I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 254 Surrender? (The book's first alliance, square inch fireworks)

"If it continues like this, it will indeed, but the knower made an emergency communication with the two gangs and issued a death order, telling them to make a big move no matter what."

"Otherwise, before the Gray Hole Department disappears, they will first attack their gang headquarters."

"Our Law Enforcement Federation spent money, not to let them travel there!" At the end, Chu Yizhong's voice raised a few tunes, and his anger could be clearly felt.

"What if it still can't affect the progress of Phobos and Earth Beasts?" Chuxue thought of some very bad results.

"Then start the fight before their strategic materials arrive! Fight hard!" Chu Yizhong exhaled a big mouthful of smoke, and his words showed infinite pride.

"Is it going to be a decisive battle?" Chuxue stood up straight, her eyes fixed.

"The latest information shows that the main fleet from the Tianhe system is currently hidden in several unmanned planets in the Liliu material area. Those who know have ordered that they must be wiped out before their materials are transported." Chu Yizhong nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he called out the artificial intelligence, opened the tactical star map, magnified it several times, and pointed to several red punctuation points.

Chuxue looked at it very seriously. The Liliu material area is connected to the second spiral arm of the gray hole system, and its scale is similar to that of the sky-blue matter area. In the past, it would take several medium-sized star gates to jump in succession, with a distance of thousands of light years.

The main fleet of the Milky Way system arrived at the sky-blue material area first, after all, it is adjacent.

But they didn't stay here. Taking advantage of the fact that the law enforcement officers in the sky-blue material area didn't find out, they directly used the star gate to jump over there. It is estimated that Edith had some tactical arrangements.

However, more than 20,000 warships in the entire fleet were detected just after they passed by, and they had a fight with the law enforcement fleet in the Liliu material area, and each suffered damage.

Immediately afterwards, something happened to the Xinghao Group, and the group was encircled and suppressed. As a result, the fleet of the Tianhe system had no follow-up supplies and could only hide.

The Knower has been sending a fleet to look for it, because this fleet is the weakest of the three galaxies and must be wiped out first.

I didn't expect these people to hide in the unmanned star with a battleship, and they didn't find out until now.

At present, due to material problems, the morale of this fleet is very low.

After Beiliang used the statement to change the public opinion, the morale of the Huidong Department was unprecedentedly high. The enemy is weak and we are strong, which is the best time to act.

"Are we going there?" Chuxue kept her gaze on the star map.

"No, it's too far away, even if we go there now, we will miss the opportunity." Chu Yizhong shook his head, "The one who knows over there will be in charge, and more than 40,000 warships have been secretly mobilized to form an encirclement circle, and the action will begin immediately. "

"Our mission is still the planets in the sky blue material area colonized by Juwei star." While talking, Chu Yizhong switched the star map, "Currently Ju-0131 to Ju-0135 are not perfect, we have to take advantage of this The opportunity to capture will facilitate the protracted war in the future."

Looking at the several red dots representing the local starport, Chuxue frowned slightly: "But our military strength..."

The Federation of Law Enforcers in the sky-blue material area only has about 50,000 warships, but the Phobos deployed more than 50,000 ships here, and even a high-level main fleet appeared.

In this case, it is very dangerous to take the initiative to attack, and the best result is a miserable victory.

"Listen to me." Chu Yizhong took a puff of his pipe and continued to speak, "After the Zhiren start to act, they will not be particularly strong, so that the Tianhe fleet will think that there is a chance to escape and drag them into a protracted battle. "

"Then it traps them step by step, forcing them to call for backup."

"Edith won't watch a fleet be wiped out, especially when the current situation is not very favorable to them, it is very likely to mobilize the available troops nearby."

"And the closest to the Tianhe system fleet is the Phobos system fleet, or the Juwei starship fleet, which will definitely provide support."

"Large-scale mobilization is impossible. Edith is not stupid. She will definitely think about defending Starport."

"But with her acting style, there is a high probability that a main fleet will jump over and help the Tianhe fleet break out of the encirclement."

"So this period of time is the best time for us to win these star ports. I have already contacted all the planets above the second-level civilization in the sky blue material zone, and they will also contribute at that time."

"In the end, no matter which side wins, it will be a big victory in this battle."

"If both sides develop according to the plan, then the vitality of these three galaxies will be greatly damaged!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yizhong's eyes instantly turned fierce. They had been preparing for this plan for nearly half a month.

The four-hour teleconference just now was about the same thing.

Doesn't Phobos like to invade? This time he wanted to eat a piece of this galaxy no matter what.

"Sir, I applied to go to the front line. After the Xinghao Group was wiped out last time, I have already completed two additional duty missions." Chuxue stood upright, put her right hand on her forehead, and made a gesture of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

She didn't want to miss a war of this magnitude.

Seeing Chuxue's incomparably serious expression, Chu Yizhong suddenly smiled and tapped his pipe: "I mean what I say. In this battle, you are in charge of commanding the 175th Fleet."

"The specific plan and mission requirements will be sent to your law enforcement recorder later, and report to the Erhan within 24 weeks."

Although he still didn't want Chuxue to go to the front line because it was too dangerous, Chuxue was still not fully qualified for the position of commander.

But as a father, he is a role model for his children, and as an officer, he is a role model for his subordinates, so he cannot break his promise.

And he can't protect Chuxue for the rest of his life, it's time to let her grow up.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task! Sir!" Chuxue maintained the movement just now, with uncontrollable excitement on her face.

The Elhan is the flagship of Fleet 175 in the Sky Blue Matter Zone, and it is said that it has reached the disaster level.

Although she came from a prominent background, she has never entered a disaster-class warship, let alone commanded it.

In addition, the 175th Fleet is also considered one of the main fleets in the sky blue material area, and there are thousands of warships above the Crusader class.

She joined the Federation of Law Enforcers and worked hard to make progress. Isn't this the day she's been waiting for?

"Remember, as a commander, you must always bring hope to your subordinates. If you want to gain their respect, you have to do things worthy of their respect."

"I've given you the opportunity now, and you have to decide how to take the next road."

"If you don't perform well in this battle, I will directly dismiss you and transfer you back to the Sky Blue Fortress headquarters as a civilian."

"Although I am your father, I am also the chief of tens of millions of law enforcement officers in the sky blue material area. I have to be responsible for their lives and future. I hope you can understand." The words are ahead.

"If I don't show the level that a commander should have in this battle, I will dismiss myself and come back." Chuxue and Chu Yizhong looked at each other.

When she led the team out for the first time, it was to find little Ke Puke, and then the whole fleet was destroyed by Juweixing, and only she escaped back.

Although little Ke Puke was successfully rescued in the end and the mission was completed, but that time did not rely on her personal ability.

There are even many voices of doubt behind the scenes, thinking that she is not qualified to be a commander.

Moreover, the lost fleet and the dead enforcers are the eternal pain in her heart, and she still wakes up occasionally at night.

This time she had to prove herself no matter what, and let those doubting voices disappear.

If she couldn't even seize this opportunity, then she would have no face to command anyone and would quit voluntarily.

"Okay, let's get ready." Chu Yizhong waved his hand expressionlessly.

Why hasn't he heard the doubts from others? But he believed in Chuxue, and what he said just now was just to motivate her.

Just when Chuxue was about to leave the conference room, she remembered something and couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what will happen to Chen Han?"

She hasn't been in Sky Blue Fortress for some time, and she has no way to contact Chen Han.

It has been nearly 20 days since the live broadcast she saw before. She only knew that Chen Han was currently dealing with the Aoshi Group, but she didn't know what he would do next.

"I haven't contacted him either. Inter-galaxy communication is not safe, and it is easy to be intercepted by the technical means of the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Milky Way." Chu Yizhong shook his head. He didn't know more information than Chuxue.

After all, Chen Han and the others have done a good job, and they can be stocked. There is no need to make special contact, which may cause confusion.

"Oh, I see." Chuxue's tone was a little disappointed, she put on her mask again, and was about to leave.

Probably sensing Chuxue's cautious thoughts, Chu Yizhong suddenly smiled: "He probably has a lot of money in his hands now. If I'm not wrong, he should find a way to fiddle with the fleet and strengthen his strength."

"The next step is nothing more than continuing to bully the Aoshi Group, or attacking the Xinggang that has strategic materials. Anyway, it will not do anything good."

Judging from the various reports from the Tianhe system, Beiliang has almost tortured the Aoshi Group to death recently.

Everywhere they went, the looted supplies and funds were terrifying figures.

Chu Yizhong did a rough calculation before, and Chen Han definitely has no less than two trillion Star Union coins in his hand.

Including the value of the materials, it is likely to exceed ten trillion star union coins, which is a huge sum of money for any force.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was, where did Chen Han take so many supplies? Or are you talking about which groups you cooperated with over there and sold them all?

"But if they make such a big commotion, the Fire Guardians and Earth Beasts won't let it go, right?" Chuxue asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Chu Yizhong didn't want to hide anything, nodded with a pipe in his mouth, "The support from those two galaxies is probably already on the way, and the strength of the reinforcements will be very strong."

Although there is no definite news, this kind of thing is obvious.

"Okay, I'm going to report." Chuxue didn't continue to ask, and turned around slowly.

In fact, she can also guess what will happen, but just wants to confirm again.

"However, it's hard to say. They are still very skillful, and what they do can always exceed other people's expectations, just like I never imagined that a group of C-level gangsters would turn the entire Milky Way system upside down."

"Besides, as long as the pressure on our side is sufficient, it will be difficult for the Phobos and Earth Beasts to focus on that side." Chu Yizhong added.

He was also young, and he knew what it was like to worry about someone, and he didn't want Chuxue to have an extra psychological burden.

This time Chuxue didn't look back, but just stopped: "Thank you Dad, don't worry, after leaving this door, I won't think about these things anymore."

After finishing speaking, she left the meeting room directly, leaving only the sound of "da da da" footsteps.

Looking at the back of Chuxue disappearing around the corner, Chu Yizhong felt very relieved.

His daughter is very similar to him when he was young, with a spirit of not admitting defeat.

At the same time, there was a trace of reluctance in Chu Yizhong's eyes.

It seemed to recall that many years ago, when Chuxue was very young, she followed him all day long and called him Dad.

Now that my daughter has grown up, she won't be able to keep her after all. As time goes by, it is estimated that the chances of meeting her in the future will become less and less.

I just wish that time could slow down a bit.

After shaking his heavy head, Chu Yizhong turned his attention to the star map again, wondering what he was thinking...

As for Chen Han, as Chu Yizhong thought, he was preparing to bully the Aoshi Group again.

After talking with Baisha, after three hours of sailing, they have arrived at their original destination, which is the planet that surrendered to them.

The planet is located in the middle of the Haus Starfield. Its full name is Alsop Planet. Its civilization level is 1.7. It belongs to the Aoshi Group and has in-depth cooperation. The number of various warships has reached more than 200.

Although most of them are Storm-class and Punisher-class ships, there are only a few Crusader-class ships, and some are functional ships, but they can be regarded as the strongest among the planets that Beiliang has plundered recently.

The co-secretary of Alsop Star, Payne, is nearly 60 years old, and he took the initiative to contact Beiliang five days ago.

It probably means that their Alsop star is willing to surrender to Beiliang, and has captured the person in charge of the Aoshi Group in Alsop alive according to Chen Han's statement, and cleaned up the Aoshi Group's party members inside the planet.

Now the entire Alsop planet is completely under control, and all supplies have been counted. Beiliang can take them away when he comes over. They look forward to cooperating with Beiliang.

This kind of thing is indeed a surprise for Beiliang. As long as it can make a good start, many planets will follow suit in the future.

At that time, they will be able to surrender without fighting, just go from planet to planet and harvest supplies.

But Chen Han and Mu Qianye were a little confused, because it all happened so suddenly.

Logically speaking, under normal circumstances, it will take some time before a planet is so active.

The main reason is that the current situation in the Tianhe system is not particularly clear, and the Federation of Law Enforcers and the Aoshi Group are still alive.

In case Beiliang took the benefits and left directly after surrendering, the planet that surrendered would become the target of public criticism and would not end well.

Therefore, most of the planets related to the Aoshi Group are waiting for Beiliang to come over and passively surrender, so neither the Federation of Law Enforcers nor the Aoshi Group dare to say anything afterwards.

Despite their doubts, Chen Han and Mu Qianye decided to come over to see what was going on.

If it is true, it is best to surrender, if not, then it is nothing more than killing a group of people.

At 8:30 a.m. on June 29, 2022, the author was woken up by twenty-nine messages, and Brother Fangcun Fireworks smashed the boss.

The author hadn't thought about it before, after all, the leader is not something that a small author like me can have.

The meaning of this leader is greater than its own value, which means that it has grown from scratch, which means affirmation, and means that this book also has a leader.

Here I am very grateful to Yanmeng, big brother Jixiang, I will definitely add more, let’s put it in July, is it okay, dads.

On the last day of June, if the brothers still have a monthly pass, they can vote for the author, otherwise it will expire...

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