I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 659 The Seed of the Era (please vote for me)

Daybreak 16 years.

Feng Qi is 84 years old this year.

As he grew older, he felt his body functions began to decline.

However, the early layout and planning of Star City still required his personal participation, so he had begun to use the genetic repair fluid produced by Wei Wei to ensure his physical strength and energy.

At the same time, the mechanization transformation department has been listed as a key project for the development of Star City.

But Feng Qi is not in a hurry to carry out mechanization transformation.

The medical team gave him a comprehensive physical examination and believed that it was not a problem at all for his natural life span to exceed 110 years on this line of sacrifice.

He still has 30 years to wait.

Thirty years of development of the mechanized transformation department is enough. After all, the mechanized transformation department in this timeline only needs to learn to master the knowledge and materials inherited from the previous timeline, which greatly increases the development speed of the mechanized transformation department.

Coupled with the early help from the Science and Technology Research Institute in Future City in customizing instruments, the construction of the first phase of the mechanization transformation department's transformation room has been completed.

This morning, Feng Qi woke up.

After washing up, he came to the bedside, reached out and rolled himself up into a ball with a small quilt. Xiaoyou was still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, and left the room.

It's autumn and there's a cool breeze blowing outside.

On the way to the administrative building, yellow leaves were flying and covered the ground with a shallow layer.

The automatic sanitation robot in the distance is slowly coming, cleaning the fallen leaves along the way.

After breakfast, Feng Qi took Xiaoyou in a special car to the mechanized transformation laboratory.

The Mechanization Transformation Laboratory is located in the West District of Star City. It was originally an energy factory, which mainly used fossil energy from the old era as power generation.

This is also one of the reasons why the West District of Star City is more seriously polluted.

The original industries in the West District of Star City were mainly chemical industry and energy, which resulted in poor air quality. Apart from the staff, there were basically no Star City residents living or doing activities here.

In order to adapt to the development of the new era, in the first fifty-year plan, he carried out drastic reforms to the industries in the West District of Star City.

The first is to eliminate the old energy system construction that is gradually no longer suitable for the new era.

This energy plant was also included in the reform and was dismantled and built into the first phase laboratory of the mechanization reform department.

The entire laboratory covers an area of ​​280,000 square meters. It is a six-story building with two floors of secret laboratories underground.

After passing the identity verification, Feng Qi took Xiaoyou into the first floor of the laboratory building.

The first floor is the mechanized transformation data laboratory. You can see many staff working in front of huge data storage instruments. The mechanized transformation department work clothes they wear have the badge of the Sword of Dawn on the chest.

This set of work clothes was designed by Feng Qi himself.

The badge of the Sword of Dawn is to commemorate Mo Yu, who led the human race on the road to mechanization.

Seeing his arrival, the busy staff seemed a little hesitant.

The head of the mechanized transformation department who received the news soon appeared in front of him.

The person in charge of the Mechanization Renovation Department is a middle-aged man named Xu Chi. His most obvious feature is his shiny head. He looks fierce and his temperament is more in line with a frontline soldier than a scientific researcher.

"Lao Feng."

Arriving in front of Feng Qi, Xu Chi spoke respectfully.

"Take me on a tour and introduce the project progress of the mechanization transformation laboratory in detail."

"Okay, come with me."

Xu Chi nodded immediately, and then led Feng Qi and Xiaoyou towards the data storage on the first floor.

Along the way, through Xu Chi's introduction, Feng Qi learned that the mechanization transformation laboratory had recently completed preliminary transformation experiments, and all the data obtained were recorded in the database on the first floor. Now the mechanization transformation department is working with multiple energy sources in the West District of Star City. Materials department cooperation.

The creation of mechanized parts used in the Faith Database has high requirements for strength. The production formula of mechanized materials is available in the Faith Database, but Star City does not have such materials now, and it requires the cooperation of the materials department to create them.

According to Xu Chi, the materials for mechanized bodies are divided into five levels in the faith database.

From low to high they are black iron level, bronze level, silver level, gold level, and dawn level.

Among them, the black iron grade is mainly used in the modification of prosthetic limbs. It does not have high requirements for strength, but has certain requirements for comfort, as long as it can be used flexibly.

Mechanized limbs made of bronze-grade alloy materials can be used on frontline battlefields.

Bronze-level mechanized limbs are also an early product of the development of mechanized transformation. However, this type of material has many shortcomings, such as poor fit with the body and limited strength. It is only suitable for low-level battlefields.

Silver-grade alloy materials are the qualitative change stage of mechanized transformation. The mechanized limbs made of this material are required to have strength, toughness, comfort, and a fit of more than 90% with the body, so that soldiers can function as normal on the battlefield and in daily life. Used by everyone.

The creation of silver-level mechanical limbs was not the responsibility of the mechanized transformation laboratory in the previous timeline. It was mainly produced through docking with the foundry and assisted by the foundry.

The mechanized transformation laboratory is currently in the silver-level stage, but the construction method no longer requires the participation of a foundry master.

The gold level is based on the silver level, and the requirements for material strength are increased by more than five times. The alloy materials used must be high-quality spiritual minerals, and they can be used as weapons and armor on the battlefield.

The representative work of the Dawn class is the Sword of the Dawn. The alloy required to create such mechanized limbs must have special attributes.

For example, the Devouring and Reorganizing abilities of the Sword of Dawn.

This type of material is very scarce and extremely expensive. Star City currently does not have materials of this quality.

The demand for materials is a hurdle that must be overcome in the development process of mechanized transformation.

The most troublesome problem for Xu Chi is that various energy materials institutions have no raw materials to create high-quality alloy materials.

In the future, we will need to cooperate with the Destiny Messenger Department to purchase materials in Destiny City.

Coming to the third floor, there are many large-scale mechanized instruments.

Most of the instruments are assembled from parts ordered from science and technology research institutes.

However, the science and technology department belonging to Star City has been established. In the future, Star City's demand for Future City will gradually decrease until it digests the knowledge of future people and pushes the development of science and technology to a higher level than that of Future City.

The mechanized transformation instruments on the third floor are mainly used to measure the body data of the transformers.

Feng Qi experienced physical data detection here.

The first is a comprehensive body scan to generate a three-dimensional body data model.

The second step is to test the strength of the blood vessels. If you want to customize a suitable mechanized modified limb, the strength of the body needs to be tested for suitability.

There are six testing steps in total, and half a day has passed since they were completed.

After experiencing the testing process, Feng Qi came to the fifth floor of the mechanized transformation laboratory, which was the purpose of his trip.

With the development of frontline territory, the human race will have more and more resource areas.

However, the mining of many resource areas is not simple, especially those underground mines with strong radiation. If ordinary people work in them for a long time, their bodies will soon be eroded by radiation, and their body functions will be completely degraded. In severe cases, body ulcers will occur. , and may even affect the health of future generations.

There are two main ways to solve this problem.

For example, slave forces are kept in captivity and use slaves to mine underground mine resources with strong radiation. This is the method chosen by most forces in the field. As for the life and death of slaves, they don't care at all. Even the Mist tribe chooses to use cheap slaves to mine radiation mines. Resources in the cave.

In the previous sacrifice line, the human race controlled a large number of resource areas, but had no effective method of mining resources. Therefore, the Jihe era formulated a policy of using heavy criminals of the race to mine.

But this method will be phased out in the future.

In the future, the human race will be the most powerful force in the surrounding area, and there will be many resource areas annexed through war. There will simply not be enough felons to mine radiation mines.

In the context of the times, it was increasingly difficult to dispel a field.

A modern war to dispel a domain can end in a few years. If it encounters a very weak racial force, it only takes a few months. The early humans obtained resources through war, but the scale and intensity of the later wars became higher and higher, and continued to pass through Obtaining resources in the form of war becomes difficult and takes decades.

At this time, large areas of resource land waiting to be exploited have become the first choice for future people to obtain development resources.

At that time, the human race did not enslave any forces, and it was very troublesome to exploit resources, so technological upgrading became the only way to exploit resources.

Under the high radiation in underground mines, normal machinery cannot be controlled and used at all, so people in the future cooperated with the Silver Moon tribe to develop a series of radiation-resistant mining tools, the key of which was psychic machinery.

It is also with the help of psychic machinery that the human race's resource mining efficiency has been greatly improved.

At this sacrifice line, Feng Qi decided to start the construction of human resource extraction in advance.

After all, leaving resources there without using them is a waste. There was no corresponding technology in the early stages of the previous timeline. This problem can be solved in advance in this timeline.

This is the point of the sacrifice line, to find problems and find solutions to the problems for the next timeline, so that the next timeline can go further.

In this timeline, Feng Qi decided to simultaneously obtain development resources through foreign war and resource extraction.

But unfortunately, at this stage, mining and making psychic mining tools is very troublesome.

It cannot be produced even through the information in the faith database. The key reason is that there is no supporting equipment.

How to solve this problem, Feng Qi has included it in the next Star City Centennial Development Plan.

Currently, Silver Moon City, located to the east of Star City, is under construction. When the Silver Moon Clan arrives, many problems can be solved through cooperation with the Silver Moon Clan.

Lunch was eaten at the Mechanization Transformation Laboratory. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Qi returned to the administrative building after completing the tour.

After spending half an hour practicing the blood refining technique and another 2 hours practicing the spiritual immortality technique, the time came to 6 o'clock in the evening.

After dinner, Feng Qi came to the office and sat down. He reached for the fully charged tablet placed on the table and began to check the information sent by various agencies and departments in Star City.

Xiaoyou, who had regained consciousness, was lying on the sofa, eating the Domain Beast Steak that came from the restaurant, his head shaking back and forth rhythmically.

"Xiaoyou, it's time to make a space bracelet."

"Boss, Xiaoyou, don't say anything that affects your mood while eating." Xiaoyou pouted with a dissatisfied expression.

After hearing these words, Feng Qi shook his head helplessly in his heart.

He can't be strict with Xiaoyou, after all, Xiaoyou has always been soft-hearted rather than tough.

The image of sending her to school is still vivid in her mind. He dared to educate her harshly, but Xiaoyou dared to cry in the street.

"Boss, Xiaoyou will start working after eating."

As he said that, Xiaoyou took a big bite on the steak, and the sauce splashed on his face. He started chewing, but his eyes were fixed on Feng Qi who was checking the report information.

After finishing the steak in his hand, the energy woven clothes Xiaoyou wore emitted a hazy light, and the sauce on his body was washed away automatically.

Xiaoyou clapped her hands and sighed decadently:

"Work, work, the adult world is really hard. I have to work every day, and I have to be criticized for being lazy. It's really hard on me."

Feng Qi:......

After saying this, Xiaoyou took out a semi-finished space bracelet from the space bracelet with a wave of his hand. Thin purple energy threads appeared on his fingertips, and he began to continue weaving the energy bracelet.

While busy, Xiaoyou kept talking.

From time to time, he would take out a handful of snacks from the space bracelet, put it into his mouth and chew it. The frequency of chewing and stirring in his mouth was much higher than the frequency of controlling the energy threads to weave with his hands.

Occasionally, he would suddenly collapse and lie down straight facing the sofa with a decadent look on his face. Then he would keep slapping the sofa with his hands and muttering something in his mouth.

The time came to 10pm.

After checking today's reports from various departments, Feng Qi put down the tablet in his hand.

Among the contents of this report, what attracted his most attention was the development of field studies.

After more than ten years of construction, the first batch of students in Domain Studies have officially completed the basic content. Three of them have been selected as the first batch of Destiny Messengers and have been sent to Destiny City to study.

Among them was a messenger named Jiang Ping. A letter she sent to the Messenger of Destiny department deeply touched Feng Qi.

In addition to describing what he saw and heard in Destiny City, this email letter also focused on the change in his mentality from a student to a messenger of destiny.

There is this passage in the letter:

When I was a child, I didn’t understand the concepts of strong and weak races. I thought that the human race, like races in other fields, could stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the world through struggle. I thought that every life was an equal existence and stood on the same starting line. Who will work harder in the future?

All this happened until I studied field studies and went to visit Destiny City under the guidance of my teacher. My expectations for the future were completely overturned by the impact of reality.

In that prosperous place with bright lights, I saw new things that I had never seen in the first half of my life. At that time, I felt the suffocation of being strangled by the neck, and I discovered that races are inherently different.

The peak that we strive to look up to but cannot reach all our lives is the starting point where many newborns of powerful tribes cry.

Being forced to accept the mediocrity of the human race was the first psychological hurdle I faced before becoming a messenger of destiny.

This was different from the encouragement given by my teacher in the classroom when I was young. The cruel reality was like an ice blade, piercing my passionate chest.

A sense of loss surrounded my heart, and my hope was severely shattered by reality. I even began to think about a question. Since we can't catch up no matter how hard we try, what is the meaning of our struggle as a human race?

Then my mentality began to change, and I began to hate this cruel era.

Why are we humans lagging behind everywhere?

Why can't our human race catch up with those powerful races despite our unremitting efforts?

And why are we born in this cruel era, born to burn ourselves for the rise of the human race and become the flame that ignites future generations?

This is not fair!

Too many thoughts torture me. Continuous learning has enriched my experience, but I can’t see clearly the future of the human race.

My mentor discovered my psychological problems, comforted me, and took me to watch a documentary about the leader of the human race, Feng Qi.

I watched this documentary when I was young, and I had a completely different feeling when I watched it again.

I saw a corner of Feng Lao's inner world.

He could clearly feel Feng Lao's expectations for the future of the human race.

At the end of the documentary, Mr. Feng sat on the rooftop and looked at the rising sun. The darkness behind him gradually faded away, and his face gradually became clear. The words he said at the end resonated with me.

He said that in this world, many people feel confused and think that they were born in the worst of times.

The goal of striving for future generations is like a mirror to most people, because they cannot see the changes in the future.

As they thought, this was not a good era.

But in the worst of times, there is also its beauty.

Today in history, you can live in a city forged with the blood of your ancestors and enjoy a stable life, you can practice and learn the cultivation techniques written by countless ancestors with their lifetime efforts, master the extraordinary power of controlling nature, and you can also use thousands of people. A virtual game that the team has spent decades producing... If you feel that none of this is in line with your wishes, the belief database contains the crystallization of wisdom that humans have developed to this day. They have been sorted and arranged for you to browse for free.

These gifts of the times that are within reach are the most precious treasures of this era, and each of them is worth cherishing and recalling.

Try to enjoy the fruits of this era and experience the progress and beauty of modern civilization in your life.

No matter how bad this world is, there are also too many beautiful things that are not easily noticed...

I was confused when I was young, but now I am enlightened.

I suddenly understood the meaning of my efforts. Although I could not see the future, the modern world I lived in was also the future that my predecessors expected to see but could not see.

Our efforts, as Mr. Feng said, are to sow the seeds of a new era for the next generation.

What I enjoy is the era pioneered by my predecessors, and I will also contribute my strength to the future generations.

At this moment, I felt the power given to me by the times.

The inner complaints disappeared after watching the documentary.

I will continue to work hard to become an excellent messenger of destiny. I will bring my own ray of light to future generations, and I also look forward to thousands of gathered rays of light illuminating the path of future generations.

After reading the email letter reported by Jiang Ping to the Destiny Messenger Department, Feng Qi was deeply moved.

In fact, there are many children like Jiang Ping.

They are confused about the future and do not understand the meaning of their own struggle for the future.

Feng Qi understands this feeling.

Because no one in this world is a born savior. He only knows how to give and contribute, and does not pursue his own happy life.

But growth will tell them a truth.

What we enjoy is the fruits of the times condensed by our predecessors, and we must also sow the seeds of a new era for future generations.

The development of civilization is a relay of countless eras.

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