I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 785: Going back in time is better than a teenage tour

Daybreak 15123.

The trend of disaster is accelerating.

The mysterious energy that fills the world continues to increase, which also allows Lanpi's strength to increase significantly.

In addition, the number of reverse laws mastered by blue-skinned creatures increases.

The advantages gained by the world coalition forces through technology sharing no longer exist.

Resources are the biggest problem hindering the development of all ethnic groups in the world, and there is no way to solve this problem.

The haze of failure hangs over the heads of all races in the world.

However, all races in the world have not given up the idea of ​​resistance, and all forces are ready to fight to the last moment.

This is what Feng Qi admires very much.

The ethnic groups that have survived to this day have perseverance imprinted in their bones. They carry the glory of the past in their hearts and shoulder the future mission of continuing the race. They are never willing to bow their heads and admit defeat even if failure is close at hand.

Describe it in human terms:

None of the coalition allies in this era is a pig teammate who can lose control.

Although they do not know how to adapt and are unwilling to hand over resources to create opportunities for top powerful families to accelerate development.

But you can understand their thoughts by putting yourself in their shoes, which is essentially a kind of persistence.

Assuming that the human race is a backward force, the choice before him is to give up the fruits of more than ten thousand years of hard work, leaving only the rations needed for survival, handing over all other resource output, and at the same time giving up the development of the cultivation system and technology research and development , and even demolished Dawn City and turned it into resources to provide to the top powerful families.

On the same issue, he would make the same choice as the other ethnic groups at the meeting at that time.

Persistence does not mean being stupid, but rather not breaking the backbone of the race.

The general trend is about to overturn, and the world is at stake.

In addition to the threats posed by blue-skinned creatures, the general trend itself has also brought huge destruction to the new world.

The once blue sky was full of broken cracks, and through the cracks one could see thick ink-like liquid flowing in the deep darkness.

The advent of the general situation did not bring about the scene of all things withering and spiritual energy drying up.

But the new world seems to be carrying an unbearable force, causing the world framework to show signs of fragmentation.

There seems to be some force trying to force its way into the new world they live in.

The Holy Spirit Tribe has also interpreted this.

The object of reference is Mu Qing.

As Mu Qing's strength increases, if she doesn't suppress it deliberately, even if she stands there and does nothing, her body will distort the nearby space.

This is essentially Mu Qing's physical strength, or the fact that her body mass has exceeded the carrying capacity of the environment.

The situation when the general trend comes is very similar.

Perhaps it is a mysterious plane, or it may be an unknown life form. Its emergence has caused the new world to be overwhelmed.

It's like filling a lake into the sea. The capacity of the lake is obviously unable to carry the amount of seawater in the sea.

But whether it is a mysterious plane or a mysterious creature is unknown.

The Holy Spirit Tribe has also sent members of the tribe to investigate the cracks that appeared in the sky, and even wanted to send members through the cracks to investigate into the unknown.

But this plan failed just after it started.

Passing through the cracks in the world caused by the general conflict, the Holy Spirit investigators wanted to follow the darkness to explore the unknown, but suddenly found that they had lost all abilities.

In the mysterious and unknown darkness, there is only mysterious energy, without the support of the rule framework of the new world. If the investigators had not reacted quickly and used the half of the body that stayed in the new world to pull itself back, its energy body would have collapsed in the unknown darkness.

The mysterious world in darkness is simply not an area where life in the new world can set foot.

Natural disasters around the world were once called "forbidden areas of life" by all races in the world, but they are nothing compared to the mysterious and dark world.

Natural disasters at least exist within the framework of the new world's rules, and the abilities of any life will not be affected by natural disasters.

But in the dark world that passes through the cracks in the sky, everything belonging to the new world will be annihilated. It is a chaotic place without new world rules.

Perhaps only blue-skinned creatures can survive in such a world.

Exploring the unknown is a path that will perish if you cross it.

There is no way to explore. The Holy Spirit believes that unless they can create an inverse rule similar to that of Blue Skin and adapt themselves to the rules of that world, they can go there safely.

Blueskin can move freely in the new world because they carry the rules of this world and transform them into a force that goes against the rules.

Creatures in the new world can do the same thing, by collecting the power of rules from the mysterious dark world, and then carrying this power of rules into their bodies to go to the dark world.

But this idea is not realistic at this stage.

The blue-skin will disappear after death. The tribes in the new world cannot seize anything from the blue-skin, and they will never be able to create power that goes against the rules.

Rather than wasting resources and time on exploring the unknown darkness, all races focus more on how to resist the next blue-skinned invasion.

There is not much time left for all races.

Overcoming the general trend is a dream that all ethnic groups have had for thousands of years.

But under the pressure brought by blue skin, they may not even be able to see the truth of the coming trend, and can only be buried in the torrent of blue skin before the big trend comes.

While continuing to persist, all races are looking forward to the disappearance of Blue Skin.

They expect that the blue-skinned creatures will suddenly disappear one day like what happened in history.

Even though the blue skin that disappeared this time will come in a stronger form next time.

But at least the disappearance of blue skins will give the pressured races of the world some breathing space. At that time, the world will return to an environment of racial hegemony, and the world structure will be reshuffled and resources will be reintegrated through war.

During this period, the development of the race may usher in earth-shaking changes, ushering in the opportunity for a desperate comeback.

In Feng Qi's eyes, and even in the eyes of other top powerful clans, the current world has become a pool of stagnant water.

With the help of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Bank, all races in the world have clear development plans for the future, and believe that this planning route can bring about earth-shaking changes to the development of the race.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Development is still continuing, and comprehensive strength is still improving...but the resource problem has not been solved, and no matter how grand a future blueprint is, it can't solve the dilemma at hand.

Such a world has lost hope in Feng Qi's eyes.

Rather than perseverance and struggle, a more realistic description should be "struggle".

Daybreak 15205.

Another battle of Destiny City ended, and the world coalition forces suffered heavy losses.

The Shen Yi Clan, once known as the most powerful clan in the world, lost 23 people who ascended to the gods. Among them, the ancestor who was the first to become a god and the strongest among the Shen Yi Clan was seriously injured and was rushed to the Holy Spirit Clan for rescue.

The Holy Spirit tribe also gained the power to modify the rules in this battle and killed millions of tribesmen.

The obliteration process in the live broadcast did not have earth-shattering scenes, it was as light as the wind blowing fallen leaves.

The special blue skin briefly modified the rules of the world, causing changes in the life structure of the Holy Spirit race with energy bodies.

Compare the members of the Holy Spirit Tribe to a program. When the framework structure of the program is tampered with, the running program instantly collapses.

Only those who ascend to the gods have their own rules and can barely resist the damage caused by the modified rules.

However, ordinary members of the Holy Spirit Tribe who do not have their own rules are like ants facing the ability to modify the rules, with no power to resist.

The special blue skin is like God with a pen. Modifying the plot can destroy the original trajectory of the story and make the plot of the original story collapse.

A short period of use caused immeasurable losses to the world coalition forces.

In order to solve this problem, Feng Qi once contacted Mu Yan to see if he could compete with the blue-skinned creature's ability to modify the rules.

But Mu Zhen's answer was that he was helpless.

To this day, Mu Jun, who is the core of the world's origin, still does not have perfect control over the entire world.

As he said back then, Mu Jun always felt that he was missing an important link, and it was this link that made him incomplete and unable to perfectly control the world.

This ring can be compared to permissions, or a key.

Mu Zi found that he only had partial authority to open the door to the world's rules, and could not completely control the world.

Mu Zi is now more like an observer, who can change parts of the world, but cannot control the operation of the world, nor can he drive the power of rules woven into the world's framework to resist the modifications of blue-skinned creatures.

As for what he was missing, Mu Jun had no way of knowing.

All races in the world are unable to help Mu Zhen solve this problem without clues.

After the Battle of Destiny City, the vitality of all races in the world was severely damaged, and the human race was no exception.

The bloodline warriors who participated in the battle suffered heavy casualties, but this battle also allowed Feng Qi to discover a secret about the human race.

In this battle of Destiny City, there are fifteen special blue skins. They can combine against the rules to condense special symbols, and then use this symbol to modify the rules of the world.

The special blue skin can easily erase non-gods through this ability.

But this ability is ineffective against humans.

No matter how the special blue skin is modified, human warriors can never be directly removed from the rules.

This made Feng Qi think of the power contained in human blood.

He had a guess a long time ago that the unstimulated blood power of the human race might be related to the rules.

He even had a fantasy back then. If all mankind activates the power of blood, then there will be a miraculous prosperous era for all people.

The obliteration of the special blue skin seemed to confirm his suspicion.

In other races, only those who have their own rules can resist the modification of the rules, but the non-gods of the human race can also do this. Although the body will still be damaged by the suppression of the rules during the resistance, it has not been erased. The truth of the past proves that every member of the human race can reach a state of self-contained rules.

Unlike those who ascend to the gods, the human race's rule power is always in a latent state, and only a few bloodline potential activators have the ability to exert incomplete rule power.

It’s just that this timeline is coming to an end, and the task of exploring the truth can only be carried out in the next sacrifice line.

If you are lucky, maybe the main body will find the truth about the secrets of the human body on the Pillar God Island.

Daybreak 15217.

The trend of world collapse suddenly intensified.

The whole world is like a broken glass ball, and the cracks in the sky are interconnected and very dense.

The dark energy seeped in along the cracks and turned into black rain to wash the land of the new world.

During this period, the blue-skinned creatures grew rapidly in strength.

The world alliance, which has already shown its decline, can no longer contend with the blue-skinned creatures.

Times are developing, but the comprehensive combat strength of the world coalition has been regressing after the last battle of Destiny City.

It takes time to cultivate new blood, and the training system and even technological development to improve combat power require resources... There are too many problems that cannot be solved.

Although the cooperation between the various races has become more and more tacit, there is no sharing of honor and disgrace among the human alliance.

Such a world alliance is essentially the product of external pressure.

The World Alliance cannot contribute all its resources to its allies at any time like the Human Alliance, and it can fight and die for its allies at any time.

Feng Qi also decided on this day to let the main body arrive in advance.

On the eve of departure, he took Xiaoyou to the Heroes Hall in Dawn City.

Entering the museum along the jade-paved road, towering heroic statues come into view. On the wall behind each statue are photos that will not fade over time, recording the moments of the glorious stories of human heroes.

Fifteen thousand years, this is an extremely heavy number.

Looking around at the familiar faces on the hero's statue, Feng Qi couldn't help but smile.

In the past, he carried a lantern and walked forward, and the night road was blurry. He kept falling and standing up just to pursue an unreachable dream.

But where the dream lies, he doesn't know.


Later, he was surrounded by many fellow travelers, who pursued the dream he described with him.

The little stars in the hands of countless lantern holders converge into a sea of ​​lanterns, and the blurry road ahead gradually becomes clearer. If you can't find your dream, create it.

His dream was hand-painted by fellow lamp-bearers, and every stroke is a piece of history.

"You show the way, we create the dream."

This is what Ji He once said to him, and it is also the lifelong goal that countless heroes of the era strive for.

Looking back.

He suddenly discovered that there were countless stars shining in the sky in human history, each one representing the genius of an era.

Standing here, Feng Qi bid farewell to this story.

The long story of this timeline is swaying, the world is like a big dream, and the time is gone, but it is fleeting.

He is not the protagonist in the story, but he has witnessed the birth and growth of countless protagonists.

Standing here, Feng Qi is interpreting countless wonderful stories in his mind. Each story is like a pot of old wine, which lasts for a long time.

After saying goodbye for several days, I walked through countless venues, as if I was walking on the road to the past, with familiar figures along the way.

Finally, Feng Qi returned to the lobby of the Heroes Hall.

He took out the wine glass from the space bracelet, filled it with wine, looked around, poured one glass down, poured another glass, and then raised the glass high and drank it all in one gulp.

"Drink with you, and fight with you in the future in a new beginning."

In Feng Qi's eyes, every restart of the story does not mean the end of the old story.

Every restart is an opportunity for Feng Qi to reunite with old friends.

Looking back in time is better than traveling as a teenager.

He drank the wine from the flask, turned around and left the Heroes Hall.

Standing in the jade-paved square outside the museum, Feng Qi heard the melodious tunes of the harmonica coming from a dark corner not far away.

There are no words to say goodbye, the music tells Mu Qing's inner feelings of farewell.

Feng Qi stood there and listened. It wasn't until the song ended that he looked up at the shattered sky shrouded in darkness.

Then he flew straight into the sky, towards the unknown shrouded in darkness.

At this moment, countless figures in Dawn City looked up at the sky, following the stars of faith and flying into the dark sky.

At the last moment of his life, Feng Qi wanted to see the unknown trend and meet the end of his life there.

At this moment, a purple stream of light rose from Dawn City, cut across the sky, and flew in the direction Feng Qi left.

Angry shouts echoed across the sky:

"Boss, Xiaoyou is here, wait for me!"

"Xiaoyou, the boss is going to die, not to play games, nor to steal delicious food."

"We will go together even if we die, come on!"

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