I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 607 Move on

Returning to the spirit beast base, Mu Feng began to prepare for the next reform of the spirit beast system.

The first pilot area has been decided as Dawn Academy and Star City Academy. At that time, he will lead the team to settle in the two universities to teach the latest version of the spirit beast system knowledge.

But his teaching objects will not be limited to the spiritual beast major.

Students in other majors will also become the targets of the promotion of the spirit beast system.

How to let students from the two schools understand and become familiar with the habits of spirit beasts as quickly as possible is his next task.

Daybreak 522 years.

Mu Feng was 43 years old this year.

The fifth Spirit Beast Fighting Championship Cup is being held at this time, and Mu Feng, as the person in charge of this event, is sitting on the rostrum.

After ten years of hard work, the spirit beast pilots of Daybreak Academy and Star City Academy have received very good feedback.

Every year, Star City allocates resources to students from the two schools, specifically for cultivating spirit beasts for consumption and use. Starting from the fifth year, Mu Feng began to hold the Champions Cup Spirit Beast Fighting Competition.

This aroused the competitive spirit of students from the two institutions.

The annual spirit beast battle competition is even more popular on the Internet than the long-standing Tiger Soul Concept Competition.

Although students from the two schools are free to choose whether to breed spirit beasts, with the popularity of spirit beast battle competitions, breeding spirit beasts has become the choice of almost all students.

From the most basic class competition to the professional competition...the highest stage of the battle competition is the Champions Cup competition hosted by Mu Feng himself.

This day is also a very meaningful day for Star City.

Through the Internet, a large number of netizens in Star City will pay attention to the game progress on this day and vote for their favorite players on the Internet.

There are two types of Champions Cup matches between the two universities.

They are team competition and individual competition.

Among them, the most popular ones are the individual matches. Even if they use the same spirit beast, they can still have a very exciting duel performance.

Today, Mu Feng once again confirmed a guess he had made.

The advancement of spiritual beasts is not completely fixed.

At this time, on the field, there was a student in the team representing Star City Academy who was breeding Lingluo pigs. However, after years of cultivation, his Lingluo pigs had completed the second stage of bloodline advancement and turned into a body surface It has jet black lines, and the back also has a special shape of jet black twisted vines.

He once speculated based on the spirit beast system built by his predecessors that the spirit beast system originated from the same root. From this, it can be concluded that the spirit ancestors have thousands of innate abilities.

Taking advantage of the situation and deducing it back, it proves that the evolution of spiritual beasts is not completely fixed.

In the process of bloodline advancement, it is very possible to obtain different talents, abilities and new forms.

The jet-black spirit pig had proved Mu Feng's guess.

Except for this student who carried the mutated spiritual pig, the spiritual beasts around other students who successfully entered the Champions Cup were generally in the second stage of bloodline advancement.

The spiritual beasts they cultivate are far superior to their peers.

Daily combat training, actively providing emotional motivation for spirit beasts, and other factors are the key factors that widen the gap between them and their peers.

There was still half an hour before the finals of the Champions Cup individual competition started. While waiting, Mu Feng lowered his head and looked at the tablet in his hand.

At this time, the live broadcast room in Star City was already bustling with activity.

I only have battles in my eyes: In the past three years, Star City Academy won the Champions Cup and was ranked first in the individual competition. If Dawn Academy can win this time, it will be 3:3. The coming year should be more exciting. I will continue to support my favorite Dawn Academy. .

Frontline Bulldozer: I just came back from the front line, and now I am lying in the hospital with bandages all over my body watching the game. I almost died a few days ago. Although I am seriously injured now, I can lie in bed and watch the live game. I suddenly feel so happy. Finally, Star City Academy Come on, love from the seniors of the combat department who have graduated.

Dawn New City Brickmaker: This year's Spirit Beast Champions Cup can basically lock Dawn Academy to win. The guy named Wu Yu from their combat department has trained a second-level bloodline steel skeleton that is too strong, and has better attributes and combat characteristics. He was also able to perfectly restrain Xue Ran, the strongest player in Star City Academy. I can't think of a reason why he lost. I watched the previous academy games. Wu Yuyu basically crushed him in every game. The champion of this Champions Cup individual competition is really him. .

Ready: Wu Yuyu didn't even make it into the top three in the individual competition last year. This year is his last chance to win the championship. He will graduate and go to the front line next year. I'm really looking forward to his performance. This year, the steel-bone warrior who has completed the bloodline advancement I’m looking forward to helping Wu Yu win the championship.

By holding the Champions Cup, Mu Feng not only wanted to stimulate students' enthusiasm for fighting spirit beasts and provide students with the emotional motivation of spirit beasts through fighting, but there was also another very important factor.

That is to prepare for the thorough promotion of spiritual animal breeding in the future.

The Spirit Beast Champions Cup between the two universities is very popular, and a large number of people in Star City have begun to understand the spirit beasts, and even actively search the contents of the database to learn more about the details of the spirit beasts.

When the second phase of the pilot begins and all schools in Star City begin to promote spirit animal breeding, Mu Feng can imagine how popular the competition will be.

When spirit beast breeding is completely promoted in Star City in the future, the resistance will become very small.

The time came to 1:30 pm.

Mu Feng stood up and came to the playground duel stage, began to read out the rules of this year's Spirit Beast Champions Cup, and then announced that the competition had officially begun.

Cheers erupted on the playground, and the flags of Star City Academy and Daybreak Academy were waved by the wind along with the waving of students watching the game on both sides.

The first is the Champions Cup individual competition.

Star City Academy and Dawn Academy each had ten participants.

The duel was based on a random drawing system. At this time, the result of the draw had been determined in advance. The first to appear were the student No. 3 from Daybreak Academy and the student No. 9 from Star City Academy.

The shapes of the spiritual beasts following them are very different.

The participating students from Star City Academy were followed by a spiritual deer that was more than 2 meters tall. The spiritual beast of the participating students from Dawn Academy was a pink mouse lying on his right shoulder. Its size was completely disproportionate.

A wonderful battle broke out in the first battle of the individual competition.

Facing the flexible phantom rat, Linglu used magic attacks under the command of the students from Star City Academy.

As the spirit deer breathed out the spiritual energy in the air, formations were automatically outlined and condensed, and then wood-attributed energy bombs rained down on the battle stage.

In the end, the phantom rat was hit by the energy bomb because it could not dodge, and was pushed out of the battle stage by Linglu's victorious pursuit.

The excitement of this battle pushed the popularity of the Champions League to a climax.

Frontline, Star City, Dawn New City, breeding farms outside the city, spiritual fields... there are people from all areas and all walks of life paying attention to the progress of this game.

When the competition came to an end, everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the next Spirit Beast Champions Cup.

At this time, Mu Feng read out something.

He announced that starting from next year, the Spirit Beast Competition will be changed to the Spirit Beast Academy Competition. The participating schools will no longer be limited to Star City Academy and Dawn Academy, and all schools will be included in the competition system.

This news caused a huge sensation in Star City.

Some people lamented that they graduated early, while many students who are about to enter an institution or are currently studying in an institution cheered for this.

There are even students from lower-level schools on the Internet who are promising that they will challenge Star City School and Daybreak School in the future and win the championship for their school.

This is the only channel in history for other universities to challenge the two top universities, Star City and Daybreak.

The emergence of this news has given many teenagers who are struggling for the future a new goal.

Daybreak 528 years.

With the reform of spirit animal breeding in recent years, spirit animals have been integrated into the education system of various universities.

Mu Feng also ushered in the busiest time in the development of the spirit beast system in these years.

In addition to paying attention to the progress of spiritual beast cultivation in each school, he is collecting information provided by each school every day, sorting and adding new content to the spiritual beast illustration book he made by himself.

The various forms of spiritual beasts are advanced, with different talents, abilities and combat characteristics.

He needs to collect these together with his team members, and annotate and interpret these new materials with his own understanding.

The busy days made Mu Feng feel very fulfilled.

Late that night, Mu Feng sat at his desk and sorted out the latest spiritual beast cultivation materials sent by various schools. Among them, there were many new bloodline advanced forms that needed his interpretation and annotation.

With the development over the years, the spirit beast illustrated book has become more complete.

Among them, the bloodline of Lingluo pig has been advanced. Eight forms have been recorded in the first stage, three forms in the second stage, and two forms in the third stage.

Each form has different capabilities and characteristics, and even different talents.

These content materials need to be carefully reviewed and recorded by him to ensure that there are no errors in the content of the illustrated book.

After staying up until early morning, Mu Feng got up and stretched his body, only to feel pain in his lower back.

Unknowingly, Mu Feng discovered that he was nearly fifty.

The father who was once the pillar of his life has completely retired, and the spiritual food restaurant back then has been sold to others.

Now Dad has gone to the Veterans Nursing Home, where he spends his later years with his old friends.

Occasionally he would visit his father.

But my father still had the same attitude as before, always impatient for his arrival, but every time his comrades mentioned that his son was really promising, his father looked disgusted and kept saying that this kid was lucky. , but there is pride that cannot be concealed in his eyes.

He lived his life as his father wanted him to.

Mu Feng was sincerely happy to be able to make his father proud of him for the rest of his life.

Dad's only regret is that he was unable to marry and have children so that the Mu family's legacy could continue.

For this reason, my father took the initiative to contact the Marriage Department, hoping to match him.

But Mu Feng was somewhat resistant to this because he knew that his value had not yet been fully realized.

Next, he will also prepare for the thorough promotion of spiritual animal science in Star City.

Marriage and having children is the inheritance of life, but it is extremely complicated. He does not have much energy to distract himself from his wife and children. This is an irresponsible performance.

He discussed this issue with the scholars in his team.

Mu Feng never thought that he was a person of noble character, and he was also moved when faced with the matching photos sent by the Marriage Department.

Especially because of his special status now, the partners matched by him by the Marriage Department are all of excellent quality.

There are even young and beautiful women who are more than ten or even twenty years younger than him.

But when he thought about the career he had worked hard for his whole life, he chose to put aside his inner yearning for beauty and continue to work towards his chosen goal in the future.

After finding a clear direction, Mu Feng could already see the future of the spirit beast system.

When Star City's spirit beast system is fully promoted, the breeding of spirit beasts will become a part of people's lives.

By then, going to Destiny City to purchase spiritual beasts will gradually become a thing of the past, and humans will no longer need to export resources to obtain spiritual beasts.

At that time, the spirit beast system will also become one of the main lines of development of the human race.

The spirit beast system will also become an important force in the construction of Star City's defense system.

But when that day would come, he couldn't tell.

After sighing with emotion, Mu Feng continued to sit at his desk and sort out the information, adding his own interpretations and notes to each new item in the illustrated book.

The Spiritual Beast Illustrated Book was his work when he was young.

At that time, he was just out of curiosity and wanted to explore the secret of the return of the spirit beast's bloodline, so he compiled and produced the illustrated book.

With the continuous addition of content, the Spiritual Beast Illustrated Book has now become the core of Spiritual Beastology.

This is the work of his hard work that he left to future generations, and he will continue to devote the rest of his life to the perfection of the Spiritual Beast Illustrated Book.

Time flies.

Twelve years later, Mu Feng announced another blockbuster news after the end of the academy’s spirit beast competition. The spirit beast system would be thoroughly promoted in Star City.

At that time, all persons under the age of 30 will be free to submit applications for breeding spirit animals.

After the application is approved, you can receive a low-level spirit beast from the spirit animal management department.

At the same time, Mu Feng explained in detail the various rules of spiritual beast breeding.

In order to prevent some people from receiving spiritual beasts just for food or temporary enthusiasm, the formulation of rules is very necessary.

If the spirit beast fails to fulfill its obligation to cultivate it after receiving it, the Star City law enforcement department will impose various penalties on the person who adopts the spirit beast. The highest penalty will be to be sent to dig in a spirit stone mine, which is almost equivalent to death.

When this content was read out, Mu Feng couldn't hide the anticipation in his eyes.

The thorough promotion of spirit beast breeding in Star City will also herald the arrival of a new future for the magnificent spirit beast system.

He had been preparing for this day for decades and had been waiting for it for a long time.

This year Mu Feng is 61 years old.

Although he has never practiced, relying on the genetic needles and the borrowed talents from Feng Qi, Mu Feng still has the energy to continue fighting at his job, and even his hair is still black.

But he also found that his energy was no longer what it was when he was young.

Time keeps passing by on him, but his knowledge and thoughts are like fermented wine, becoming more and more mature.

He is a leader in the study of spiritual beasts and the founder of the modern spiritual beast system. In order to pass on his knowledge, he personally trained two extremely talented disciples.

They are different from their younger selves, they are passionate about learning, and they are full of expectations for the future of spiritual animal science.

While he still had energy, Mu Feng decided to teach them all the experiences he had learned throughout his life to prepare for the future generations of the human race after he left.

Fighting for the rise of the human race, this oath that he once thought had nothing to do with him, has unknowingly become his lifelong goal.

When Mu Feng was 69 years old, the spirit beast system was completely developed in Star City.

Spiritual beast battle halls have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the spiritual beasts with advanced bloodline have become a great help to the human race on the frontline battlefield.

He has reached retirement age, but Mu Feng did not choose to leave his job.

Just like Xie She, an old man who retired back then, spiritual animal science has become an indispensable part of his life, and he is very resistant to the future life of retirement.

The old man Xie She had no choice.

But he has a choice. He can choose to continue to stick to his job and continue to fight for the cause he loves.

At this time, Mu Feng had already planned his future path, and decided to persist until he could no longer persist, to witness with his own eyes the heights that spiritual beastology could reach in his lifetime.

On this day, when Mu Feng was teaching his two disciples the concept of the connection between the bloodline shackles of spirit beasts and their emotional power, the ringtone of the mobile phone placed in front of him rang.

After picking up the phone, a familiar voice came:

"Mu Feng, I am Zhang Daowen."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you want from me?"

"Do you still remember that many years ago I said that there was an important task that I wanted to entrust to you? At that time, you were the leader of the reform of the spirit beast system and could not be distracted by other things. Now the spirit beast system has been completely promoted in Star City. I think it’s time to hand over this secret and mission to you...but you have reached the age of retirement, I wonder if you can still keep going?"

Facing Zhang Daowen's concern and inquiry, Mu Feng was silent for a few seconds and then solemnly said:

"Mr. Zhang, I'm not old yet, I can still move forward."

(One Cut: I want to ask you one thing. Regarding whether the line of era protagonists needs to be reduced. Originally, there were still two stories of era protagonists to be written, but some comments said that they all want to see the protagonist Feng Qi, and don’t want to read the story of the supporting characters. , in fact, the original intention of writing this line is to pave the way for the subsequent timeline, to fill in the development stories of the times that Feng Qi has never seen, and the contributions of those outstanding historical figures to the development of the human race, which is a line to improve the world view. Now ask Everyone, do you want to abbreviate the story of the protagonist of the era? If most people think it needs to be abbreviated, I will put Fengqi online as soon as possible, and then briefly describe the story of the protagonist of the era, and the story will soon continue into the main line of Fengqi.)

(PS: Starting from tomorrow, the 18th, the latest chapters will be free for 48 hours for eight consecutive days.)

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