I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 595 Bloodline Editing Technology

Daybreak Academy.

After breakfast, Mu Feng followed Teacher Jie Yin and began to visit Dawn Academy.

The main area to visit is the North Teaching Area of ​​Dawn Academy.

The spiritual beast major has an entire teaching building in Daybreak Academy.

Mu Feng was already used to this. The financial resources of Daybreak Academy were not comparable to those of Wisdom Academy. It was normal to build a building specifically for the spirit beast major.

Here, Mu Feng saw a completely different teaching model.

In addition to well-equipped classrooms, the teaching building also has a special spirit animal breeding area, which contains all the existing spirit beasts in Star City. The existing spirit beasts are separated and bred, and students can go to observe and study at any time.

In addition, there is a separate life monitoring device outside each spirit animal breeding cage.

The physical condition of the spirit beast will be fed back in real time on the monitor outside the cage.

After visiting the breeding area, they took a class on the first floor of the teaching building under the guidance of the teacher.

In this class, Mu Feng could clearly feel the gap in the teaching atmosphere between the Wisdom School where he was and Dawn School.

In smart school classrooms, most students are in a fugue state during class and will not raise their hands to ask even if they don’t understand.

Just like a piece of duckweed drifting in the ocean of knowledge, it floats wherever it goes, and understands as much as it can, and never insists on half of it.

But Daybreak Academy is completely different. During class, everyone has a notebook and follows the teacher's pace to record knowledge. From time to time, students ask tricky questions to the teacher, hoping to get answers.

This teaching model has two rhythms.

One is the main rhythm of the teacher's explanation, which is like the main line of the story, constantly moving forward.

The other is at the student's pace, following this main line to expand branch content and enrich one's in-depth understanding of this field.

In this teaching model, teachers and students interact very frequently, and a large amount of new knowledge is derived during the interaction.

In terms of teaching content, there is a huge gap between the two institutions.

What they learned in the wisdom school was the technology of spirit animal breeding. The main direction of learning was to understand the habits of various spirit animals, which they can use in their work at the breeding farm after graduation.

But the main teaching content of Dawn Academy is the growth of spiritual beasts.

For example, techniques for increasing the bloodline strength of spirit beasts, or the effects of feeding different spiritual plants on spirit beasts, etc.

After listening to this class, Mu Feng really felt how different the world was.

He felt that the major related to spirit beasts at Daybreak Academy was called spirit animal science, and the spirit animal major at their Wisdom Academy was at best the spirit animal breeding major.

There are two more words, but it makes a world of difference.

What impressed Mu Feng most about this class was what the teacher said in class.

The general meaning of this sentence is that we are all explorers in this field, and the content in the textbooks is the experience accumulated by previous explorations, but you must not completely believe it. You must always be skeptical of the existing knowledge. Only in this way can you stand on the basis of your predecessors in the future to correct the mistakes that history has brought to us and carry forward the science of spiritual beasts.

When he heard these words, Mu Feng suddenly understood why Dawn Academy was a top university.

The complete facilities are only the bright side of this school.

But the real heritage is not the advanced buildings or supporting facilities, but the enterprising spirit with exploration as the main theme.

Teachers at Wisdom Academy teach them based on the experience of their predecessors and will not have any doubts about the ideas of their predecessors. However, the goal of Dawn Academy is to correct possible errors in the original knowledge and then explore further roads.

The gap between the two universities was clearly displayed at this moment.

Such a teaching environment left Mu Feng in awe.

In the next few days, Mu Feng will go to the Spiritual Beast Teaching Building to study.

When he first came to Daybreak Academy, he didn't really want to study. He mainly wanted to visit.

After all, his philosophy on learning is always for subsequent work, and knowledge is for living a better life.

Everything is aimed at qualifying.

As for deeper issues, he wouldn't even think about it. After all, Feng Qi said that there is no end to learning, and even if he learned a lot, he would not be able to finish learning all the relevant knowledge about spiritual beasts.

It’s enough to just learn a little bit.

But during his time at Dawn Academy, he found that he was affected by the surrounding environment and would spontaneously want to acquire more knowledge.

For example, when he was visiting and studying at Daybreak Academy, he was pulled into a student team by his teacher. They recently accepted a task assigned by the teacher and initially mastered any editing of the bloodline of spiritual beasts.

Faced with the topic assigned by the teacher, Mu Feng didn't take it seriously at first.

However, he was forced to study by students in the same group. In the evening, he personally came to his dormitory and dragged him to the library, where he gathered in a circle to discuss the subject content and the subsequent division of labor among each member of the team.

From compiling preliminary information, to discussing the shallow content of spirit beast bloodline editing, to writing a thesis.

In this process, Mu Feng was initially forced to participate, but later gradually developed a strong sense of team participation.

Witnessing with his own eyes the process of making assignments from scratch, he felt a sense of satisfaction and pride that he had never experienced before.

During this period, Mu Feng also discovered that the topic they were studying, "Spiritual Beast Bloodline Editing Technology," was very important to the study of spiritual beasts.

The reference for this technology comes from the spirit beast merchants in Destiny City.

Those spirit beast merchants rely on this technology to cultivate spirit beasts with strong growth potential, and then obtain the development resources of the ethnic group by selling spirit beasts in Destiny City.

When the science of spiritual beasts was not yet born in Star City, Ji He, the leader of the previous generation of Star City, personally went to Fate Negotiations and tried to purchase the bloodline editing technology of the spiritual beast merchants at a high price.

But every time he was rejected by the spirit beast merchant.

But Ji He did not give up. He believed that the foundation of spirit beast breeding technology was not breeding, but bloodline editing technology.

Only by mastering this ability can the human race take a big step towards exploring the future in spiritual beastology.

Otherwise, if the human race wants to develop the science of spiritual beasts, they must rely on Destiny City to continuously provide spiritual beasts of various qualities. Even many spiritual beasts cannot be bred and must be obtained by importing them.

This is equivalent to blocking the human race's main path in the study of spiritual beasts.

The spirit beast merchants also used this method to turn the human race into long-term customers. As long as the human race cannot break through the spirit beast bloodline editing technology, if they want to have high-quality spirit beasts, they must import them and continuously create a trade surplus to earn from the human race. Lots of resources.

It is equivalent to the human race exploring the path of spiritual beastology, which requires constantly paying resources to the spiritual beast merchants in Destiny City.

The spirit beast merchants are only willing to give finished spirit beasts, but do not teach anything that can allow humans to independently explore and advance in the science of spirit beasts.

Breeding and cultivation may seem to be similar things, but they are actually very different.

Only with this technology can the human race have the possibility to independently explore the science of spiritual beasts.

But at this stage, this technology is not even in its infancy in Star City.

How the spirit beast's bloodline should be improved or improved is a complete mystery.

During the attempt to transform the bloodline, the human race spent a lot of resources but still made no progress.

After multiple bloodline evolutions and transformations, the potential of the transformed spirit beast's bloodline will not only not increase, but will also decline significantly.

Through subsequent contacts with spirit beast merchants, Star City scholars compiled a lot of content and made many new discoveries.

Among them, the spirit beast system has been discovered in the research of scholars that it is most likely a brand-new system brought about by branches of the same system.

In the eyes of the original spirit beast scholars, different spirit beasts were like different races, completely unrelated to each other. They only had higher growth talents, so they were collectively called "spirit beasts" by spirit beast merchants.

After all, each spiritual beast is different in form and ability.

However, this conclusion has gradually emerged with the in-depth research of human beings on spiritual animals. Different opinions and voices have emerged.

About 13 years ago, the teacher of spiritual beasts at Star City Academy put forward a point of view "the theory of the origin of spiritual beasts."

This view is very bold. After studying the bloodline of spirit beasts, he believed that spirit beasts most likely have the same origin, but changed as individuals adapted to the environment during the subsequent evolution process. With the differences in regional environments, this evolution gradually resulted in Spirit beasts have different forms and abilities.

In order to confirm this point of view, many spiritual animal science majors in Star City and Dawn Academy have conducted research on this.

If this guess is true, it means that the existing systematic knowledge will be overturned, and the framework of spiritual beastology will be rewritten.

The speculation of this point of view comes from three points.

The first is the experience gained from contact with spirit beast merchants.

According to spirit beast merchants, the bloodline editing technology they have mastered can be applied to different spirit beast species.

This is very inconsistent with the concept of racial difference.

It's like the same surgery can be applied to lives of different races, but there are obvious differences in body structure between different races.

The second is the life characteristics of the spirit beast.

Spirit beasts are different from ordinary domain beasts. They generally have high growth potential.

This growth potential is not determined by bloodline values, but subsequent growth is also crucial.

For example, the growth of domain beasts is limited by the potential of their own bloodline, which is no different from humans. The previous generation determines the starting point of the next generation, and basically there will not be much change.

But spiritual beasts are different. Their growth span is very large.

The potential value of bloodline will also show a large span as it grows, and this is the case for all spiritual beasts.

But contrary to individual growth, the bloodline values ​​​​of the next generation of spiritual beasts will generally be weaker than the previous generation, and all varieties of spiritual beasts are no exception.

The spirit beasts purchased by the human race from spirit beast traders basically have to be discarded within four generations.

Initially, spirit beast scholars believed that spirit beast merchants had tampered with the spirit beasts for sale.

But this guess was gradually overturned by more data.

The last feature is also the most convincing proof that the spirit beasts may have the same origin.

According to the detection of the spiritual energy agency, the spiritual core in the spirit beast's body found that the structure of the spiritual core energy is actually related.

Based on simulation experiments, they combined the spiritual core structures in different spiritual beasts and found a perfect match. Different spiritual core structures will form a larger structure when connected together.

This is like human formation science.

Some special formations require different small formations to be combined and connected internally to form a large formation.

The same is true for the spiritual core in the spirit beast's body, which has perfect compatibility.

This also confirms that spirit beasts have a common origin.

About five years ago, a spirit beast scholar from Daybreak Academy conducted a spirit beast bloodline editing experiment based on this guess, and made another unexpected discovery during the process.

Under the catalysis of the return stone used in the experiment, the bloodline of the spirit beast unexpectedly showed a trace of reversion to its ancestors.

The physical characteristics of the spirit beasts that underwent the experiment subsequently changed. The most shocking thing was that the potential of the bloodline of the spirit beasts that had returned to their ancestors was significantly improved.

This discovery caused shock in the spiritual zoology circle at the time.

Scholars suddenly realized that perhaps they continued to fail because they were looking in the wrong direction.

The technology of editing the bloodline of spirit beasts is very likely not to develop in the direction of evolution, but to return the spirit beasts to their ancestors.

This is the core of spirit beast bloodline editing technology.

But there is a significant problem here.

Why do spiritual beasts become stronger when they return to their ancestors, but their bloodline potential is weakened by normal reproduction and evolution?

This is completely inconsistent with the normal logic of evolution.

Through discussions with scholars in the field and reading historical documents, spiritual beast scholars learned about a special species

According to the information left by Feng Qi, before the Psychic Tribe obtained the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library, the owner of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library was the Tianduo Tribe.

This clan has developed many forbidden items.

One of the items is called the "Chimera Demon," a demon with the ability to divide itself into countless individuals.

Combining relevant literature on domain studies, scholars have given such a hypothesis.

Perhaps the spirit beast system also originally came from a super life form.

Scholars call it the Spirit Ancestor. This creature is powerful enough to rival superpowers, and it has mastered many innate abilities.

However, for some reason, Lingzu was severely damaged by external forces and could no longer absorb resources normally to supplement consumption.

At this time, the situation of the Lingzu was not optimistic. The powerful body needed to absorb a large amount of resources to maintain the normal operation of the body. However, the severely injured Lingzu could no longer obtain huge resources through any channels.

In order to continue living, Lingzu differentiated his body according to different abilities and characteristics.

Transform yourself into multiple spiritual animal species to reduce consumption.

The first-generation spirit beasts that were initially differentiated were in a similar situation to the spirit ancestors. The harsh environment they were in was unable to obtain enough resources, so they imitated the spirit ancestors and actively weakened their own abilities, thereby reducing the body's demand for resources and maintaining the body's operation.

During this process, the spirit beast is actually evolving.

But the purpose of evolution is not to become stronger, but to reduce resource consumption and protect oneself.

This causes the evolution of spiritual beasts to become a process of weakening themselves.

As time goes by, the footprints of spirit beasts gradually spread all over the domain world, but the spirit beasts are no longer as powerful as they used to be.

In essence, when the spirit ancestor differentiates itself, it has already set the tone for the evolution direction of the spirit beast.

Evolution equals weakening.

Although the theory of the origin of spirit beasts is just a guess, a lot of logic can correspond to the existing spirit beast system, and the meaning of exploration is to find the answer through constant guessing.

Now the theory of the origin of spiritual beasts is the foundation of the existing system of spiritual beastology.

The research on spirit beast bloodline editing technology by spirit beast scholars has gradually changed from an evolutionary direction to an atavistic direction.

The purpose is to return the bloodline of the spirit beast to its ancestors in some way and reverse evolution to obtain the powerful power hidden in the bloodline.

Participating in the research on this topic was like opening a book full of unknown exploration for Mu Feng, which gave him a strong sense of curiosity.

The compiled information is like exploring an unknown puzzle. Filling in each piece of the picture can make him feel the joy of mastering more knowledge.

While studying at the Wisdom Academy, he studied spiritual animal breeding and did not need to understand these profound things.

It won’t be used at all after graduation.

But Mu Feng suddenly became very interested in these curious knowledge.

Weird things are the most interesting.

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