I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 575 Nano transformation completed

Daybreak 117 years.

Mo Yu stood in the mechanical transformation laboratory, looking at the mechanical nanobugs displayed enlarged on the screen in front of him.

Compared with the original version, the appearance of the current mechanical nanobug has changed slightly.

The mechanical nanobug is still a jet black cube in shape, but its body surface has very gorgeous and beautiful lines. If you continue to zoom in on the screen, you can see that the surface of this mechanical nanobug is surrounded by golden light spots, slowly seeping into the machine. Inside the nanoworm.

After the soul-catching formation is inscribed, the mechanical nanobug will be in a state of autonomous charging at all times.

Now, the first mechanical nanobug is truly completed.

It is made of a composite material that is a fusion of forbidden magic metal and meteorite. Later, a spiritual formation is engraved on the surface to ensure that the mechanical nanoworms can replenish their energy by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all times.

Secondly, a stabilizing array is engraved in the body of the mechanical nanobug.

The function of this formation is to strengthen the body structure of the mechanical nanobugs, further enhance the defense of the mechanical nanobugs, and the formation engraved on the mechanical nanobugs.

Finally, the mechanical nanobug is specially equipped with a nanoscale signal receiving device.

This is done for insurance purposes.

Controlling mechanical nanobugs with consciousness is Mo Yu's goal, but even Mo Yu has no confidence in whether this can be achieved.

But building mechanical nanoworms costs a lot of money.

Including resources, manpower, and points paid to the Silver Moon Clan, the overall cost reached 80 million blood stones.

Star City has been developing steadily over the years, and more and more spiritual resources have been brought back from the western front supply area. However, such huge expenditures have still affected the development of Star City.

For this reason, Star City could only choose to cut off some of the projects under construction and allocate resources to the mechanical transformation department where Mo Yu worked.

If the method of mind-controlled mechanical nanobugs doesn't work, it won't be wasted.

Star City can also rely on signal manipulation to allow mechanical nanoworms to create value for Star City.

But there are too many drawbacks to the signal manipulation method.

When encountering problems such as signal shielding or interference, mechanical nanoworms will be completely useless.

This is just a choice when you have no choice.

Looking at the finished mechanical nanobug in the distance, Mo Yu's prosthetic eyes kept turning.

The creation of the first mechanical nanobug was the most difficult, but subsequent mass production will no longer be a problem.

The existing resources are enough for him to build the first batch of mechanical nanobugs for actual combat.

Next, he will also begin the practice of spiritual immortality.

Time flies like an arrow.

Daybreak 121 years.

Star City Central Park.

It's autumn again, and the withered yellow maple leaves are blowing in the wind, covering the ground with a thick layer.

After many years, Mo Yu once again stood in front of Feng Qi's heroic statue.

Looking up at the statue, Mo Yu kept recounting his experiences over the years in his heart.

It has been a long time since he saw Feng Qi again. Mo Yu has always been grateful and respectful to this great man in human history and his guide.

Just five days later, he was going to carry out the final step of the mechanical nanobug project, the nanomechanization of his body.

Success or failure, even Mo Yu himself has no confidence.

As a pioneer explorer of the mechanical transformation project, taking the risks brought by exploration is a process he must go through, and he has no regrets about it.

The last regret buried deep in my heart is that I have not yet fulfilled my vow of revenge.

After bowing deeply to the statue of Fengqi Hero, Mo Yu turned around and left resolutely.

Five days later.

In the afternoon, a transport vehicle of Hupo's largest model set off from Hupo base and headed towards the west supply area of ​​Star City.

In the carriage, several large pieces of equipment were loaded.

The criss-crossing cables are connected to each other, and the flashing lights prove that these instruments are on.

Mo Yu sat in the carriage and glanced at several large instruments around him.

Finally, his eyes focused on the pitch black iron box directly in front of him.

What was stored in the box was his painstaking work in the second half of his life, the mechanical nanoworm.

The delivery vehicle drove smoothly and quickly on the main highway connecting Star City and the supply area. When night gradually enveloped the earth and the sun was about to set, the outline of a bustling city appeared at the end of the horizon.

After more than a hundred years of development, this city is no longer what it used to be.

It started out as a woodland covered with lush greenery, but is now a fully modern city.

The level of modernization of the city even exceeds that of most areas in Star City.

In addition to frontline soldiers, there are also a large number of ordinary residents who serve the frontline.

When the delivery vehicle drove into the supply city, the first thing that came into view was a towering watchtower.

This watchtower has long been abandoned, and the tower is covered with traces of corrosion over time.

There are many similar observation towers in the supply city, and they will continue to expand to the west as the supply area expands.

The delivery vehicle arrived at the front line of the supply area at 3 o'clock in the morning.

This is also the most prosperous area in the supply city.

Except for the watchtower, there are no tall buildings on the front line, but every building here is movable.

Building this kind of movable building is also the result of many years of experience in the development of frontline supply areas.

As the frontline supply area continues to expand to the west, a large number of new buildings must be built each time, and many buildings in the rear will gradually become abandoned.

In order to maximize the efficiency of resource use, architectural scholars among humans have developed a movable building.

As the rear front line moves forward, the buildings on the front line can also move forward together.

At the same time, this type of building is also equipped with many of the latest technologies, and there are even devices installed in the house to detect biological creatures in the field. The standards of materials used in these constructions are far higher than those in Star City buildings.

Arriving at the frontline area, the flow of people here increased.

There are heavily armed frontline warriors everywhere, the shops here are open all night, and there are frontline management warriors wearing "inspector" medals patrolling the streets.

Their duty is to maintain security on the front line and guard against surprise attacks by domain creatures.

Compared with the chaotic scene in the early stages of the development of the supply area, everything in the current supply area is in order.

The supporting facilities along the way are also very complete.

Weapon shops, prop rental shops, battle group office halls, watchtowers, hotels... In addition to infrastructure, the biggest feature of the supply area is the battle group garrison located behind both sides of the main block of the supply area.

This place was originally a wasteland, so each battle group that settled in was assigned a large amount of land to station in.

As long as you are successfully promoted to an A-level battle group, you will even be able to obtain permission to customize the design of the station. At that time, a dedicated construction team will come to connect and customize the station.

Being on the cruel front line, they are living a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. These humanized services are designed to allow frontline soldiers to enjoy the convenience and enjoyment of life that is not inferior to that in the city while fighting.

Every year, Star City allocates 5% of its resources to improve the lives of frontline soldiers.

At the end of the year, there was also a questionnaire survey of all frontline soldiers.

Each soldier can fill in the questionnaire to rate the service quality of the frontline supply area and then make suggestions for improvements.

These suggestions will be submitted to the Supreme Council of Star City after being summarized. In the coming year, a new round of construction and improvement of the frontline supply area will be carried out based on the suggestions put forward by the frontline soldiers.

These processes are fully transparent.

The people of Star City also know that the quality of life enjoyed by frontline soldiers is much higher than that of them.

But no one would object.

Everyone clearly understands that the stable life they have achieved is the result of the bloody battles of the frontline soldiers.

Behind the quiet years, the frontline soldiers are marching forward with heavy loads.

The transport vehicle Mo Yu was in finally stopped at the central square of the frontline supply area.

In the center of the square, there stands a statue of the hero of Fengqi that is tens of meters high.

Surrounding the statue is a fountain landscape, and there are many figures walking around in the square, or praying in front of the Fengqi statue.

These prayers are generally loyal believers in Fengqi.

Establish a faith connection with Feng Qi through faith, in exchange for the special ability to borrow natural abilities.

The proportion of loyal believers on the front line is far greater than that in the city.

Some of the believers had borrowed their natural abilities to save themselves from danger. After that, these warriors believed in Fengqi even more strongly, and they would also take the initiative to tell the people around them about the benefits of belief in Fengqi.

As a result, Fengqi's followers surged in the frontline supply area.

Belief in Fengqi is different from belief in gods.

Gods are illusory and cannot give any feedback to believers.

But Feng Qi was a great man of the last century. Both history books and related documentary images can prove that he really existed.

More importantly, as long as the belief in Feng Qi is deep enough, you can establish a spiritual connection with Feng Qi and gain substantial special abilities.

This era is in the exploratory stage of borrowing natural abilities, but it is also moving towards the era of universal superpowers envisioned by Feng Qi.

After the transport truck stopped in the square, it began to disintegrate.

The carriage unfolded flat to form a platform close to the ground, and the instruments installed in the carriage were carried and placed separately by robotic arms.

Mo Yu stood on the platform and looked around.

After many years, he returned to the frontline supply area again.

The past events were vivid in his mind, and the faces of his wife and brothers flashed through his mind.

He still clearly remembered his vow to avenge them.

If the plan goes well this time, he will keep his word.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu stepped towards the jet black iron box and put his hand on the iron box.


The iron box made a crisp sound and slowly opened.

The surrounding instruments were also activated at this time, and the mechanical arm began to approach Mo Yu's body.

In the surprised eyes of the soldiers wandering around the square, Mo Yu's body was disassembled bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, all that was left of Mo Yu's mechanical body was the chip that stored consciousness.

At this time, a black mist in the iron box approached Mo Yu's consciousness chip and wrapped it.

This is where the process of segmentation of consciousness begins.

After years of practice, Mo Yu has strengthened his consciousness to the limit that his consciousness chip can carry.

If it is further strengthened, the consciousness chip will not be able to carry his consciousness.

At this point, he had no choice.

He also thought about allowing his consciousness to continue to strengthen, even if the consciousness chip collapsed, it would still be okay and continue to exist as an ideology.

But his idea was rejected by Feng Qi.

Feng Qi told him that consciousness without external objects is a consumable.

No matter how strong you are, you will gradually become weaker in the real world.

If consciousness is regarded as the person itself, then the physical body or other carriers are ships carrying consciousness sailing on the sea.

A strong consciousness can swim in the sea even without a boat, and even face rough waves, but after all, it cannot stay immersed in the sea for a long time.

And the real world is the sea.

The domain world has flesh and blood life, elemental life, and spiritual life, but it does not have independent conscious life.

For this reason, Feng Qi also told him what true conscious life is like.

That conscious life is called the negative consciousness body. It cannot exist independently and can only be attached to Feng Qi's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. Occasionally, it will leave his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness to survive outside.

This made Mo Yu understand that he could not let his consciousness continue to grow.

As of today, it has almost reached his limit.

When the mechanical nanoworm ate the chip, Mo Yu's consciousness appeared.

In the state of consciousness, Mo Yu returned to his former human form, but his whole body turned golden and no longer had any flesh and blood attached to him.

The mechanical nanobugs began to devour Mo Yu's consciousness according to the set program. After each mechanical nanobug took a bite on the conscious body, it would fly away.

During this process, Mo Yu felt pain from the conscious level.

Since the mechanical transformation of his body was completed, he had not felt pain for a long time, and he had almost forgotten what pain felt like.

But the pain at the conscious level is far beyond the limit that the physical body can bear.

The flesh and blood body wears armor to reduce damage from the outside world, but to the consciousness, the flesh and blood body is its own armor.

Every second of this pain feels like a century.

Every second is endless torture.

But from the moment the program started, there was no possibility of stopping it. Mo Yu had already cut off his escape route.

More and more mechanical nanobugs are devouring consciousness and becoming the carrier of consciousness.

A few hours later, Mo Yu's golden consciousness was eaten away.

Mechanical nanobugs without program control are suspended in the air, changing their aggregated forms with the wind, like a burst of black smoke, gathering and dispersing.

At the nano level that is invisible to the naked eye.

Mo Yu's consciousness is slowly awakening, but the intensity of the nanoscale split in consciousness far exceeds Mo Yu's imagination.

The process of consciousness connection is extremely slow, and can even be described as reluctant.

The time came early the next morning.

The mechanical nanobugs that dispersed like smoke suddenly gathered together, and Mo Yu stood on the platform in human form.

Looking down at his mechanical nanobug body, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

The mechanical nano-transformation of the body can be said to be successful, or it can be said to be unsuccessful.

But Mo Yu had already been mentally prepared and did not think about this issue in detail.

Standing on the transport platform, he began to conduct data tests on his new body.

And these valuable data will become experience for those who are latecomers to mechanical transformation on their growth path.

After the body is mechanically nanosized, it does not have a fixed form. It turns back into a human just because of his habit.

As long as he wants, he can change into anything at any time.

He can even easily achieve disguise like the Disguise Technique. As long as he gets the target's body data, he can restore the body to a 1:1 form.

The heart, throat, energy core... and other fatal parts of life are no longer his flaws.

Every part of his body is a deadly weapon.

The data continuously collected by the instruments prove that his efforts over the years have not been in vain.

The support Star City has given him over the years will also be rewarded.

Three days later.

After the data recording was completed, Mo Yu raised his head and looked at the statue of Fengqi Hero in the distance.

After bowing deeply, his body disintegrated into a ball of black mist and flew towards the direction of the Black Wind Domain.

This time, he wants to fulfill his promise.

Revenge against the Black Wind Clan.

I sweated at least three kilograms yesterday. I was so busy that I was bald, and I was too tired to write. I had to ask for leave. Please forgive me, brothers.

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