I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 160 Record-breaking

Institute of Science and Technology.

Feng Qi was naked from the waist up, lying in front of the sink and vomiting blood.

During this time, the sequelae of biochemical modification have become more and more serious.

He felt that he couldn't survive much longer, and now he relied entirely on willpower for support.

But the body also gives feedback that it can no longer function properly.

Turning on the water source and washing away the shocking blood stains on the sink, he looked up at the mirror.

In the mirror, his face was pale, his body was covered with scars, his eyes were bloodshot, and even his hair had almost completely fallen off due to the sequelae of biochemical modification, and he looked hideous and embarrassed.

After rinsing his mouth, he bent down and stood up.

When he came to the bedroom, he changed into a black uniform and covered his head with a hat.

After leaving the room, he turned to look to the right and found that the black shadow had arrived at some unknown time.

The shadow's appearance could not be seen clearly, only the red eyes in the darkness could be seen.

"Can you still hold on?"

"I am fine."

"Every member of the core circle of the institute has their own pursuit, so they can be used by me because I can satisfy their desires, whether it is longevity, health, money, etc... But you are an exception."

Having said that, the shadow continued after being silent for a while:

"You are evil through and through, and my favorite warrior in the academy."

"I just thought you were praising me." Feng Qi said with a ferocious smile.

"What a pity. In fact, I originally wanted to train you, but I didn't expect you to be so cruel to yourself. You even chose to biochemically modify yourself in order to climb to this position."

"Aren't you able to meet any request? Can you restore my health?" Feng Qi asked expressionlessly.

"Yes, but you have completely overdrawn your life. It will cost me a lot to fully recover you."

"So I'm not worth the big cost for you to save?"

"That's right, but I can fulfill one of your wishes before you die." Black Shadow said seriously.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi sneered in his heart, but still asked:

"Actually, I have always been curious about one thing. If humans are destroyed in the future, what will you do next?"

Facing the inquiry, Heiying was silent for a long time, and then said:

"Keep fighting until my tribe and I can survive when the tide comes."

"General trend?"

"When the general trend comes, we will all be insignificant. Whether we can survive is completely unknown. Human beings are just a stumbling block on the road to our survival. Destroying them is for better progress, but it is not the end."

"Tell me more about it."

"You don't need to know too much, you won't survive that day." The black shadow slowly faded away as he spoke.

Looking at the position where the black shadow disappeared, Feng Qi fell into deep thought.

General trend?

The final battle of the end of the world that Mu Zi faced suddenly appeared in his mind. The color of the world changed and everything withered.

Is the arrival of that day the general trend?

Doesn’t this day symbolize the complete victory of the domain forces?

Could it be that the monsters emerging from the void are also enemies of creatures in their realm?

He found that the forces in the domain were also intricate and seemed to hide many secrets.

If these forces that are infiltrating human civilization choose to cooperate, they can completely overturn human civilization, but they choose to hide in the dark and develop silently.

In particular, the field forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute continue to provide resources to the "traitors" of the Science and Technology Research Institute and use their research results to strengthen themselves.

It also consumes huge resources just to create psychic nanoworms.

Then think about the fact that the Tiger Soul Research Institute has been lying in wait for thousands of years, just to harvest all mankind and obtain the huge power of Qi and blood.

The forces in these two fields seem to be accumulating strength and development, and both have their own ultimate weapons.

Is this a response to the coming trend?

But he obviously didn't have time to understand the answer to this question.

Stepping out of the base, the soldiers of the Third Regiment outside the base were already waiting.

Feng Qi said nothing and walked forward.

The soldiers of the third battle group retreated automatically to make way, and followed Feng Qi after he passed by.

A new mission is about to begin.

During this period of time, the confrontation between the Science and Technology Research Institute and the Hupo Research Institute has become increasingly fierce.

Judging from the current battle, the Science and Technology Research Institute has a clear advantage, and it has suppressed the Hupo Research Institute in terms of public opinion.

News continues to spread on the Internet that Hupo Research Institute has been infiltrated by domain forces.

The field forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute are very smart and try to defeat the Hupo Research Institute in the same way that the Scarlet Research Institute was defeated in the previous timeline.

However, the offensive of public opinion has very limited effect on Hupo Research Institute.

Compared with the mysterious Scarlet Academy, the Tiger Academy has always been one of the bright lights of the cultivation system in the world's impression.

It also often holds various external activities.

For example, the Hu Soul Concept Competition, the Hu Soul Cultivation System Planning Competition, etc.

Therefore, there are many netizens on the Internet who side with the Hupo Research Institute and angrily complain that the Internet trolls are out of their minds.

Compared with the public opinion offensive, the two war groups have also fought several times, and each has suffered losses.

However, relying on various black technology products developed by "Mo", the small-scale Conflict Technology Research Institute has an advantage.

On this mission, he will lead the third domain war group to leave the future city and go north to hijack a batch of domain resources that are about to be sent to the Hupo Research Institute.

The risk factor of today's missions is getting higher and higher.

Facing the attack from the Science and Technology Research Institute, Hupo Research Institute has already taken precautions.

On this mission, he will most likely have to face the interception of the Tiger Soul Research Institute's battle group.

There may be a risk of death by then.

But the current situation is exactly what he wants. As long as the conflict continues to escalate, the forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute and the Hupo Research Institute will end.

It's just a small fight now, but then it will be a real war.

When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

Perhaps after his death, the Scarlet Research Institute can also obtain important information from the battle between the two forces.

History will also change due to the struggle between the two forces.

After several days of long journey, Feng Qi led the third battle group to a deserted airport.

This airport is one of the transfer stations for domain resources.

After all, this is not the ancient time. The resources produced from the domain field do not need to be escorted by escorts. They are usually sent to the transit airport and then directly to the institute by transport plane.

Therefore, if you want to plunder the domain resources of Hu Po Research Institute, the transfer station is the best place.

Lurking in the forest outside the transit airport, they used high-altitude drones to track and observe the resource escort group approaching from a distance.

After waiting for a long time, the battle group escorting the resources arrived at the resource transfer station with the supplies.

At this time, there are already two Hupo Research Institute's exclusive resource transport aircraft waiting.

Realizing that the time had come, he immediately issued the order to attack.

The soldiers of the Third Chapter, who were armed to the teeth, rushed out of the forest and rushed to the airport. The drones in the sky directly blew up two resource transport aircraft, cutting off the retreat of the Hupo resource escort team.

The Hupo Research Institute was obviously prepared, and a convoy of hundreds of people immediately launched a counterattack.

Each warrior stood in a different position and released the spiritual energy in his body at the same time. Suddenly, a golden pattern appeared under their feet, crisscrossing and connecting all the warriors, and an earth-yellow energy array suddenly formed.

Feng Qi stood at the back, quietly watching the changes in the battle situation, but did not personally join the battle.

His body is now in a state of exhaustion, and he is no longer allowed to engage in any high-intensity battles.

But he wanted to use his remaining lifespan to obtain more information.

It's a day that lasts a day.

This time the Hupo Research Institute was on guard. Even though the warriors of the third battle group were equipped with various high-end spiritual weapons, facing the offensive and defensive spiritual formation of the Hupo Research Institute, it was still difficult to break through in a short period of time, and the battle situation became anxious.

But in terms of numbers, they had an absolute advantage.

It was only a matter of time before the defense was breached.

Especially since the "spiritual energy restricted area ball" has been thrown, the spiritual energy within a one kilometer radius has been dispelled, and the soldiers of the Tiger Soul Academy are unable to continue.

Just as Feng Qi expected, the battle lasted until the third hour, and the spiritual formation shattered into pieces, turning into raindrops of spiritual energy and falling down.

What followed was a one-sided massacre.

In a short period of time, a large number of soldiers from the Tiger Academy fell into a pool of blood.

Feng Qi also began to contact the logistics department of the Science and Technology Research Institute at this moment, preparing for them to send a transport plane to pick up the supplies.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

A large number of soldiers suddenly emerged from the forest behind the airport.

Feng Qi, who was standing at the rear, was immediately surrounded and captured before he could react.

At this time, Feng Qi saw the marks on their clothes and confirmed their origins.

Combined Military Department.

These soldiers from the joint military headquarters then attacked the soldiers from the third regiment of the Science and Technology Research Institute, and started a bloody massacre.

Facing the sudden offensive, the soldiers of the third battle group were caught off guard and struggled to resist.

The soldiers of these joint research institutes are obviously well-prepared. Each one of them is the best among the best and is extremely powerful.

After a while, most of the soldiers of the third battle group were killed.

"I received a request for help from the Hupo Research Institute, saying that this batch of materials would be looted, but I never thought that it would be your Science and Technology Research Institute. It seems that there is a big problem within the Science and Technology Research Institute."

At this time, an officer standing next to Feng Qi looked at him with a complicated expression and said.

After hearing these words, Feng Qi realized something.

They were put together by the Hu Po Research Institute.

Apparently the Hupo Research Institute knew that the Science and Technology Research Institute would come to plunder this batch of materials, so it notified the Joint Research Institute in advance, conveying the message that this batch of materials might be robbed and needed protection.

Arriving at this moment, they were caught at the scene.

Using a borrowed knife to kill people, he sacrificed the lives of some of his subordinate soldiers in exchange for the suppression of the Science and Technology Research Institute by various forces.

When the battle was over, Feng Qi and a group of captured soldiers from the Third Legion were escorted onto the subsequent transport plane and sent to the United Military Headquarters.

Feng Qi knew very well what he would face next.

He also knew what the Institute of Science and Technology would do.

In the eyes of the forces behind the scenes of the Science and Technology Research Institute, they are just pawns.

When such a big thing happens, the first thing to do is to clarify it, and then choose to abandon him.

Just as Feng Qi expected.

The outside public was in an uproar that day, wondering why the "Wolf-loving Domain Group" belonging to the Science and Technology Research Institute would attack the resource transportation team of the Hupo Research Institute.

At this time, the Hupo Research Institute took the lead and questioned the Science and Technology Research Institute, as if they had not expected all this and were shocked by it.

The response from the Science and Technology Research Institute was also clear.

They suspected that the Wolf-loving Domain Chapter was controlled by domain forces and that this operation had nothing to do with the Science and Technology Research Institute.

The outside world generally chose to believe the Science and Technology Research Institute’s defense.

However, there are also doubting voices who believe that the Wolf-loving Domain Chapter is a subordinate war group of the Science and Technology Research Institute. It is impossible for the whole group to dispatch the Science and Technology Institute without knowing it. Didn't they ask about the direction of the Wolf-thirsty Chapter's actions this time?

Feng Qi, who was at the center of public opinion, was imprisoned in the prison of the United Military Headquarters during this period, and what he had to face next was a much-anticipated trial.

During this period, another big thing happened.

The soldiers of the Third Chapter captured in the prison suddenly died suddenly and their bodies disappeared under the erosion of spiritual energy.

Except for Feng Qi, who was still alive, no one else was spared.

After learning the news during cross-examination, Feng Qi already understood what happened.

Apparently, the creature behind the scenes that controlled the Science and Technology Research Institute remotely triggered the death mark, causing a group of soldiers to die instantly.

Prevent news that may be detrimental to the Science and Technology Research Institute.

But he is an exception.

The death mark in his body had already been cracked by Wei Wei.

The psychic imprint left in his body now has no power. It is just an empty shell used to confuse the domain creatures behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Therefore, when the creature in the behind-the-scenes realm triggers the mark, he is not affected.

This incident quickly shocked the top brass of the Joint Military Department.

That night, Feng Qi was put on "spirit-binding handcuffs" to prevent him from manipulating the aura in his body to trigger potential fatal factors in his body. At the same time, he also underwent a series of physical examinations.

Make sure he is safe and sound before the Day of Judgment.

Feng Qi could already guess what the outcome of this trial would be.

No matter whether he is controlled by the domain forces or not, he will die because he has committed the unforgivable "treason".

At this moment, he was sitting blankly in the dark cell, without any disturbance in his heart.

When this day comes, he has already been mentally prepared.

And his body couldn't support it for much longer, and he couldn't continue walking for the other person.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a sense of relief.

He was so tired from walking all this way, and he was finally able to rest.

Three days later, Feng Qi, wearing prison uniform, was escorted out of the prison.

The next location is the trial venue of the Joint Research Institute. At this time, representatives from all major research institutes have arrived, and the entire trial process is live broadcast online.

Under the escort of joint military soldiers, he walked onto the trial bench.

"Feng Qi, give the world an explanation and tell us about the crimes you have committed..."

Faced with the inquisitor's constant inquiries, Feng Qi did not respond.

He will not let the Hupo Research Institute get what he wants. What he wants is for the Science and Technology Research Institute and the Hupo Research Institute to be evenly matched, rather than for the Hupo Research Institute to use him to suppress the Science and Technology Research Institute.

He is also looking forward to the next escalation of the war between the Science and Technology Research Institute and the Hupo Research Institute.

It's just that he can't see this scene anymore.

When the judge asked why he did this, Feng Qi remained silent without giving an explanation.

Because the explanation made him feel like a sinner.

Thinking that people in the future would label themselves "traitors of mankind" in history, he suddenly remembered a passage he had said during his conversation with Lao Wang.

History books are too small to contain a person’s complicated life.

The history book is too big, and a page turned at random may record a person's magnificent life.

The trial ended inconclusively, and he was returned to prison.

What awaited him next was round after round of torture.

Even equipment similar to the "Truth Machine" of the Science and Technology Research Institute was used.

However, his nearly decayed body could not withstand the torture. As soon as the torture began, he vomited blood and fell into coma.

Having no choice but to seek the opinions of various research institutes, the Joint Research Institute decided to publicly execute him as a warning to others.

Feng Qi didn't have the slightest fear in his heart when he learned from the joint military supervisor that he was about to go to the guillotine.

Just ask for supervision:

"Today is what year and what month is it?"

When he learned the specific date, a smile appeared on his face and he murmured:

"It's a record-breaking record. If the narrator were here, he would definitely be cheering for me."

The typhoon has disappeared. Well, let’s ask for a monthly ticket.

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