I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 578 Top Decision Maker

The feather of time flies by.

After graduation, Ji He joined Star City's resource scheduling department with a letter of recommendation from the principal of Dawn Academy.

The content this department is responsible for is relatively complex.

It is necessary to process the resources sent back to Star City from the front lines, and then distribute them to various research institutes, schools, and other institutions in Star City after statistics.

The resource scheduling department essentially has no real power.

After all, the resource allocation plan has no power to be decided by the resource scheduling department. The top meeting decides the resource allocation ratios of various agencies in Star City in advance every month.

Their tasks are mainly statistical.

Then classify the resources, record the amount of each resource, and so on.

In Ji He's eyes, this is a springboard to the top. During his work, he was extremely serious and even took the initiative to apply for overtime and put all his enthusiasm into his work.

In order to better complete the task of resource scheduling, he even proposed upgrading the resource scheduling system.

After the application was approved, he took the initiative to become a member of the research team and went between the front lines and various agencies in Star City to inquire about the docking problems they encountered in resource scheduling.

In the third year after joining the resource dispatching department, Ji He won an award for his outstanding performance.

The achievements of the past three years have added to his resume.

The foreshadowing will eventually come to fruition.

As expected, Ji He was notified by the superior department and promoted to a member of the management of the resource scheduling department.

Star City's management system is different from before the disaster.

The Supreme Council members of Star City are mainly composed of two parts

The first is the decision-makers of Star City's power agencies, such as Star City Military Department, Hu Po Research Institute, etc.

Next is the top level of city management in Star City.

Resource dispatching, urban transportation, agricultural synthesis, etc.

Together, these agencies form part of the city's management, with top management responsible for overall management of these departments.

They also have a say in the Supreme Council of Star City.

This is also the path Ji He chose.

At the same time, the promotion method in Star City is also different from before the disaster.

The management selection and appointment process before the disaster all followed the process according to the cadre management authority. To put it simply, appointments, removals, promotions, transfers, etc. are specifically operated by the personnel department of the higher-level agency. The selection and appointment of the mid-level cadres of the unit are It can be decided by the organization

In the post-catastrophic world, Star City is in great demand for talents.

Promotion is mainly based on the performance of the position. Any performance while in office will be evaluated as three options: deduction points, extra points, and no change.

Secondly, there is a recommendation mechanism.

However, the final decision on promotion does not entirely belong to the superior department. It also needs to be evaluated by other departments and a discussion group will be formed to determine whether to implement it.

Ji He's performance is undoubtedly excellent.

Without any suspense, he was promoted to the management of the resource scheduling department, adding an additional position to him.

In the days to come, Jihe's evaluation will be "optimal" every year.

During this period, he carried out drastic reforms in the resource scheduling department through department meetings.

With the power in his hands, his first attack was on the personnel of his department.

32 people were removed in two years.

No job in Star City is guaranteed to be a guaranteed job, including public officials, but after all, it is a human society, and some things exist to a certain extent and are unavoidable.

Ji He knew very well what impact this would have on himself.

Since this is a humane society, he, the destroyer, will definitely be hated by some people.

But Ji He understands one thing more. What he does is not for these people to see. His goal is at the highest point, and he does this precisely to pave the way for his future self.

Once the impact is digested, what he does now will add color to his resume.

What he wants is the opinion of the people of Star City towards him and the opinion of the highest level of Star City towards him.

During this period, in order to optimize the efficiency of resource dispatching, Jihe also discussed with transportation and other departments to formulate a new resource dispatching route.

The fifth year after graduation.

Due to his outstanding performance, his name was mentioned in the discussion group of the Supreme Council.

Looking through Ji He's resume, the top decision-makers were surprised.

In this era, excellence should rise to the top, and there is no process of gaining seniority.

Therefore, Ji He was qualified to serve in the Supreme Council of Star City as he wished.

This was the height that his teacher had worked hard all his life to achieve.

But the nature of work has also changed.

He used to be a decision-maker in the resource scheduling department, but after serving in the Supreme Council of Star City, he changed from a decision-maker to a task executor.

The job content is to complete the decisions of each Star City Supreme Meeting, or to convey news, or to supervise the implementation of decisions, etc.

For example, the Supreme Council passed a resolution to develop a certain piece of land and build a brand new facility.

Jihe needs to supervise the progress of the project, communicate and coordinate the division of labor among various departments, and ensure that the decisions of the Supreme Meeting are implemented.

Having reached this position at just 28 years old, Ji He knows that he is one step closer to his goal.

What he has to do is to firmly implement every decision made by the Supreme Council.

Even if you don't agree with the decision.

The teacher is a warning. Before reaching a height and position that can influence decision-making, any outstanding ideas may affect his continued progress.

At the age of 32.


The sky was overcast and it was drizzling.

Dressed in black, Ji He let the raindrops slap his cheeks.

Looking at the lifted wooden coffin in the distance, Ji He's eyes flashed. He didn't feel any sadness in his heart, he only felt a strong emotion stirring in his heart.

He knew that he now had an opportunity to rise to the top.

The old man who was about to be buried was one of the decision-makers of Star City City Management.

Due to overwork at work and an accident, he died suddenly at the age of 73.

Now his position is vacant.

Next, a candidate will inevitably be selected to take his place, and then the Supreme Council will vote to decide who will fill the vacant position.

This is a rare opportunity for Ji He.

After the funeral, the Supreme Council of Star City decided on eight replacement candidates through a meeting. The youngest one, except Ji He, was already 41 years old.

But age has never been an advantage in this era, ability is.

Ji He's years of preparation once again played a key role at this time.

Looking at his growth history, there is no stain. Even though he offended many colleagues when he worked in the dispatch department, his original intention has always been to develop the Star City as the core concept.

This resume is perfect.

A loyal believer in Fengqi, an executor who is not afraid of power, and a person who implements tasks... Ji He has too many labels, and each label represents a foreshadowing for him in the early stage.

More importantly, Ji He is still very young.

With both frontline experience and rising from the grassroots level, Ji He’s growth experience perfectly meets the inner needs of the highest level.

But choosing the decision-makers for Star City's Supreme Council is no child's play.

Before the voting begins, Ji He and the others have to face a practical test from the Star City Supreme Council.

In the following time, their eight candidates will obtain part of the power of the Supreme Council of Star City, and then use their power and their own abilities to handle various affairs of Star City.

This will determine whether they can stand out next.

The first task given to them by the Star City Supreme Council was to connect with the Silver Moon Clan and deal with the issue of profit distribution between the two clans.

This time, Ji He changed from an executor to half a decision-maker.

But the power he obtained was only temporary and could not support him in promoting the reform of Star City.

Ji He did not indulge in the current heights and continued to study and grow conscientiously. He consulted the history of the alliance between the Human Race and the Silver Moon Clan in detail through the database.

Historical figures start from the love between Lin Ran and Yin Ling, to the revision of the alliance code, until the arrival of the Silver Moon tribe...

After spending half a month reading all the information, Ji He began to think about a question.

Why did the Star City Supreme Council give them the task of connecting with the Silver Moon Clan?

The relationship between Star City and the Silver Moon Clan has developed steadily, and there is no problem with the docking process after hundreds of years of development. Whether they take over or not will not have any impact on the original process.

But since Star City's decision-makers gave them this task, they definitely wanted to see their performance.

Thinking along this line of thought, Ji He fell into deep thought.

His teacher taught him since he was a child that any problem must be viewed from the perspective of the big picture and the person who asked the question.

While thinking, Ji He gradually had ideas in his mind.

The people selected this time were members of the highest decision-making level of Star City. What they valued was obviously not their ability to complete tasks, but their ability to discover and solve problems.

This time to connect with the Silver Moon Tribe, they obviously need to discover and solve problems in the cooperation between the two tribes.

In order to confirm his guess, Ji He re-read the history of the cooperation and development between the two races. After reading it again, he suddenly understood what the decision-makers of the Supreme Council of Star City wanted to do.

History is changing, and the time has come for the cooperation model between the human race and the Silver Moon tribe to change.

Star City once stood in an absolutely dominant position, providing various supports to the Silver Moon Clan and exchanging benefits with the Silver Moon Clan through the points system set by Feng Qi.

The specific process is that the Silver Moon clan assists the development of Star City through technology and manpower to obtain points rewards, and then uses the points to exchange for various resources from the list of materials provided by Star City.

This cooperation model continues to this day.

But Ji He found that the current situation was no longer the same as before.

The Silver Moon Clan is developing at a rapid pace. It has completed its primitive accumulation by earning points through working part-time, and is now opening up a supply area to the east of Star City.

This is a frontline supply area that belongs exclusively to the Silver Moon Clan.

According to the information in the database, this supply area is now able to stably produce spiritual resources.

While repeatedly reading the information about the Silver Moon Clan, Ji He kept piecing together the information about the Silver Moon Clan in his mind, and he already knew in his heart what the unquestioned assessment items were.

Thinking about the problem from the perspective of a Star City decision-maker, the first thing he thought of was what benefits the Silver Moon Clan's changes could bring to the human race.

Thinking in this direction, the answer is readily apparent.

The Silver Moon Clan is no longer the weak Silver Moon Clan they once were. They already have the ability to produce resources, and Star City does not have the resources produced by the fields to the east.

Therefore, how Star City should exchange resources from the Silver Moon Clan and enrich Star City's resource reserves is the core issue of this assessment.

Ji He stayed up all night.

The problem is clear, but there is no idea on how to solve it.

For this reason, he began to check the Silver Moon Clan's demand for Star City over the years, looking for chips that Star City could use to trade with the Silver Moon Clan.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The plan in Ji He's mind gradually became clear from vagueness.

However, he did not propose his idea to the Supreme Council of Star City. Instead, he approached the relevant departments with the rights of a candidate and began to design and build a new trading system.

Another half month.

On this day, Ji He was in the office, reading relevant information about the Silver Moon Clan.

There was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

The person who pushed open the door was a young man with glasses and a gentle appearance. He came to stand in front of Ji He and respectfully handed the tablet computer in his hand to Ji He:

"This is a trading system built according to your requirements. Please take a look."

Ji He nodded and reached out to take the tablet.

After scanning several apps on the screen, he clicked on the app that said "Alliance Trading".

A brand new trading panel appeared in Ji He's eyes.

This trading system recategorizes the points, and the directory column contains three racial categories: Human Race, Silver Moon Race, and Mist Race.

After clicking on the Terran, the mall list appears, which lists in detail the products that the Terran can provide. Each product also has a virtual 3D display panel. After clicking, there is a detailed introduction to the material attributes and the price of points required for purchase.

After checking it carefully, Ji He couldn't help but nod.

After exiting the Human Race Mall, he clicked on the Silver Moon Clan in the directory bar.

Another brand new mall panel pops up. This is a completely different mall panel from the human mall. The transaction points displayed in the upper right corner also have a different icon.

It’s just that there are no products on the shelves yet in the mall.

This is the new trading system envisioned by Jihe.

In the future, the points trading system will be independent of each other. Star City provides related services to the Silver Moon Clan in exchange for points from the Silver Moon Clan, which can be used to purchase resources provided by the Silver Moon Clan. The points earned by the Silver Moon Clan from the Human Race can be used to purchase the Human Race. H.

Jihe's original idea was to integrate points.

Both races share one point.

But after carefully analyzing the pros and cons, he found that doing so would be very detrimental to the human race.

The points earned by the Silver Moon Tribe from the transactions between the two tribes are much greater than those of the Human Tribe. If an undivided points system is adopted, the Terran Tribe will always be in a state of trade deficit, and the points can be offset by the Silver Moon Tribe's points.

After thinking about the pros and cons, Ji He felt that dividing the points was the best choice.

In this way, the human race can also use points to exchange for resources in the hands of the Silver Moon clan, enriching the reserve resources.

Considering that there was also a distant ally, the Mist Tribe, he simply included the Mist Tribe into the new trading system.

A good trading model can promote the relationship between alliances.

In contrast, the transaction model between the Mist Tribe and the Human Tribe is too vague. From a long-term perspective, both tribes will analyze the pros and cons of resource exchange, which is detrimental to the stability of the alliance.

Ji He even thought that after the trading system passed the review of the Star City Supreme Council, he would personally contact the Silver Moon Clan, assign the authority of the trading system to the relevant personnel of the Silver Moon Clan, and let them put the product list on the shelves.

Trade between allies will be more convenient in the future.

The listing and removal of any product can be done with a tablet. Star City's resource scheduling department will then receive the monthly transaction list in the background, and then take the resources needed by the alliance from the warehouse, deduct the points and ship them directly. That’s it.

While he was satisfied with the new trading system, Ji He carefully looked through the various functions of the trading system.

Finally, several improvement directions are proposed.

For example, in terms of interface design, it is best for the Silver Moon Tribe’s mall interface to use the Silver Moon Tribe’s favorite silver interface.

The seemingly insignificant design can make the Silver Moon tribe feel that the human race attaches great importance to them.

Others include the arrangement of items in the mall, etc.

The original intention of these designs was Jihe's consideration of racial habits.

The information on the Silver Moon Clan that I had read these days came into play at this time.

Ten days later.

Ji He submitted the improved trading system to the Star City Supreme Council.

When seeing the plan submitted by Ji He, the members of the Star City Supreme Council looked very surprised.

They did not give any questions for this test. The purpose was to ask the eight candidates to proactively discover problems.

As the decision-makers of Star City, there will be no tasks issued by superiors in the future. Their position is already at the top of Star City. What they need is the eyes to detect problems and the ability to formulate solutions to problems.

Ji He's performance can no longer be described as excellent.

It only took a month and a half to find out the changes in the cooperation between Star City and the Silver Moon Clan, and realized that Star City also needed channels to obtain resources from the Silver Moon Clan.

After discovering the problem, Jihe created a trading system that adapted to the new cooperation model in a short period of time.

Perhaps other candidates also see a problem.

But no one completed this test task more efficiently than Ji He.

Divide the trading points and formulate a new trading system. Ji He's answer to these two points alone is enough to be considered a perfect score.

After the Supreme Council reviewed the trading system designed by Ji He in detail, it did not make any announcement to the outside world. It only informed Ji He that he would be solely responsible for the subsequent negotiations with the Silver Moon Clan.

This reply has proved that Jihe's plan passed the review of the Supreme Council.

The next step is the specific implementation.

In the face of success, Ji He has no pride. He knows that he is still far away from achieving his ideal goal.

Next, he began to connect with the Silver Moon Clan in the name of Star City, and proposed a new points system for resource exchange with the Silver Moon Clan elders.

During the discussion, Ji He did not hide anything and stated directly that Star City also needed resources from the Silver Moon Clan.

This represents his honesty towards the Silver Moon Clan.

He even said this during the negotiation:

"Elders of the Silver Moon Tribe, I know that the East Supply Zone of the Silver Moon Tribe has been able to produce resources stably. As allies, we need not just unilateral transactions, but also the exchange of resources, so that we can The development of the two tribes is moving in a better direction, and I hope that all the elders here can agree with my plan and take the cooperation between the two tribes to a higher level."

Faced with Ji He's words, the elders of the Silver Moon clan agreed to the new direction of cooperation without hesitation after reviewing the new trading system.

After one month of preparation, the brand new trading system was filled with spiritual resources produced by the Silver Moon East Supply Zone.

Ji He used his actions to give Star City Supreme Council a satisfactory answer.

In the future, even if Star City has a trade deficit, it will still be able to exchange points for resources from the Silver Moon Clan.

Three months later.

The Star City Supreme Meeting begins.

That day Ji He and the eight candidates all came to the Supreme Council of Star City and sat down.

Voting begins here.

The entire Supreme Council venue is divided into two parts, one-third of the seats belong to Star City's city management, and the other two-thirds belong to Star City's power agencies, such as the Hupo Research Institute, the Military Department, and so on.

Voting takes approximately one hour.

After the voting ended, it took five minutes to count and the final results were announced.

With an absolute advantage, Ji He won the highest number of votes without any suspense. The other seven candidates combined did not receive as many votes as him.

In fact, the problems Ji He discovered were also discovered by the other seven candidates.

They each gave different solutions, but at the same time that they gave their plans, Ji He had already implemented the plan. When the new trading system came online, everything had already been settled.

When Ji He stepped onto the center stage of the Supreme Council, there was thunderous applause.

His eyes swept over the people present representing the highest authority in Star City, and he bowed forward politely.

Being promoted to a member of Star City's highest decision-making level was a height that none of his teachers had reached, but Ji He didn't have any impetuousness or pride in his heart.

At the end of the meeting, a majestic figure with blue hair came to the venue.

The arrival was none other than Zhang Daowen.

He walked onto the stage and personally awarded Ji He the Medal of Honor representing a member of the Supreme Council of Star City.

The medal is entirely golden, with the Sword of Dawn and the Book of Dawn intertwined on the front. The medal is surrounded by flowers, and on the back is Feng Qi's head, with golden ties tied around it.

Zhang Daowen personally put the medal on Ji He's chest, and then he reached out and patted Ji He's shoulder:

"Work hard and the future belongs to you."

Facing Zhang Daowen, a legendary figure who rose from the front line, standing in front of him, Ji He felt for the first time the aura of a superior person, and felt in a daze that what was standing in front of him was an insurmountable mountain.

After coming back to his senses, Ji He looked directly into Zhang Daowen's icy blue eyes, nodded solemnly and said:

"Follow the teachings of our predecessors."

There was thunderous applause. When Zhang Daowen walked off the stage, Ji He, who was standing alone on the stage, glanced at the crowd with a bright smile on his face.

New heights, new journey... He is one step closer to his goal.

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