I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 249 It's time to close the net

After finishing these words, Chen Han paused again, as if he was thinking, or giving the audience time to digest.

The things he said just now, the personal experience in the first half, and the conflict with the Aoshi Group are true.

Because these major media have reported it, it is not considered a secret, and it is nothing to say, but it will make people feel that his words are credible.

But the second half, especially the one about the gray cave system, is mostly fictional.

Seven points are true and three points are false, making it the most difficult to distinguish.

He wants to mislead the public and change the interstellar public opinion against the gray hole system, which is also one of his main purposes today.

It is absolutely unacceptable to admit that you are sent by the Federation of Gray Hole Law Enforcers. Instead, you must try your best to put aside the relationship, otherwise some actions will be restricted.

Although his words can't fool the discerning and insiders, even after careful consideration, he can feel the loopholes in them.

For example, how did the gray cave system that one of their warships went to develop to its current scale in a short period of time?

And important information like strategic materials, where did they intercept it?

These are all suspicious points, and Chen Han can't explain them.

But ordinary people don’t think about too much in-depth information. He only needs to convince most of the planet and the people. After all, public opinion is ultimately in the hands of the public.

And most of the public who were watching all this really felt that it was all true, as he and Mu Qianye had planned.

The main reason is that the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System has lied to them many times recently. Now that someone has come forward and said something different, they naturally trust the latter.

Although the live broadcast is not over yet, some forums and websites have set off an upsurge of discussion, which has begun to spread rapidly.

Prison Qi, who was also watching this scene, was ashen-faced, and his lungs were about to explode.

After being a consul for so many years, it was the first time he had seen the gangster commit a crime and dare to show his face like this.

If it's the Star Bandit Alliance and the development conference, then forget it. After all, it is considered the largest organization in the interstellar world and has a certain right to speak.

But Beiliang is just a group of C-level gangsters, who can they represent? What are you declaring?

When he first heard it, he thought that Chen Han was just targeting the Aoshi Group, telling his own experience.

However, the more he listened, the more he realized that something was wrong.

On the surface, Chen Han was complaining, but secretly he was clarifying for the Huidong Department, so that the Huidong Department could return to the position of the victim.

If the public believed Chen Han's words, then the name of the three galaxies sending troops to the gray hole system in self-defense counterattack would not stand, and they would become unknown and be judged as invaders.

Although the name seems to be nothing but an illusory thing, the fleet will not become stronger with the name.

But in fact, for the war between galaxies, a name that is beneficial to itself is more important than thousands of warships.

Because the galaxy war is not just a confrontation between warships, but also a confrontation between people, soldiers and soldiers, people's hearts and people's hearts.

It is not necessary to fight with a famous teacher, but if the teacher is an unknown teacher, unless the strength gap between the two sides reaches an absolutely terrifying level, the aggressor will be defeated.

Only when you are famous can you be justified, and if you are justified, you can have appeal, and with appeal, you can make soldiers work hard, support the public, and be recognized by the stars.

Even Edith, the horror star master, dared not directly declare war on the gray hole department unless she could find a name. She knew this truth better than anyone else.

Now that the teacher has finally become famous, Beiliang actually jumped out and told the so-called facts to the public, disturbing people's hearts.

If it was before, when Beiliang issued such a statement, their Law Enforcement Federation would only need one sentence to deny it, and let these people humiliate themselves.

But it’s no longer possible. After the previous incidents, the credibility of their law enforcement agencies is at a low point. No one will believe what they say, and they will be scolded instead.

It can only be said that Chen Han seized the opportunity so well that they couldn't even refute.

Usually this is his favorite method, but now it is reversed, the feeling is really uncomfortable.

However, Prison Qi soon thought of a more terrifying possibility.

What if Chen Han hadn't been lucky, and this was a trap from the beginning?

Make troubles everywhere first, attract everyone's attention, and get a lot of heat.

Then when the popularity reaches its peak, if you announce something you want to say, it will naturally spread faster, farther, and more convincing.

If this is really the case, and there is no one to instigate it, then this Chen Han is too scary.

It's not just as simple as scheming, but a strong layout ability, controlling everything in your hands. After this step, you can think about how things will develop next, so as to prepare for the next step.

In the past, Yuan Qi just thought that Chen Han was a reckless man, and he relied on the fleet brought back from the Huidong Department to take advantage of the empty strength of their Tianhe Department and succeed in a surprise attack.

But now Qiao Qi has to re-examine his enemy, this person is not simple.

As for Chen Han's use of bedbugs to describe him, Qiao Qi was also very angry.

To actually call the consul of a galaxy a bug in front of the public, only Beiliang can do such a thing.

But compared to this, the public opinion led by Chen Han is more important.

If the direction of the war was changed because the Tianhe system was not in place, he might not be able to bear Edith's anger.

Just as Prison Qi was thinking about how to deal with the next thing and restore his credibility, Chen Han on the virtual screen spoke again.

"Beiliang is not the public enemy of the Tianhe system. It has not been in the past, and it will not be in the future. Our target is only the Aoshi Group and the materials used for war."

"I also came from a poor background. I know that it is not easy for ordinary people to live, and I don't think it is a skill to bully ordinary people."

"But anyone who dares to help or protect the Aoshi Group is the enemy of Beiliang."

"Dare to protect the materials used for war, that is the war maker, the invader."

"For these two types of people, Beiliang must kill them, no matter what background you have or where you are."

"If the entire Tianhe system feels that the Aoshi Group and the Federation of Law Enforcers are doing the right thing, then they can stand on their front and see who can survive to the end."

"It's just that you'd better pray that when Beiliang's fleet passes by, the Law Enforcer Federation and Aoshi Group will arrive sooner, if they are willing to send troops." When he said this, Chen Han couldn't help showing a sarcasm smile, the meaning was obvious.

"In short, Beiliang doesn't want to become a public enemy, but he is not afraid of becoming a public enemy. The choice is up to you."

"For those forces that don't want to be enemies with Beiliang and want to survive, I will also give you a way to survive."

"From today, anyone, as long as you don't enter the starport with strategic materials, you will not lose your life for no reason. Beiliang will not destroy irrelevant starports at will."

"There are also planets that cooperate with the Aoshi Group, please stop the relevant cooperation immediately."

"If you can't do it because of the deep roots of the Aoshi Group, then wait for Beiliang to pass."

"When the time comes, you only need to open the starport, and Beiliang will help you clean up the portal and restore your due sovereignty."

"And there is no need to pay anything for this process. Beiliang will only take away things that belong to the Aoshi Group."

"If there are still doubts, you can look at Ram Starport and Morton Starport. Are they in good condition now? Has anyone unrelated to the Aoshi Group died?"

"As for those who are still working for the Aoshi Group, no matter what branch you are in charge of or an ordinary employee, it is best to leave the Aoshi Group before we arrive."

"Otherwise, you've also seen the video just now and the recent reports, and that's the end!"

"In addition, if there are planets or forces that want to cooperate with Beiliang, or are protected by Beiliang, you can contact us. You only need a reward that will not hurt or itch for you. Beiliang will always be your friend."

"Any planet under the Aoshi Group, if they have the ability to seize the industry belonging to the Aoshi Group and capture the relevant person in charge alive, they can also contact us."

"After the matter is completed, you will also be protected by Beiliang, and you can share half of the supplies belonging to the Aoshi Group."

"At the same time, Beiliang is also recruiting people, any unsatisfactory gangsters, or individuals who have feuds with the Aoshi Group."

"If you have ever been bullied by the Aoshi Group, or want to make a name for yourself in the interstellar world, please feel free to contact us."

"Especially the main occupations such as pilot, naval officer, mechanic, geek, engineer, etc., the salary is generous."

"The above regulations will take effect immediately and will end on the day when Beiliang is destroyed."

"Finally, I am Chen Han, Beiliang Chen Han, and this is my statement, facing the entire Milky Way system."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Han showed no expression on his face, and used Tianxun to draw an interstellar number related to them, and the live broadcast was also disconnected.

Looking at the darkened shooting equipment in front of him, Chen Han let out a deep breath, and squatted down with some weakness.

It is not easy to say so much in one breath without making mistakes. In order not to make mistakes, he practiced dozens of times in front of the mirror in the room.

The main members around gathered around one after another, and Mu Qianye handed over a glass of freshly poured scarlet.

"How is it?" Chen Han stood up slowly, took the wine glass, and took a sip.

"Skynet has exploded, Captain." Eleven was looking at the more official website through the virtual screen, and the news on it was scrolling crazily, almost all related to Beiliang.

"Just now, the highest number of simultaneous online viewers is 1.29 billion. In the end, it didn't move. It should be that the platform has collapsed."

"This matter has not yet started to ferment. I believe that in two days, the expected effect will be obtained." Mu Qianye moved his fingers, and projected a set of live broadcast data just now.

"Then let it ferment for a while, and wait to see the good show." Chen Han chuckled, and drank the scarlet in the cup in one gulp.

The three moves have been completed, and it's time to close the net.

It's just that this net is so big that it will cover the entire Milky Way system.

"Chen Han, will someone really give us money because of this statement?" Ning Bai suddenly asked.

What Chen Han meant just now was obvious, that is, to ask the planets in the Milky Way system to pay money to the forces, that is, to collect protection fees in disguise.

It's just that they are a group of C-level gangsters who want to threaten the entire Tianhe system, which seems unrealistic.

"Those who don't want to die, or who are afraid of death, will, probably someone will contact us soon."

"If we don't want much, less than their fleet, or a group of goods, then we will give it." Chen Han glanced at Li Bai, and said slowly.

What Beiliang has done in recent days has formed a certain deterrent. He believes that once this statement is released, money will enter the account from everywhere.

"Then boss, about recruiting people, if they are really recruited, let them join Beiliang?" A Ao didn't wear a man's ponytail today, and his hair looked a little messy.

He remembered that Chen Han said that the main body of Beiliang is composed of main personnel, artificial humans and omnics, and outsiders are not recruited, because many things are difficult to explain.

Miaoying and the others were also very curious, but Chen Han hadn't mentioned this to them.

"No, if there are bandits who want to join, we will conduct an audit first. After the audit, we will start to integrate and form the Beiliang Foreign Corps."

"It can be understood that this is a bandit gang under our banner. It is directly controlled by us and belongs to Beiliang, but it cannot fully represent Beiliang."

"Usually they won't be with us, but scattered around to collect relevant information, or perform some relatively low-level tasks."

"If we have a big move, we can also gather them." Mu Qianye helped Chen Han to explain the monocle.

He and Chen Han have been discussing this matter for some time.

The final conclusion is that they want to grow bigger. At the current stage, relying on themselves alone is definitely not enough. Recently, there is a serious shortage of manpower.

But large-scale recruitment is very unstable, and no one can guarantee that this person has no second thoughts.

Fortunately, setting up a vassal corps can perfectly solve this problem. The vassal corps are only responsible for doing things for them and will not touch the core.

Even if some organizations or forces want to send spies in to sabotage, they can't do much.

Mu Qianye had a similar idea before, but they were not well-known at that time, and no one wanted to be their subsidiary.

It's different now, Beiliang has become famous, and I believe there will be an endless stream of people who want to join.

At that time, their minions will stretch farther and farther, and the seeds will be buried more and more, until they are deeply rooted in the Tianhe system.

"Chen Han, don't you think it's absurd to ask the planets under the Aoshi Group to clean up the Aoshi Group themselves, and then give us half of the supplies?" Ning Bai is still the one with the most problems.

Fortunately, Chen Han was in a bad mood at this time, and rubbed her head with one hand: "No, because they don't do it, we will go there sooner or later, and then we have to do it."

"Do it yourself, you can share 50%, get the protection of Beiliang, and leave a good impression."

"When we do it, we won't even be able to drink soup. I believe some planets will do this arithmetic problem."

His statement today, in addition to reducing the pressure on the gray hole system, is also one of the main purposes of disintegrating the Aoshi Group from within.

Only in this way can we eradicate the roots and make this group disappear forever in the true sense.

Now that everything is in place, time will give the final answer.

At this time, Skynet is indeed as Eleven said, and the discussion is so hot that it explodes.

I am very grateful to Brother Shangguan Wuyan for the 100 book coins rewarded three times. The author did not pay attention to it before, so I am very sorry!

This book is about to reach a million words, brothers, and it is only one chapter away.

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