I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 609 This is the right choice in my opinion

After listening to Zhang Daowen's explanation, Mu Feng's worldview was impacted.

The weak nature of the human race is the low potential of their bloodline. This is an indisputable fact.

But what Zhang Daowen said undoubtedly overturned his previous understanding. Only then did he realize that there was an invisible shackle hidden in the blood of the human race, which sealed the huge energy hidden in the human race. Once awakened, the human race would have endless power. Growth potential.

In order to better explain the existence of the Pillar God Lock, Zhang Daowen gave examples of many historical figures.

For example, the first Scarlet Dean, after awakening the hidden power in his body, had extremely strong brain computing power. His special talents made the Scarlet Institute, an institute with almost no resources to support it, become the highest power in Star City. One of the institutes.

Another example is Ye Huang, who was born in the early days of the catastrophe when the five major cities were not yet established.

He is the first God of War of the human race. It was he who led the human race who were initially exposed to spiritual energy to disperse several fields and clear a piece of development land for the human race. This is how the current urban layout came into being.

Others include Wei Wei, an inventive genius who is almost omnipotent.

Mu Qing, a super god of war whose historical influence is enough to rank among the top three, and whose combat power is even ranked first in the human race.

Tianshu, the legendary warrior of Tongtian Road who has guarded Tongtian Road undefeated for 300 years.


Every human super genius who activates the potential hidden in the body is a miracle in Mu Zi's eyes. They all have talents and abilities that exceed the limits of the human race. They are the most shining stars of an era, leaving an indelible mark in the long history of history. An eradicated bright mark.

"Mr. Zhang, you have mentioned Mu Jun many times. Who is this Mu Jun?"

When asked, Zhang Daowen explained:

"She is the conscious incarnation of the sun. You can understand it as a clone. The main body is the sun. Mu Zhen is the incarnation of the sun walking in the world. She is very important to our human race. The most suitable cultivation system for us humans can only be in the sun. It can only exert its effect as long as it exists. Once the sun falls, our cultivation system will completely collapse."

"Why is this happening?"

Mu Feng's expression became tense after hearing these words.

"Our human world is different from the domain world. Each domain field in the domain world has its own core of rules, but our human world only has one core of rules: the sun. You can understand the human world as a super huge domain field. The sun It is the spatial core of our super domain field. The destruction of the sun will herald the dispersion of the domain field in the human world, and the internal laws will collapse on a large scale."

Zhang Daowen's explanation was very straightforward. After understanding the reason, Mu Feng suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Because in the exchange just now, Zhang Daowen mentioned the future situation when talking about Fengqi.

It means that the sun has fallen in the future world where Feng Qi is going, and the black moon replaces the sun and hangs high in the sky of the human world.

Thinking about what Zhang Daowen said, Mu Feng could imagine how serious a blow human civilization would face at that time. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would hit rock bottom in an instant.

After spending a long time and accumulating bit by bit, the cultivation system collapsed, and the human race was equivalent to abolishing their martial arts and breaking their arms and legs.

In the face of an increasingly cruel future situation, this blow is fatal.

With worry, Mu Fengwang looked at Zhang Daowen and continued to ask:

"Mr. Zhang, these human super geniuses that you mentioned as miracles all existed before Dawn. Could it be that in the more than five hundred years after Dawn, there were no such super geniuses who broke through the shackles of the Pillar God?"

Facing the inquiry, Zhang Daowen was silent for a while and then said:

"Your doubts are also my doubts. I have analyzed the reasons and think it may be related to Mu Xie."

"Analyzing the past human super geniuses who broke through the shackles of the Pillar God, we can find that every time, it was Mu Yan who found these super geniuses in advance, and then they broke through the shackles of the Pillar God and gained unparalleled potential, so I think this part of the super geniuses who were found Geniuses are generally in a state of semi-breakthrough, and it was Mu Jun who helped them achieve a real breakthrough...but there is an exception here, and that is Mu Qing."

"Mu Qing had never been in contact with Mu Qing before she gained unparalleled growth potential. Her breakthrough was more like being activated by the scarlet rune crystal embedded in her arm. So if you want to study, you can check the relevant information on transforming Mu Qing. Maybe you can get some inspiration, and I will provide you with access to this part when the time comes."

"You are an expert in spiritual beastology. You have been studying how to help spiritual beasts break through the bloodline shackles all your life. I don't know if there is any similarity between the human race's Pillar God Locks and the spiritual beasts' bloodline shackles, but I think you are more suitable than anyone else to start this process. This mission.”

Mu Feng nodded solemnly at this moment:

"Mr. Zhang, I am willing to spend the rest of my life trying. This is a new challenge, and it is also my new motivation and direction."

"Contact me anytime if you need anything and rise for the human race."

While speaking, Zhang Daowen placed his right hand on his heart. Upon seeing this, Mu Feng immediately followed suit and made a salute at dawn, saying with a serious expression:

"Rise for humanity."

It was already early morning when we left the administrative building.

Mu Feng did not stop and immediately took a special plane and set off for the spirit beast base.

A new challenge has arrived, and Mu Feng feels no anxiety or melancholy. While he feels a great responsibility, he also has a new motivation to move forward.

But before that, he must arrange the future development of the spirit beast system.

His departure does not mean that the development of the spirit beast system has stopped. The disciples he trained, as well as the future spirit beast scientists who are thriving in the academy, will be the successors to pioneer the continued development of the spirit beast system.

One month after returning to the spirit beast base.

Mu Feng did not reveal the secret Zhang Daowen told him, but gradually handed over his responsibilities to the team members.

For example, the new information on spiritual beasts at each stage needs to be entered into the illustrated book. He handed over this work that requires rigorous treatment to two disciples who are already in their 30s.

Taking over the work of the Spiritual Beast Management Department, Mu Feng handed it over to an old man in the team.

He gradually stepped down from other work related to hosting the Champions League.

Seeing Mu Feng's behavior, everyone in the team seemed to have a premonition that Mu Feng was about to leave, and they all seemed a little overwhelmed.

In their eyes, Mu Feng is the core and backbone of the team. Mu Feng once said that he was unwilling to retire and could continue to work in his position for decades.

But Mu Feng's current behavior is inconsistent with what he said at the beginning, and he seems to have the idea of ​​​​retiring and leaving.

During this period, several senior members of the team took the initiative to talk to Mu Feng about his recent series of relinquishments.

When faced with inquiries, Mu Feng always smiled and said:

"I have a new mission, I will leave, but I will never retire, I will just change my path and move on."

After listening to Mu Feng's answer and thinking of him going to Star City alone to meet Zhang Daowen, the old people in the team realized clearly that Mu Feng had obviously received a new mission, but the mission needed to be kept completely confidential and could not be explained in detail to them.

Although they were reluctant to give up, they still expressed their support for Mu Feng's choice.

Three months later, Mu Feng relieved all responsibilities in the Spirit Beast Base. During this period, he also contacted Zhang Daowen.

The answer he got was that the talent harvesting base specially prepared for Feng Qi was ready for use at any time, and he could go there at any time after he finished arranging the handover work.

At the same time, Zhang Daowen also said that this talent harvesting base is equipped with a variety of modern and most advanced scientific research instruments to assist him in researching the secrets of human blood shackles.

In the fourth month, after Mu Feng made sure that the spirit beast base could operate normally after he left, he officially resigned from his job and returned to Star City.

Before going to the secret base, he came to Star City Veterans Sanatorium E-13.

Seeing his father, who had gray hair and an old complexion, Mu Feng sighed inwardly.

After meeting each other this time, I don’t know when we will meet again.

According to Zhang Daowen, after he enters the secret base, the secret base will operate in a semi-closed manner and he will basically not be able to go out.

Feng Qi's natural plundering ability is a top-secret content of the human race, and this is done for safety reasons.

If those powerful races were to know this secret, the human race would be in a worrying situation.

For example, if the psychic race learns this secret, they will definitely not allow such a huge threat to exist, and will definitely try their best to curb the development of the human race, or even completely destroy the human race.

Secondly, the content of his future research is not suitable for public disclosure.

To study the bloodline shackles of spirit beasts, he could use spirit beasts as experimental subjects, and no one would think there was anything wrong with this.

However, to study the problem of human pillar locks, humans must be used as experimental subjects.

There are bound to be a lot of risks in the process of researching the Human Pillar Lock, and there are bound to be cases of death of experimental subjects. These contents cannot be made public and will cause turmoil in public opinion.

As for the channels for obtaining experimental subjects, Zhang Daowen is already making arrangements.

He would select a group of death row prisoners, or felons who should have been sent to the mines for mining, for experimental consumption.

If the experiment dies, these experimental subjects will announce the death result in another way.

Under the influence of various factors, the semi-closed operation of secret bases is inevitable.

This time I went in, and Mu Feng didn't know when it would be next time he came out. He cherished this reunion with his father very much.

At dinner time, my father, who had not cooked for a long time, borrowed the kitchen of the nursing home to prepare a table of delicious food.

He drank again after not drinking for a long time.

At the dinner table, my father seemed to notice that he was worried, and asked curiously:

"Are you having trouble again?"

Facing the inquiry, Mu Feng nodded:

"Well, new problems, new challenges."

"Are you confident?" Dad reached out and took a chopstick of vegetables and stuffed it into his mouth, asking curiously.

"I have no confidence, but I am ready to fight for the rest of my life."

"Then you won't come again, right?" Dad suddenly asked at this time.

Facing the inquiry, Mu Feng was silent for a long time and then nodded and said:

"Maybe I won't come again in the future."

"Hypocritical, your father and I will eat and drink well here. You don't need to worry about me. Good men are everywhere. You are already old, but you are still like a child. Your eyes are red... Anyway, I am here You don’t need to worry, feel free to fight to the death, I believe you can succeed.”

Listening to his father's words, a smile appeared on Mu Feng's face. This familiar feeling made him feel more intimate, and he couldn't help but think of the days when his father was by his side when he was young.

After three rounds of drinking, my father's face was already red and he was mumbling some vague words.

Looking at his gray-haired father, Mu Feng felt reluctance in his eyes.

Feng Qi once said that most people are just a drop in the ocean in the long river of history. Every understatement in the history books may be someone's magnificent life, but the historical chapters of the human race do not belong only to those historical humans who blazed a trail. They also belong to those ordinary people who have a smooth journey. Together they compose an epic chapter belonging to the human race.

In his eyes, his father is an ordinary person who Feng Qi described as having a smooth journey.

There may not be a single detailed word to describe the father in the history books.

There is a high probability that a certain battle in the history books only briefly mentioned the combat team that Dad was in. This is the trace of Dad's existence in the long history.

My father has never had any great achievements that will be recorded in the annals of history, but he still tries his best to follow the tide of the times and promote the development of the human race.

His father's high hopes for him are also his expectations for the future of the human race.

This is a respectable veteran.

After helping his drunken father back to his room, Mu Feng returned to the restaurant to tidy up alone.

Late at night, Mu Feng left the Veterans Nursing Home.

The next day, he went to the spiritual food restaurant that his father once opened. It was still full of diners and the business was booming, but the familiar taste was no longer there.

After leaving, he went to his alma mater, the Wisdom Institute.

Returning again decades later, he found that the Wisdom School had changed its appearance. Although the gate of the school was still undefended and there were no security personnel, the once dilapidated roads had been repaired and the teaching buildings had been renovated. They were no longer It once looked dilapidated and old.

On the main entrance to Wisdom Academy, Mu Feng saw his own statue of an outstanding figure.

It can be seen that this statue has been wiped and maintained frequently, and there is no trace of dust on it. His life story is engraved on the stone tablet below the statue, and there is a blank space behind it, which is obviously prepared for the subsequent addition of content.

The spirit animal breeding building, the old principal's orchard, the school playground... Following the vague memories, he re-walked the path he took when he was young, and every step was a memory.

Mu Feng left after hurriedly arriving without notifying the management of the Wisdom School.

At his last stop, he came to the West District of Star City.

At this time, Zhang Daowen was already waiting there.

Accompanied by Zhang Daowen, he came to an energy factory in the West District, and then saw the entrance to the secret underground base deep in the factory.

Before entering the secret passage, Zhang Daowen who was accompanying him suddenly looked at him and asked:

"Will you regret it?"

"No, this is the right choice in my opinion."

With a smile, Mu Feng stepped into the passage and reached out to press the switch on the inside of the passage.

As the entrance door to the underground slowly closed, the outside world in Mu Feng's eyes was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Mu Feng knew what Zhang Daowen was thinking at this time.

But after years of growth, he deeply understood the truth that human happiness is divided into levels.

When he was young, he didn't like to study, he just wanted to play around and not do his job all day long, thinking that this was real happiness.

But now he understands that this kind of low-level happiness is easy to obtain.

The real high-level happiness is exploration, progress, knowledge... Use your love to concentrate on doing something, challenge unknown fields through your own efforts, and gain happiness from success.

Low-level happiness can be obtained through indulgence.

But high-level happiness can only be obtained through struggle and hard work.

The process of exploration and challenge is a happy thing. This is also the path he has chosen. There is no regrets.

When the metal door in front of him closed, Mu Feng turned around.

He saw intertwined blue and white lights lighting up one after another from the front, and what appeared in front of him was a passage leading to the ground.

"Let's set off."

With a smile, Mu Feng strode forward.

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