I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 593 I love learning (please vote for me)

Smart school.

Lying on the dormitory bed in a single room at night, Mu Feng tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Thinking that he would probably go to jail as a result of messing up, this line of work was simply too punishing in his eyes.

But he can understand why Ji He established this punishment system in the first place. After all, spirit beasts are related to the front line. If the spirit beast bites its master during the battle, it will not only cause casualties to frontline personnel, but also have an impact on the war.

For such a serious offense, jail time is considered a minor offense.

If you don't learn well, you will be responsible for possible consequences in the future.

This line of work was far from as simple as he imagined.

The mentality that I originally wanted to lose suddenly gained some motivation in the face of pressure.

Mu Feng's mentality changed at this moment, and his idea of ​​wasting his life changed to learning as much knowledge as possible about breeding spirit beasts, not seeking excellence, just being qualified.

In fact, a careful look at history reveals that not all of Ji He's reforms to Star City were overturned.

The criminal law system is still inherited by this era.

One thing even the reformers who overthrew Jihe at that time had to admit that only Jihe's system could adapt to the development rhythm of the new era.

For example, the prison treatment in Star City was very good back then.

As long as it is not the death penalty, apart from the inability to make independent decisions on personal freedom, the quality of life in the second half of life can still be guaranteed.

But when Ji He reformed Star City, he abolished all these welfare systems and only set a standard of starving to death. The quality of prison food dropped significantly at that stage.

Facing the protests in the prison, Ji He didn't bother to pay attention and introduced a new reform-through-labor system.

He divided the sentencing levels into five categories, from high to low: death row prisoners, level 1 prisoners, level 2 prisoners, level 3 prisoners, and level 4 prisoners.

Among them, prisoners at level 2 and above are regularly sent to mining areas with radiation, allowing them to dig deep into the spiritual mining area.

A large number of prisoners died from mining radiation during that time.

When someone talked to Ji He about human rights, Ji He’s response was:

"Star City does not support idle people, and garbage does not deserve human rights!"

Prison is just one of them. Jihe's reforms have cut off almost all of Star City's many channels that consume resources but cannot provide assistance for urban development.

All these resources were allocated by Jihe to the construction and development of Star City.

Mu Feng, who had been tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, stood up, came to the desk, pulled out the chair, sat down, and woke up the screen.

Compared with being lazy, he is more afraid of death.

Faced with death threats, Mu Feng decided to consolidate the content in the teacher's class.

Clicking on the database and entering his account number, he entered "Introduction to Spiritual Beast Breeding" in the search bar.

Compared with the content in the textbook, the content in the database is more detailed.

Turning to the first page of the e-book, he was surprised to find that the introduction to spiritual animal breeding was actually written by Ji He.

What surprised him even more was that at the end of the preface written by Ji He, there was a comment from Feng Qi:

[Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years. The limitations of the times make it difficult for us to see the potential problems encountered in the development of the human race. Latecomers, if you are dissatisfied with the current system, then try to become the top decision-maker of Star City and promote the development of the times in the direction of your ideal. If you feel that the potential of the human race's bloodline is low, then Work hard to improve yourself and let the next generation have a higher starting point. If you feel that Star City is facing threats from foreign races, then work hard to become stronger and open up a new path for Star City... Escape can never solve the problem. As a human being, if the world you live in If there is darkness, then strive to be the torch that lights up the darkness. 】

Click on this comment to see comments from many netizens.

Explosive Killing Domain Dog: I think the statue of Ji He can be re-established in Daybreak Academy. This comment by the great Fengqi has a direct impact. I think the great Fengqi wrote this comment. Although he did not say it clearly, it can be seen that he has already After recognizing Ji He's reforms, today's history can also prove that Ji He's merits outweigh his faults, and he will be a great contributor to future generations.

Looking forward to the future: In fact, I dislike Ji He very much, because my grandparents all suffered in Ji He’s era, but the more I get to know this person, I gradually find many shining points in him, regardless of Ji He’s crimes. No matter how many mistakes he made, at least Ji He never sought benefits for himself. Having no wife and no heirs in his life was the best answer for future generations.

I want to take the exam at Daybreak Academy: In this era, there are still more voices criticizing Ji He than there are voices vindicating Ji He, but I have reason to believe that more and more people will recognize Ji He in the future, as Feng Qi said in a comment, The way we look at problems is affected by the limitations of the times we live in, but the way people in the future look at problems will obviously be completely different from us.

The 176th generation disciple of Tiger Boxing: I got this comment from Feng Qi during my graduation exam. The exam paper asked us to analyze Feng Qi’s inner thoughts when he wrote this passage. As a result, I answered this question wrong. It makes me sad to think about it. I missed out on my dream school that year, and now I have devoted myself to the construction of Dawn New City (Wiping Tears.jpg)

After reading the comments from netizens for a while, Mu Feng found that most of them were comments about Ji He.

Many netizens have also turned on the mutual trolling mode in the comment area because of their different opinions. The most common comment has more than 100,000 mutual opinions.

Without paying too much attention, Mu Feng turned to the first page of Introduction to Spiritual Beast Breeding.

After reading for a long time, Mu Feng looked helpless. He felt that this line of work was too boring.

The breeding of spirit beasts seems simple, but in fact it is a delicate job, and the breeding method of each kind of spirit beast is completely different.

Each spiritual beast also has a specific value system rating.

For example, for spirit beasts that are specially used for food, there is an evaluation of the proportion of meat, how much food to feed, how much meat to grow, and each kind of spirit beast has corresponding data.

These data come from spiritual animal experts from higher education institutions.

If you feed too little, the growth of the spirit beast will be restricted. If you feed too much, the spirit materials will be wasted. Each value has strict regulations.

These are the things they need to memorize and master.

Although they are not required to study anything, memorizing the data that has been studied is the foundation that their profession must master.

The numerous data made Mu Feng dizzy, feeling that half of his life had already been spent in prison.

After briefly remembering the bad days, Mu Feng gritted his teeth and continued studying.

Time passed, and at 2 o'clock in the morning, Mu Feng finally couldn't hold back his sleepiness. After leaving his desk, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Early next morning.

Mu Feng came to the restaurant of Wisdom Academy.

The food in the restaurant is hard to describe. Although the food is all free, it is far from the quality of top universities. The food is basically made from ingredients produced by the smart university itself, and is mainly vegetarian.

Looking at the four characters "Shameful Waste" posted on the wall, Mu Feng felt ashamed.

The food here is purely for filling the stomach. It is impossible to have countless delicacies like in the promotional videos of top universities. There is even a special spiritual food area for students to choose from.

Since his father returned from the front and opened a spiritual food shop, Mu Feng has enjoyed many delicacies that are hard to find in the world.

The spiritual materials soaked with spiritual energy can bring an experience to the taste buds that ordinary food cannot match. In order to make him work hard and improve, his father did not hesitate to spend money and gave him whatever was good. The purpose was to help him take good care of his body and improve his health. His growth potential has long been spoiled by his father.

When he first came to Wisdom Academy, Mu Feng found the food here unpalatable.

Zaiyao thought about the work challenges he would face after graduation, and he felt that he was probably going to be useless.

This life is too hard.

After complaining, life still had to go on. In the next few days, Mu Feng began to actively adapt to the environment of the smart school.

But when it comes to learning, Mu Feng still holds the attitude that just passing the test is sufficient. He will never study too much and just complete the tasks assigned by the teacher.

Feng Qi once said that there is no end to learning.

Mu Feng's interpretation of this sentence is that the road to learning has no end at all, so it is necessary to stop in moderation.

He has no lofty goals. He neither wants to go to the front line nor join a scientific research institution and lose his hair all day long. He just wants to be a happy ordinary person and leave his struggle to the consideration of elites with lofty ambitions. Even if the sky falls, there will be no lofty goals. They bear it first.

If he had known that the situation of entering the Wisdom School would be like this, he would rather be beaten by his father than apply for the Wisdom School.

He didn't believe that his father could really beat him to death and cripple him.

His father is a retired soldier from the front line. He is really good at killing creatures in the field, but he obviously won't be too wild with him. After all, tiger poison does not eat its seeds. No matter how stubborn his father is, can he really be killed? Can't beat him.

There was only one possibility that could make his father kill his relatives out of justice. He betrayed humanity by joining the domain forces.

In addition to this premise, no matter how messed up he is, he is still a close relative of his father.

But now the deal is done and it’s too late to change majors.

All he can do is meet the passing standards required by the school, enjoy life in the extra time, and live a life of joy in hardship.

After breakfast that day, Mu Feng came to the classroom and sat in the corner. He took out books from the drawer and held his chin skillfully.

As soon as his front foot arrived, the teacher's back foot came.

In this class, the teacher continued to introduce the types of spirit beasts, introducing the varieties of spirit beasts currently introduced in Star City one by one, as well as the value of each spirit beast.

An hour later, the teacher's mobile phone placed on the desk trembled and the ring rang.

After the teacher answered the phone, his expression suddenly became solemn. He kept nodding and asking something in a low voice.

The phone call lasted for half an hour. After hanging up the phone, the teacher glanced at the students in the classroom, and then said with a serious expression:

"The trial department just called me and asked for relevant information about a student who graduated the year before last. It is certain that this student is in big trouble."

After hearing these words, Mu Feng, who was originally listless, suddenly became energetic.

At this time, the teacher's cell phone rang again. The teacher immediately answered the call and hung up the phone after a long time. He took a deep breath:

"Through monitoring and other methods, the Star City Trial Department has determined that your senior made a major mistake while breeding spirit beasts, which resulted in an exploration team from the frontline military headquarters failing its mission because of the spirit beasts, and ultimately all members were killed."

Mu Feng couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words "all members were killed in battle."

This was still a serious mistake based on solid evidence. He could imagine the consequences waiting for this senior.

"I need to deal with some things during my self-study next."

With that said, the teacher turned and left the classroom, leaving Mu Feng and his classmates looking at each other.

"Do you think the teacher is trying to scare us so that we can study hard?"

Mu Feng reached out and pushed the classmate wearing glasses beside him and asked curiously.

"I don't know, but I also think the teacher is deceiving us. The spirit beasts introduced by Star City from Destiny City are all finished products trained by spirit beast merchants for several generations. It stands to reason that they are not prone to problems."

When the classmate wearing glasses said this, he was obviously guilty and frightened.

"Whether it's true or false, you'll know once you check it. When you get back, go check it out in the database. There must be a record of such an important matter. Then you'll know the truth or falsehood."

At this time, the little fat man sitting in front of Mu Feng interrupted.

After hearing the little fat man's answer, Mu Feng couldn't help but nod.

You can tell whether it's true or false by checking.

With doubts, the time came to noon.

After lunch, Mu Feng hurried back to the dormitory and sat at his desk.

After waking up the screen and logging into the Star City resident account, he clicked on the database to start retrieving relevant information.

Soon a message appeared in front of him.

[All members of the Military Wolf Riding Investigation Team died, and the cause of death is under investigation. Based on the last call between the frontline headquarters and the Wolf Riding Team, it can be basically determined that the accident was related to the spirit beasts ridden by the investigation team. This batch of riding spirit beasts are The new spiritual beast recently transferred from the A-76 breeding farm...]

Seeing this, Mu Feng's heart dropped.

I felt a moment of silence for this senior who made a mistake.

If you are jailed for serious negligence, even jail is considered a good outcome. There is a high probability that you will be sent to a radiation mining area to mine.

According to the records in the database, the mining area is not a place for humans at all, and the average life span of felons who enter the radiation mining area is less than five years.

Will become a consumable for resource extraction.

The database contains many images related to radiation in mining areas.

People who have been exposed to spiritual mineral radiation for a long time will gradually become deformed, with many dark spots and even abscesses growing on their skin.

I thought this was the teacher's threat. Although I was scared, I could comfort myself. Now that I saw the confirmed results, Mu Feng was even more scared.

Thinking about the image of himself mining in the mining area day and night, causing ulcers all over his body, Mu Feng suddenly felt that going to jail was not unacceptable, at least it was not the worst outcome.

Three days later.

Mu Feng changed his mind.

In class that day, the teacher announced something. The result of the senior who graduated the year before was revealed.

As he spoke, the teacher connected his phone to the screen on the blackboard and called up a video.

The image was taken at the military headquarters, and you can see the military badge on the wall in the picture.

There is a time stamp in the upper right corner of this video, which was taken last night.

In the picture, a young man with a face full of despair was pushed onto the execution chair by a man wearing a military uniform. Then the military man standing next to the execution chair began to read out the sins of the victim. When his words fell, he reached out to press the button Turn off the switch.

I saw the arc of electricity instantly clinging to the man's body, his face twisted in pain, and black smoke rising from his body.

This process lasted for three minutes, and the man finally hung down weakly.

The man was then put into a black bag and dragged away by members of the military.

"This senior of yours has set a new record for punishment. I once thought that imprisonment was the maximum punishment in our profession. Facts have proved that as long as the mistakes committed are serious enough, the death penalty is the final destination."

When saying this, the teacher couldn't help but sigh:

"This kid was just like you when he was in school. The cause he had at the beginning is now the result."

Mu Feng:......

All students:...

No amount of righteous education can be as shocking as the facts before us.

At this moment, Mu Feng felt that the air suddenly became sweet, and the textbook in front of him was pleasing to the eye.

The desire to learn has never been stronger than it is now.

I love learning and no one can stop me!

Looking for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month\\\\\('ω')///

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