I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 508 Destiny City

Ruins field.

It's said to be treasure hunting, but it's more like picking up trash.

The objects on the ruins battlefield have been rummaged through countless times in Dadu. The valuable objects have already been picked up by the successive owners of this field, so how could they get their turn.

But it's not entirely impossible.

The devices here are piled up several meters high. If you look down, you may find a little surprise.

As for finding the miraculous item, Feng Qi had no hope at all.

Maybe the race that was destroyed by the war at its peak didn't even have a miraculous item. Even if it did, it would most likely have been taken away by other races.

After searching for a long time, Feng Qi still didn't find anything big.

I just found an interesting device.

A bone spur left by an unknown domain creature. The body of the discovered domain creature had been completely decomposed, and only this thorn remained.

After inspection, he found that the thorn had a weak enchantment effect and could be used to make equipment to defeat demons.

The most important thing is that this bone spur does not take up space.

If you can meet a forging race in the future, you can spend a certain price to make a dagger with a magic-breaking effect for armor-breaking.

During the subsequent rummaging, Feng Qi found no valuable items.

At this time, Po Jia came to him, and he saw Po Jia holding a bunch of broken objects in his hands.

It can be seen from the armor-piercing expression that he has expectations for this pile of objects.

Similar to Xiaoyou's situation, it is obvious that Armor Sunder cannot tell the quality of these devices and can only identify the value of the objects through him.

Feng Qi can completely understand this.

It is not easy to identify the quality of an object, and it often requires accumulation of experience.

The knowledge of armor sundering is simply not enough to identify good objects. The criterion for judging the value of an object can only be roughly guessed based on the aura fluctuations inside the object.

If you encounter a miraculous artifact with a restrained aura, you may miss it.

Feng Qi doesn't dare to say that he has rich experience in identifying objects, but at least he has accumulated a certain amount of experience.

In the Science and Technology Research Institute line, he followed the black shadow and saw many rare spiritual materials.

When I went to the old school, I also studied the field knowledge in depth.

In addition, the timeline where he grew up with his old fans also taught him a lot of knowledge in this area.

Other timelines have also had some exposure to this aspect.

The memory of multiple timelines gave him his own logical way of thinking about identifying the quality of objects.

But even so, Feng Qi didn't dare to say that his conclusion was necessarily accurate.

The domain world is vast and endless, and the tools created by different life forms are different. What he has learned is only partial knowledge that is biased towards flesh and blood life.

"Boss, how about taking a look at these objects for me?"

When saying the request, Po Jia looked a little embarrassed.

In fact, Pen Jia has never had the habit of asking for help, and will handle any situation alone.

For example, once while crossing a rainforest, Peng Jia, who was exploring the way, was bitten on his calf by a small frog-like animal. By the time Feng Qi discovered it, Peng Jia could no longer walk and his legs were three times thicker.

If he hadn't helped Po Jia detoxify him in time, Po Jia's tombstone might have been erected in the rain forest.

In this regard, Feng Qi also spent a lot of effort to gradually change his idea of ​​​​breaking armor.

Faced with the request to break the armor, Feng Qi immediately nodded and reached out to take out a piece of sharp metal from his arms.

This metal block has been eroded by the years and has mottled marks on it, but it still emits a faint cold light.

Judging from the shape, this metal tip seems to be the tip of a spear or spear type weapon, but the back part has disappeared, leaving only the tip part used to kill enemies.

After looking at it for a few times, Feng Qi shook his head:

"It's useless. When the dagger does not match your body shape, it is difficult to use it. Moreover, the internal structure of the gun tip has been damaged, and it will easily break when hit by external force."

With that said, Feng Qi dropped the tip of the gun on the ground and picked up the second device in Po Jia's arms.

This seemed to be a torn piece of cloth from a military flag. There were obvious signs of being torn on the edge. Only one corner remained, with a tail covered with barbs embroidered on it.

After caressing, Feng Qi shook his head again:

"The structure within the cloth has been destroyed. The material is good, but it is completely unnecessary and useless to recast it."

The next few objects were not even noticeable to Feng Qi.

He didn't have much expectations for the gains from breaking the armor.

The chance of picking up treasures in the ruins battlefield is too small.

But when he picked up the seventh artifact, Feng Qi's expression suddenly changed.

This is a tortoise-shell-shaped piece of white jade-colored bone. It looks unremarkable, but it is engraved with criss-crossing and very complex patterns.

If he hadn't seen the lines on it, Feng Qi would have thought it was worthless.

But if there is this pattern and texture, the value is not necessarily certain.

He had seen the pattern on it in the space teleportation array set up by the Lord of Shadow City. It was a one-way teleportation mark leading to a special space.

When the seal above is activated, a space channel can be opened around you that lasts for a period of time.

Looking at the white jade tortoise shell, Feng Qi was curious about the destination of this tortoise shell's directional teleportation.

"This thing is good, it might be useful."

"What is the use?"

Looking at Po Jia with a curious expression on his face, Feng Qi grinned and patted his shoulder:

"There is a space activation seal engraved on it, which can create a space passage that lasts for a certain period of time. Maybe this passage leads to the treasure house hidden by the ancient forces under our feet, which stores a large number of rare resources and weapons and equipment."

After hearing his explanation, Po Jia looked stunned.

"Here you go." After saying that, Feng Qi threw the tortoise shell jade in his hand to Po Jia.

However, Po Jia threw the turtle shell jade back to him and said seriously:

"Boss, let's go together"

"Okay." Feng Qi nodded immediately without hesitation.

The analysis I just gave to Armor Breaker was not a joke, it really could lead to the treasure house hidden by the defeated forces at my feet.

Otherwise, why spend a lot of rare spiritual materials to make such special space props.

After lowering his head and looking at the tortoise shell jade for a few more times, Feng Qi waved his hand and put it into the space bracelet.

Now that he has a space bracelet, he has said goodbye to the days of backpacking.

Next, he took Po Jia and others to continue exploring.

No other discoveries were made during this period, or there may have been discoveries, but they could not discern the value of the devices and were discarded by them.

The sun rises and sets repeatedly.

After spending six days, Feng Qi led Xiaoyou and others across the ruins battlefield.

What appears in front of you is a lake covered with water plants, a gap in the human world outside the domain.

Feng Qi decided to rest here for a while before continuing his journey.

Without his instructions, everyone immediately started to take action and quickly set up a bonfire.

Everyone was busy except Xiaoyou who was still sleeping.

During the exploration of the ruins field, Xiaoyou was excited for several days, collecting a bunch of junk, but never tired of it.

Feng Qi also had a headache due to Xiaoyou's quarrel.

Every time Xiaoyou just throws away the rags he brought back, it won't take long for Xiaoyou to hold a pile of garbage again, shouting "Boss", and rush from a distance.

For Xiaoyou, it seems that every time you pick up a broken object that you like, it is like scratching a lottery ticket.

And have great expectations for the results every time.

It seems that there are indeed miraculous items hidden among the junk items I found.

During the exploration of the ruins battlefield, Xiaoyou's sleep time was reduced by half. When she woke up, she would often call Taihang and start having fun.

The fun of Han Piyou is so simple and unpretentious.

When they left the ruins battlefield, Xiaoyou seemed to have triggered the sleep switch and fell asleep in just one second.

The magic knife releases flames, and the barbecue that has not been eaten for a long time is sizzling and oily in the flames.

When the fragrance overflows, Xiaoyou wakes up.

Feng Qi also took out the turtle shell jade again at this time.

He was curious about where the spatial patterns engraved on this piece of tortoise-shell jade would lead.

In addition to treasure troves, there may also be dangerous areas.

But he analyzed the possibilities and felt that the probability of it being a dangerous zone was very low.

After all, this type of space-directed transmission compression mark is very complicated to make, and it makes no sense to make a thankless prop that leads to a dangerous area.

The other side of the probability channel is very important to the producer.

And there is a high probability that it will be related to interests.

It can't be that a specially made space prison is possible, that would be too luxurious.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi decided to activate the tortoise shell jade after finishing the meal, and go to the other side to see if it was a treasure house or a tiger's den.

He reached out and took out a bottle of fruit wine from the space bracelet. He threw it to Lei Ting, then waved his hand and tore off a piece from the steaming barbecue and handed it to Xiaoyou who was staring at him.

Xiaoyou quickly caught the roasted meat with her mouth, chewed and swallowed it and cheered:

“Boss, it’s delicious!”

Half an hour later, Feng Qi held the tortoise shell jade and tried to activate it.

After a short wait, the lines on the tortoise shell jade were lit up, starting from the bottom and spreading upward.

When the space inscription on the tortoise-shell jade was completely lit up, the tortoise-shell jade automatically separated from Feng Qi's hand and floated in the air.

When Feng Qi saw this, he immediately took a step back.

I saw the tortoise shell hovering in the air trembling, gradually being enveloped by light.

The space around the tortoise-shell jade became as viscous as liquid, and the power disrupting the stability of the space continued to be released, and the space quickly distorted and deformed.

When the stability of space is destroyed to a certain extent, a pitch-black space crack appears.

Countless stars emerged in the black gaps, and Feng Qi seemed to see the flowing galaxy.

There is no space passage, only space stretching infinitely toward the darkness.

The end of this space rift is full of unknowns.

After a brief hesitation, he decided to go in and take a look.

Seeing Feng Qi stepping into the space rift, Xiaoyou flew in without hesitation, with no fear on his face and muttering:

"Boss, wait for me."

Then Po Jia, Taihang, and Thunder all followed suit.

The unknown has always been linked to fear, because the unknown is the source of fear.

Perhaps they were a little hesitant about the unknown end, but everyone did not choose to retreat.

Traveling through the dark void, which seemed to have no end, Feng Qi could feel that the space in front of him was constantly distorting, shortening the long distance to one inch and spreading continuously.

The darkness lasted for an exceptionally long time.

When light appeared, the space began to become stable, and Feng Qi felt a strong sense of weightlessness.

The moment his body flew out of the space rift, he suddenly found himself flying in mid-air.

Looking up at the sky, a huge bright moon hangs in the sky, but the sky is as deep as ink.

This is obviously not a human world.

The body fell rapidly, and the wind roared in his ears.

Looking down, a prosperous city appeared before Feng Qi's eyes.

The city's architecture resembles ancient Chinese style, with many gorgeous pavilions and cornices.

Thousands of lighted lights gather together to embellish the city with splendor.

On the tops of these buildings, colorful streamers are connected to each other. When viewed from above, they look like a colorful flower blooming slowly.

Various forms of racial life can be seen wandering on the city streets.

Various racial forces have achieved incredible harmony in this world.

The scene here reminded Feng Qi of the Shadow City he had visited in his future dreams.

But compared with the majestic city scene in the bustling Shadow City, this city looks more gorgeous, and there are no stalls selling items everywhere on the streets.

As his body fell, Feng Qi was filled with curiosity.

He couldn't understand the significance of coming to this special space city and needing to make special space-oriented transmission props.

What's so special about this city?

As the speed of his body's fall continued to accelerate, Feng Qi turned around in the air, and then saw Xiaoyou and others flying quickly, while the spatial rift in the sky was still open.

Turning around again, the bustling city scene in front of him quickly magnified in his sight.

Feng Qi held the magic knife tightly with one hand, preparing to use the body control technique.

But before he could take action, he saw a stream of light flying from the city, hovering in front of him at an extremely fast speed, pointing towards him with one hand, and Feng Qi suddenly felt that he was surrounded by a ball of soft energy. Wrapped, the body stopped falling in the air.

Then the figure pointed towards the sky and pulled Xiaoyou and others to his side.

Only then did Feng Qi see the face of the visitor clearly.

It was wearing a snow-white robe. The exposed head looked like a civet cat. It had a smile on its face. It also held a fiery red feather fan made of unknown bird feathers in its hand. The light red flame energy spread when it was waved. .

Looking at Feng Qi, the civet cat spoke.

But Feng Qi couldn't understand what the civet cat was talking about.

He tried changing several languages, but was unable to communicate with the tanuki.

At this time, the civet cat sighed, and then spread out its palms, only to see a few red pills in its palms.

Facing the pills handed to him, Feng Qi was confused, then reached out and picked up one.

After sniffing it for a few times, he took a lick.

Suddenly, I felt that my consciousness began to show obvious signs of spreading.

Looking at the tanuki again, he saw the tanuki nodding and pointing to his mouth.

Understanding what the civet cat wanted to express, Feng Qi swallowed the pill immediately without hesitation.

Suddenly his spiritual consciousness spread.

"Guest, can you understand what I say?"

When the civet cat spoke again, Feng Qi suddenly found that he could understand what it said.

Only then did he realize that the effect of this pill was to help convert language into meaning that his spiritual consciousness could understand and receive.

After distributing the pills provided by the civet cat to Xiaoyou and others, Feng Qi looked at the civet cat again and asked curiously:

"Where is this?"

"This is Destiny City, a city that can satisfy all the desires of guests. Everything here can be used as a bargaining chip to compete with other guests. Whatever you want, you can find it here."

"I want a miracle artifact, is it available here?"

When the civet cat, whose words were full of pride, heard these words, his expression suddenly became awkward, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said:

"If you are lucky enough, there may be. At least I have seen customers betting on miraculous objects, but the probability of this happening is extremely small."

"So this is a casino?"

"You can understand it that way."

Li nodded politely and took them flying towards the bustling city below.

Continuous updates will start tomorrow.

I’ll leave it to you all to vote for next month.

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