I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 193 Super Virtual Game Planning

In the next few days, Feng Qi did not choose to enter the future dreamland.

The effect of the overlapping memories has not faded yet, and he needs to wait a few days to digest it.

In the past few days, he has been busy studying the formation of the battle group and teaching training.

As for the five-star "Infinite" cultivation technique, he did not plan to throw it out all at once, and decided to teach it from the basics.

Give the outside world a process of step-by-step improvement in the study of exercises.

As for the creation of virtual games, he has also made plans.

Before entering Star City Academy, I knew that you had already built a "future virtual" engine. The main problem was the perfection and improvement of the virtual engine.

This is also the direction that Fang Zhiyou has been working hard at this stage.

Three days later, Scarlet Research Institute.

The taxi slowly stopped outside the metal fence of the Scarlet Research Institute.

After getting out of the car, Feng Qi looked at Wei Wei who was standing at the entrance of the base wall, with a smile on his face.

Now that he has determined that the Scarlet Research Institute is completely trustworthy, he decided to cooperate with the Scarlet Research Institute in reality, especially in the creation of super virtual games.

"What are you laughing at? Do we know each other well?" Wei Wei said with a speechless face as she stepped in front of him.

"Coming here feels like going home."

Hearing these words, Wei Wei was stunned:

"Could it be that you were one of the specimens in our laboratory in your previous life? Are you here to find the remains of your previous life?"

"Let's talk at the base first. Some things are not convenient to talk outside." With that said, Feng Qi walked towards the wall.

Wei Wei saw this and immediately followed.

Arrive at the base gate, go through identity authentication, and walk along the passage into the base.

Along the way, Weiwei had many doubts in her heart.

She found that Feng Qi was very familiar with this place, and it didn't look like it was his first time here.

You even know which level requires identity authentication.

After walking for a while, Wei Wei couldn't help but ask:

"Why do you feel like you know so much about the situation in our Scarlet Base? Have you really been here before?"

"Not only have I been here, but I have also lived there for a few months." Faced with the inquiry, Feng Qi grinned.

"You seem to have a lot of secrets." Wei Wei said curiously.

"Yes, this time I came to confess my secret to you."

"Aren't you going to talk to me about the creation of a super virtual game?"

"There is a more important confession ahead."

During the chat, Wei Wei took him to the reception room.

Without hesitation, he decisively told Wei Wei his secret in detail.

Listening to his story, Wei Wei's expression gradually turned serious from indifferent at the beginning.

When she learned that they had worked together on several future lines to save the world, Wei Wei finally understood why Feng Qi said that returning to Scarlet Base was like going home.

Because in the previous timeline, Feng Qi was also regarded as family here.

After understanding the reason, Wei Wei asked him to wait for a moment and then left the reception room.

After a while, Wei Wei returned and took him to the Scarlet Supreme Conference Room.

The process was the same as in his memory. Before entering the Scarlet Supreme Meeting, he went through a series of physical examinations and changed his clothes.

After passing all the checks, he came to the highest conference room.

When he came to sit down next to Wei Wei, he got straight to the point and directly recounted his experience.

Compared with the previous future line, this time there is more information about the previous timeline.

After listening to his story, the Scarlet executives sitting at the conference table were silent for a long time before they came back to their senses.

The amount of information was too much, which gave them some indigestion.

From this information, they understood that Feng Qi was not joking, but had actually experienced it himself.

While shocked by the intelligence information, their eyes changed when they looked at Feng Qi.

They could not imagine that this young man had struggled tenaciously in despair again and again, overcoming his own cowardice and confusion, and still firmly chose to stand on the side of mankind and shed his blood to save the world.

"Feng Qi, I am lucky to have you as a human race." The scarlet dean, who was already full of white hair, stood up at this time, his eyes were sincere, and then he bent down and bowed to him.

The other senior executives also stood up at this time.

"Dean, the human race is lucky to have companions like you." Feng Qi also stood up at this time and bowed to the scarlet executives.

Scarlet Research Institute’s efforts in every timeline are of great significance.

From the initial intelligence investigation, talent blind box... to the current memory implantation related technology, every Scarlet Man is unknown and firmly walking on the road to salvation.

Even if you eat nutritional supplements every day, you still need to keep resources on important research and development.

Especially Wei Wei, as a foodie, she is willing to work for hundreds of years for a piece of research.

Each of their efforts is worthy of recognition.

If it weren't for these fellow travelers from the Scarlet Research Institute who stood firmly behind him and cleared away many obstacles for him, his progress would have been stumbling and he would have fallen heavily from time to time.

He was always grateful for this comradeship.

In the following time, he discussed with the Scarlet Research Institute the idea of ​​building an all-round research institute and the development of super virtual games.

The idea of ​​sealing chess is simple.

Let Scarlet Research Institute participate in the development and creation of super virtual games, and then share the profits generated after the game is released.

For this plan, many senior executives of the Scarlet Research Institute seemed very interested and expressed their opinions one after another.

Several of the suggestions made Feng Qi's eyes light up.

For example, Director Li of the Scarlet Field Biological Research Department said that super virtual games can completely expand and develop many contents.

For example, domain copies.

However, the workload in copy development is too huge, and we have to plagiarize from relevant future technologies.

That is to say, the seeds must be planted in advance, and then the finished product can be copied in the future.

But there are flaws here too.

At this stage, knowledge implantation technology has a capacity limit, and future super virtual technology may be the product of N generations of updates, resulting in incompatibility.

Simply copying the content in the future database to create a virtual copy is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and is also very inefficient.

In this direction, Wei Wei proposed a more effective method.

That is to allow players to collect data in person, and then create domain copies. As long as they are certified by the copy review department, they can be released in the game and then enjoy the copy revenue share.

What they have to do is to provide players with a "dungeon world editor" so that players can create their own creations.

Maybe there will be many excellent dungeons that allow players to have fun and improve their strength.

During the discussion, six general directions for super virtual games were determined.

The first is the core, multiplayer match-based competition.

This is the core of the super virtual game and the original intention of the development of the super virtual game. Everything is mainly to serve cultivators to improve their confrontation awareness and skills.

The second direction is the creation of domain copies.

In addition to the related copies of the fields that are simulated in reality in Fengqi's concept, you can also add virtual field copies created by players using the game's built-in editor.

It is similar to the settings of the Warcraft map editor before Cataclysm.

In terms of details, they also added a number of restrictions to players' self-created copies during the discussion.

For example, a copy that can pass the review must not be a purely entertainment copy.

For example, dungeons that engage in color, dungeons that are purely for casual farming, etc.

The existence of these copies violates the original intention of developing super virtual games, and consumes the energy and time of practitioners. Instead of promoting the development of overall human strength, it will actually hinder the development of the game.

This is not the age of entertainment to death. Entertainment can be entertained, but it must be combined with actual content.

While creating an environment for practitioners to make progress, they also bring happiness.

Therefore, all purely entertainment content must be eliminated.

Detailed planning in this area will be handed over to the copy review team formed by Scarlet Research.

The third direction is the direction of virtual R\u0026D experiments.

For example, many virtual experiment projects only need to simulate the corresponding scenes and materials in virtual games, and then conduct experiments in the virtual environment.

The experimental results may not be completely similar to reality, but they have great reference value.

It can effectively improve the utilization of resources and reduce unnecessary waste.

In terms of virtual research and development, Feng Qi and a group of Scarlet senior executives decided during discussions that they would not be open to the public for the time being and would only be conducted within the Scarlet Research Institute.

After all, there is no completely reliable other research institute that can cooperate at this stage, and everything remains to be investigated.

Wait until an absolutely reliable "fellow" research institute appears in the future, and then share virtual experimental scenarios that are only for internal use.

The fourth direction is revenue planning for virtual games.

Keeping super virtual games running is extremely expensive.

After all, this game requires a multiplayer online server.

Other expenses include team expenses for daily maintenance of the game, etc.

The Scarlet Research Institute's funds also need to be invested in other research, and it is impossible to spend all of them on super virtual games.

The original intention of Fengqi to create virtual games is to promote the progress of human civilization and earn profits from it to cover future expenses.

During the discussion, he and senior executives from the Scarlet Research Institute decided that this super virtual game would adopt a free + paid model.

The specific direction is that players can download games and experience game content for free.

Charges apply for additional items.

However, these charging items need to ensure that they do not destroy the fairness of the game content and do not affect the core content of the game.

The tentative fee items are as follows:

1. The ornamental appearance in the game, that is, clothes and accessories, requires money to purchase.

2. Players' own entertainment copies in the game need to be downloaded for a fee (after approval), and 1-20% of the revenue will be distributed to the copy creator (the specific proportion of revenue distribution depends on the quality of the player's self-created copies).

3. Specific avatar icons in the game need to be purchased.

4. Players’ spontaneous trading activities, such as trading accessories and clothes, will be charged a transaction fee of 5%.

5. Souvenirs derived from the game will be charged.

The fifth direction is the release of virtual game warehouses.

The creation of super virtual games has almost been solved, and the virtual engine has been created, but it lacks improvement and perfection.

In this regard, Scarlet Research Institute will assist Fang Zhiyou in subsequent development.

Including talent recruitment and training in art.

But a crucial question remains unresolved.

Super virtual games need to be released with a game warehouse. Without a game warehouse, no matter how good the game is, it will be useless.

After all, brain-neuron docking is also another core direction of virtual games.

There are ready-made partners for cooperation in this regard.

The president of the Scarlet Research Institute immediately stated that he would contact Li Xingchen in the near future and then start cooperation in virtual game warehouse distribution.

And increase the progress of building a virtual game warehouse.

The sixth direction is game promotion.

In terms of promotion, Scarlet Research Institute has its own publicity and distribution channels, but they are not necessarily suitable for game distribution and promotion.

After all, the Scarlet Research Institute has a rather special status.

It is an independent institution. In addition to self-digestion, its research results generally serve the field groups, but do not serve major universities.

Therefore, in the future, the Scarlet Research Institute will need to contact the senior officials of various universities and promote super virtual games.

The promotion costs in this area are completely negligible.

Although the Scarlet Research Institute is an independent special institution, it has the full right to connect scientific research projects that are beneficial to human development with the Ministry of Education and arrange them directly in major universities.

For example, each university is required to purchase and install a number of game warehouses, and then promote super virtual game projects to players, etc.

Therefore, for other games, the most expensive promotion link is the easiest problem to solve here at Scarlet Research Institute.

As for promotion to non-practitioners, we will not consider it for the time being.

But there are exceptions, such as those middle school students who have not yet been exposed to Cultivation Studies, but are ready to start.

After all, this game mainly serves cultivators.

As for the future, researchers may also be added.

The rest of the ordinary players who are not cultivators and scientific researchers are completely dispensable targets.

Even if you can earn a lot of money from them.

But making money is never the core direction of this game.

In addition to these six major directions, there are many other supplementary contents.

For example, during the initial testing phase of a super virtual game, which target groups should be targeted, how many internal beta trial codes should be distributed, etc.

Time passed quickly during the discussion.

When it was time to eat, Feng Qi and a group of senior executives from the Scarlet Research Institute came to the restaurant.

After a sumptuous dinner, everyone returned to the highest conference room and started discussions all night long.

It can be seen that the senior executives of Scarlet Research Institute are very interested in creating a super virtual game and are willing to invest a lot of energy to make this game better.

It's not that they want to make money, but they, like Feng Qi, believe that the emergence of this super virtual game can greatly promote the development of human civilization.

And the super virtual game they are planning is a super improved version of the future version.

The previous super virtual games in the future line were purely based on the confrontation between players to improve players' combat awareness and skills, as well as their proficiency in releasing spells.

It can also be called a duel simulator.

But in the minds of senior executives at the Scarlet Research Institute.

On the basis of the original, Super Virtual Game has also developed a second world that integrates field knowledge popularization, field field simulation exploration, experimental research simulation, confrontation field biological simulation, and many other contents.

If this super virtual game can be created, human development potential in all aspects will be greatly improved.

In the eyes of senior executives at the Scarlet Research Institute, the value of this game is comparable to a god-level cultivation technique that only exists in imagination.

So Feng Qi can completely understand why they are so interested in creating a super virtual game.

It was late at night, and the lights were still on in the highest conference room.

Feng Qi and a group of fellow travelers stayed up all night, drawing a blueprint for the future development of mankind.

When they talked about the bright future, they couldn't help but get excited about it.

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