I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 220 This battle, leave a name!

These days they jumped through dozens of stargates that had been closed in one direction.

Since the battleships have been fully replaced, at least they are all Crusader-class, and the speed is ten days faster than before.

In the main control room of the Exile, all the main members of Beiliang were there, including Detonator, the old captain of the seventh exile team who had recovered.

This was their first team meeting back in the Milky Way, and it seemed unusually formal.

Everyone has changed into black uniforms with a matte touch, and the overall atmosphere is very serious.

In addition to the Beiliang logo on it, there are also icons representing their occupations and positions.

Pilot, ship master, geek, etc., each profession has a unique pattern, and the clothes of the androids also have corresponding numbers.

This approach is mainly for daily identification and convenient management, otherwise it will be too messy.

In addition, after discussions in recent days, Beiliang officially established a mech army.

And like the fleet, it is divided into three parts, Chen Han, the commander of the First Army, and Miaoying, the deputy commander.

Ao, the commander of the Second Army, and Ning Bai, the deputy commander.

Detonator, the commander of the Third Army, and Dashan, the deputy commander.

Each legion currently has more than a hundred pilots, adding up to more than 300, and there are all levels of strength.

All legions have internal competition and a contribution system, which is mainly reflected in the allocation of resources.

For example, the Legion with a high contribution can give priority to the newly released man-machine operator, or the newly-manufactured body.

The contribution degree is obtained from the usual gang missions, which can form a healthy development.

At present, the strengths of the First Legion and the Second Legion are similar. After all, they are just starting out, and all resources are allocated the same.

The most powerful should be the Third Legion led by Dynamite, since all Gaia veterans are in it.

After testing, there are a total of forty-three veterans, and seven of them are pilots who can pilot Hades-level aircraft.

There are more than 20 people who can control the curse level, and the remaining ten are also the prison level.

With this group of people joining, Beiliang's ground strength has been horribly improved.

As long as they can give them a suitable airframe, ground missions below A-level are basically not difficult.

It is worth mentioning that the position of the commander of the Third Army originally belonged to Dashan, and the detonator was the deputy.

But he thought that he was not as good as the detonator in many aspects, so he asked Chen Han to change it.

After all, if the detonator hadn't been seriously injured before and couldn't get medical treatment, he wouldn't have given up his position.

Chen Han agreed with this. Anyway, for the team, Dashan and Detonator are the same as the principal and deputy.

While the number of pilots increased, the demand for advanced airframes also increased.

Therefore, the airframe manufacturing plant of the Exile began to operate 20 days ago.

Due to the limited materials and chemical elements, Chen Han chose to give priority to meeting the needs of the mecha.

The original factory has only one manufacturing workshop, one Original Sin I for three days, and one Original Sin II for five days.

After the expansion, there will be two workshops, and the time will remain the same.

Original Sin I needed to consume energy equivalent to thirty red energy blocks, while Original Sin II had tripled the energy.

Adding the cost of some materials and some chemical elements, the cost of manufacturing an Original Sin I is probably more than 20 million Star Union coins.

This is much cheaper than buying outside, and the quality is guaranteed.

During the voyage, a total of fourteen original sin Is were added.

As for Original Sin II, there is no need to add it for the time being. The time and the consumption of chemical elements are relatively high. Let’s make enough of Original Sin I first.

In addition, the research and development of Original Sin III has already started, and Dr. Shan and his previous team are fully responsible for it.

Since Chen Han submitted the relevant materials and told them that they could enter the R\u0026D room of the Exile, these people rarely came out.

Especially Dr. Shan, who still looked sloppy and was busy at the workbench almost 24 hours a day.

Scientific researchers in other fields were not idle either, sorting out the data Chen Han extracted from the key, including biology, medical treatment, economics, chemistry, military affairs, education, construction and other fields.

Androids with no apparent talent are their best assistants.

Some people even showed talents in the field of scientific research when helping, and research groups were established one after another on the Exile.

Looking at the gray temples of some Gaia researchers, Chen Han couldn't help feeling a little worried. He was afraid that they would be exhausted, and asked to combine work and rest more than once.

After all, the lives of these people are very valuable, it is the hope of restarting Gaia technology, and it is also the future.

But for Gaia's former scientific researchers, it is their lifelong wish to continue their research, which makes them extremely excited every day, for fear of wasting a little time.

They can even endure the difficult environment of being imprisoned by Jihuo for ten years, so what is this little hard work?

After repeated dissuasion to no avail, Chen Han felt relieved and let them go...

It is worth mentioning that after mass production during this period, the number of androids on the Exile has reached more than 600.

In addition to the more than 200 pilots, there are nearly a hundred geeks and mechanical apprentices, and the number of ship masters has also exceeded 150.

There are about a dozen three-star ship divisions alone, more than fifty two-star ship divisions, and the rest are all one-star ship divisions.

Among the people rescued by the seventh exile team are also naval divisions, and the number is very large, there are about a hundred of them.

And their quality is even higher to the point of horror. The last time they were all two-star ship divisions, there were more than 30 three-star ship divisions, and one was four-star ship divisions.

This is mainly due to Gaia's national policy at the time, which planned to vigorously develop space power. It has trained a large number of excellent naval divisions for decades, and now it is cheaper for Chen Han.

The new and old fleet divisions add up to more than two hundred and six, and they can initially control three fleets.

Among them, the fleet divisions of the first and second fleets have the largest investment proportion, after all, they are the main force.

The Third Fleet has only arranged basic fleet divisions, and it is enough to make the battleship move.

The manufacture of various omnics has never stopped since the establishment of the factory, and the number has exceeded 1,500, and they can be seen on every battleship.

Of course, this number is far from enough for the current scale of warships, and we must continue to build them.

"We have just left the medium-sized star gate 0324 and have entered the border of the Daiga star field in the Milky Way."

"The next step is to pass through the area where the Predator Legion is frequently active, and then pass through two small star gates to leave this low-security area." Standing in front of the battle platform, Mu Qianye pointed to the star map and drew a few blue lines.

"Is there any situation around?" Chen Han sat on the chair in the main seat, holding a glass of scarlet in his hand.

"For the time being, no traces of law enforcement officers or other fleets have been found." The communication device in the ship followed by the report of No. 1 reconnaissance ship.

"No two."

"Number three does not."

"Number Four..."

A series of voices followed.

They all made a lot of reconnaissance according to the order, mainly because they were afraid that there would be a fleet of the Tianhe Law Enforcer Federation stationed nearby.

After all, this is the only passage to the enemy galaxy, so it stands to reason that it should be watched closely.

However, the border of the Daijia star field is a low-security area, where fish and dragons are mixed and chaotic. Even if the law enforcement officers of the Tianhe system come over, they may be attacked.

In addition, this star gate has been closed in one direction and cannot pass through, so it is of little value to the entire Milky Way system.

The most important thing is that no one would have imagined that the Gray Hole Department would dare to send a fleet over to take the initiative to attack at such a time, and would not take precautions at all.

"Tell me about our next goal." Chen Han gestured to Mu Qianye.

"Daijia and Bailey starfields each have two starports that need to be attacked, Yuntian starfield has three, and House starfield has four." Mu Qianye quickly punctuated the star map.

Chu Yizhong sent all the materials when he left Tianlan Fortress, and she and Eleven have finished sorting them out these days.

Hearing these names, Ao and the others couldn't help but feel a little familiar.

Compared with the huge and complicated gray hole system, the Tianhe system is much simpler.

Due to being destroyed by unknown forces, the rules and physics system collapsed.

There is no spiral arm, only one planetary system, divided into four star fields, and the overall range is only ten light-years.

"Now we need to determine where to attack and how to attack." Eleven walked up to Mu Qianye and stretched out its copper-colored mechanical arm to Xingtu.

Recently, it has been staying on the Exile to assist Mu Qianye, otherwise it would be difficult for Mu Qianye to complete many tasks alone.

It can also act as the commander of the Second Fleet if necessary.

With the previous experience, many things are already handy.

"Mark the nearest hit point." Chen Han took a serious look at the star map.

"The nearest strategic starport is 0.5 light-years away from here, located in a superstar with a 1.7-level civilization, under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcer Federation."

Eleven zoomed in on the area of ​​the Daiga Starfield so that everyone could clearly see a blue and white sphere.

"Specific strength." Chen Han shook the red liquid in the cup.

"According to official information, Superstar has a fleet. Thanks to the support of the Law Enforcer Federation, the total number of warships exceeds 150, and one third of them are transport ships."

"The flagship is the Executioner-class, there are six Crusader-class ships, and the rest are Punisher-class and Storm-class." Eleven projected a chart listing all the warship information of the superstar.

Although the planets in the Milky Way System are generally not strong, as long as they are willing to be under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcer Federation, they will be supported, and naturally there are more warships.

Originally, everyone was a little nervous when they heard that there were about 150 warships in Chaoyuanxing.

You can see the rank and category of these warships, and relax again.

With a fleet of this level, Beiliang can currently fight three fleets at the same time.

It is mainly reflected in the difference in the range of weapons, which is nearly a thousand kilometers and hundreds of kilometers.

As long as they are willing and have enough ammunition, those Storm-class and Punisher-class warships cannot approach at all.

The Executioner and Crusaders possessed by Super Yuanxing are not even comparable to their fractions, and they do not pose much threat.

"What about the defense capabilities of Xinggang and the outpost?" Chen Han remained expressionless.

"There is only one outpost, and the firepower of the star port configuration is average." Another chart popped up on Eleven.

Everyone is not surprised by this. In the Tianhe system, there are more than 100 warships, and they are covered by the Federation of Law Enforcers, so there is no need to invest too much money in the defense system.

"The only variable is the law enforcers. Since they have chosen this star port to store strategic materials, they will definitely send a fleet to station, which may cause us trouble."

"And no matter what method we use, it is estimated that some law enforcement officers will jump over." Mu Qianye returned to the conference table with a worried tone.

Chen Han didn't discuss it with her when he took this task, but she didn't have any objection to it, instead she was secretly excited.

Because her parents died at the hands of the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, and the specific cause of death is unknown.

And it also involved the origin of Eleven, which was something she had always wanted to figure out.

The worry now was only out of her personal prudence.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, they don't have many troops anymore." Chen Han shook his head.

He once asked Chuxue to check the fleet composition of the Tianhe system from the information database of the Law Enforcer Federation.

Chuxue made it clear that the Law Enforcer had only around 20,000 combat ships, and other planets and forces combined had less than 50,000 ships.

They have sent more than 20,000 ships to this galaxy war.

A large part of them should come from law enforcement officers, and there are at most a few thousand warships left in the Tianhe system for daily peacekeeping.

You must know that the Tianhe system is not united, there are many forces that oppose the law enforcement, and various small gangs and predators are a big problem.

This leads to a lot of places for law enforcers to defend, and even in emergencies, they cannot all jump over.

As long as they move fast enough and don't encounter the main force of the Tianhe law enforcers, they have a good chance.

This is also the reason why Chen Han dared to take this task, the reward far outweighed the risk.

Ao and others did not express their opinions. They are good at the ground battlefield, and it is difficult to participate in the decision-making in space.

"If we decide to attack the Super Yuan Star first, then another point in the Daijia Star Field will have to be knocked out, otherwise we will have to run back and forth." Mu Qianye turned his attention back to the star map.

The duration of this mission is three months, and more than 20 days have passed, and there are still eleven goals, so the time is not enough.

Chen Han didn't speak immediately, he seemed to be thinking.

After a few seconds, he slowly opened his mouth: "Let's take the super star first, and then turn to another star port to see the reaction of the law enforcement officers."

"If there is no accident, we can successfully clear the two strategic points of the Daijia star field."

"But at this time, the law enforcement officers of the Tianhe system should have reacted, and they will send more troops here to hunt them down."

"However, there is no need for us to entangle with their fleet, and we will directly turn to the adjacent Bailey star field and start the next attack."

Chen Han didn't mention the more detailed plan. Having carried out many actions, he knows very well that the plan will never keep up with changes.

Mu Qianye didn't have anything to add to this. All he can think about now is a general direction, and he still has to act in detail.

"There may be some troubles between House and the Sky Star Field, Captain."

"The relevant strategic star port involves the Aoshi Group, and they also have a lot of warships." Eleven suddenly mentioned.

Hearing this, A Ao visibly cheered up, with hatred in his eyes.

"What's the current situation inside them?" Chen Han also raised his interest.

The last time I heard about the Aoshi Group was when Aoli was killed by Aoyang, it had been a while.

"The specific situation is not clear, but scattered information shows that Aoyang has an advantage in the internal struggle and has already controlled most of the group's industries."

"Some time ago, that is, on the eve of the war, they suddenly collected a large amount of supplies from various planets."

"The strategic materials of House and Sky Star Field, including the star ports used for storage, are mostly provided by them."

"According to the gossip, an organization paid them a large amount of Starlink coins in one go. It is initially suspected that it has something to do with the Federation of Law Enforcers." Eleven casually projected some images of media reports.

"Very good, now we can forget the old and new grudges together." Chen Han's eyes also became fierce.

He was not surprised that the Aoshi Group cooperated with the Federation of Law Enforcers.

Ambitious groups like this are eager to participate in wars to obtain the desired benefits, let alone galaxy wars.

Their primary goal on this trip was to attack strategic points, and the secondary goal was naturally the Aoshi Group.

If Beiliang and Gaia want to develop, the current fleet alone is far from enough, and they need to have their own star ports and even planets.

They may not be able to grab these in other galaxies, after all, they are not strong enough.

But in the Tianhe system, the Aoshi Group happened to have what they wanted.

As for the fleet of the Aoshi Group, if it is still the same strength as before, it is not enough.

Looking around the crowd, Chen Han stood up slowly and held up the wine glass in his hand: "Everyone, no matter what the road ahead is, this time we will sweep across the four star fields of the Milky Way system and eliminate the current and former enemies. name!"

Thunder, rain, power outage, small mobile phone screen, revision is too slow, late post, brothers, sorry.

Thank you so much for the 5,000 book coins rewarded by Brother Feng Zhiye. Is this going to the hall master?

I am very grateful to brother Clement001 for the reward of 2000 book coins.

Thank you very much for the 1500 book coins rewarded by 3K Taro Brothers.

Brothers broke the bank.

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