I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 497 Elf Civilization-Children’s Encyclopedia

Elf City.

Southern District, Law Enforcement Division.

The exchange with Xie Yuanli gave Feng Qi a clearer understanding of the current situation of humans in the central region.

Under the protection of the Elf King, human development in the central area has progressed steadily, and the safety of residents in the city has been guaranteed. Relying on the power of the elves, a new path has been opened up using plant energy as the driving force for the city's operation.

Putting aside future uncertainties, the quality of life for humans in the central region is very high.

And there is basically no risk of infiltration by external forces.

In the Elf City under the protection of the Elf King, plants are the best surveillance eyes and can easily identify foreign forces lurking in disguise.

According to Xie Yuanli's description, Elf City was also infiltrated by foreigners who lost their domain.

But before the infiltration spread, it was strangled in the cradle and did not cause any damage to human civilization in the central region.

Xie Yuanli said that when they got off the station, the plant with a detection function detected a problem, and then an alarm was issued, and then the law enforcement team quickly arrived.

It can be seen that the humans in the central region, who possess the power of elves, are more advanced than the humans in the eastern region in many aspects.

But the unknown future is a topic that humans in the central region cannot avoid.

As the power of the Elf King increases day by day, the potential of the elves born to him also grows, and one day the human body will no longer be able to carry the power of the elves.

What will happen then is a question that the top human beings in the central region must face at this stage.

After a long conversation all night, it was learned that he wanted to live in the Elf City for a period of time. Xie Yuanli did not refuse and immediately said that he would make arrangements.

That morning, after breakfast at the Law Enforcement Department, Feng Qi followed Xie Yuanli to the Law Enforcement Hall.

Here, Feng Qi, Xiaoyou and others registered their identities, and a green mark was branded on their right arm.

This mark is like a temporary ID card.

The residents of Elf City also have similar ID cards. With the green stamp, they can enter and exit some non-restricted areas in the city.

In this way, there will be no situation where people walking in the city are regarded as potential threats by elf plants and reported to the law enforcement area.

After the identity issue was resolved, Feng Qi, Xiaoyou and others followed Xie Yuanli to a green building in the South District and were arranged to live on the 37th floor.

After completing the registration at the front desk, Xie Yuanli said that he still had things to do and could contact him at any time if needed, and then left in a hurry.

Feng Qi took Xiaoyou and others and took the green elevator to the 37th floor.

Arriving at the door, he reached out and pointed the identity mark branded on his arm at the shimmering red fruit on the door.

The fruit split open, and three tiny tentacles protruded from the inside and came into contact with the green brand on his arm.

When the tentacles retract, the color inside the fruit changes and the moss-covered door opens.

Enter the room with Xiaoyou and others.

The room is very large. After scanning the room, it is roughly estimated to be more than 300 square meters in area.

What surprised Feng Qi was that the structural layout and plants in the room were perfectly integrated, full of natural flavor.

Sitting on the soft green plant sofa, it feels like lying in the embrace of nature, and you can clearly feel the vitality inside the plants.

The air quality in the room is also excellent, and the quality and content of spiritual energy are higher than those outside.

Intrigued, he began to wander around the house.

He first came to the kitchen sink, stretched out his hand and turned the wooden handle, and saw water emerging from the transparent vine in front of the sink, spraying out along the top of the vine.

Feng Qi pushed the handle to the second space, and the liquid in the transparent vine tube turned into a green plant drink, and the rich aroma filled the room.

Push to the third grid, the liquid flowing out of the vine tube changes color again, and the fragrance changes accordingly.

Next there are the flame-breathing fruits, the flame fruit used for cooking food, the lantern fruit used as a lighting lamp, the purifying swallowing flower used to clean up excrement, and so on.

Humans in the central region have embarked on a different plant technology path from humans in the eastern region, but things here still have traces of human civilization, but they just exist in a different form.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Feng Qi immediately came to the door of the room and opened the door.

A woman wearing law enforcement uniform stood at the door. She handed the book in her hand to Feng Qi and said with a smile:

"Mr. Feng Qi, this is the instruction manual that Boss Xie entrusted me to give you."

"Thank you." Taking the book from the woman, Feng Qi nodded politely to express his gratitude.

After the woman left, Feng Qi closed the door and started reading books.

The cover of the book is made of twisted small branches and has a thick texture to the touch.

When I opened the first page of the book, I saw a line of big words:

[Elf City Encyclopedia-Children's Edition. 】

This is obviously an enlightening book to help young children better understand the city and the world they live in, but it is very useful for him. He still knows too little about the city.

He came to the sofa and sat down, half sinking into the soft tendrils of the plant.

He began to flip through the contents of the book.

Xiaoyou also leaned over at this time, but she obviously couldn't understand the words on the book. After a moment of confusion, her eyes gradually became dull and she fell down facing the sofa.

In an "autistic" way, he buried himself on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

The contents of the encyclopedia books are easy to understand. Through the popular science knowledge described above, Feng Qi gradually gained a deeper understanding of the plant technology in Elf City.

For example, the "faucet" that can spit out various drinks just now has a design similar to a water plant, but the water source does not come from rivers or lakes.

There is a water source factory in every urban area in Elf City.

The factory is powered by plant energy, and a large number of special plants are planted inside to serve residents throughout the city.

For example, the water banyan tree provides a source of water.

The water content inside this plant is extremely high. Its roots penetrate the earth and can extract water from the ground. Its branches and leaves can also absorb water from the air. The water banyan tree is one of the main sources of urban water supply.

In addition, there are ink trees that provide green spiritual fluid and jam trees that provide red spiritual fluid.

Another example is the swallowing flower that can decompose excrement.

The functions of these flowers are much richer than the toilets used by humans in the Eastern District.

It integrates functions such as cleaning, decomposition and transformation, and is truly green and environmentally friendly.

Various green technology products are special plants cultivated by humans in the central region using the power of elves. They have gradually matured with the development of civilization and have become an inseparable part of life.

In the encyclopedia, the thing that interests Feng Qi the most is something called the "Elf Network".

This is completely different from what he understands as surfing the Internet.

This is a neural network world that relies on the power of elves to connect to the network.

There is a plant called "Network Beard" in the room where Feng Qi is at this time.

If you want to surf the Internet, you need to have elf nerve tentacles extending from the human body of the elf species and connected to the network, so that the consciousness can enter the elf network and travel.

The explanation of the Elf Network in the encyclopedia reminded Feng Qi of the law enforcement officer who had tentacles extending from his body to connect with Yunmian when he first came to Elf City, and then controlled Yunmian's flight.

This seems to be a way for humans in Elf City to actively manipulate plant tools.

Through the spiritual tentacles provided by the elven species, spiritual connections can be achieved with other plants, so that the efficiency of manipulating plant tools can be as effective as the use of arms and fingers.

The Elf Neural Network also reminded Feng Qi of the psionic tribe's miraculous item, the "Holy Spirit Consciousness Library."

But through the description on the encyclopedia, Feng Qi can be sure that the Elf Network cannot be compared with the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

The characteristic of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library is knowledge sharing. As long as the abilities uploaded by other tribesmen can be directly downloaded in the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

Just like learning a foreign language.

As long as one clan member learns this foreign language and uploads it to the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library, all psychic clan members can instantly master this foreign language in less than a second.

But the Elven Network is closer to a place of spiritual communication.

There is also a large amount of data in the Elf Network, which is all in the hands of the Elf King. It is a spiritual world built by the Elf King using a plant with great spiritual capacity.

Through the Elf Network, humans in the central region can realize long-distance calls, mental video communication, study and review of materials, and so on.

But this kind of learning is essentially reading learning, which requires a process of digestion and understanding, which is very different from the Holy Spirit clan who can master it by downloading.

The children's version of the encyclopedia explained many basic things in the Elf City with pictures and texts, and also gave Feng Qi a clear understanding of the basic structure of the human world in the central region.

The more he learned about it, the more he felt that humans in the central region had developed to the point where they were completely inseparable from the Elf King.

Plant technology fills every corner of human life.

He could imagine how the higher-ups of humans viewed the Elf King.

This is not only the guarantee for the continuation of their civilization, but also the source that brings them strength and quality of life, but they cannot completely trust it.

Humans have no means to check and balance the Elf King.

What the future holds, we can only count on the Elf King's decision.

This is undoubtedly a great sadness.

He didn't want to speculate on the Elf King with malicious intent, he felt that the Elf King must be the villain.

It is entirely possible that the Elf King will always protect mankind into the future in accordance with the agreement made when the alliance was first formed. After all, there are many domain creatures he has seen that value emotions.

It's just that this bet is too big, and the future fate of all humans in the Central Region has been staked. He must change the status quo and give the humans in the Central Region the possibility of making a comeback when faced with a desperate situation.

Just like him and the Lord of the Mists.

Even though he was bound by brotherly feelings, he still had to keep his hands on the Lord of the Mists.

From the perspective of all mankind, staying behind is a responsibility to the tribe, and it is also a guarantee against possible accidents.

With his thoughts on his mind, Feng Qi continued to browse through the children's encyclopedia.

The book does not describe the power structure of the world in the central area, and the content is related to things in the Elf City.

Among them is the interpretation of the Elf King.

There is no content praising the Elf King in popular science books, but only describing the Elf King as a loyal ally of mankind, and the Elf race as the most reliable companion of mankind.

Judging from this point alone, the Elf King does not seem to have complete control over human civilization.

On the surface, it is still an alliance. The Elf King will not interfere with the operation of human civilization. Human leaders and the Elf King are in the same position.

Just take a look at this.

He could figure out which one was stronger or weaker by thinking with his toes.

It's not a joke to live under someone else's roof and still want to be on an equal footing with the real master.

However, it can be seen from the content description of the children's version of the encyclopedia that the Elf King never paid attention to other things except pursuing the expansion of his territory and the improvement of his strength.

When humans look for the Elf King for various kinds of help, the Elf King will basically agree if he can.

In addition to the text, the content of the children's encyclopedia also has many pictures corresponding to the content, including pages introducing the Elf King. The Elf King depicted above is a golden giant tree that reaches the sky, with a mouth and nose on its torso, and it looks very cute.

Through this picture, Feng Qi could roughly guess what the Elf King really looked like.

After reading the introduction about the Elf King, many doubts arose in his heart.

One thing that is clear is that the Elf King is an individual, but why can a large number of different types of plants be born?

The Elf King described by Xie Yuanli was once a spiritual plant in the realm world. He had no clansmen around him since he was born.

It can be inferred from this that the Elf King can reproduce asexually.

But its descendants, the elves, are very strange.

Innate abilities are all kinds of weird, including the ability to control various elements, spiritual abilities, physical amplification abilities, and even a combination of multiple abilities.

These elven species reminded Feng Qi of his own innate ability seeds.

In addition, there are a large number of strange plants in the city, all derived from the Elf King.

The Elf King used his own abilities to create a race of elves with many plant characteristics.

This seems illogical.

Over the years of exploring the realm, he has seen various types of realm creatures, but this is the first time he has seen an elf king that is composed of thousands of characteristics and can reproduce a life that is not the same species at all.

It felt to him like the Elf King was the creator of life.

Whatever type of offspring you want, you can create offspring with whatever characteristics you want.

If the Elf King really has the ability to create life, it would be really terrible.

Especially when looking at this issue from a war perspective.

Whatever arms the Elf King lacks in war, he can create this type of arms. There is no shortcoming in war at all.

The more he learned about it, the more he felt that the mysterious Elf King was terrifying in every aspect.

Think about it carefully.

To be able to carve out a majestic main city in the crisis-ridden central region and keep it standing for so many years, the Elf King, as a top combat power, may have grown to a height that he could not imagine.

What makes Feng Qi regretful is that he did not hear any information about the Elf King in his future dream.

This didn't surprise him either.

After all, he couldn't stay in the future dream for long, and the things he learned were generally in the eastern region, and he had no access to relevant information about the central region.


Suddenly an idea suddenly appeared in Feng Qi's mind.

He thought of a channel through which he could purchase intelligence from various regions in the future.

The guy with a lot of wealth and an empty city came to mind.

This life is none other than the Lord of Shadow City.

There is a future dream line. He and the Lord of Mist went to Shadow City and saw a trading bazaar there.

Not only can various rare resources be traded there, but there is also information on various regions.

He clearly remembered that he was ridiculed by the green dwarf who sold information.

Of course, he has already avenged this revenge.

If he could go to Shadow City again in the future dreamland, he might be able to purchase intelligence information about the central area. Then he would be able to know through the intelligence whether the Elf King had kept his promise.

Even get the future intelligence information about the Elf King to see where this guy's strength will be in the future.

But now there was a problem before him.

The appearance of Shadow City in the Eastern District is completely random. History is changing. Sometimes Shadow City will appear, and sometimes it will not appear due to changes in a certain time point.

It is completely unrealistic to accurately control the time when Shadow City appears.

With his thoughts surging, Feng Qi decided to try his luck in all future dreams.

If feasible, he could also ask his old fans to help lock the entrance to Shadow City and send him there when he arrives.

As for the problem of being pulled out by cramps and bones due to the miraculous aura sensed by the Lord of Shadow City's "Eye of Truth", that's not a problem at all.

No matter how strong the Shadow City Lord is, he will never be as strong as the old fans in the future.

When the old fan of the future is in charge, he doesn't believe that the Lord of Shadow City dares to do anything to him.

If you think about it carefully, except for the unsolvable factor Xiao Hei, he already has many powerful helpers in his future dreams.

After Jian Ji is solved, Mu Qing will join in the future.

Lying on the sofa, sleep came over me as my thoughts swirled.

After exploring the domain for more than thirty years, he rarely slept peacefully. After all, the domain world was full of dangers, and sleeping too much was a very dangerous behavior.

But here, he doesn't need to worry about that anymore.

His body sank into the soft sofa, Feng Qi fell into sleep unconsciously, and his expression gradually became peaceful.

Beside him, Xiaoyou put her face on the sofa, lying on the ground with her arms and legs spread out, and she was already asleep.

In front of the sink, Taihang manipulated the wooden wrench and drank plant drinks of different colors.

The broken armor is sitting cross-legged in front of the glowing moss, meditating with his eyes closed, and running the cultivation techniques in his body.

Lei Lei is at loggerheads with negative conscious bodies on a daily basis.

Looking away from the window, the elf city under the night has a magical color in its tranquility.

The crystal green light spots floating in the air embellish the city, and the abundant vitality is continuously injected into the city through the plants derived from the Elf King.

Everything here looks so beautiful.

Only there is no clear future.

The next morning.

After eating the breakfast served by the floor staff, Feng Qi continued to read the contents of the encyclopedia.

At this time, the network in the corner of the room must automatically spread, forming a frame similar to a screen in the air. When the tentacles light up, an image appears in the frame.

The person who appears in the video is Xie Yuanli, the head of the Southern District Law Enforcement Department.

After the figure appeared, he opened his mouth and said:

"Feng Qi, the Elf Festival will be in one month. Are you interested in going?"

"What is the Elf Festival?" Feng Qi looked stunned.

He has read through most of the children's encyclopedia, but has yet to see any introduction or explanation about the Elf Festival.

Faced with his inquiry, Xie Yuanli immediately smiled and explained:

"Elf Day is a day when children over ten years old have elf seeds implanted in their bodies. This festival is no less important to us than the Chinese New Year. It is one of the most important days of the year. Don't you want to see the elf with your own eyes? King, this is an opportunity, are you willing to follow me?"

"Go, you must go." Feng Qi nodded decisively.

He had too many doubts about the Elf King.

Now that he had the opportunity to see it with his own eyes, he naturally couldn't miss it.

At the same time, he was also very curious about the ritual of implanting elves into humans.

It’s uncomfortable, I might have hemorrhoids, who can bear this?

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