I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 589 Mountains and rivers enter the dream

Daybreak 445 years.

Jihe returned to his position.

Only this time, he finally decided to let it go.

But before letting go, he still had some time to prepare, because with the help of Feng Qi, he was able to extend his life for a while.

But even Feng Qi couldn't give an accurate answer as to how long it would last.

Through the experience and data of those who have followed the path of faith growth over the years, one thing that is certain is that borrowing natural abilities is affected by one's own physical fitness.

He is not a cultivator, and the effect of borrowing his natural abilities on him is really limited.

According to Feng Qi, this innate ability was specially customized for him by Wei Wei, the former director of the Genetics Department of the Scarlet Research Institute. It was taken from a lobster named "Spicy" and can effectively slow down the aging rate of his own cells.

Feng Qi estimates that he has at most 20 years left to live.

For Ji He, extending his life for twenty years is enough, which is enough for him to make proper arrangements for his death.

Returning to his residence, he called his student "Liao Jie".

The moment he saw Ji He, Liao Jie, who was already middle-aged, looked surprised and couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher, you seem to have become younger."

Ji He nodded, but did not say anything about his belief in Feng Qi.

Feng Qi also promised him that he would never tell anyone that he was a believer.

"Xiaojie, I have a task for you." Ji He said softly at this time.

"Teacher, please tell me."

"To assist a person and help him grow."


"Chen Zhao!"

Hearing this name, Liao Jie frowned slightly.

This name is not unfamiliar to him. Chen Zhao is an outstanding graduate of Dawn Academy. He is currently serving the grassroots level in Star City. He has publicly criticized the teacher's behavior many times and even organized public demonstrations to protest against the teacher's reforms.

But the teacher never did anything and let them do whatever they wanted.

He had wanted to deal with this matter for a long time, and had repeatedly suggested that the teacher sweep away these thorns, but was stopped by the teacher many times.

At this time, when he heard that the teacher asked him to help Chen Zhao grow up, Liao Jie was filled with doubts and was puzzled by the teacher's decision:

"Teacher, do you want me to penetrate into their opponents and then look for opportunities to defeat them one by one?"

"You don't need to understand why, you just need to assist him wholeheartedly... Remember, don't be selfish, what I want is for you to assist him wholeheartedly."

Facing Liao Jie's inquiry, Ji He smiled and shook his head.

Liao Jie never refuses the teacher's decision. He knows that the teacher must have his own intentions in doing so. After being silent for a long time, he nodded and said:

"Teacher, I understand, I will help Chen Zhao grow up."

After Liao Jie left, Ji He sat on the sofa in the room and fell into deep thought.

He still has many ideas that he has yet to implement in the limited future, but he is no longer obsessed with it. His current idea is to complete one thing after another.

Just as Feng Qi said.

Compromising with yourself is not giving up, but moving on after facing regrets calmly.

He wanted to push Star City one more mile in his limited life.

The next day, Ji He held a Star City meeting.

Sitting on the chairman's seat of the Supreme Council, he glanced at everyone present.

Many of the decision-makers who once worked with him have resigned, and a generation of old people have been replaced by new people. Many of these new people now have the same lofty ambitions as he once did, and want to contribute to the rise of Star City.

At this meeting, Ji He decided to implement a decision immediately.

This plan has been conceived by Ji He for a long time, but has never been implemented.

The name of the plan is "Spiritual Beast Breeding Plan".

After the war with the Split Heaven Clan, Ji He discovered many deficiencies in the military department, and implemented many military reform plans in recent years.

But the essence of the problem of the human race comes from the low potential of bloodline.

To this end, he promoted marriage with guaranteed distribution and forced the talented new generation to have two or even three children to speed up the replacement and improvement of bloodline potential.

But that's not enough.

The essential problems will take time to settle, but Ji He feels that there are still many potential solutions that can be implemented, and these solutions can all bring improvements to the combat power of the human race.

One of the plans is to breed spiritual beasts, and the specific reference target is the Split Sky God Clan.

The Split Sky God Clan has a racial characteristic. Their fertility rate is low, so the number of people is always small.

However, the Split Sky God Clan increased their combat power by breeding spiritual beasts.

Nearly half of the warriors of the Split Heaven Clan have their own exclusive spirit beast mounts, which opened up a new way of thinking for Ji He.

He feels that the human race can completely imitate the Split Sky God Clan in cultivating spiritual beast mounts, which will bring external help to the human race on a non-cultivation level.

More importantly, humans will also have a new auxiliary growth system.

The reason why it has not been implemented in recent years is because Star City has been in a stage of rapid development in recent years, and the expenditure on resources has become extremely huge. Breeding spiritual beasts is also a project with huge resource expenditure, which will accelerate the depletion of Star City's inventory resources.

But this time, Ji He decided to speed up the consumption of Star City's resources and at the same time intensify the internal conflicts in Star City.

There is not much time left for him, and he wants to leave a way out for future generations.

After the meeting, Ji He decided to build another spiritual beast breeding farm in the west direction of the new city of Dawn City.

The matter was left to the construction department of Star City, and he decided to personally follow the envoy from Star City to Destiny City to go to Destiny City.

A few days later, Ji He's figure appeared on the second floor of the Destiny City Hall.

This is the first time Ji He has come to Destiny City. Usually, he can only know about this place through the pictures and images brought back by the messenger.

Following the Star City envoy, Ji He met three spirit beast merchants in Destiny City.

They have many spiritual beasts that can be cultivated and farmed, which can be eaten and used in foreign wars.

Ji He already had a clear idea of ​​how to choose a spiritual beast.

This was the first time that the human race had embarked on the path of spiritual beast breeding. He considered the selection of the first batch of spiritual beasts from three directions.

The first consideration is that the human race does not have the technology to breed spirit beasts at this stage. Easily feeding them is the first option for the human race when they are exploring and moving forward. They will accumulate experience through the breeding of the first batch of spirit beasts.

The second consideration is loyalty. What he needs is for the grown spirit beast to have extremely high loyalty and not be prone to rebellion.

The third consideration is the bloodline potential that seems to be the most important.

In the eyes of Ji He, the first batch of breeding spirit beasts is more meaningful than actual combat.

At the spirit beast merchant, Ji He saw many spirit beasts, but the value of each spirit beast was high.

There are many spiritual beasts that meet the three requirements. Ji He finally chose a spiritual beast called "Miracle Bird". This kind of spiritual beast has a low meat-to-meat ratio, is highly adaptable to environments with low spiritual energy, and has extremely The high level of loyalty meets Ji He's requirements for the first batch of spirit beasts.

After paying the deposit to the middleman and deciding to purchase one hundred Miracle Birds, Ji He returned to Star City.

Next, just wait for the establishment of the spirit beast breeding farm.

Before that, he had one more thing to do, which was to set up a major in the academy dedicated to breeding spiritual beasts.

The Ministry of Education issued Jihe's order to all schools that day.

This major does not have special requirements for schools. All schools in Star City can offer this major.

Ji He wants to cultivate a group of talents in spirit beast breeding. They will also be the founders of human spirit beast breeding technology.

It will open up a new path for the human race’s spiritual beast breeding.

Next, Ji He ordered the envoy to connect with Destiny City to purchase a batch of breeding technical information from a spiritual beast merchant.

Half a month later, the envoy brought back a large amount of breeding technical information.

This part of the information Ji He handed over to the domain science team of Daybreak Academy and asked them to translate all the information into human script as soon as possible and then distribute it to various schools in Star City.

Three years later.

With the help of the Silver Moon Clan, the spirit beast breeding farm outside Daybreak City was completed faster than expected.

At the same time, Dawn Academy also completed the work assigned by him and translated all the technical information on spiritual beast breeding purchased by Destiny City.

One hundred miracle birds were also brought back from Destiny City.

After testing by the Psychic Department, these one hundred miracle birds found that their bloodline potential was actually better than the current Star City human race.

Although Ji He was surprised, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

The Miracle Bird is extremely loyal and can be used by the humans even if its bloodline potential is higher than that of the humans. This is an advantage in Ji He's eyes, not a disadvantage.

The potential of the human race's bloodline increases slowly, and cultivating spirit beasts can help the human race improve their overall strength from another level. This is also the reason why he opened the spirit beast breeding project in the first place.

Ji He is full of longing for the future of spiritual beast breeding.

Time flies, time flies like an arrow.

Another eleven years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the past ten years, Ji He has not wasted a single moment of his time. He has spent his last passion on this ancient land that he has loved all his life, constantly optimizing the structure of Star City and implementing new plans.

But he got old after all.

At 96 years old, he can't even reach the average lifespan of the Star City human race, but he is overworked and has not practiced spiritual energy to temper the physical body, so his body is aging quickly.

Borrowing his natural abilities also had side effects, and Ji He often felt in a trance.

Knowing that he didn't have much time left, Ji He finally decided to let it go, although he still had thousands of ideas in his heart that he wanted to implement.

This time, he decided to take the final step of his plan.

This year, Ji He's behavior became radical, and he frantically consumed Star City's resources, making Star City's involution even more serious.

The backlog of conflicts finally came to a boil.

There are more and more voices of dissatisfaction with Jihe's repressive rule. The whole city needs an outlet, and the scale of the demonstrations is getting larger and larger.

Among them, the organization headed by Chen Zhao is undoubtedly the most influential.

Starting from the grassroots level of Star City, and with the concept of resisting the tyranny of Jihe, they quickly rose and expanded, with the goal of changing the structure of Star City and changing the autocracy to the former Supreme Council model of Star City.

Star City needs a catharsis point at this time.

As the supreme commander of Star City, Ji He inevitably became this cathartic point.

And this is the final plan Ji He left for himself.

Ji He always understood that under his high-pressure rule, although Star City was developing rapidly, the internal contradictions were constantly intensifying.

It was he who pushed Star City into a trend of continuous involution.

This is an era when talents emerge in large numbers, but there are also countless people who have become the foil of the times.

Now that the resources in Star City's resource bank have been digested under his high pressure, they are no longer enough to support Star City's radical growth model. It needs to return to a gentle stage, which is the original Star City Supreme Council model.

But before that, he needed a new reformer to step forward and overthrow the old one.

And this is exactly the process of overthrowing his ideas.

At that time, the long-squeezed conflicts in Star City will be completely released, and the new system will be supported and stabilized by the people of the city.

For this day, Jihe started planning twenty years ago.

Finally, I discovered a new generation talent that I admired very much. His name was "Chen Zhao".

At the beginning, he asked his disciple Liao Jie to assist Chen Zhao in his growth, not only to help Chen Zhao rise, but also to protect his disciple Liao Jie.

The fruits that were planted are now blooming.

On this day, Ji He's office door was pushed open, and Liao Jie, whom he had not seen for many years, appeared in front of him again.

Looking at the senile Ji He, Liao Jie's eyes turned red:

"Teacher, why?"

Looking at his proud disciple, Ji He smiled and shook his head:

"This is the destination I chose for myself, so there is no need to be sad."

"Teacher...I don't want to hurt you."

After hearing these words, Ji He's expression became serious, and then he slammed the table and angrily said:

"Don't want to? Do you still remember the oath you swore when you graduated from Dawn Academy? The future of Star City is what you should consider. If I don't die, how can the internal conflicts in Star City be resolved? How can the system of Star City be reformed? Tell me now If you don't want to, if you don't want to, you shouldn't have entered the power level of Star City in the first place, and you shouldn't have applied for the administrative management of Dawn Academy. If you don't know your priorities, you might as well not join the Supreme Council of Star City in the future. I'm afraid you will miss the future of Star City! "

"Go back, don't come to see me again, and continue to assist Chen Zhao in implementing reforms."

Looking at the sullen teacher, Liao Jie's lips trembled, his fists clenched, and then he suddenly turned around and left.

After Liao Jie left, Ji He shook his head helplessly.

Daybreak 459, the end of the year.

When the dawn flag was raised outside the administrative building, the people of Star City surrounded the administrative building.

When the people pushed aside the defensive forces and rushed to the main building gate, Ji He, dressed in white, was already waiting there.

Looking at the angry people of Star City, Ji He had a smile on his face.

He knew his time was over.

In the future, Star City will get back on track, return to the stage of recuperating, and wait for the next change in the new era.

Ji He was put on a prison car specially built for him by the angry people of Star City and paraded through the streets. However, the already old Ji He smiled all the time.

In this way, he revisited Star City, the land he had loved all his life.

After the three-day march, Ji He was imprisoned in the military headquarters dungeon.

Sitting alone inside the cold iron window, Ji He was wearing prison uniform and sitting against the wall, with his white hair hanging messily.

In a few days, he will be executed.

But Ji He didn't feel a trace of sadness, only the regret of not being able to witness the bright future of Star City.

Centralization reform, frontline battle group and military reform, resource allocation reform, pacifying the Silver Moon Rebellion, clearing out the Celestial Clan, and the spiritual beast cultivation plan...his life has been worth it.

But he also made too many mistakes in his life.

His hands are stained with the blood of many predecessors who were loyal to the human race.

Dean Hu of the Tiger Soul Research Institute, Lin Zhengyuan of the Military Department, Li Zhan of Death Wings, etc. are all victims of his reforms.

The prison at his feet once imprisoned many of his predecessors, and they grew old and died here.

And his rise is like a tree. The more it yearns for the sunshine at high places, the more its roots will continue to stretch into the dark underground.

Therefore, he is a dictator and tyrant in the eyes of the people.

After scheming against others all his life, Ji He left this last plan to himself.

Feng Qi once said that he would give him a good ending, but he refused. This was his choice and what he thought was the best ending.

Five days later, in the evening, Ji He set foot on the execution ground in Star City accompanied by military personnel.

Wearing shackles and standing in the center of the execution ground, looking at the people of Star City from a distance, Ji He smiled happily.

When he was pushed onto the beheading platform, Ji He ushered in his final trial.

When the sharp knife was about to fall, Ji He slowly closed his eyes.

Before his life passed away, he seemed to see his ideal future unfolding before his eyes.

In this life, he never got married, had no heirs, and never sought any benefit for himself. He gave all his love to Star City. Unfortunately, he would never see the future of Star City again.

May our human race be prosperous forever.

As I murmured in my heart, everything settled.

At this moment, the dusk enters the sunset, and the mountains and rivers enter the dream.

The legendary life belonging to Ji He has come to an end, and Star City will also usher in a period of glorious rise that has never been seen in history.

QAQ makes me feel so uncomfortable when I write it

Thanks to the passing wind for the 1500 points.

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