I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 343 Seeing the Poor Dagger (6K, Chapter 100 Monthly Ticket Repayment)

And Prison Qi's behavior is undoubtedly ruining the future of the Tianhe system.

If things go on like this, the Tianhe system may always be a first-class civilized star system, and it will never have a bright future.

Of course, the people in charge of each planet are the ones who feel the deepest, especially those who cooperate with the Federation of Law Enforcers.

In recent years, whenever the Phobos system oppresses the Prisoners, the Prisoners will squeeze them and increase various expenses.

They have no way to say no, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the Law Enforcer Federation.

In this case, they can only squeeze their own people and increase the income of the entire planet in disguise, so as to meet the above requirements.

Taking this war as an example, Prison Qi mobilized 70% of their fleet power, and additionally searched for a large amount of raw materials to manufacture strategic materials.

You must know that these are blood and sweat raised by various planets.

It’s fine if the things you do are beneficial to the Tianhe system, but Prison Qi is giving them for nothing.

Regardless of the life and death of the people in his own galaxy, just thinking about how to muddle through, this kind of person is indeed not worthy of being a consul, and the Federation of Law Enforcers is not worthy of governing the Milky Way system anymore.

"I don't know what agreement the Consul of Prison Qi secretly reached with the Phobos Department, and I don't want to make it up to deceive you."

"But what I know is that the Phobos system doesn't want us to be strong, because then we will become difficult to control."

"Prison Qi's approach puts the Tianhe System in an invisible cage, which is a disguised form of invasion and slavery."

"They're all members of Kus, they're all Homo sapiens. Why should our Tianhe system be inferior to others? Will we be sucked by the Phobos system?"

"We also have dignity. The Tianhe system has been silent for too long. We should become stronger and get back what we lost!"

"So, in the name of Beiliang, I propose to the entire Tianhe system and the Federation of Law Enforcers to permanently abolish the position of the Consul of Prison Qi and punish related crimes according to his actions."

"The Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System must also carry out internal rectification and remove the minions headed by Prison Qi until a consul who truly cares about the Tianhe System is re-elected."

After finishing speaking, Chen Han stood up, so that the media people on the field and the people on Skynet could see his every move more clearly.

Mu Qianye didn't make any new moves, and kept staring at the hidden virtual screen on the table, which could be connected to Skynet's various live broadcast rooms and related forums.

This press conference was not for the media people on the field, but for the people of the various planets in the Milky Way system.

But they can't meet the people face to face, so they have to judge the current mood of the people from some bullet screens and posts, so as to adjust what they want to say next.

Antoine, who was next to him, was startled, his hands on the table trembled slightly, and Chen Han actually proposed the resignation of the consul as a gangster.

He has also lived for more than seventy years. The consul of the Tianhe system has changed for three terms, and he has never heard of such remarks. It is too crazy.

You must know that the selection and dismissal of the consul are very complicated, and they are all decided within the Federation of Law Enforcers.

Not only the Federation of Law Enforcers in the Milky Way system, but also other galaxies, the votes must be passed, and it is not something that a gang of gangsters or the people can interfere with.

He didn't know if Chen Han didn't know this, or if he had some other intentions.

If such words came from other gangsters, he would only feel naive.

But the person who said it was Chen Han, and he dared not draw conclusions.

The media people on the field were similar to what Antoine thought, and frantically raised the number plates in their hands.

Chen Han casually tapped a number 869 on the virtual screen. This time, a middle-aged man in a gray suit stood up.

He first bowed slightly to Chen Han, and then slowly said: "Your Excellency, from the perspective of the stars of the Tianhe system, I very much agree with the statement that the Tianhe system should become stronger and get rid of control."

"I also hope that the Federation of Law Enforcers can respond positively to why it takes the warships and resources of the Tianhe system to participate in other people's wars, and what significance this war has for the Tianhe system."

"It's just that even if the Federation of Law Enforcers makes relevant rectifications as required, it will not happen in a short time."

"During this period, if there is no Law Enforcer Federation to maintain order in the Tianhe System, it will inevitably fall into turmoil. At that time, it is inevitable that looters will run rampant and people will die."

"Based on the current situation of the Tianhe system, it is no longer possible to experience any disasters. I don't know if you have thought of a solution to this kind of problem."

After speaking, the middle-aged man bowed slightly to Chen Han before sitting down.

He asked this question from the perspective of the people of the Tianhe system, which not only recognized Chen Han, but also showed the importance of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

Even if the Federation of Law Enforcers does not act, it will be fine. A galaxy must have law enforcers.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a galaxy, but a place of chaos that was not even as good as a low-security area.

At that time, don't talk about any development, the Milky Way system may perish directly.

The media people on the field and some planet representatives nodded.

Let's not talk about whether what Chen Han said can really be implemented.

But it doesn't make sense to make a suggestion, what to change, and there is no relevant solution.

Chen Han didn't answer immediately, but pretended to be thinking, and took two steps forward.

All his actions appeared very calm, without initial panic, the conference room with tens of thousands of people began to become his stage.

A few seconds later, Chen Han looked squarely at the media people and various equipment on the field: "Since the war next door started, it seems that the Federation of Law Enforcers hasn't managed the Tianhe system much, has it?"

"In my opinion, the reason why the Federation of Law Enforcers can maintain the order of a galaxy is because they are strong enough, not just relying on a bluffing name."

"Currently, the Tianhe System may not be able to count on the Federation of Law Enforcers. They can't even make up two hundred warships."

"Beiliang, as a member of the Tianhe system and possesses the strongest combat power in the Tianhe system, is obliged to help the Tianhe system maintain order until the Federation of Law Enforcers is able to protect the Tianhe system. What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, some smart people on the field widened their eyes suddenly, and instantly understood what Chen Han was going to do.

Establishing commercial organizations, condemning the Federation of Law Enforcers, and dismissing prisoners are all pretense, and they are all used to confuse people. Chen Han's real idea is to take the opportunity to control the Tianhe system.

The real purpose of Beiliang's press conference was finally to find out.

Helping maintain the order of the Milky Way is just a nice way of saying it. To put it bluntly, it is to replace the Federation of Law Enforcers and have the law enforcement power of the Milky Way.

A gang with law enforcement powers was unheard of in the whole of Coos.

And Chen Han, as a gang leader who came out of the bottom, actually has such ambitions, how dare he?

An Tuowan, who was closest to Chen Han, took a deep breath and showed a sudden realization expression.

He didn't know what Chen Han's plan was beforehand, and the two of them didn't know each other enough.

After thinking about all this now, I can only lament that Chen Han is too far-sighted, and these young people in Beiliang are also too smart.

Because their purpose is clearly to overthrow the Federation of Law Enforcers and control the Tianhe System, but they didn't say it directly.

Instead, it is guided step by step, and uninformed media people ask questions, and they then answer.

He said that he wants to control the Tianhe system as helping the Law Enforcer Federation to maintain the order of the Tianhe system.

Probably "I didn't want to, but I came out to help because you needed it", this feeling made everything seem to be a matter of course.

What's even more witty is that Chen Han only demanded punishment from the point of view of a star citizen in the Milky Way system to punish Prisoner Qi and reorganize the Federation of Law Enforcers, but he didn't mention clearing or overthrowing the Federation of Law Enforcers.

The meaning behind these two statements and the possible consequences are completely different.

First of all, whether it is to punish Prisoner Qi or reorganize the Federation of Law Enforcers, it is to point out the internal problems of the Federation of Law Enforcers, which can be solved by thorough investigation and replacement.

But once it is said that the Federation of Law Enforcers is to be eliminated within the Tianhe system, it is tantamount to not recognizing the Federation of Law Enforcers as an institution.

You must know that each galaxy in Kus is managed by the Federation of Law Enforcers. They may fight with each other, but they will take care of each other and will not allow one party to be wiped out by other forces. This is the bottom line.

Because they have to unite with the outside world in order to maintain the overall rule over Kus.

In the event of being overthrown, they will face a steady stream of resistance.

That's why even the weakest Tianhe system has not been completely annexed.

If Chen Han dared to threaten to overthrow the Federation of Law Enforcers in the Tianhe system, he would inevitably be sent by other galaxies to destroy them, and there was no room for negotiation.

But Chen Han didn't. He just took out the criminal evidence of the Federation of Law Enforcers and asked the Federation of Law Enforcers to deal with it internally.

He also said that during the processing period, Beiliang was willing to help to make the Tianhe system better.

In this way, it will be difficult for the law enforcement federations of other galaxies to go to war, because Beiliang did not challenge the authority of the law enforcement federation as a whole, he just made a suggestion.

You can't solve the problem first, but solve the person who raised the problem, right?

What the Law Enforcer Federation can't do, you can't let others do it, right?

This is not a conspiracy, but a more sophisticated conspiracy.

If it is said that Beiliang used to fight against the entire Tianhe system with a group of people, now it is going to bring the entire Tianhe system together to fight against the Federation of Law Enforcers.

After this operation, the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System will not only face pressure from the public, but also be condemned by colleagues, which can be regarded as internal and external troubles.

Of course, this is just Antoine's personal guess about the future situation. As for whether it is accurate or whether it will cause other bad situations, he does not know.

After all, this kind of thing has never happened before, so there is no reference.

He is also just the secretary-general of a planet, with limited vision.

The media people raised the number plates in their hands like crazy, and some even stood up. What Chen Han just said was too shocking.

The technicians in charge of filming also started discussing, and the discussions in the entire conference room became louder and louder.

It wasn't until the Mecha Legion in charge of security took a step forward collectively, and the alloy collided with the alloy, making a "clang", that the original order was restored on the field.

Everyone's reaction seemed to be within Chen Han's expectation, and he pressed a random number.

This time it was a woman, a strange Homo sapiens, with blue skin and slightly pointed ears, which were slightly different from normal Homo sapiens, and her clothes were also weird.

She put her fists together and said something to Chen Han, which should be a special greeting from her planet.

Chen Han nodded slightly. There are still many strange Homo sapiens on the field, and he is no longer surprised by them.

"Your Excellency, according to investigations, since Beiliang entered the country, dozens of crimes have been committed, involving dozens of planets, resulting in the deaths of more than 200,000 people and the destruction of countless families."

"Interstellar law is useless to Your Excellency, and everyone in Beiliang is murdered, and they are proud of burning, killing, and looting."

"Since this is the case, assuming that Beiliang is really needed to maintain the order of the Tianhe system, how can Beiliang properly exercise the power of law enforcement?"

After finishing speaking, the female strange Homo sapiens clasped her fists again and nodded before sitting down.

The surrounding media people gasped, because what they said just now was too daring to ask, and they directly talked about Beiliang's recent ugly behavior.

This is the territory of Beiliang, if Chen Han is offended, he will die.

The public on Skynet agrees very much, and they want to ask this too.

Although the Federation of Law Enforcers did not do well, at least there was no massacre.

No matter how strong you are in Beiliang, you will always be a murderer, and your notoriety will spread far and wide.

How to enforce the law for those who can't even control themselves? Are you qualified?

If they use relevant power to seek personal gain for themselves, causing every gang and big force in the Tianhe system to follow Beiliang's approach, wouldn't it be a mess?

Mu Qianye, who was still sitting, felt even more tense, this issue was very sensitive.

If the answer is not good, then the meaning of this meeting will probably end early, and Beiliang will only leave a joke.

Chen Han, who was watched by everyone, looked expressionless. His eyes moved to the female strange Homo sapiens who had just spoken, and he said slowly: "What Beiliang has done, you will recognize it. We killed people, and I gave orders." of."

"But I have to correct you on two points. First, Beiliang is not an external force, but was kicked out of the Tianhe system."

"The word entry is not used very accurately, it should be return."

"Secondly, as you said, Beiliang has always been a gangster, and what they do is what the gang does."

"Everyone who died in the hands of our Beiliang is either an enemy and deserves to die."

"Either under the circumstances at that time, he had to die, otherwise Beiliang would not be able to get to this point, and he might have been wiped out long ago."

"From your point of view, I feel that Beiliang has done something wrong and is inhumane. It's okay. You should be condemned and hated."

"But don't forget that there is a prerequisite for these things. Prison Qi mobilizes a large number of troops, raises strategic materials, and supports aggressive wars."

"If it weren't for this, the following tragedies would not have happened at all. If you want to condemn it, remember to bring the Law Enforcement Federation with you."

These words made some discerning people on the field nod their heads slightly. Chen Han's handling of this problem was correct.

Admitting that it was done by one's own side is not offensive, and at the same time, it is used to further emphasize the criminal evidence of the Law Enforcement Federation.

Beiliang did do this, yes, but if it weren't for the law enforcement federation to support the war, Beiliang would not be able to do this.

It was the wrong actions of the Federation of Law Enforcers that led to the emptiness of our own galaxy. After all of this happened, the proportion of responsibility was immediately clear.

However, Chen Han did not stop talking, squinted his eyes slightly, and quickly continued: "However, if someone uses this to question Beiliang's law enforcement capabilities, I will not admit it."

"You only see how many people Beiliang has killed since returning to the country, but you don't know what Beiliang has done for the Tianhe system."

"The Ravager Clan, the most destructive predator in the Daiga Starfield, has four planets and more than 3,000 warships, occupying a large low-security area."

"For many years, the Federation of Law Enforcers has sat idly by in order to reflect its own role. Beiliang completed the extermination by itself some time ago!"

"Dozens of gangsters are going to take advantage of the chaos to plunder the Tianhe system, and your consuls are helping them harm their own people. Beiliang will kill them by himself!"

"The Aoshi Group is a cancer of the Tianhe system, how many of you have been squeezed?"

"Not to mention the connivance of the Federation of Law Enforcers, Prison Qi has also joined forces with them to search for the people's fat and anointing from various planets, and now Beiliang has single-handedly eradicated them!"

"With one force against dozens of organizations, running through the three major forces of predators, gangsters, and the United Chamber of Commerce, the scourge of the Tianhe system has become the dead bones of Beiliang."

"After doing so much, how many people have been saved in disguise?"

"Not to mention being smeared by the Federation of Law Enforcers every day, but you still think that Beiliang is not qualified to maintain the order of the Milky Way System, so who has it? Is it your consul?!"

"With all due respect, he has been in power for so many years, and what he has done is not as much as we have done in Beiliang in this year."

At the end, Chen Han grinned, revealing a sarcastic smile.

It's just that there is a little bitterness in the smile, and there is a sadness of being misunderstood and hurt, which makes people look distressed.

At this time, Mu Qianye stood up, walked to Chen Han's side, and looked around the equipment on the field: "Beiliang will admit that he killed someone. It was in the past, and it will be the same in the future."

"But your consuls sent tens of millions of law enforcement officers in the Tianhe system to battlefields that shouldn't belong to them. Millions of people died in one defeat, leaving them with no bones left."

"Isn't this a kind of murder? How many families did he destroy? Who mentioned it?"

"Furthermore, after killing Prisoner Qi, he didn't admit that it was his responsibility, so he dismissed him with just a name and a little pension."

"It is estimated that at the memorial service in the future, Prison Qi's statement is to rest in peace, and the Tianhe system will remember their contributions."

"May I ask what they contributed? Did their deaths make the Tianhe system better? I'm afraid it's just for Qiao Qi to complete the task assigned by the above?"

She has noticed that the public sentiment on Skynet has been ignited, and the public opinion is tilting towards Beiliang, and the fire must be made bigger.

I have to say that Mu Qianye's cooperation is still very good, this fire was added just right, and the public was detonated again, especially the immediate family members of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

You must know that those who can join the law enforcement are not one in a million. They were originally the pillars of the family, the pride of a city or even a planet.

Their children joined the Federation of Law Enforcers to make the Tianhe system better, and they are full of ambitions.

Now Prison Qi, in order to please the higher-ups, let these people go to die, their children died unjustly!

Moreover, they really didn't pay attention to what Chen Han said before, and they always felt that the gang would not do good things.

Now it seems that no matter what the purpose of Beiliang is, they have indeed removed great harm for the Tianhe system, and they really misunderstood Beiliang.

It's kind of ironic that a gang of villains has a whole galaxy in their sights.

A consul who looks upright and awe-inspiring only thinks about himself.

I don't know if he was infected by the emotions shown by Chen Han and Mu Qianye. An Tuowan blushed and stood up, looking a little annoyed: "As the secretary-general of Star Ata for three consecutive terms, I want to say something words."

"As one of the most prosperous planets in the Milky Way system, Ata is lucky, because it cooperates with the Federation of Law Enforcers and the Aoshi Group, and has unique development advantages."

"It's tragic at the same time, because everything from the military to the economy is controlled, and we have to give what the Law Enforcer Federation and the Austen Group want."

"The fleet developed over hundreds of years, the efforts of countless ancestors, the Federation of Law Enforcers will be expropriated in a word."

"People from the Aoshi Group are doing evil on our planet, secretly burning, killing, and looting. I can't catch them, because the Aoshi Group is the backstage."

"In order to compete for the resources of the planet, they suppressed the local forces and made people miserable. I can't say that, because the Aoshi Group is the major shareholder, and our economy will be sanctioned if they say so."

"I believe this is not only the case with Ata Star, but also other planets with the same nature as Ata Star."

"I used to be the same as you. I thought that Beiliang was extremely vicious, and there wasn't a single good thing in it."

"Until I spent a few hours with His Excellency Chen Han, he told me these words."

While talking, An Tuowan took out his Tianxun tremblingly, searched for a video file, and projected it on the largest screen in front of him.

Inside is the picture of Chen Han asking Antoine to change the price of Aoshi Group Interstellar Medical Center from high price to low price, and the voice is very clear.

This was intercepted by Antoine from the monitoring equipment above after the event. He originally wanted to publicize it within the Ata star range, but who knew it would be available now.

The media people on the field were puzzled at first, but as the conversation deepened, they all froze, and some stood up again.

Some of the more emotional ones even had a sparkle in their eyes. I don't know if they were infected by the content or thought of something.

As the most well-informed group, they are aware of the interstellar medical center established by the Aoshi Group on Ata Star, and many people have specifically reported it.

There are the most cutting-edge medical resources in the entire Tianhe system, and there are no incurable problems in the rumors. Only a very small number of people can go in, and ordinary people just look at it.

Even if someone with a little wealth goes in, the Aoshi Group will try every means to empty it out before releasing it.

Some elderly directors of small and medium-sized enterprises even went in to survive, and after they came out, the entire enterprise was under the name of the Aoshi Group.

Now Chen Han actually wants to open it up to ordinary people, or at a low price. He doesn't want to make money, but he is willing to give money, which is completely unexpected to them.

If these words were spoken by Qiao Qi, they would understand.

After all, it is a consul, so it is not surprising to have such an idea.

But when it came out of Chen Han's mouth, it was terrifying.

The bonus rewards are over. This month, the 1,000 monthly ticket plus ten updates will be reached. The author doesn’t know if it can be achieved, so let’s start adding it first. Brothers, the current difference is 350. It’s up to you.

This press conference is related to the future direction of the Tianhe system. The author has to write out the logic, so it seems a bit long. It will probably end in the next chapter. Brothers, forgive me.

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