science and technology can also assist the development of cultivation. This is definitely not a good thing for the dark forces that always want to destroy mankind.

197. Now among the students, except Le Pingan, who is still disguising himself as usual, everyone else is acting with him.

Everyone knew that he was the spy, but he didn't know that he had been exposed.

The students' acting skills were very good. Even Lu Yue communicated with Le Ping'an normally without drawing a sword.

235. The investigation seemed to have reached a bottleneck, and the Scarlet Research Institute could not reach the core area of ​​the Science and Technology Research Institute.

In order to investigate the secrets of the Science and Technology Research Institute, the Scarlet Research Institute made a decision. They wanted to train a talent to sneak into the Science and Technology Research Institute.

But this plan will take some time.

The problem is, I may die suddenly due to some accident at any time, and I feel like I simply can’t afford to wait.

238. A decision was made today to hand over the organization to Lu Yuelai, and he will be fully responsible for all subsequent matters.

I decided to join the Scarlet Research Institute and cooperate with the investigation of the dark forces.

Regarding my decision, Lu Yue and others did not reject it.

Because they knew what I was trying to do, and that was far more important than building an organization.

At the same time, Lu Yue said that as long as the details of the investigation are revealed, he will kill Lepingan. During this period, he will also expand his power, waiting for the dark forces to surface and then declare war on them.

241. Prepare to go to Scarlet Research Institute and start my new life.

I did not choose to remove the chip from the back of my head. The Scarlet Research Institute tried to use the signal transmitted by this chip to locate the location of the dark forces.

However, Scarlet Research Institute's technology in this area is weak, and it cannot seek help from outside research institutes. After all, potential dark forces may not only include science and technology research institutes, and seeking help may lead to cancerous forces.

245. After bidding farewell to the students, I declared to the outside world that I wanted to participate in the research of bioscience and technology.

Regarding Lepingan, I had already laid the groundwork a few months ago.

I have revealed before, intentionally or unintentionally, that I am now very interested in biological science and technology, and hope to develop an advanced technology that can regenerate severed limbs.

So Le Pingan did not have any doubts about leaving this time. He just expressed regret that he would not be able to work with me to work for the rise of mankind in the future.

Hearing these words, I felt uncomfortable and wanted to know what he was thinking in his heart at this time.

389. The infiltration of the Science and Technology Research Institute obviously cannot be completed overnight, and the investigation cannot be carried out openly, so the information that can be obtained is very limited, and I can only choose to wait.

During this period, I launched a series of new technologies in the Scarlet Research Institute, which convinced the Scarlet Research Institute of my identity as a time traveler.

393. The investigation reached a bottleneck, and the listening chip on my body was also removed.

If this chip remains in the Scarlet Research Institute, it will always be a hidden danger. As for whether it will alert others, there is no need to worry.

From the perspective of the dark forces, they only thought that I had discovered the listening chip, but there was no clear clue as to who implanted it in my body.

Moreover, during this period, I did not show any behavior that could truly threaten the dark forces.

394. After removing the chip, I underwent a series of physical examinations and found that all hidden dangers on my body were completely eliminated.

Today, when I was talking to old lady Wei Wei, I asked her about Mu Jun.

But the old woman Wei Wei knew very little about Mu Jun, even less than I did.

All I know is that she is a mysterious old woman who has lived for a long time. She has only been seen once and never appeared again.

She thought she might never see her again in her life.

But I know she can see Mu Jun one more time, and that's when she creates the sucker.

Maybe at that time Mu Yan thought the sucker was a new "miracle", and then it appeared in front of her again.


The investigation has still made no progress, and today the Scarlet Research Institute held a meeting.

They decided to put out fishing bait to test the Institute of Science and Technology.

As for the bait, it must be something that can attract the Science and Technology Research Institute, so that they can show their fox tail.

The meeting lasted for most of the day, and it was finally decided to release a super technology to attract the attention of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

It doesn't matter whether this technology can be implemented.

During the discussion, Weiwei proposed a biotechnology "cell rebirth". The goal of this technology is that as long as one cell survives, the dead can be completely resurrected.

In this way, mankind will have warriors that cannot be killed.

This technology does not exist at all, but as long as the Science and Technology Research Institute believes in it, they will inevitably prevent the development of this technology.

There is one more thing before the plan starts. Who will bear this risk, that is, the "initiator" of this technology.

Wei Wei said that she would bear the risk of being assassinated, and the top management agreed.

But I voted against it, not because I felt sorry for the old woman, but because I thought that since I could never escape the fate of dying young, it would be better for me to take the risk.

Besides, the technology I developed to regenerate severed limbs has already caused a sensation in the outside world, so it is reasonable to propose a more powerful technology again.

If I am assassinated, I can give my mailbox to Wei Wei and ask her to collect more information for me.

529. The plan was officially launched. The top management of the Scarlet Research Institute jointly wrote a bluffing 65-page report, which described the concept of "cell regeneration technology" and stated to the outside world that this technology was completely achievable.

This report indeed caused a sensation in major research institutes.

As for me who "proposed" the concept, I was also pushed to the forefront. Major research institutes and online public opinion all praised me. Some media even wrote articles thinking that I would lead mankind to victory.

The dark forces must be paying close attention to me now, and I am in danger of being assassinated at any time, so I am trembling.

During this period, Scarlet Research Institute secretly deployed spies near the Science and Technology Research Institute to observe the movements of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

The bait has been set, now it's just waiting for the dark forces to take the bait.

If you are sure that the Science and Technology Research Institute is the dark force, you should not hesitate and be soft-hearted after returning to reality, so that you can launch a series of "detoxification" operations.

There is another update that will be later, probably after 12 o'clock.

It's equivalent to moving today's update to tomorrow== The coding is too slow, I'm sad, I'll stay up late tonight to code it out, everyone should go to sleep first.

ヾ(〇`)Code words make me happy

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