I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 530 Spiritual Guidance - Positioning Tracking (Thanks to the leader of World Hall for the re

Look through the contents of your mailbox.

From Wei Wei's description, Feng Qi saw the difficulty of rebuilding Winter City.

In order to help rebuild Winter City, Star City needs to support a large amount of supplies, which has led to certain restrictions on Star City's development.

The most obvious point is that the construction plan of the new city "Dawn City" has been suspended.

The consumption that should have been invested in the construction of the new city was instead used to support the reconstruction of Winter City.

The construction of the new city on this sacrifice line should have been carried out normally, and it would be up to him in the future to look through historical information to find out the problems that existed in the construction of Daybreak City and the directions for improvement.

But the reconstruction of Winter City cannot be ignored.

The plan could not keep up with the changes, and the construction of Daybreak City had no choice but to be suspended.

But Feng Qi felt that the decision made by Star City's senior officials was not wrong.

Next, he continued to look through the contents of the mailbox.

132. There is something that makes me hesitate recently.

Do you want to clone Mu Qing and create a sucker?

Maintaining Jian Ji's seal is a large expense. If the suction cup is added, the internal circulation in the Scarlet Secret Base will be destroyed.

At this stage, there is no need to worry about the internal circulation being destroyed. After all, the Scarlet Research Institute is still connected to the outside world and can be supplied through the outside world.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

When the reconstruction of Winter City is completed, the construction of Dawn City will also officially start.

At that time, the Scarlet Research Institute will no longer be able to establish contact with Dawn City, regardless of safety or confidentiality considerations. The unsustainable internal circulation will not be able to guarantee that the Scarlet Secret Base will support you until you return in the future.

It's a tough choice.

We must not only ensure the normal operation of R\u0026D investment, but also ensure the stability of Jian Ji's seal, and finally support a small sucker... Star City's resources are already very tight due to the Winter City problem, and it is even more impossible for our secret base to achieve all three. Its beauty.

My current thoughts are.

This sacrifice line gives up the support of the sucker and invests most of the resources in the research and development of my team and Lin Ran's team, as well as the maintenance consumption of Seal Jianji.

Hey, actually I'm still hesitating.

I will decide later whether I want to support the little suckers or not.

176. According to the information sent back by the field team.

Dawn Academy's Domain Studies major has opened a new course, which is the "Domain Illustrated War Game" that you originally proposed.

Through these illustration cards, students can better understand the creatures in the field, and at the same time, they can also add interest to field studies through chess games.

In the future, we will even consider using competitions to select the strongest ones to participate in the illustrated book game in Destiny City.

But that's all for the future.

At this stage, Star City's resources are relatively tight and there are no extra resources to support such events.

203. Recently, Star City held a supreme meeting.

The content of the discussion is related to the intelligence you brought back from the front line.

In the intelligence you brought back, many resources that can be of great help to the development of Star City were marked. Star City's senior officials are preparing to form an expedition team to go to the fields you marked to mine resources.

Of course, although they are an expedition team, they will not be allowed to go to areas that are too far away. Basically, the targets are the fields that you visited early in the challenge of ascending to the gods.

The resources being mined are mainly rare and valuable resources.

For example, void stones are more suitable for making space stabilizing stones. Such resources will be of great help to the development of space technology in Star City.

Another example is the lava fish you find in the Pyroblast Field, which can be used as a test creature for breeding spiritual beasts in Star City.

However, the amount of resources that the expedition team can carry is limited, and the leader will only be equipped with a space bracelet you left behind. The resources mined by the expedition are based on value, and quantity is not important.

285. (Important information) Recently, Lin Ran's health has become worse and worse. All physical indicators are very poor, and his life span is completely dependent on genetic medicine.

Let’s talk about Lin Ran’s research results here.

In fact, Lin Ran has found a clear solution to the potential hidden dangers of the faith growth route.

In early experiments, those believers who chose to borrow their innate abilities were generally mentally contaminated, and would often fall into an inexplicable state of confusion.

Lin Ran feels that this is most likely because the spirit of the believer has lost itself in your spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

The process of borrowing innate abilities is to continuously add weight to the body. The final result is that believers can no longer swim out of your spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

If you want to allow believers to return to themselves, the best way is to create a spiritual guide.

This guidance can allow the believer's consciousness to stably shuttle through your spiritual sea of ​​consciousness and return to your own spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

Sounds a bit complicated?

To put it simply, you need to create a "guide" in your spiritual consciousness. Its existence will protect believers and send the consciousness of believers who borrow their natural abilities safely out of your spiritual consciousness.

How to do this, Lin Ran and his team pointed out a clear direction.

Remember "Spiritual Immortality"?

Many timelines ago, you asked Lin Ran to develop a spiritual attack technique that could make spiritual consciousness exist for a long time and make spiritual consciousness extremely powerful, and then use this method to fight against the Lord of Mist's body seizure.

Later, when we allied ourselves with old fans, spiritual immortality lost its effect.

Now Lin Ran has picked up the "Spiritual Immortality" method again and developed it further.

Lin Ran's idea is very simple, to create a guide who can exist in your spiritual sea of ​​consciousness by cultivating spiritual immortality. He will guide believers no longer lost.

If Lin Ran's idea can succeed, the path of faith growth will become possible. Even if Mu Zhen fails, humans will at least have other alternatives.

As for who should be chosen to be the guide for this believer, Lin Ran’s thoughts are:

Choose a sacrifice line that allows you to be the leader.

That is to say, you need to cultivate spiritual immortality and become a guide for your own believers.

By doing this your body will perish, but by that sacrifice line your spirit will live forever.

As for whether this idea can be successful, it remains for Lin Ran to experiment, but his body is getting worse day by day and he can no longer hold on for much longer.

When I chatted with him recently, he said that while there is still time, he will plan the future research direction of the team in detail. Even if he dies, the team can continue to expand and improve the content of spiritual immortality under the planning direction he provided.

311. The construction and planning of Daybreak City have recently been restarted.

How long the construction will take is completely unknown. There is a high probability that the Daybreak City built in this timeline will not reach your ideal appearance and can only be used as a reference for the next timeline.

Based on the information returned by the field team, Star City decided to gradually relocate the population of Star City into Dawn City twenty years later to assist in the subsequent construction and development of Dawn City.

The future situation of the entire Star City will gradually tilt towards Dawn City.

It is conceivable that Star City will become an empty city in a few hundred years.

We who are in a secret underground base will always hide underground and will no longer go to the world outside the body.

I don't care.

Apart from not being able to see the sun, moon and stars hanging high in the sky, opening the window and being unable to feel the breeze blowing on my face, and looking at the old locust tree outside, there is actually no big difference between this place and the scarlet base on the surface.

The only drawback may be the food.

But the nutritional cream has been updated in so many timelines, and it tastes great!

There are more than 300 flavors!

Of course, you will definitely get tired of it if you eat too much.

I was definitely the one who suffered the most, and it was almost time for the other brothers and sisters to leave when they got tired of it.

I am different, I can still hold on strong.

Although this beauty is not among the top ten gods of war in the human race, if one were to select the top ten gods of longevity in the human race, this beauty would definitely be ranked among the top three in history.

335. Jian Ji’s mental fluctuations have changed recently, which makes me very worried.

Just a few days ago, the seal inspector reported and updated Jian Ji's latest situation at the meeting.

It can be seen from the changes in the data that Jian Ji's mental fluctuations have been stable before, but now there are some twists and turns. This is obviously not good news for us.

The occurrence of mental fluctuations may prove that Jian Ji's consciousness is gradually getting rid of the impact of negative emotional shocks, and his consciousness is about to break free from the mental prison.

Our research in the spiritual field is still very weak and we are unable to analyze Jian Ji's situation with a definite answer.

We can only hope that this is just a normal mental fluctuation and will not let Jian Ji break out of his mental sinking.

But no matter what, since there are risks, you need to think about how to deal with the worst case scenario.

Regarding Jian Ji's situation, we held a meeting to discuss it.

The final solution was to camouflage Room 1303, where Jian Ji was located, to ensure that even if Jian Ji woke up, it would not affect the existence of the Scarlet Secret Base.

The specific plan is this.

First, we will re-plan the layout of the room where Jian Ji is located, and dig a passage to the surface from the ceiling in this area.

Then, a special material slate that can block the spread and penetration of consciousness was installed on the walls of the room, and the door connecting to the secret base was thickened and camouflaged.

Assuming that the plan to seal Jian Ji fails, even if Jian Ji turns on his perception when he wakes up, he will not find the existence of the secret base. The upward passage will also mislead Jian Ji into thinking that he is sealed in an underground room, and he will inevitably follow this passage. Head to the surface.

This plan can ensure that even if Jian Ji wakes up, the Scarlet Secret Base will still be preserved.

Your brain and the lifelong efforts of Lin Ran, me, and even other researchers are preserved here, which is so important.

This is the solution to minimize losses when an accident occurs.

357. Lin Ran left, but I still didn’t go to the funeral.

I hate the parting scene the most!

376. The relocation operation of Star City has begun. Starting from the East District of Star City, the entire population of Star City will be gradually moved to Dawn City.

Meanwhile, construction of Daybreak City continues.

The current situation is that construction and relocation are carried out simultaneously, and we will completely escape from the world.

When you show up, you will definitely see the ruins of Star City.

But heading west, you may be able to see extremely prosperous new cities. This time the future may no longer be the end of mankind.

In addition, the Dawn Army has been officially merged into Winter City and renamed the Winter Dawn Army.

The estrangement in the minds of previous generations has been resolved.

The development of Winter City has also brought many benefits to our Star City. Rare spiritual resources will be allocated to us first for consumption.

The only problem is that the field seems to be coming faster.

As the road connecting Winter City and Star City continues to be blocked by the coming fields, the two cities are likely to lose contact.

But this problem can be easily solved with the development of space technology.

In the future construction plan of Dawn City, two stable space transmission arrays will be built.

One is connected to Mist City, and the other is connected to Winter City.

By then, even if the domain field blocks the connection between cities, more efficient connections can be established through the stable space transmission array.

400. Recently, Jian Ji's mental fluctuations have appeared more and more frequently.

Through observation, it can be basically concluded that Jian Ji's consciousness is struggling to escape from the mental prison.

Recovery seems inevitable.

This timeline has paid a heavy price for Zhan Jianji. How can I be willing to let him leave like this?

Assuming that Jian Ji will inevitably break away from the seal and leave, he must also find a way to kill him.

If you don't kill Jian Ji, the collapse of Winter City will be an endless cycle of reincarnation.

So I thought of implanting a tracking and positioning chip in Jian Ji's body to ensure that even if Jian Ji breaks away from the seal, you can hunt him down in the future.

(At that time, you can seek help from future fans, and then use the positioning chip to locate Jian Ji. With the power of future fans, it should be easy to crush Jian Ji to death.)

But if you want to implant the positioning chip into Jian Ji's body, it will be a headache before he discovers it.

With Jian Ji's power, it was obviously easy to find foreign objects implanted in his body.

How to solve this problem, I'm trying to figure it out.

421. Hahaha, this beauty is really a genius. I thought of a good way.

Remember the blueskin tribe?

They have a small black bead that can locate miraculous items, and we collected three of them in this timeline.

I used small beads to test Jian Ji's enhanced gem and found that it was completely able to locate it.

However, this positioning has certain range limitations, at least in the secret base, ultra-long-distance effect testing cannot be carried out.

However, based on the changes in the strength of the returned signal, it can be roughly judged that the positioning range is about 30 kilometers.

This is obviously not enough for you to find Jian Ji who has broken free from the seal.

The point is that we can develop a signal enhancement device that can strengthen the positioning of small black beads.

To achieve this, we still need to solve two problems.

1. Clear the signal of strengthening gems to ensure that you will not locate the wrong miracle item.

This problem is easy to solve.

The positioning black beads release different signals for different miracle items. Just capture this string of signals and input them into the signal amplifying device.

2. How to strengthen the positioning effect of small black beads.

How to do this is still in the testing phase.

I have never seen the material of the small black beads. The plan we adopted is to create an amplified charging device on the outside of the small black beads to increase the effect of positioning the small black beads.

The current test effect is ten times better, but in my opinion it is not enough.

This will be a long test project and will also be the main direction of the secret base in the future.

Also, I would like to mention that it was a far-sighted decision that you chose to move the improvement of science and technology to the Scarlet Research Institute. If it were not for the efforts of the science and technology department, my idea would not be realized at all.

Now the staff in the science and technology department are staying up late and working overtime every day, racing against time to research.

598. The positioning device dedicated to Jian Ji has been completed.

The device is stored in room 1302.

If Jian Ji really breaks free of the seal in the future, remember to bring your old fans with you and start chasing him.

845. Recently, Jian Ji's mental fluctuation value has been gradually increasing. He must be not far away from breaking free from the seal.

I'm really worried that there will be other accidents.

Hope everything goes well.

This beauty's time is almost up. I have implanted the research results of this sacrifice line deep into your brain. When the time comes, just let me on the main timeline extract it.

(Including Xiaoyou’s memory.)

I finished reading Wei Wei’s message.

Feng Qi's mind pictured Weiwei with gray hair, sighing in front of the mirror, and her face was fleeting.

This old woman's mentality is always full of optimism, and she can face it with a smile no matter what setbacks she faces.

But they only care about and feel resentful about the aging of their appearance.

With a knowing smile, he turned around and walked towards room 1303.

Weiwei's email did not indicate whether Jian Ji had broken free of the seal.

To be more precise, until Weiwei's death and Jianji's death, she never broke free from the seal.

But now it is still unknown whether Jian Ji has escaped.

Arriving at the door of room 1303, he reached out and swiped the electronic lock on the door, and an electronic authentication sound suddenly sounded:

"Highest authority certification: seal chess!"

The red light on the electronic lock instantly turned to green.

When the heavy door slowly opened, Feng Qi discovered that there was a dirt passage in front of him, and there was a door at the end.

This was obviously designed to isolate Room 1303 from the Scarlet Secret Base.

The purpose is to ensure the safety of the Scarlet Secret Base.

Stepping to the end of the room, he took a deep breath and pressed his hand on the isolation iron door.

By killing Jian Ji, he could gain huge bloodline evolution points.

The most important thing is that Jian Ji is dead, which will benefit the future timeline a lot, and Winter City will completely become his peer force.

When the iron isolation door was slowly pushed open, many possibilities came to Feng Qi's mind.

One thing he knew clearly in his heart was that if Jian Ji broke out of the seal, he would pursue her according to Wei Wei's suggestion and must kill her completely.

How can he feel at ease if Jian Ji is immortal?

Just when Feng Qi was about to hold his breath to reveal the result, the narrator's lazy voice sounded in his mind:

"Your brain is indeed damaged by overlapping memories. Have you forgotten what your father's ability is? Is it difficult to ask directly?"

Hearing the narrator's complaints, Feng Qi suddenly remembered.

I have my own narration!

The narrator's ability is detection. This wall that can block perception is equivalent to nothing under the narrator's special perception.

He didn't need to open the door at all, he just needed to ask the narrator to get the answer.

The hand pushing the door suddenly stopped, and Feng Qi immediately asked in his heart:

"Abai, has Jian Ji escaped?"

"The door is almost open, so let's go in and take a look. Is the result important now? Didn't you just push it open and take a look after I told you?"

Feng Qi:......

At this time, he had only one thought in his mind.

As expected, the narration is still the same as before, still so mean.

Thank you to the leader of World Hall Dashan for the reward. Thank you.

Brothers, go to bed early. I'm afraid that your hair will fall out and you will become ugly and unable to find a partner.

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