I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 540 Source of suffering, scorched earth, disorder

Daybreak City, Data Center.

Armor Sunder has not yet given a prompt, and while Xiao Hei has not arrived yet, Feng Qi continues to seize the time to check the knowledge content recorded in the database.

Feng Qi is looking forward to whether the concept of creating a pseudo-holy spirit consciousness library can become a reality.

But he understands that there will be many challenges to whether it can be realized.

For example, whether his spiritual consciousness is large enough to accommodate so much information.

Or, if his spiritual consciousness is damaged, will data and information be lost, etc.

But now that I have an idea, I must try it.

According to Wei Wei's guess, she believed that the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library was most likely originally the spiritual consciousness of a Pillar God, and then evolved into the Miracle Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

The process of creating a pseudo-Holy Spirit consciousness library is very likely to be a process of creating miracles.

As long as his spiritual consciousness continues to grow, he will one day become a special existence comparable to the consciousness library of the Holy Spirit.

Feng Qi didn't think too much about this issue.

Time is limited, the most important thing now is to continue looking through the database information and learn as much knowledge as possible.

This knowledge will form the basis for the next timeline.

After looking through the knowledge for a period of time, Feng Qi would always stop to regain his energy and look through historical information for a while.

During this period, Feng Qi saw a piece of historical information.

The data shows that Zhang Daowen was seriously injured. During this period, Dawn City was almost destroyed, and the situation of the human race was in danger.

The name of the hostile force of the human race at that time was "Eternal Hell" in the data.

However, there is no introduction to the race of this force in the information.

Feng Qi, who was confused, turned to look at Zhang Daowen, who was standing aside with his hands behind his hands, and asked curiously:

"Xiao Wen, what kind of racial force is this Eternal Hell? Why is there no specific introduction in the historical data?"

Faced with Feng Qi's inquiry, Zhang Daowen took a deep breath:

"That force does not have a unified race. It is a name for the unity of race and life that came out of that place."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhang Daowen's expression gradually became serious, and then he explained:

"Uncle Qi, the place where that force is located, translated in our human language, is hell, or the extremely evil hell, so I call it the endless hell..."

Through Zhang Daowen's narration, a brand-new force appeared in front of Feng Qi.

But it was completely different from the racial forces Feng Qi had come into contact with before.

Zhang Daowen said that when he first came into contact with the "Infinite Hell", he didn't know its specific origins. Later, he spent a lot of money to buy relevant information about this force in Destiny City, and then he learned about it.

The Infinite Hell is said to be a force, rather than a place.

Regarding the Infinite Hell, it can be traced back to the superpower "Infernal Affairs" in ancient times.

At its peak, this clan occupied multiple small worlds, far beyond the power that occupied multiple worlds. It was a well-deserved super power. Even today, 1,500 years later, it is enough to be called a super power.

The Wujian clan has a miraculous item called Wujian, which is where the name of the Wujian clan comes from.

The function of this miraculous object is very special, and it forms a huge space inside, which contains endless torture and torture.

Any life that is thrown into this space will endure endless torture and pain.

Miracle continuously absorbs the pain caused by the life imprisoned inside, and derives a special energy.

This is an energy known as the source of pain, and it is also the key to the rise of the Wujian clan.

In order to maintain the rapid development of the race, the Wujian tribe at that time captured the lives of other races everywhere in the domain world and threw them into the Hell of Wujiang, allowing them to continue to provide painful energy to the Wujiang tribe in pain and torture.

Therefore, the endless space is also called the endless hell.

Being thrown into the Infinite Hell by the Wu Jian clan means that you will spend your whole life in endless pain.

Zhang Daowen did not receive an accurate figure on how many racial beings were captured and sent to the Infernal Hell during the peak period of the Wujian clan. The intelligence provider only made a rough guess, thinking that there might be three billion lives.

This is an extremely huge number.

As time passes, the peak of the Wujian clan fades away, and it only takes a few years for the race to decline.

According to the intelligence description, the Wujian clan suffered a one-sided defeat in the confrontation with another stronger peak clan. After persisting for a period of time, the huge force eventually fell apart, and all its territory was occupied by another powerful clan.

But before the race collapsed, the leader of the Wujian clan chose to integrate it into space, or seal it in space, in order to prevent hostile forces from obtaining "Miracle Wujian". Since then, no force has ever had Miracle Wujian.

As time goes by, time has diluted the traces of the Wujian clan’s existence.

But Hell has not disappeared.

Without the control of the Infernal Affairs clan, the cruel torture of Infernal Hell no longer operates, but the three billion lives inside still exist.

Fortunately, they no longer have to endure endless torture.

Unfortunately, Wu Jian Hell no longer has the resources invested by the Wu Jian clan, and its internal resources are dwindling.

This is where brutal competition begins.

Three billion lives waged a bloody war for resources.

Different from the wars in the outside world, there was no racial stance in the Infinite Hell at first. They were basically lone wolf warriors, fighting only for resources.

Then, driven by interests, alliances of groups of different races were formed.

During this period, three extremely powerful organizations were born.

The name of the first group is Source of Suffering.

This is the most special group in the endless hell.

Their lives have been changed through endless torture, and negative emotions have completely eroded their personality, turning them into negative beings.

The source of suffering can be said to be the source of all suffering.

They no longer need food and are sustained by feeding on the negative emotions born from other beings.

This force is the most extreme force in the Eternal Hell. They possess the most extreme evil and hate all good things.

Many strong men were born in the Source of Suffering, and they were also the first forces to successfully challenge the Infinite Purgatory.

According to the intelligence description obtained by Zhang Daowen, Infinite Purgatory is a road full of suffering and the only exit from Infinite Hell.

But the road is almost endless, and it is almost impossible to pass the challenge.

But there are many strong people in the source of suffering who resolutely challenge the road to endless purgatory.

Before each challenge, the strong men of the Kuyuan forces will form a small team and then number the group according to their strength.

After entering the Infinite Purgatory, when the pain energy in the body is about to be exhausted, the suffering life being with the lowest number will become the food of a small group, and will be eaten by the suffering life beings with other numbers to replenish the consumption.

Relying on devouring their own kind, one after another suffering beings passed through the endless purgatory and completed the challenge of miracles.

But the source of suffering is not the most powerful force in the Infinite Hell.

Factors such as their small number and lack of cohesion have resulted in the individual combat power of the Kuyuan beings being extremely strong, but in terms of overall strength, they are not considered the strongest force in the Infinite Hell.

The strongest force in the Eternal Hell is: Scorched Earth.

An evil force composed of a group of extremely vicious butchers.

If the first successful force to challenge the Road to Infinite Purgatory was Ku Yuan, then the first force to adopt this challenge was Scorched Earth.

The strongest man in the Scorched Earth had quietly started the challenge to the Infernal Purgatory Road as early as when the Wujian clan was still there.

Whenever the Wujiang clan throws a group of "new people" into the Wujiang Hell.

Some of them were treated as piglets by this group of extremely vicious guys, and they were taken to the endless purgatory and used as food rations.

The original founders of Scorched Earth even fought against the Wu Jian clan.

Although they failed every time, Scorched Earth's ferocity has already made a name for itself in the Infernal Hell. This is not a race, but an alliance of a group of extremely vicious people.

The Scorched Earth Alliance already existed when the Wujian Clan was still around. At that time, several of the strongest people jointly established a series of strict Scorched Earth commandments.

Any violator of the Scorched Earth commandments is destined to die.

For example, all Scorched Earth members are not allowed to eat the food dropped by the Wu Jian clan, even if they are about to starve to death.

Any member who eats the food dropped by the Wujian clan will be regarded as a traitor to Scorched Earth and will be eaten by other Scorched Earth members.

The commandments stipulate that all Scorched Earth members must feed on other beings who are also suffering from hell. This is also the only way for Scorched Earth members to replenish their body's energy.

In the following years, the rules of Scorched Earth have not changed. There are no high-level people in Scorched Earth, or anyone can be a high-level person.

The right to speak belongs only to the strongest.

This organization has gathered the most ferocious group of guys in the Eternal Hell. They hunt other beings and either rise up in battle or die in battle.

The cruel way of survival has created all the extremely evil warriors in Scorched Earth.

When the Infernal Hell can no longer invest new people, the food for the Scorched Earth members becomes increasingly scarce.

Only a handful of people in the Scorched Earth can finally escape from the Hell alive, but every living Scorched Earth warrior is a butcher covered in blood.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are millions, or even tens of millions, of corpses lying at the feet of the strongest among them.

They are the most ferocious butchers. Even if they have no racial background, each of them is a demon struggling to escape from hell. Fighting is as normal as breathing for the members of the Scorched Earth.

The third party force is an alternative in the Eternal Hell, named Discord.

The emergence of this force was initially due to the oppression of Scorched Earth, which led to many lives choosing to unite together.

In the cruel competition, many wise men were born in the chaos.

They formulated strategies and tried to use strategies to fight Scorched Earth, but were defeated many times in front of Scorched Earth's powerful combat power.

During this period, a crazy scholar appeared in the chaos.

It proposed a life transformation plan, using the painful energy filled in the disordered hell to transform itself into a painful life and gain the power to fight against the scorched earth.

The reference direction is exactly the life that is the source of suffering.

The plan ultimately succeeded, and the transformed lives became semi-miserable.

Although they do not have the powerful power of Kuyuan Life, they retain some of their sanity.

Later, the pain was transformed into a petition to join the disorder.

All lives that hope to be protected by disorder must undergo cruel and painful transformation.

Relying on this evil transformation, Discord gained the power to fight against the Scorched Earth.

But this kind of transformation also has serious drawbacks. The hearts of disordered members are gradually filled with hostility, and a hatred for order is born in their hearts.

This is where the name disorder comes from.

In the years to come, the wise men in disorder will continue to update the transformation plan.

Discord warriors are divided into five major types, namely hatred, despair, death, plague, and darkness.

After stepping out of the Hell, Discord has become an extremely terrifying force, and it is also the most united force among the three major forces that emerged from the Hell.

In addition to these three parties, there are many small groups in the Infinite Hell.

But without exception, they are all extremely evil and terrible beings. Their path out of the endless hell is paved with countless corpses, and there is no good person.

The warriors who came out of Hell all have one thing in common.

Their bodies are imprinted with the mark of the eternal purgatory, and even if they abandon their physical bodies, they will still remain in their souls.

This mark is not torture, but will make the warriors who emerge from the endless hell stronger.

Just like the Heart Refining Platform, Branding is a gift to those who complete the challenge.

But Hell is like the opposite of Heart Refining Platform.

The Heart Refining Platform allows challengers to grow mentally. Even if they endure a lot of pain during the challenge, it will dissipate after the challenge is over, leaving only mental insights.

The eternal hell is different, it will retain all the pain, and only the most extreme devils can get out of the eternal hell.

The meat-grinding hell of three billion lives is like a death bed.

After all, only a very small number can come out.

Source of suffering, scorched earth, disorder, there is not a weak one among them.

This is not a racial force, but it is more terrifying than most racial forces.

After listening to Zhang Daowen's story, Feng Qi's expression became solemn, and then he looked at Zhang Daowen and asked:

"Which force are you fighting against?"

"It should be a member of the Scorched Earth. His right arm is branded with the burning mark of Infinite Hell, but it made a cross blood mark on this mark. According to the intelligence, this is exactly the behavior of the Scorched Earth warriors. They use this A way to distinguish oneself from other beings in the endless hell."

Speaking of this, Zhang Daowen continued after being silent for a while:

"Uncle Chess, actually the Scorched Earth Warrior I fought with was seriously injured, but he was like a bad wolf. He didn't care about his injuries during the battle. In the end, it wasn't me who defeated him, but he killed himself in the battle. Serious injuries and excessive consumption wore down his body, but I was also seriously injured by him...I don't know where his strength falls in the Scorched Earth."

Hearing this, Feng Qi nodded solemnly.

He knew very well how strong Zhang Daowen was.

The information on other future regions is limited, so we won’t care about it for now.

But in this area called the Barrens, it is definitely the strongest.

Being seriously injured by a seriously injured Scorched Earth warrior showed how terrifying that Scorched Earth warrior was.

"Are there any hidden dangers?" Feng Qi asked at this time.

"That was all five hundred years ago. If I wanted revenge, I would have come a long time ago. According to the information I got, apart from Discord, the Infernal Hell is very united. Whether it is the scorched earth or the source of suffering, they are not united with each other, so Don’t worry about retaliation... It was precisely because of my worries that I went to Destiny City to purchase information.”

After listening to Zhang Daowen's story, Feng Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

If the members of Scorched Earth take revenge on the human race in the future, it will inevitably become a major hidden danger in the future.

Just when Feng Qi wanted to continue to learn about the "Eternal Hell" from Zhang Daowen, the armor-piercing figure suddenly appeared next to him and said softly:

"Boss, it looks like Xiaoyou won't be able to hold on much longer."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi's heart sank.

Finally came.

He still has a lot of knowledge and information to learn, but time is obviously not enough.

[It’s time to get off work, so I’ll rub my hands and look forward to it. 】

Hearing the narrator's complaints, Feng Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then mentally raised his middle finger.

(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

QVQ I’m so tired these days.

Thanks to Erialis for the 8790 starting coins.

Thanks to Simple Bubble for the 2,000 starting coins.

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