I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 600 Element Properties

A month later, the old man who had been with Mu Feng for three years ushered in his retirement.

This old man, who was usually not very serious, had tears in his eyes and was full of reluctance when it was time to leave.

Having lived here for decades, he usually comes into contact with very few people. Except for the material delivery personnel who come regularly every month, he can only communicate with netizens online.

Suddenly having to return to Star City, the old man felt very hesitant.

The night before leaving, Mu Feng accompanied the old man on the fourth floor, drinking fruit wine, eating hot pot, and listening to the old man pouring out his inner thoughts.

The old man said that returning to Star City was his dream goal when he was young. When he first came to this breeding farm, he didn't think about returning to Star City every day.

But after staying here for a long time, when it was suddenly time to go back, he felt inexplicably scared.

Star City was once his home, but he was very unfamiliar with it.

After decades of development, the changes in Star City can be described as rapid, and he has become accustomed to the life of a breeding farm. Breeding spirit beasts is no longer a job or a task, but a part of his life.

He was very familiar with everything here.

How many resources are there in the inventory, how many environmental arrangements are there in the breeding area on each floor... The experience notes in the room are a summary of his life.

Most of his memories remain here.

At the last meal, the old man got drunk.

He told Mu Feng that although Star City is prosperous, his life after retirement will be very leisurely, and his future life and daily life will be supported by Star City.

But there are no relatives there anymore, and he can't even find an acquaintance in Star City.

Unable to integrate into the current society, returning to Star City is the real loneliness for him, a kind of loneliness among people.

Listening to the old man's words, Mu Feng had no words to comfort him.

He knew that his experience and experience were not enough to comfort the old man who was about to leave. He could only be a listener and try to share the loneliness in the old man's heart.

In the old man, Mu Feng seemed to see his future self.

Perhaps in the future, like the old man, he will go from rejection to acceptance, from resistance to compromise, and finally become completely accustomed to the life here.

If his father left, the prosperous Star City might be far more lonely for him than the life here.

But as Feng Qi said, they have no choice at all as humans.

The situation of the human race has destined that most people will become the screws of the development of the human race and spend their entire lives paving the way for the future development of the human race.

This is true for spirit beast breeding, and it's not the same for those city builders in Daybreak City.

There are many other similar industries.

Early the next morning, a special car came to pick up the old man before he retired and awarded him a labor medal.

Although the old man was smiling, Mu Feng could see the loneliness in his eyes.

But he still complied with the regulations of the Star City management department, waved and left, bidding farewell to the breeding farm where he had devoted his whole life to his youth.

After the old man left, Mu Feng took over the old man's position and became the sole person in charge of the farm.

After three years of study, the old man taught him how to manage this breeding farm. Next, he will shoulder the heavy responsibility and contribute his own modest efforts to the development of human spiritual animal science.

At the same time, the old man left a room full of experience notes.

Mu Feng decided to spend all his free time studying, trying to explore the possibility of exploring the future path of spiritual animal science.

After compiling some of the old man's experience notes, Mu Feng had some of his own opinions on the growth system of spiritual beasts.

But whether these experiences are the root of the atavistic evolution of spiritual beasts, he cannot prove through practice at this stage.

The spirit beasts in the A-32 breeding farm all belong to Star City, but they are not something he can mess with at will. The accidental death of the spirit beast needs to be reported clearly, and then the supervision and management department will use the surveillance video of the breeding farm and the life monitoring device of the spirit beast. Conduct an investigation.

If it is found that the death or serious injury of the spirit beast is related to his improper operation, the punishment will be severe.

But how could Mu Feng be willing to give up like this?

He was already very curious about the atavistic evolution of the bloodline of spirit beasts, and felt that he could conduct in-depth research on this field in his spare time. Although he thought that there was a high probability that he would not be able to do anything, and would treat it as a hobby.

The hobby of the old man who works here with him is planting flowers and plants. Mu Feng has no interest in this aspect, but he thinks that he can also find a hobby to pass the time.

This is more interesting than repeating boring monotonous life every day.

With a clear goal in mind, the first hurdle that stood in front of Mu Feng was how to obtain a spiritual beast to put his guesses to a practical test.

The first thing Mu Feng thought of was his father who opened a spiritual food restaurant.

Others didn't have the conditions, but his father was a special group of people who had the qualifications to buy spiritual beasts.

With the idea in mind, Mu Feng sat at his desk that night and dialed his father's phone number.

After waiting for a long time, the call was connected. In the video, the father was wearing an incongruous apron, holding a bloody bone-chopping knife in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth. The background behind him was The kitchen at home is obviously preparing ingredients for tomorrow.

"Dad, I need your sponsorship."

"Sponsorship? What are you going to do?"

After hearing these words, the father spit out a cloud of white mist from his mouth and said slightly surprised. While answering, the bone chopping knife in his hand continued to work, making a "dong dong" sound when chopping on the chopping board.

Facing his father's inquiry, Mu Feng expressed his thoughts.

He said that he wanted to try to study the ancestral evolution of the spirit beast's bloodline, and made it clear that he was doing purely blind research, and the resources invested would most likely not be rewarded.

After listening to Mu Feng's explanation, a satisfied smile appeared on his father's face:

"The money I earn is reserved for you. As long as you work hard, dad will fully support you. Tell me what supplies you need me to buy."

Mu Feng was not surprised that his father readily agreed.

Dad is very picky in other aspects, but he is willing to spend a lot of money on him, which can be seen from the fact that he has used spiritual animals to nourish his body since he was young.

Facing his father's inquiry, Mu Feng immediately picked up the list that was already on the desk, turned on his cell phone camera to take a picture and sent it to his father.

At this time, Dad put out the cigarette in his hand, then reached for his phone and began to scan the list.

After a short wait, Dad nodded and said:

"In this case, I will go shopping tomorrow. When all the supplies on the list are purchased, I will deliver them to you personally... Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Then hang up. I'm very busy now and have no time to chat with you."

After saying that, Dad hung up the phone before Mu Feng could speak.

After ending the call, Mu Feng looked helpless, then picked up the supply list and started looking at it.

In addition to the need for three Lingluo pigs, he also asked his father to purchase many ingredients needed to feed the Lingluo pigs.

He is eligible to use the ingredients stocked in the farm, but every consumption of stock resources must be recorded. If he uses stock resources to raise his own Lingluo pigs, the consequences will be serious if he is discovered.

The top management of Star City will have absolutely zero tolerance for incidents such as misappropriation of resources.

After all, resources are related to the development of a group. Even if the resources consumed are not of much value, they still have to accept severe penalties.

Mu Feng also thought about seeking help directly from Star City management or the spirit beast management department.

Star City has great support for innovation. As long as you are talented and have a clear direction for innovative projects, you can get all-round support from Star City.

For example, Mo Yu, the original Sword of Dawn, was recorded in the textbook, and his project received full support from Star City.

At that time, Star City was short of resources, but it still spent a huge sum of money to purchase various spiritual minerals for Mo Yu in Destiny City for a series of project research.

But this kind of support for innovative projects is not available to just anyone with ideas.

If you want to be supported by innovative projects, you must have a clear innovation planning process, which must be submitted to the relevant departments for review before approval.

His ideas came from the old man's practical experience, but there was no clear planning process.

Just like old farmers who have been farming for decades, they can judge the growth status of plants by the shape and color of their leaves.

But it was impossible for him to write a detailed explanation of the process.

Simply put, he had a lot of ideas in his head, but they simply couldn't be codified into a planning process and submitted.

Unless he has a clear success in this field, it will be difficult to get support from Star City resources.

Mu Feng just decided to start a small hobby with the mentality of giving it a try. He did not think that he would have any outstanding achievements in this field. After all, he knew how much he weighed.

A week later, Dad arrived with a truck full of supplies.

He brought three spiritual pigs and a bunch of spiritual materials on the list.

Mu Feng wanted to keep his father here overnight, but his father just had lunch here and left in a hurry.

In the next few days, Mu Feng began his own research.

The old man mentioned in his experience notes that if the Lingluo pig eats the wood spirit fruit, its bloodline potential will be slightly improved.

There are also five other spiritual materials that can help different spiritual beasts improve their bloodline potential.

Including the Guiyuan Stone that I learned about when I went to Dawn Academy to study and visit, there are a total of seven kinds of spiritual materials that can help spiritual beasts improve their bloodline potential.

After Mu Feng arranged the seven spiritual materials, they corresponded to seven different spiritual beasts.

These are the objects of reference for subsequent research.

Mu Feng's focus was still on the Lingluo pig sent by his father. He began to find out why the Lingluo pig mutated after eating the wood spirit fruit.

Relevant data are included in life monitoring devices.

He began to look through data from previous years and devoted all his energy outside of work to finding answers.

But soon Mu Feng encountered an unsolvable problem.

Although the data is complete, the comparison of the physical change data of these spiritual beasts cannot provide him with the answer to the problem.

So he changed his mind and started looking for answers from spiritual materials.

All the spiritual material databases in Star City have corresponding information and reports issued by the materials department after analysis and testing.

By comparing these data, Mu Feng still found no clues.

But he did not give up and spent his free time studying the knowledge of spiritual beasts.

The knowledge in the Star City database is very complete, and there is even lecture content from the teacher of Spiritual Beast Science at Daybreak Academy, which can fully meet his self-study needs.

Daybreak 504.

Mu Feng was 25 years old this year.

His age reached the marriageable standard, and the Star City Marriage Department began to match him with a partner.

Although it was a voluntary basis, the Marriage Department had task indicators given by the top management, and they called him endlessly hoping that he could meet his match.

He even made a request to set the meeting place at the breeding farm.

But Mu Feng refused. While living alone, he developed a strong curiosity about the ancestral evolution of the bloodline of spiritual beasts while studying.

The more in-depth he studied, the more he found the magic of this field.

By summarizing the information left by the old man, and then comparing the change data of the spirit beasts, and even the detailed attributes of the spirit materials, he gradually figured out some ways.

He discovered that spiritual beasts actually have attributes.

This attribute is similar to the elements of heaven and earth in human understanding. For example, the spirit pig he is studying is a wood attribute spirit beast.

However, the current spiritual animal science system for this concept is very vague.

Spiritual beastology focuses its development on how to improve the bloodline potential of spirit beasts, but does not focus on the attribute certification of the spirit beast itself.

So Mu Feng began to study all the spirit beasts in the farm and started to make an illustrated book of spirit beast elements.

It took him a year to classify the elements of all 18 kinds of spirit animals in the farm.

Then comparing the seven spiritual materials that could enhance the potential of the spirit beast's bloodline, he found that the attributes of each spiritual material perfectly matched the spirit beast.

For example, when the Lingluo pig eats the wood spirit fruit, its bloodline value will change slightly. The Lingluo pig is a wood-attributed spiritual beast, and the wood spirit fruit is also a wood-attribute spiritual material.

But just like that, it still cannot be proved that the change in the bloodline value of the spirit beast is caused by eating the spirit material with the corresponding attribute.

He tried to ask his father to buy other wood-attribute spiritual materials for the Lingluo Pig to eat, but found that they could not produce the same effect as eating the wood spirit fruit.

Mu Feng still couldn't find an idea as to what the problem was.

For this reason, Mu Feng continued to delve into the knowledge of spiritual animals, spiritual materials, and other subjects, trying to find answers by enriching his knowledge.

During this period, Mu Feng kept trying to change the spiritual materials, trying to find other spiritual materials that could change the bloodline value of the Lingluo Pig.

Daybreak 505 years.

When Mu Feng tried to vote for Lingluo Pig and Wood Bone Grass, he unexpectedly found that Ling Luo Pig had another change in bloodline value. This discovery surprised Mu Feng. He immediately looked through the database information and called up the relevant data of Wood Bone Grass. .

This time, Mu Feng finally found a possible answer.

He discovered that wood bone grass is a kind of spiritual plant with weak wood toxicity, which will cause burden to the body after consumption.

However, Lingluo Pig underwent an atavistic evolution after eating it.

With doubts, he immediately checked the other seven spiritual materials, and found that each spiritual material had the property of damaging flesh and blood.

For example, the purple blood flowers eaten by Feng Xinglang were slightly toxic. At that time, he specifically asked the old man why he did this.

There is also the wood spirit fruit used by Lingluo Pig, which contains a spiritual substance that can cause harm to flesh and blood.

As well as the Returning Stone that the Digger first came into contact with, there was also radiation damage.

Logically speaking, every spiritual material would cause harm to the spiritual beast, but it would lead to the bloodline evolution of the spiritual beast.

In order to verify his guess, Mu Feng then conducted a simple experiment on other spirit beasts in the farm to verify his guess.

The result surprised him.

As long as it is poisonous or will cause harm to the spirit beast, and it is a spiritual material that corresponds to the attributes of the spirit beast, it can slightly increase the bloodline value of the spirit beast.

Mu Feng looked extremely excited after getting the answer.

He felt that he had taken the first step in finding the answer

But after the excitement, he also knew that he was still far from the real answer.

The spiritual materials with corresponding attributes have very little help in the evolution of spiritual beasts. If a large amount of spiritual materials are fed to cultivate spiritual beasts, the gain will obviously outweigh the losses.

It is impossible for spirit beast merchants to invest a large amount of spiritual materials that are unequal to the output for the atavistic evolution of the spirit pigs, and then sell them to humans at low prices.

Mu Feng believed that there must be answers that he had not yet found.

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