I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 234 Goodbye Mist

Winter supply area.


Facing the wind and snow, Feng Qi drove the snowmobile on the road heading north.

During this period, the positioning device mounted on the snowmobile was used to determine the direction from time to time.

Mu Qing had already set off at this time.

According to normal driving speed, it will take about half a day to reach the Silent Field.

It also takes about half a day to prepare before officially exploring the Silent Realm.

So he was in no hurry.

After exiting the main road, the road ahead was completely covered with heavy snow. There were no street lights along the way, so we had to rely on the searchlights on the car to move forward.

During this period, the snow became heavier and heavier.

Countless white snow flakes can be seen falling head-on and hitting the windshield. The "snow scraper" needs to be continuously swept back and forth to see clearly what's ahead.

Glancing at the current position on the locator again, he stepped on the accelerator.

As the engine roared, the snowmobile's speed suddenly accelerated.

Looking up at the sky at this time, through the skylight you can see the ethereal green aurora and stars in the sky.

The sky here is beautiful, but Feng Qi has no intention of admiring the scenery in front of him.

He needed to reach his destination before Mu Qing shattered the Silence Domain, and then lay dormant waiting for the seriously injured Lord of the Mist to escape so that he could start the next action.

If the first step fails, there will be no need to proceed with the subsequent plan.

After driving for a while, he reached out and pressed the music switch.

The cathartic sound from the stereo immediately suppressed the roar of the engine.

It can be seen that the previous owner of this snowmobile was a heavy metal music lover, and the music collection was full of hysteria.

Feng Qi usually has no interest in heavy metal music.

At this time, listening to the cold and hard music rhythm, I had a different feeling.

For frontline soldiers who have been struggling on the edge of life and death all year round, this hard-core style of music can indeed have a cathartic effect. The weight of the music seems to be able to vent the inner pressure in this way.

When he heard the lyrics "This hellish journey, the road ahead is full of unknowns", he couldn't help but smile.

In the vast night, searchlights cut through the darkness and moved forward quickly.

Due to the complicated road ahead, the snowmobile began to bump along the way, but fortunately, the car was designed to cope with such road conditions, so there were no problems along the way.

When he bought the snowmobile at the Winter Supply Area, he listened to the second-hand salesman explain the situation of the previous owner of the snowmobile.

The original owner was the deputy leader of a C-level battle group.

He died unexpectedly during an exploration field operation half a year ago, and his property and some of his belongings were returned to his family members living in the city.

Some weapons, equipment, or things that were difficult to bring back were left behind and entrusted to second-hand dealers in the supply area for sale.

The money obtained after the sale is returned to the families of the sacrificed soldiers.

At that time, he visited a second-hand store and felt sad when he looked at the various second-hand goods displayed in the store.

In the words of second-hand dealers, behind every product there is a deceased frontline soldier.

At this time the music switches.

Heavy music sounded, and he was very familiar with this music.

It is the very classic TV series before Cataclysm, the theme song "Main Titles" of Game of Thrones.

In the modern era where the entertainment industry is underdeveloped, many movies and TV series before the disaster are still very popular, and Game of Thrones is one of them.

When the BGM sounded, his mind couldn't help but think of the Great Wall in despair amid the howling cold wind.

The night watchman stood on the Great Wall holding a torch in the wind and snow, reading the oath of vigil.

It actually fits his current mood very well.

The searchlight of the snowmobile pierced the night, and the two sections of light continued to extend forward.

The tire tracks left behind will be covered by heavy snow in less than a moment. When driving in such a harsh environment, the only things you can rely on are positioning devices and maps.

After several hours of driving, he still hadn't caught up with Mu Qing's convoy.

He wasn't worried about that.

He roughly calculated the time.

According to the current driving speed, it is more than enough to reach the Silent Domain before Mu Qing destroys it.

Snow Wolf Realm battle group, convoy.

During this joint exploration operation, the convoys of the Snow Wolf Realm Chapter and the convoys of other war groups were next to each other, forming a long queue.

At this time, Mu Qing was sitting in the back compartment of one of the military trucks, looking up at the stars in the sky and thinking about her thoughts.

When she set foot on the front line for the first time, she felt no fear, but a trace of melancholy.

The faces of my friends could not help but appear in my mind, and I remembered their farewells before graduation.

Finally, Feng Qi's smile appeared in her mind, and she also recalled what he said to her at the end of the graduation party.

"Forget it about being the deputy captain. I have decided to stay at the Scarlet Research Institute to engage in scientific research. If senior sister needs anything in the future, you can contact me at any time."

Thinking of this, she subconsciously shook her fist.

But she can understand Feng Qi's choice.

In her eyes, Feng Qi is a better talent in cultivation than Lin Ran. Now that he has received intensive training from the Scarlet Academy, his future prospects are limitless.

In comparison, coming to the front line to be a soldier is really a waste of talent.

From now on, they have the same goal, but they take different paths.

Thinking of this, a trace of melancholy appeared on her face.

At this moment, she took out the white harmonica given by Feng Qi and placed it against her lips.

The melodious sound of the piano sounded at this time.

The bison and others sitting next to him immediately stopped chatting and listened quietly to Mu Qing's playing.

This unknown journey makes everyone feel a little heavy in their hearts.

I don’t know if I can return safely.

Before every mission, they would leave a suicide note in advance, and this time was no exception.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

After the song was played, Mu Qing put the white harmonica back into the metal box and raised her head:

"Brother Niu, tell me what you should do as the core of the team."

The bison heard this and nodded immediately.

The convoy drove for another half day, and the time came to 7 o'clock in the morning.

It was still dark at this time.

As the polar night approaches, the days are short and the nights are long in the far north, and the sun appears for only a few hours.

If it is the polar night time, there will be no trace of the sun for 24 hours.

The speed of the convoy slowed down at this time, and gradually stopped, parking in an open space.

"Get out of the car and start preparing!"

At this time, the voice of the group leader Tuo Yan sounded from the front of the motorcade.

After hearing the order, the soldiers got out of the car one after another. Mu Qing also picked up her big bag and followed the soldiers out of the car.

After a short gathering, they followed the instructions of the group leader Tuo Yan and began to set up tents and make fires for cooking.

Putting down her luggage, Mu Qing looked to the north.

Her vision pierced the black curtain, and she saw a towering gray barrier in the distance, like a sky curtain, blocking the direction of the convoy.

You can still find it if you look closely.

There is a black thread in the area where the world meets this gray field.

This black thread was twisting rapidly and extending slowly, swallowing up the world they were in.

This is obviously the "Field of Silence" that is the destination of their trip.

She has confidence in her own strength.

But she doesn't know exactly how strong she is.

Growing up in the Scarlet Research Institute, she has undergone countless physical strength tests.

But a few years before joining Star City Academy, Wei Wei could no longer detect her physical strength.

The same goes for the physical examination at Star City Academy.

Professional medical examination equipment can't detect how strong she really is.

At this time, she was approaching the battlefield, but she didn't feel any fear in her heart. She could not wait to step into the battlefield.

"Mu Qing, quickly set up the tent and come over to help." At this time, the voice of the bison came from far away.


Withdrawing her gaze from observing the Silent Domain, she put down her luggage, took out a metal suitcase containing a convenient tent, and started busy.

After a moment, the tent rose.

At this time, Mu Qing also carried her luggage and walked towards the area where the fire was being lit for cooking.

The time came to nine o'clock in the morning.

After taking a look at the map, Feng Qi put down his foot on the accelerator.

The snowmobile continued to slide forward for a certain distance and then stopped.

At this time, his location was very close to the Silent Realm, and he decided not to drive any further.

Otherwise, the roar of the snowmobile will inevitably attract the attention of the combined battle group.

He had no intention of meeting Mu Qing at this time.

This sacrifice line, they have completely different future directions.

After removing the positioning plate, he picked up the backpack placed on the passenger side and got out of the car.

The snow was thick, and after his feet landed, most of his body sank into the snow.

At this time, spiritual power comes out of the body.

He pulled himself out of the snow and landed on the roof of the car.

Opening the backpack, there are many instant foods and emergency props inside.

The most important one is the "active needle" contained in a special metal box, which is the key to his memory.

If this pin is lost, the effort on this sacrifice line will most likely be in vain.

He took some compressed biscuits from his backpack and started eating quickly.

I ate three boxes of compressed biscuits in a row before I felt full.

Next, he took the skis and bindings from the trunk of the snowmobile and began to glide forward.

As for the snowmobile, leave it here for now.

After gliding for a while, morning light suddenly appeared in the sky.

His vision suddenly widened.

At this moment, Feng Qi saw the smoke rising in the distance.

After continuing for a while, the joint operations team camped in the distance appeared in sight.

He slowed down his progress at this point.

The joint action team's alert position was facing the Silent Field, so he didn't have to worry about being discovered.

But to be on the safe side, he still chose to distance himself.

Discovering that the joint battle group had not yet started taking action, Feng Qi chose to lean on a large exposed rock nearby, took off his backpack and continued eating.

During the winter half of the year, the nights in the Far North are longer than the days, and darkness covers the land again after a few hours.

He was always in the extreme cold, and even though he was physically strong, he felt the slightest bit of chill at this time.

But the temperature was still within his tolerance, and he didn't take any action to keep warm.

He raised his head and looked towards the camp in the distance.

At this time, the eating time has obviously passed in the camp, the smoke has gone out, and except for the guard figure, the other soldiers have entered the tent and started to rest.

Recharging your energy is all for better exploration after waking up.

Leaning on the big rock and looking at the night sky, he also closed his eyes at this time.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but the noisy sound from the distance woke Feng Qi from his sleep.

He immediately turned around and looked up with his head exposed.

In the gray sky in the distance, a mist palm stretched out and grabbed a running warrior hard.

Suddenly the blood in this warrior's body overflowed from his pores, and in the blink of an eye he was drained of blood and fell down.

The scene became chaotic at this point.

You can see figures in the camp organizing soldiers to go to the rescue.

Seeing the palm formed by the mist, he knew that his judgment was correct. The owner of the Silent Domain was the Lord of the Mist.

After the emergency, the camp began to get busy.

Each battle group began combat preparations before the exploratory operation.

Several more hours passed, and the major groups finally took action.

They dispersed and each took charge of one direction and entered the Silent Domain.

Realizing that the Lord of Mist and Mu Qing were about to meet, he turned over and jumped over the boulder, sliding towards the Silent Domain.

At this time, there were still soldiers in charge of logistics in the camp, so he chose to take a detour.

After approaching the Silent Domain, he did not choose to enter.

Next, he lurked near the Silent Domain and began to wait for opportunities to appear.

He was not sure whether he could seize this opportunity.

After an unknown amount of time, the ground trembled, and he could clearly detect it even outside the Silent Domain.

As he continued to wait, he saw a large number of figures running out of the Silent Domain.

Among them was Mu Qing.

At this time, Mu Qing's eyes were glowing with scarlet light, like a god of death, exuding terrifying pressure and aura.

She seemed to be unable to control herself, and at this moment she turned around and entered the Silent Domain again.

After a while, the vibrations coming from the Silent Domain became even more intense.

It can be seen how fierce the battle inside is.

Feng Qi already knew the outcome of this battle in advance.

So there was no fluctuation in my heart, let alone worrying about Mu Qing's safety.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a "click" sound.

Looking up, I saw cracks appearing on the gray field sky.

These cracks spread rapidly as the ground trembles.

At this moment, he saw a group of gray mist emerging from the sky and fleeing into the distance.

Realizing that it was the escaping Lord of the Mist, he decisively wrapped himself in spiritual power, floated into the air, and followed closely.

The Mist Lord moves very quickly.

Even if he was seriously injured, he was not able to catch up. After following for a certain distance, he lost track of the Lord of Mist.

But he didn't panic.

At this time, the Lord of the Mist was seriously injured, and he speculated that he would not be able to run far at all.

After continuing to fly for some distance, his figure fell.

Next, Feng Qi launched a blanket search.

An hour passed, and Feng Qi came to a snow forest.

At this time, he didn't have much thought about whether he could find the Lord of the Mist.

He found that he still underestimated the Lord of Mist, who could still run such a long distance even if he was seriously injured.

He doesn't know exactly where the Lord of the Mist is now.

We can only roughly judge one direction.

After entering the snowy forest, he continued his search.

After advancing for a while, he suddenly saw broken branches in the distance.

Looking down along the broken position, he found a purple-haired boy lying under the tree, his hands inserted into the snow. There was no movement at this time.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

The next plan can finally be officially launched.

Thinking of this, he stepped towards the unconscious Lord of the Mist.

Arriving in front of the Lord of Mist, he knelt down.

After testing it with his mental power, the smile on Feng Qi's face suddenly solidified.

He found that the Lord of the Mist had no breath of life.

"Damn it, you won't be beaten to death!"

Please give me a monthly ticket~

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