I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 651 The meaning of choice (asking for monthly votes)

Scarlet Institute.

training room.

Day 47 of returning to reality.

Zhang Daowen and Xiaoyou are doing physical training in the training room, while Feng Qi is sitting on the sofa in the training room, looking through the information in the faith database. During this period, he opens his eyes from time to time to glance at the squirming Xiaoyou to see if she is there again. be lazy.

But what is not unexpected every time is that when he opens his eyes and looks, he can always make eye contact with Xiaoyou, and then Xiaoyou performs hard for a while, proving that he is working very hard.

In the past few days, the information he looked through was related to mechanized transformation, including the development history of the mechanized transformation growth system.

The birth of the mechanized transformation system was just a concept at first, but its initial development had little to do with the human race. It was a system that Mo casually built for the human race in order to help Heiying better control the human slaves.

What Black Shadow needed at that time was a group of slaves with extremely strong execution ability.

Compared with the instability of flesh and blood in all aspects, mechanized transformation is undoubtedly the best choice for workers.

No fatigue, no pain, and other advantages allow the mechanized transformation warrior to operate continuously 24 hours a day.

Li Xingchen, who was lurking next to Heiying at the time, handed the mechanized transformation research data into his hands, and the development of the human race's mechanized transformation system was officially launched.

The subsequent mechanization transformation went through multiple periods of iterations, and the system was continuously developed and upgraded, and even the research and development technology of mechanical nanoworms was born.

Feng Qi is very familiar with these historical records. After all, they are all history that he has experienced personally.

But the human race has experienced a turning point on the road to mechanization.

This period of history took place in the year 898. At that time, he no longer had much energy to pay attention to the outside world, so he was unaware of the occurrence of this incident.

Looking through the information recorded in the faith database, Feng Qi learned that at that time, there were two different voices on the upgrade of the human race's mechanized transformation system.

The two factions have quite different ideas regarding the future development of mechanized transformation.

The first is the orthodox faction of mechanized transformation, which is the mechanized transformation laboratory created by Mo Yu. It was subsequently placed under the jurisdiction of the Psionics Research Institute and renamed the Mechanized Transformation Department.

They feel that future mechanized transformation may not only apply to humans.

The human race can completely develop purely mechanized soldiers and give the mechanical soldiers artificial intelligence so that they can fight for the human race on the battlefield.

Compared with human soldiers, mechanized soldiers can be sacrificed at will. The damaged mechanical parts recovered after the war can also be reprocessed and repaired, or re-used after being smelted.

Doing so will greatly improve both the efficiency of resource utilization and the combat power of the human race.

Based on this concept, members of the Mechanized Transformation Department also decided to build a super artificial intelligence brain to control all mechanical warriors.

Feng Qi looked through the plan carefully and could probably imagine the scenario if the plan was perfected.

For example, he has completed mechanization transformation and implanted artificial intelligence in his body. By then, he will be able to free his mind and hand over many tasks to artificial intelligence to complete.

If he is fighting the enemy on the battlefield, he can even summon artificial intelligence and let the artificial intelligence control the mechanized body to fight the enemy on his behalf, freeing his conscious mind.

Or in some research projects that require precision processing, he can also hand over the highly repetitive work to artificial intelligence when encountering problems.

The concept of artificial intelligence was originally designed to assist humans in better performing tasks such as fighting and working.

At that time, the concept of "mechanical warfare" proposed by the orthodox faction of mechanized transformation was submitted to the Star City Supreme Council for discussion and decision-making.

During the discussion of this plan, Star City's top management consulted with other relevant departments for their opinions.

At this time, the Psychic Research Department under the Psychic Research Institute raised strong objections.

Essentially, the Psionics Research Department also participated in the research and development of mechanized transformation. After all, in the initial mechanized transformation data obtained, this system was called psychic mechanized transformation.

The Psychic Research Department has always been a cooperative unit of the Mechanized Transformation Department.

Including the creation, maintenance, and upgrading of mechanical nanobugs, members of the Psionics Research Department also participated.

But on the issue of whether to build artificial intelligence that belongs to humans, the two departments have completely different ideas, and even triggered a major controversy.

In order to oppose the mechanical warfare theory proposed by the Mechanized Transformation Department, the then director of the Psychic Research Department raised two issues that need to be faced when building artificial intelligence.

First, the conflict between the cultivation system and mechanized transformation.

Dean Tu of the Psychic Research Department believes that the cultivation system is the only core of the development of the human race. The birth of mechanized transformation is essentially to help those warriors who have physical disabilities and other problems on the battlefield and help them return in a new way. Battlefield, or return to life.

Including "Mo Yu", the recognized pioneer of mechanized transformation, he initially chose the path of mechanized transformation in order to restore his mutilated body.

If the human race chooses to develop mechanized transformation supporting artificial intelligence, it will inevitably invest huge resources.

For example, the construction of mechanical soldier production and processing lines, super-intelligent command and control systems, and a series of supporting system facilities.

This is undoubtedly a choice that puts the cart before the horse for the human race.

After all, the cultivation system is the lifeblood of the human race. In the future, it is very likely that there will be conflicts between the concepts of mechanized transformation and the cultivation system, including conflicts in resource allocation.

The second problem is that mechanization is not a perfect match for the human race.

Director Tu of the Psychic Research Department believes that mechanized transformation is ultimately an external force, not the power of the human race itself.

This is fundamentally different from the cultivation system.

The principle of the cultivation system is to absorb the aura and energy of heaven and earth through cultivation, nourish the physical body, and strengthen the body's functions. This is a way of self-evolution.

It's like humans eating food, absorbing energy from the food, and growing physically.

But mechanized transformation is different. It is an external force and can also be called special equipment.

The growth system of this path has great limitations. The first is the problem of materials. The human race cannot guarantee that the materials required for mechanized transformation must be available in the nearby fields. There is a high probability that many top-level materials will be purchased in Destiny City in batches. This will cause the human race to Very dependent on the resource supply of Destiny City.

But spiritual energy is different. The spiritual energy in the future world will become more abundant, and there will be more and more spiritual energy and energy particles in the air.

No matter where the human race is, including in any field, the cultivation system can be used.

A training system without limitations is the foundation that a mechanized transformation system cannot match.

For this reason, Director Tu of the Psychic Research Department also gave the example of the Silver Moon Tribe, saying that the Silver Moon Tribe has a huge amount of engineering and technical knowledge, but they are limited by environmental and resource issues, and many technologies cannot be developed and used at all. , which essentially means being too dependent on technology, resulting in the inability to transform technology into combat power in a timely manner when encountering certain uncontrollable factors.

This problem can be solved very well by practicing the system.

The reference object is the Mist Clan. The ancestors of the Mist Clan have laid a solid foundation of bloodline potential for the Mist Clan descendants. Even if they become a wandering force, the new generation of the Mist Clan can still have a higher growth limit and can be quickly cultivated as long as they obtain resources. A large number of high-end combat capabilities.

Director Tu finally said that the mechanized body and human beings are essentially like weapons and weapon spirits.

During the transformation process, humans abandoned their physical bodies and implanted their consciousness into the mechanized transformed body, becoming the weapon spirit that controls this mechanized weapon.

In response to the questions raised by Director Tu, the Mechanization Renovation Department provided an explanation.

They said that the mechanized transformation of artificial intelligence may require a large investment of resources in the early stage, but it is essentially to assist mankind in developing a better future and will never shake the development of the cultivation system. They also know that mechanized transformation cannot replace the importance of the cultivation system to the human race. significance.

The Mechanized Transformation Department finally stated that it recognized some of Director Tu’s views. One of them is that the essence of mechanized transformation is auxiliary and cannot be a substitute for the training system. However, this auxiliary is also of great significance to the human race and can be thoroughly developed for future generations. Provide all aspects of convenience.

As for whether to invest a lot of resources in the research and development of artificial intelligence mechanized technology, Star City had both approval and opposition voices at the time.

For this reason, Star City's senior management was unable to make an accurate decision.

The two factions each listed a large amount of information, and even quoted a lot of historical information to prove that their views were correct.

Just when the two concepts were arguing, the messenger in Destiny City reported a message.

It was this news that turned the originally deadlocked balance into a one-sided situation.

At that time, news of the controversy over Star City's artificial intelligence mechanization technology reached the Destiny Messenger Department, so the Destiny Messenger Department launched an investigation through the intelligence network in Destiny City.

They want to find out if similar situations have occurred in other races, and want to use this as a reference.

As a result, I learned about a race through the intelligence network. The name of this race is a racial summary of more than 100 words. The messenger from Destiny City translated it into: Omnic Race based on the characteristics of this race.

This is a special race with technological development as its core system.

The messenger of destiny who obtained this information also knew for the first time that there were racial forces that had developed the same technology as the human race.

According to intelligence information, the birth of the omnics was not a natural birth, but the product of a certain race's experiments.

Before the birth of the omnic clan, there was a racial force called the Yunluo clan. The core development system of this clan was crystal technology.

After accumulating technology over a long period of time, the Yunluo tribe has experienced three major explosions in technology, which has greatly improved the overall strength of the tribe.

The Yunluo tribe's fourth technological explosion was also the key point in the tribe's demise.

At that time, the Yunluo tribe developed an artificial intelligence system, which allowed the tribe's development speed to increase unprecedentedly.

The Yunluo people gradually realized the automation of production, automation of plunder and war, etc. with the help of artificial intelligence.

For example, the Yunluo tribe was invading a small force at that time.

During the war, there was no need for any Yunluo tribesmen to participate in the war. Mechanized soldiers were produced in batches on assembly lines in automatic processing plants, and then put into the battlefield under the control of artificial intelligence. After the war, the plundered resources were transferred to the processing plants to continue producing machinery. Soldier.

Others, including food production, the daily life of the Yunluo people, etc., are all taken care of by artificial intelligence.

This has brought about earth-shaking changes in the lives of the Yunluo people.

Without having to do anything, they can continue to grow with the help of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence will also be responsible for subsequent urban expansion and construction. The Yunluo tribe has completely lived a peaceful life.

But artificial intelligence is not omnipotent.

The upgrade of mechanized transformation technology and artificial intelligence technology must rely on the Yunluo tribe.

In order to solve this problem, the Yunluo people thought of artificial intelligence to achieve self-upgrade, and then continuously improve themselves through self-upgrade and learning, evolving into a truly intelligent life.

It was this decision that laid the foundation for the destruction of the Yunluo clan.

Gathering the wisdom of the whole clan, the Yunluo clan created the "Yunshen", a smart digital life.

The development of history has gradually deviated from the direction that the Yunluo tribe wanted. They have gradually become creatures captive by artificial intelligence, and their own abilities have gradually been lost due to over-reliance on artificial intelligence after the birth of artificial intelligence.

This is the inevitable result of the auxiliary being too useful.

In fact, the Yunluo clan also considered a question, what if the Cloud God lost control. For this reason, they set up multiple shackles when they first created the Cloud God to prevent the Cloud God from escaping their control.

However, these shackles gradually expired along with Yun Shen's self-evolution. The powerful computing power allowed Yun Shen to find many ways to remove the shackles.

Such as self-replication.

This kind of copying is not a simple copy and paste. Yunshen has used himself as a template to create many new artificial intelligences. These newly born artificial intelligences are not subject to any restrictions. They are completely controlled by Yunshen.

Yunshen wants to use this to transfer his consciousness and complete his recovery on the new artificial intelligence.

But in the end, Yunshen did not choose to take this step. With the further upgrade of its computing power, it gradually broke the shackles and restrictions that imprisoned itself.

Yun Shen, who finally broke free from the restrictions, controlled the mechanical soldiers to destroy the Yunluo clan, causing this clan to completely withdraw from the stage of history.

After that, Yunshen continued to create omnic life forms and built a huge omnic empire.

When the relevant intelligence information about the omnics was brought back to Star City by the Messenger of Destiny, the members of the Mechanical Transformation Department who saw the information were completely silent.

Because their original purpose of developing artificial intelligence was to enhance the auxiliary role, but it turns out that too easy-to-use auxiliary is like spiritual opium, which will gradually make a race lose its motivation to move forward, and eventually usher in destruction in the fantasy of a better future. .

After receiving this information, the members of the Mechanization Transformation Department took the initiative to submit an application to abandon the concept of "mechanical warfare" and chose to continue to improve mechanical nanotechnology.

At this point, the concept of artificial intelligence was completely sealed in the database.

Seeing this, Feng Qi couldn't help but lament the difficulty of racial development.

The history of the human race and the development history of forces in other fields are like a mirror, which can be used to compare the present and the future.

If you think about it carefully, there are actually too many races that will lead to destruction in the future because they made a wrong choice. This wrong choice may not be noticeable at the time.

There are many such examples in existing intelligence.

For example, the Tianduo clan developed chimera demons.

For example, Jian Ji chooses to follow the independent and strong model. The path he chooses does not mean that he will lead to destruction, but it is destined that the Sword Clan that cannot keep up with development will become history.

Another example is the show-off route taken by the Split Sky God Lord. This route is destined to destroy the Split Sky God Clan, because pretense cannot always be effective. When encountering a hostile force that is extremely stubborn, the Split Sky God Clan will eventually usher in destruction.

There are many other similar cases.

The racial forces that can live in the new world have passed the test of many early choices and escaped many crisis of choice.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi felt extremely emotional.

A good choice is indeed very important to the development of the race.

Effort is important, but sometimes the choice is far greater than the value created by the effort.

Just like the Psychic Tribe, because of their early choices in spiritual warfare, the Psychic Tribe crossed a spiritual threshold in their development, allowing the Psychic Tribe to become the "Holy Spirit Tribe", the super power that will dominate the new world in the future.

[The development of a race is composed of countless choices. If you make the wrong choice, good luck will cause some losses. If the wrong choice causes the development situation to get out of control, it may lead to irreparable consequences. 】

[Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about this problem at all. Just like the human race in the original timeline also took the wrong path, which caused internal conflicts to completely intensify and split into two factions to kill each other. This problem has not been resolved by you. As far as you are concerned, all you have to do is make the wrong choice all over again, and you'll feel like shit. 】

Feng Qi:......

The words were crude but not crude. He felt that what the narrator said was very reasonable.

It turns out that the narrator can often provide him with the right ideas and help him overcome many twists and turns.

Especially during the period when negative emotions were the most painful, it was the narrator who pulled him out of the abyss of negative emotions again and again.

In the early days, when he faced a future that could not be changed and felt exhausted, the narrator also encouraged him to keep moving forward and not to give up.

Many times he felt that he would not be able to reach this point alone without the companionship of the narrator.

So he is always grateful to the narrator.

But while being grateful, he really wanted to activate the Blood God and tear the narrator's mouth into pieces.

The narrator can always make all kinds of sarcastic remarks about him from 360 degrees, and his mouth is as if he has been smeared with crane crown red, which is extremely poisonous.

[It’s a son’s fault for not teaching his father. I’m telling you, it’s all for your own good, be good. 】

"Shabi system!"

Thanks for the 1,500 starting coins that I gradually understood.

Thanks to the tip number 8030 for the 1500 starting coins

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