I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 206 Newborn Calf

After the graduation party, everyone has a new life trajectory.

Mu Qing carried her luggage and embarked on the road to the front line of combat.

Lin Ran joined the Hupo Research Institute and began research on magic.

At this time, Wang Shengjin came to the Scarlet Research Institute and launched a research project to crack the "Flesh Sacrifice".

Feng Qi is also on the road to becoming stronger.

But they all hold a common ideal in their hearts and strive for the rise of mankind.

New World, Eastern Region, North.

To the north of Winter City is the supply area.

It snows here all year round, and everything is covered in thick snow.

But there is a small supply town here.

It’s called a supply zone here, but every supply zone is the front line against domain invasion.

It is also the garrison of battle groups from all major fields.

All facilities in the city were built to serve the domain battle groups, and a large number of high-tech weapons were equipped inside and outside the city.

In the heavy snow, a transport plane slowly landed on the runway under the instruction of the signal light.

A moment later, Mu Qing, carrying an oversized luggage, pushed her luggage to this small supply town.

She looked down at the "New World" map in her hand, and then walked straight to the north of the supply area.

The New World is what people called this world after the disaster. It is divided into four regions: east, south, west, north, and the center.

The eastern region is divided into six cities.

They are Galaxy City in the west, Star City in the south, Future City in the center, Victory City in the east, Old City in the northeast, and finally Winter City in the north.

Each city has its own development characteristics.

Because they are divided by domain fields, each city is independent of each other, more like the Allies before the Cataclysm.

But the relationship between them is very close.

Whenever other cities are attacked by domain fields, other cities will send forces to support them.

For example, when Star City supported Future City, the Memorial Cemetery of Star City Volunteer Soldiers remains in Future City.

The highest authority in each city is held by a parliament composed of representatives from major research institutes, military departments, and other top institutions.

At the same time, the six major cities in the eastern part of the New World also formed a joint research institute and a joint military department, as well as the Eastern District Supreme Council to connect with the city alliances in other regions of the New World.

The seemingly scattered human forces are actually very closely related.

Everyone understands the principle of cold lips and tooth decay.

Coupled with the mutual support over the years, the relationship between major cities has become closer.

The feeling of ordinary people traveling out of one city to another city is no different from traveling across provinces before the disaster. At the same time, major cities also share databases and connect to the Internet.

The top meetings of major cities have also clearly stipulated that all attempts to undermine relations between major cities will be severely punished.

After a while, Mu Qing arrived at her destination pushing her luggage.

This is a towering building shaped like a fist, with a metal plaque reading "Chapter Recruitment Office" hung in the center of the building.

After brushing the snow off her body, Mu Qing walked into the building carrying a bag that was bigger than herself.

The building hall is very spacious, and the people inside are all domain warriors wearing standard equipment.

Some warriors' armors were even stained with the blood of domain creatures, which had not been cleaned in time.

The recruitment hall is the core building of the city and has two main functions.

The first function is to recruit new soldiers.

There are two ways for college graduates to join a field war group. The first is to be actively invited by a field war group, and the second is to go to the recruitment hall to fill out a form and wait for the field war group that is short of people to come and select.

Mu Qing chose the second method.

She has always kept a low profile in Star City University. Except for her classmates, no one knew her abilities at all, so no field war group extended an olive branch to her before graduation.

The second function of the recruitment hall is for the domain battle group to accept tasks.

The field materials or tasks that major research institutes need will be sent to the management office of the recruiting hall.

Then after registration, it will be displayed on the big screen in the center of the hall, and the rewards corresponding to the tasks will be listed.

Scanning the situation in the hall, she then went to the recruitment registration office, took the form and pen from the staff, and began to fill in her details.

After filling out and handing it in, she carried her luggage to the seat in the lobby and put her luggage down.

Opening the bag, there are various snacks and compressed energy paste inside.

These foods were all given to her as parting gifts by Yang Xinxin and others before she left, for fear that she would not be full enough to eat outside.

Looking at the food in the bag, Mu Qing had a smile on her face, grabbed a bag of snacks and started eating.

Half an hour later, when she picked up her bag again, one-third of the food was gone.

Feeling the "lightness" on her shoulders, a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

If she couldn't find a domain war group to adopt her after eating all this food, she would have to drink from the northwest wind in the following days.

Next, she came to the screen in the lobby of the Tokugawa Hall and began to wait for her assignment.

After hours of waiting, her name finally popped up on the screen.

Mu Qing - Graduate of the Combat Department of Star City University - Assigned (Snow Wolf Domain Chapter) - Please report to the Snow Wolf Chapter Recruitment Office, contact information: 1852...

Seeing that she belonged, she couldn't help but wave her fist happily.

Then she took out her cell phone and dialed the number on it.

After the call was connected, she politely took the lead and said:

"Hello, I'm Mu Qing."

"Oh, Mu Qing, right? Come and report to me, Snow Wolf, at No. 156 North Street, Supply Area."

"Okay, here we go."

After hanging up the phone, she turned around and walked out of the recruiting hall, then took out her map and walked toward North Street.

An hour later, she arrived at North Street.

This is a group of manor-style buildings.

In front of the gate of each song manor, there is a house number and the domain battle group it belongs to. This area is also the base of the domain battle group stationed here.

After some searching, he came to the manor with "Snow Wolf Chapter (C-level Chapter)" written on it.

At this time, a woman wearing a mink velvet coat was waiting at the gate of the manor.

Seeing her arrival, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on the woman's face:

"Mu Qing?"

"It's me, hello, senior." Mu Qing immediately nodded respectfully.

"Come in first, the team leader is here today. Then you can introduce your abilities in detail, and then we can arrange your next team duties."

Following the woman into the manor, Mu Qing looked around curiously.

The manor is full of green plants, but they are all covered with snow. There is a river pond further in. The river has frozen at this time. Looking ahead, you can see independent buildings belonging to the members of the war group. .

There are also military vehicles painted with snow wolf patterns parked in front of each building.

Along the way, the woman also introduced the origins of the Snow Wolf Domain Chapter.

This battle group was first formed by the graduates of Class 8 of the 48th Battle Class of Winter Academy.

During the field training before graduation, they worked together to kill a snow wolf and brought it back to the school.

After graduation, they also formed a war group together, and the domain creature Snow Wolf they killed for the first time was named as the domain war group.

As of today, the Snow Wolf Realm Chapter has changed eight leaders.

Not to mention the outstanding military achievements, but the evaluation of the C-level battle group is also forged with the blood of the members.

Following the woman to the back of the manor, there was a plaque reading "Snow Wolf Council Hall" hanging on the building in front.

Shaking off the snow from her body, she followed the woman and pushed open the thick door into the building.

The air suddenly became warm, orange lights were shining inside, and there was a flame burning in the fireplace.

On the sofa in the hall, smoke filled the air, and dozens of people sat around discussing something.

"Captain, the newcomer has reported, pick up the guests!" At this time, the woman walking in front of her shouted loudly.

Hearing the shouts, the noisy hall suddenly stopped, and then a burly man with a scar on the left side of his face stood up and looked directly at Mu Qing.

Then, a smile appeared on his face:

"Come sit down and introduce yourself first."

After hearing this, Mu Qing was not timid. She calmly came to the sofa, put down her luggage and sat aside.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Mu Qing began to introduce herself:

"My name is Mu Qing. I graduated from the third combat class of Star City Academy. I am honored to join the Snow Wolf Domain Chapter..."

Before she finished her introduction, she was interrupted by the group leader:

"It's too formal. Since you have joined our battle group, you are now a family. Let's just pick the key points. Don't be formal and feel free to express yourself."

"Yes, we will be a family from now on. Don't be vain." Everyone cheered.

Looking at the smiling people, Mu Qing felt a little less restrained, a smile appeared on her face, and she frankly stated her idea of ​​joining the domain battle group.

After listening to her story, everyone began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Tuo Yan, and I am the current leader of the Snow Wolf Chapter. The person who picked you up just now is Ye Yiqian, the secretary of our Chapter, who is responsible for recruiting new people and accepting tasks..."

The introduced members would smile and nod to Mu Qing.

"There are still some members who are outside right now. I will introduce them to you when they come back."

After saying that, Tuo Yan looked at Mu Qing with a smile and said:

"Next, tell me about your abilities and characteristics, so that I can assign you a team position."

Faced with the inquiry, Mu Qing did not hide anything and immediately said:

"My ability is melee combat. I have extremely strong strength and physical defense. My injuries will heal automatically in a short time... I hope to get a position as the main front-line player in a team."

Hearing Mu Qing say that she has strong melee fighting ability and wants a main position, everyone couldn't help but shake their heads, and the group leader Tuo Yan even said:

"Mu Qing, you have just graduated and don't have much practical ability. You should be responsible for the team's logistics first."

"Logistics? What to do?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

"When the team is exploring the field, you are responsible for carrying food or related equipment to protect the exploration resources."

The realization that she had been underestimated did not surprise her.

But she has no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. She joined the field war group to train herself, not to keep a low profile.

Thinking of this, she stood up, squatted down in front of the coffee table, looked at the members of the Snow Wolf Group and said solemnly:

"Arm wrestling?"

"Hahaha, I like this new guy. He's so interesting. He's about to challenge us just after he arrived. It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

Everyone has some guesses about Mu Qing's strength.

The capable ones among the graduates of the academy have long been selected by the top battle groups. How strong can the newcomers who need to register at the recruitment office be?

Realizing that Mu Qing, who had just graduated, was arrogant, Tuo Yan, the group leader, immediately turned to look at the tall and burly man sitting beside him and said:

"Bison, welcome our newcomer."

"No, let Xiaolong go, I don't want to bully the newcomers." The man called Bison immediately shook his head.

"Go if you are told to go."

The bison reluctantly stood up, squatted down in front of the coffee table, and held Mu Qing's right hand.

Putting their bodies there, the difference between them is extremely obvious and they are not of the same magnitude at all.

"Use your strength." The bison looked at Mu Qing and said in a deep voice.

When Mu Qing heard this, she didn't hesitate, she just gently pressed to the left, and her eyes widened.

Realizing that Mu Qing's power was so great, he immediately held his breath and began to use his strength.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move Mu Qing's wrist even an inch.

During the wrestling, Mu Qing seemed to be able to do it with ease, but there were dense beads of sweat on the bison's forehead.

The coffee table resting against the elbows even cracked under their wrestling.

"Ah!" The unwilling bison roared and unleashed all its strength.

Mu Qing also chose to use her strength at this time and suddenly pulled the back of the bison's hand onto the coffee table.

"Bang!" The coffee table collapsed under the huge force.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes suddenly widened.

Bison is the number one frontline warrior in the Snow Wolf Group, responsible for protection, injury bearing and breakout. His strength is absolutely number one in the team, but at this time he was easily crushed by a new student.

Touching his sore right arm, the bison also had a look of horror on his face, and realized that Mu Qing was not bragging when she said she had great strength, but that she really had that strength.

At this time, Mu Qing turned to look at the group leader Tuo Yan:

"Captain, there are other ways I can prove my ability to serve as the main front-rower."

"Okay, prove it to me." At this time, Tuo Yan looked very excited and realized that the Snow Wolf Group had found a treasure.

"Is it okay to fight in actual combat?"

Facing Mu Qing's question, Tuo Yan nodded immediately:

"Okay, let's go outside."

Then everyone hurried out of the conference hall and came to an open space outside.

It was snowing heavily outside, but everyone seemed a little excited.

"Bison, let's do it again, a real fight."

"Okay!" This time the bison did not refuse, and immediately nodded and stood in the center of the clearing.

Mu Qing also arrived at the center of the clearing at this time.

At this time, the bison took the initiative to attack, took two steps forward, and punched Mu Qing.

A crimson shimmer appeared on the surface of his fist, and the snowflakes were melted by the high temperature emanating from the fist before they even got close.


Mu Qing did not retreat, but raised her left hand to catch the charged punch.

Although it was an actual confrontation, Mu Qing also had her own worries in her heart.

She is still unable to control her power freely, and is afraid that she might strike too hard.

The person facing her was a future comrade, not an enemy, so she chose defense.

After withdrawing his right hand, the Bison launched another attack.

This time it was a horizontal kick, and the red flames on the bison's body rose, and the surrounding snow was melted by this hot power.

Facing the attack, Mu Qing raised her hand to block easily, and then gave a gentle push, causing the bison to fly backwards.

"Oh my god, this newcomer is too strong." Someone in the audience exclaimed, obviously shocked by Mu Qing's strength.

The sparring continued. After the unwilling bison rolled in the air and landed, the fireworks on his body became more intense. He looked at Mu Qing and said:

"I'm going to attack with all my strength, be careful."

Mu Qing heard this and nodded immediately.

Next, the bison launched a new round of fierce offensive.

But no matter how he attacked, or even used the physical training and combat skills to suppress the bottom of the box, he could not break through Mu Qing's defense. Mu Qing would easily resolve it in a seemingly simple way.

The difference between the two is clear at a glance.

After an attack, the bison panted and waved his hand:

"Boss, I am no match for her. I am willing to be the second main force and give her the position of main force's human shield."

Hearing the bison's answer, the group leader Tuo Yan, who was already extremely surprised, nodded immediately:


This is how it is in the domain battle group, the weak abdicate and the strong take over.

After all, the Domain Group is not a vanity fair. Every position is very important, which will affect the execution efficiency of the entire team and is directly related to the lives of all team members.

All core and main positions are occupied by those who are capable.

Since Mu Qing had this strength, he immediately decided to let Mu Qing be the main human shield of the team.

Thinking of this, Tuo Yan looked at Mu Qing and said:

"Mu Qing, you will be the number one main force of our regiment next, but before that you have to study with the bison for a while to understand what to do as the main human shield, and then I can rest assured that you will take over the bison's position. .”

After saying that, he turned to look at the bison:

"Bison, you are responsible for taking care of Mu Qing. After Mu Qing gets familiar with it, he will step down as the second main force, and the lion will step back as the third main force..."

After rearranging the configuration of the battle group, a smile appeared on the face of the group leader Tuo Yan:

"Brothers, let's hold a dinner to welcome the newlyweds and have a great time tonight."

After hearing these words, everyone cheered.

At this time, Mu Qing won everyone's respect with her strength.

In the heavy snowfall, Mu Qing turned her head to look in the direction of Star City Academy, and a smile appeared on her face.

You guys are waiting for my good news!

Thanks to my wife in the world for the most beautiful gift of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to Shanhe Hometown zzr for the 5,000 starting coins.

This chapter mainly introduces the background of the world, then the geographical environment of Winter City, and the garrison form of the supply regional battle group.

Next, the background related to the field will also be introduced in Mu Qing's line.

Many plots will correspond to the previous chapters.

There is another chapter today, I will stay up late typing, everyone should go to bed first.

Finally, I recommended a friend’s new book and linked to it.

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