I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 360 [Evil Collector]

The first floor of the Demon Prison.

Bloody raindrops fell from the sky, falling on the ancient buildings of the city below.

The bumpy roads in the city accumulated rainwater, forming puddles one after another. Pedestrians along the way accelerated their pace in the rain.

In the east area of ​​the city, inside a dilapidated wooden house.

A burly figure wearing a worn-out battle armor, holding a four- or five-year-old child in his arms, recounted the history of the race in front of the campfire, and of course he included some embellished praise for his ancestors.

"The world we live in is divided into layers of small worlds. The small world we live in is called the first level of the Demon Prison..."

The little boy listened to his father's story and nodded seriously:

"Father, have our Nether Clan ever been truly glorious?"

"Our ancestors once controlled several small worlds and were well-deserved powerful forces." The burly man nodded affirmatively.

"Then why is the glory gone?"

Hearing these words, the burly man looked embarrassed:

"The rise and fall of races is normal. There is no eternal strong race. At least our treasure house still contains the treasures left by our ancestors from their glorious days... As long as we are not exterminated, we, the Nether Race, still have a chance to return to the top, but this requires all the Descendants of the Nether Clan, including your efforts.”

"Well, in the future I will also join the Netherworld Army and become a warrior like my father!" The little boy nodded excitedly.

"Shadow, I hope you can become a scholar, not a warrior."


"The honor of a soldier is too light, but the challenges he has to face are heavy. Death follows him everywhere..."

With the dream of leading his people to rise, at the age of 11, Shadow went against his father's wishes and joined the 8th Reserve Regiment of the Netherworld Army.

And his father is the teacher of the 8th Preparatory Regiment.

The dreams of youth did not have the burden of increased experience. The dreams at that time were very pure, and the starting point was just "that is the future I want."

After entering the preparatory group, Shadow learned and grew up with his peers under the guidance of his father.

During this period he showed outstanding talent.

Shadow's outstanding performance in the reserve group even attracted the attention of Shadow's high-ranking nobles, who personally presented him with an honorary necklace inlaid with shadow-green gems.

Since then, honors have been added to him, and Shadow's future is limitless.

The turning point of fate came when Shadow was 13 years old.

A big event happened in Netherworld City that day. Countless huge beasts appeared in the sky above the city, and a shadow that covered the sky and sun shrouded a large area.

After that day, Youming once again met the noble of the clan who gave him the glory necklace.

Youying knows the history and understands that these nobles are the descendants of the pioneers who opened up the glorious period of the Nether Clan. Even though the glory of the past is gone, these nobles are still respected by the Nether Clan.

While hesitating in his heart, Youying was curious about the reason why the noble summoned him.

But when he learned the truth, Youying felt like he was hit hard in his heart.

"Yingying, the soul-losing tribe needs a group of slaves. This time the talent requirements for slaves are very high. For the future of our clan, I need you to become a slave of the soul-losing tribe."

Hearing the news, Youying couldn't stop trembling in his heart.

"It only takes ten years and we will take you back."

The noble's words seemed like a discussion, but more like an order.

Youying wanted to refuse, but couldn't muster the courage.

But facing the nobles who control the Shadow Clan, he has no right to refuse.

The day of being escorted into slavery came as scheduled, and the giant beast attacked again. Shadow and a group of leaders were sent onto the back of the giant beast.

Standing on the back of the giant beast, Shadow's gaze looked far away at his father standing below.

But what he saw was his father's evasive eyes, and he finally turned away and stopped looking at him.

At that moment, Youying was on the verge of collapse.

Sacrifice for the people was a glorious thing in his father's story, but he couldn't be happy about it.

There are obviously peers in the clan who are better than him, such as those descendants of nobles, why does it have to be me?

The giant beast spreads its wings and flies, and the city below becomes smaller and smaller.

Youying was filled with confusion about the future.

He felt abandoned by his father and his tribe.

The journey lasted for most of the day, and they passed through the clouds and landed on a black land.

The buildings here are all made of the bones of giant beasts.

Black mist spreads from the surface.

On the first day of arrival, Shadow and the tribesmen who arrived with him were sent into a mine.

Their task is simple, dig out ore from the ground, and then deliver it to the mine entrance to the monitors in exchange for food.

In addition, Shadow and his peers also have a mission to become the training partners of the new generation members of the Soulless Clan.

After a hard day's work, they will be sent to the arena to become the playthings of the new generation of the Soul Clan.

Especially the occasional game hunt.

As prey, the shadows and tribesmen can only hide in the arena. If they are not careful, they will be killed by the new generation members of the soul-losing tribe.

This kind of future is something Youying has never imagined.

He thought about countless ways he could die.

For example, he opened up territory for the future of the Nether Clan, and eventually died on the battlefield.

Or die fighting to protect the future of the Nether Clan.

But he never thought that he would become an abandoned son of his tribe and be given to other tribes as a plaything.

Youying, who is only 13 years old, has already experienced firsthand the cruelty of the jungle.

In the underground mines, in addition to their shadow clan members, there are also a group of members of other racial forces.

Cruelty not only happens in the arena, but also in the almost dark underground world.

For the ore, they, who are also slaves, often kill each other.

Digging a precious ore in an underground mine is not necessarily a good thing, as it will definitely attract too many jealous looks.

Because ore can be exchanged for food.

The quality of food is linked to the quality of ore.

Under the cruel living environment, Youying saw his tribe members die one after another. He personally carried the cold bodies out of the mine and was buried in mass graves.

In just a few months, one-third of the clan members had died, and Youying could not imagine how he would survive these ten years.

In order to survive, Shadow and the remaining tribesmen gradually learned to be cruel.

In a living environment where the jungle prevails, there is no cruelty but death.

His heart became cold after battle after battle, and the only thing that made Shadow feel happy was when he dug up precious spiritual mines.

When the shimmering precious ore was caught in his hand, Shadow knew that he could survive another difficult period.

In just one year, more than half of Youying's tribe died.

Over the past year, Shadow has gradually become numb to the cruel events happening around him.

In order to live a better life, he carefully hid a batch of ore deep in the mine.

The harsh living environment makes it easy to get injured, but the Soulless Tribe will not give the injured time to rest and recuperate.

Once the ore cannot be handed over, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

Keeping some ores is to hand over the ores in time for food when injured.

Hoarding ore has become Shadow's only hobby in his cruel life.

The second year, the third year...

As Shadow grows older, he hopes to return to his clan one day.

This was his only hope of continuing to live.

Even if his tribe abandoned him, at least he still had his father there, and his only destination was the tribesmen who were connected by blood.

Year after year, the shadow became an old man in the mine.

He was the only one left among the tribesmen who came in from the same group.

During this period, Shadow learned how to survive better in the mines. The other slaves around him changed batch after batch, but he was always alive.

But Youying's body is getting worse day by day.

The fierce battles left indelible marks on his body. When he opened his torn clothes, he could see the scars crawling all over his body like centipedes.

In addition, some of the spiritual minerals dug out in the mines contain radiation damage.

This left the shadow with the root cause of his illness, and he often felt dizzy.

As the ten-year period approaches, the small mine where he lives is filled with scratches used to record the date.

Hope was not far away, and he didn't want to give up.

Finally, ten years have arrived as expected.

When he carved the last mark in the mine.

He returned to the surface with joy and told the overseers that his time as a slave had come.

But what awaited was the ridicule of the soul-losing monitor:

"Ten years? You are really naive. Although your Nether Clan is not as strong as my soul-destroying clan, you are not weak either. Otherwise, we would have captured all of your Nether Clan and sent them to various mining areas to mine... How could you capture only one group? , this is essentially a transaction, for which my clan has given you the Nether Clan a reward, and you are just a commodity."

"So without a ten-year agreement, you will stay underground until you die..."

Youying didn't listen to the subsequent words, only feeling his head buzzing.

He once thought that the ten-year agreement might be a lie, but this thought was quickly suppressed in his heart.

This was his only hope to live, and he didn't want it to be shattered.

But the reality still exposed the lie and put a more cruel truth in front of him.

When he returned to the depths of the mine again, Shadow was completely desperate.

There is no hope for the future anymore. He was completely abandoned here by his tribe.

That night, the flame of hatred was ignited in Shadow's chest.

The so-called glory of the Nether Clan is nothing more than a lie carefully woven by the nobles. The purpose is to better control the lower class people and create more benefits for them.

But he knew he couldn't take revenge.

He will never be able to escape from this underground prison in his life.

At that moment, Youying suddenly lost hope of living and felt that living had no meaning.

Desperation surged in Yingying's heart, and he worked hard to dig out his "treasure house."

Looking at the various ores that emitted faint light, Shadow had no expression on his face.

Collecting ore was once his only entertainment project.

Now that he knows that he has been completely abandoned, these ores have become the only comfort in his heart.

Since living is no longer important, then take these treasures to death.

Thinking of this, Youying reached out and picked up a piece of ore and stuffed it into his mouth, bit it into pieces with his teeth and swallowed it. If it was an ore that couldn't be broken, just swallow it.

He wanted to leave this hopeless world with these treasures.

The teeth were shattered and the mouth became bloody, but the shadow continued to eat with a silly smile.

His throat was torn by sharp ore fragments, and blood continued to flow from his mouth, but he still endured the severe pain and continued to eat.

Blood stained the small mine where Shadow lived. His consciousness gradually became blurred, and he finally fell into a deep sleep.

What Shadow didn't know was that hidden in the ore he swallowed was a treasure that would change his destiny.

That night, Shadow ushered in a turning point in fate.

I don't know how long this sleep lasted. It seemed to be very short, but also very long.

When Youying opened his eyes and woke up, he found a boy about seven or eight years old standing in front of him.

The young man was dressed very cleanly and was obviously not a slave in the mine. He looked at him with a smile on his face and said:

"Not bad, Eye of Truth, really good!"

Facing the mysterious young man mumbling to himself, Youying was confused.

He didn't understand why he didn't die, why his broken and fallen teeth had recovered, and even the scars on his body had disappeared.

But he knew that all this was obviously related to the young man in front of him.

"Yingying, right? No need to doubt, I saved you!"

"As for why I saved you, it's because you have integrated a miraculous artifact and your future is limitless. As long as you are not ridiculously stupid, I believe there will be a place for you in the future!"

"Who are you?!"

"You can call me Mo!"

As he spoke, Mo took out a scroll that looked like a parchment and stretched out his hand in front of him:

"Write your name on it with your blood, and I will give you new life!"

"What's the meaning?"

"You can understand it as a deal. After you sign your name, I can give you the power and let you get out alive... In short, if you want to change your destiny, you only need to sign your name on it."

The boy's words seemed to have magic power, and Ying Ying couldn't help but believe them.

When you thought about being able to get out alive, Youying was still moved.

He didn't know what it would cost to sign his name, but he had nothing to lose, and he had no psychological burden on this deal.

So Shadow bit his finger and signed his name at the end of the scroll.

The young man couldn't help laughing after putting away the scroll:

"Why don't you read what's on the scroll."

"Is it important?"

"It's very important. You have become one of the people I will bet on for the future."

"What do I have to give?"

"It's not necessary now, your efforts will be in the future... In short, we are destined to meet again in the future. Let's regard the experience here as an experience on the road to growth!"

After the words fell, the young man stretched out his finger towards him, and Youying suddenly felt that countless information was emerging in his mind.

Body refining techniques, mental attack techniques, Taoist array creation plans, Ten Commandments creation plans... As all kinds of information poured in, Youying felt his head hurt as if it was going to explode, and then he fainted.

When the shadow woke up, the mysterious boy had disappeared, and he could suddenly understand the meaning of the information in his mind.

The mysterious boy gave him a treasure trove of knowledge.

The information here will help him survive better.

But he didn't understand why the young man did this. When was the future he mentioned?

But at this time, Shadow already had the courage to live.

He knew that the knowledge in his mind would be the key to breaking free from his prison.

Over the next few days, Shadow regained his confidence.

During this period, Youying also noticed changes in his body. He found that his right eye could see things very clearly, and he could see clearly even in a dark environment.

More importantly, as long as he looks at things carefully, detailed analytical information will appear in his right eye.

This reminded Shadow of the Eye of Truth mentioned by the mysterious boy.

He also gradually understood what was going on.

Apparently when he was devouring the ore he had collected, he accidentally ate a treasure.

It was this treasure that made him one of the targets for the mysterious boy to bet on his future.

Relatives are unreliable, and clan members are unreliable...but the collected treasures gave him new life and gave him hope to move on.

At that moment, Youying's mentality changed.

The fire to become a collector took root in his heart and gradually emerged.

In the days that followed, Youying began to practice various spells and techniques in his mind.

If you lack the spiritual stones needed for cultivation, you can go mining or rob the spiritual minerals dug by others.

As long as the spiritual minerals are delivered on time, the remaining spiritual minerals can become part of his cultivation resources.

Relying on the knowledge in his mind, Shadow began to grow rapidly.

Ten years after another.

He didn't know how strong he needed to become in order to escape the control of the Soul Soul Clan alive, so he focused on becoming stronger and continued to endure the oppression and torture from the Soul Soul Clan.

Shadow gradually became the "old man" who lived the longest in the mine.

Collecting ores has become Shadow's biggest hobby.

Every time he spent on training would make him feel distressed, but he understood that if he wanted to get out, these efforts were necessary.

Only by becoming stronger can you have the chance to collect more ores.

The dark mine has become a treasure trove for Shadow to hibernate and accumulate strength. Through the Eye of Truth, he can clearly see which areas of the mine contain precious ores, and there is no need to dig around like luck.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Even Shadow forgot how long he had been in the mine.

The small mine where he lives is already full of scratches, and there is no room for new scratches.

Finally, Shadow decided to take action.

On this day, he was called by the monitor to be a sparring partner in the Soul Clan's arena.

The targets of this sparring session were the new generation members of that year.

After so many years, the member of the new generation has a mark of flame on his face that symbolizes the senior leadership of the Soulless Clan.

Beside him, there was a young child standing.

This sparring session is also a game, just like every sparring session before.

But Shadow didn't give him another chance.

After so many years of bullying, he chose to endure it every time and greeted it with a smile.

But this time, he didn't want to continue.

When Shadow's arm easily penetrated the body of the high-ranking member of the Soul Clan, he discovered that he, who was once invincible, had turned out to be so weak.

At that moment, Shadow said goodbye to his past self completely.

The sudden burst of power tore the bodies of the senior members of the Soul Clan into pieces, setting off an energy storm in the arena.

He couldn't help but laugh wildly at the sky.

Facing the figures coming from all directions, Shadow no longer suppresses his power.

Soon the arena was stained red with blood.

After the battle, Shadow slowly came to the frightened child, knelt down and rubbed his head, smiled and said:

"Do you hate me? Give you a chance to kill me in the future!"

After the words fell, the shadow flew into the sky, flying towards the freedom in his heart.

When he returned to the city that was already vague in his memory, his revenge burned brightly.

The betrayal of the past has now been repaid one by one.

When he stepped into the Nether Palace, the bloody killing began.

Facing Youying, the senior leaders of the Netherworld tribe rose up to resist, but they all seemed vulnerable in front of Youying.

When the nobleman he once wanted to look up to knelt before him and begged, Youying showed no mercy in his heart and cut off his head with a wave of his hand.

He spared no nobles and killed them all.

In the days to come, Shadow became the new master of Netherworld City.

He made new rules and drove out all opponents. He showed no mercy to his own people.

The revenge of the Soulless Clan will soon come.

When the Soulless Clan asked him to hand over the murderer, Shadow sat on the Netherworld Throne, which symbolized power, and laughed.

He took the initiative to launch a race war against the Soulless Tribe.

His father was sent to the front line by him.

This battle lasted for several years, and his father also died in this battle.

When receiving this news, Youying's heart did not waver at all.

Relatives cannot be trusted, and clan members cannot be trusted either. Only the treasure will not betray its master.

In the end, under the leadership of Youying, the Nether Clan paid a heavy price and won the final victory, but most of the Nether Clan also died because of this battle.

When the shadow stepped over countless corpses and sat on the throne of the Soul Clan, overlooking the corpses in the hall, it burst into hysterical laughter.

He is a tyrant in the eyes of his tribe, and cruelty is his motto.

But Shadow doesn't care about these comments.

He will walk his own path in the future, and his tribe is just a tool on his way to growth.

When Shadow opened the soul-destroying clan's treasure house, he greedily stared at everything he saw.

The subsequent killings and plunders were all for the purpose of accumulating wealth.

Killing for the rise of the race? Plundering for the continuation of the race? These reasons are all bullshit in Youying's eyes.

His morality does not need to be understood by others.

In order to build a treasure house that can accommodate huge wealth, Shadow began to learn the knowledge in his mind about space system abilities.

During this period, the pace of Shadow's conquest did not stop.

Even though all his people died in the battle, he didn't care at all and continued to kill and recruit slaves everywhere to form a new army.

During this period, countless lives were sacrificed for him to gather wealth.

But Shadow only cares about wealth.

Wealth is part of his strength and the cornerstone of his future. They will not betray their master.

Until Youying met the strongest racial force on the first floor of the Demon Prison, the "Cang Yan Clan". In this battle, his army was scattered and Netherworld City was destroyed.

But Shadow relied on many treasures to defend himself and escaped.

This further strengthened his love for treasures.

From then on, the first floor of the Demon Prison became the hunting ground of shadows.

He was alone and plundering resources everywhere.

More and more wealth is stored in the space, and the space he built with his own hands can no longer accommodate his wealth.

In the end, Shadow followed the description of "Miracle World" and consumed all the rare resources left by the Nether Clan's ancestors to create a new space prototype, and continued to fill it with spiritual materials for improvement.

During this period, the Cangyan tribe's pursuit of him became more and more fierce.

Realizing that there is no place for him in this world, Shadow has the idea of ​​​​leaving.

There were two paths before him.

One leads to other small worlds in the realm world, and the other leads to the human world.

Compared to other small worlds, Shadow chose the human world.

He knew that was where the future lay.

The signs of the coming crisis have become more and more obvious, and the domain world will eventually wither.

Even the Cangyan tribe is already preparing to evacuate this world, and there is no point in him staying here.

When crossing the Tongtian Road, Shadow was lucky enough not to encounter a Tongtian warrior and successfully descended into the Western World of the human world.

The area where he is located is surrounded by various fields, and there are no traces of human beings.

Looking at the blue sky and the dazzling sun, breathing the air of another world, a cruel smile appeared on Youying's face.

He knew a new journey had begun.

He will be a collector of the new world before him, looking for new treasures in the future to welcome a new future.

During the continuous plundering, Shadow personally destroyed several nearby fields and plundered all the wealth accumulated by nearby ethnic groups.

The brand new space he created with his own hands has been gradually improved with the filling of countless resources.

When the magnificent city was born in the void, the shadow stood in the void, opening its hands and laughing, as if to embrace the new future.

Shadow named this space city Shadow City.

He also swore at that time that he would fill this city with countless treasures of heaven and earth.

When Shadow stepped into Shadow City, sat on the Shadow throne made of countless treasures, and glanced at the wealth accumulated over hundreds of years.

It was then that the final piece of the puzzle for the future evil collector was filled in.

(This chapter is an extra chapter, and the plot of the shadow is not over yet.)

Let me ask you all, how about writing a side story occasionally?

Like to buckle 1

Don't like deduction 2

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