I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 377 Inter-Galaxy Dialogue

Just as Chen Han and Mu Qianye were teaching Ke Ke what kind of weapons each warship should be equipped with, they suddenly received a notification from Eleven to return to the main control room.

The two of them knew that they had contacted the Sky Blue Fortress, so they rushed to the docking channel where the Exile was located.

Ao and the others didn't follow, they were not familiar with Chu Yizhong, and they couldn't intervene in this level of conversation.

I just returned to the slightly dark main control room. I can only see eleven and zero. The man-made people are not there, so they are probably arranged to go out.

Chu Yizhong's projection is in the middle of the main control room.

He still has the same old look, with horizontal eyebrows and eagle nose, wide face and beard, silver hair with big back, and a pipe in his mouth, smoking one mouthful at a time.

But for some reason, the first time Chen Han saw Chu Yizhong, he felt that this person was a lot haggard, and his complexion was extremely bad, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

Mu Qianye also frowned, which was not a good sign.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" Chen Han asked first.

Although he no longer needs to be called Chief Chu Yizhong with his current status, he will not forget his roots. He still calls him what he was called when he was poor and poor.

"My boy, I can finally meet you. Is this channel safe?" Seeing Chen Han, Chu Yizhong, who was frowning, showed a smile.

I didn't ask anything else, but first confirmed the safety level.

Because this is a cross-galaxy communication, it takes more than a dozen satellite hours to connect, so it is very easy to be intercepted by technical means.

If there is no special encryption, their conversation at this time will be a live broadcast in the eyes of interested people, such as the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Milky Way and Phobos.

If it is discovered, it will be confirmed that the Huidong Department is funding Beiliang, and it will fall into a huge passive position in terms of public opinion.

So during the half a year when Chen Han just returned to the Tianhe system, they didn't communicate with each other once, because they were afraid that the communication would be intercepted, until Beiliang took the initiative to contact them.

"Now there is no such ability over there, sir, and it won't happen in the future." Chen Han also shook his head with a smile.

The Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System can only operate within the confines of the planetary fortress, as if locked in a cage, how can they care about these things.

In addition, with the existence of Zero, even if the Phobos took action, they would not be able to intercept their communication.

"Good boy, haha..." Chu Yizhong took down his pipe, and he could understand what Chen Han meant.

"How was my mission accomplished? Did you give me those warships and supplies in vain?" Chen Han asked intentionally, like a child who wanted to be praised by his elders.

Although he hasn't said what happened after returning to the Tianhe system, with Chu Yizhong's well-informed level, as long as he has been reported, he must know everything.

"To tell you the truth, you really misled me. You Beiliang's contribution to the foreign war of the Huidong Department is very great." Chu Yizhong looked directly at Chen Han, picked up his pipe, and took a puff.

For Chen Han, his previous impression was that he was the leader of a small gang, with some skills, but not much.

The main reason is that with his status and status, no one can make him fall in love with him.

Even if Beiliang rescued the knower's child, it still made him feel that it was mostly luck, so he didn't take it too seriously.

If it wasn't for Chuxue, he wouldn't have said so much to Chen Han.

Including sending Chen Han back to the Tianhe system to wreak havoc, but also because of a change in Jihuo, no better personnel could be found temporarily.

Coupled with Chuxue's recommendation, he entrusted Beiliang.

However, in fact, he didn't have too much hope, and he gave the supplies because of Chuxue's face.

Originally, his idea was that after returning to the Tianhe system with these materials, Chen Han would deal with the tasks casually, find a place to develop slowly, and return to his old profession.

After all, he didn't leave any means to sanction Chen Han, and Beiliang wouldn't be so stupid as to really work for the gray hole system.

Anyway, he thought at the time that as long as Beiliang could play a little role, it would be fine.

By the way, he pushed Chen Han away from Chuxue so that Chuxue could forget about this person.

Because he had said bluntly to Chuxue that he had no objection to Chuxue being with Chen Han, young people, it's normal, he was young too.

It's just that as a father, she hopes that Chuxue's other half can provide a stable life.

Not to mention how excellent they are, at least they must be well-matched.

He also asked Chuxue to promise that if Chen Han didn't hear from him or didn't come back, he would have to forget about it.

Now it seems that he muttered too much about Chen Han.

The former C-class gang, after getting dozens of Crusader and Executioner-class warships funded by him, actually moved the entire Milky Way system.

If it weren't for Beiliang, the situation facing their gray cave department would be even more difficult at this time, and they might all start to collapse.

Especially when the gangsters they sent to other galaxies failed to do anything and asked for help from the gray hole system, he could feel the gap even more.

Some time ago, whenever he saw reports about Beiliang, he would be extremely shocked. He clearly realized that Chen Han was writing his own legend.

Now facing this young man again, he did not hide his admiration in his heart.

It's not embarrassing to miss it, but it's embarrassing if you don't admit it.

"It's just luck, sir." Chen Han smiled and patted his head.

He knew what Chu Yizhong, a big man, thought of him before, so he always hoped to prove himself.

But when Yizhong really started to praise him, he felt embarrassed again.

"It's not bad for the strong to be humble with their luck." Chu Yizhong nodded, and he didn't stop smoking his pipe.

Now Chen Han suddenly didn't know what to say, and the conversation became cold.

Fortunately, Mu Qianye was also at the side, and immediately brought the conversation back to the topic, pointing to the projection of Chu Yizhong: "This is you, what's the matter?"

Chen Han was also full of doubts. He had just asked this question, and Chu Yizhong hadn't answered yet.

"A month ago, the Phobos system launched a retaliatory strike against the previous defeat. One of our fleets was ambushed and many people died..." When he said this, the expression on Chu Yizhong's face In an instant, it was filled with sadness, and even the voice changed.

Recently, the Milky Way has not been as calm as the outside world has seen, but waves are hidden.

The main reason is that after a big defeat, the Phobos department learned from the pain and worked hard at every step, without revealing any flaws.

Instead, the Gray Hole Department became slack because of the victory, and was seized by the Phobos Department.

"Chuxue... Is Chuxue okay?" Chen Han realized something instantly, his eyes widened, and his face changed slightly.

It stands to reason that a person of Chu Yizhong's level has long been used to seeing the life and death of his subordinates, no matter how big the loss is, this reaction will not be the right one.

It could only be that something happened to the person he cared about the most, such as Chuxue.

Moreover, Chuxue couldn't be contacted during this time, which made Chen Han feel that it was related.

Although he had a relationship with Mu Qianye some time ago, and he is developing in a better direction recently, but he is not a person who forgets the old when he has a new one.

Some things are still buried in his personal heart.

Mu Qianye next to him reacted with Chen Han, and had an even worse premonition.

She and Chuxue do compete in some aspects, and she doesn't like this person very much.

But she could understand the big picture, and she was probably the one who, besides Chu Yizhong and Chen Han, didn't want anything to happen to Chu Xue.

Because the relationship between Chen Han and Chuxue is the bond between Beiliang and Huidong.

If they want to grow bigger in Beiliang and gain more pure support from the Gray Cave Department, they need this kind of fetters.

In case something happened to Chuxue and the person disappeared, then the problem would become a big one, and it would affect Beiliang's follow-up plan.

"She's fine. She just went to perform some ground missions. She won't be back in a short time, and it's inconvenient to communicate." Chu Yizhong also realized that Chen Han had misunderstood, and shook his head violently.

Hearing this, Chen Han breathed a sigh of relief, and looked into Chu Yizhong's eyes: "Then you are on the battlefield?"

He knew that Chu Yizhong would not lie to him with Chu Xue's question, it didn't make any sense.

Since Chu Yizhong was not in the Skyblue Fortress some time ago, combined with what he just said, it is probably related to the battlefield.

It's just that as Chu Yizhong, going to the battlefield is very dangerous, and he might be caught at any time.

At that time, it will inevitably affect the safety of the entire sky-blue material area, so it shouldn't be so irrational.

"I wasn't there when I was ambushed. I just went out to do some aftermath work. It's hard to say." Chu Yizhong shook his head and changed the subject, "Tell me about you, the recent commotion in the Tianhe system is not small. What do you want to do?"

The task he entrusted to Chen Han actually ended long ago.

Everything that Beiliang did later was not his intention.

Including Chen Han's establishment of a united front and the removal of Prison Qi, all of which he could not have imagined.

Don't talk about him, even those who know are still confused by Beiliang's behavior.

After all, in the history of Kus, no gang could reach the current height of Beiliang.

There are only a handful of people who dare to challenge the authority of the law enforcement officers, and Beiliang's actions are a bit outrageous.

Now that Chen Han contacted him, it was definitely not for a simple greeting, it was probably something very important.

"We want to control the entire Milky Way system, but we have encountered troubles in some places, and we want to ask you." Chen Han didn't hide anything, and said very bluntly.

However, just a short sentence made Chu Yizhong's eyes widen.

Even if he could feel something from Chen Han's recent behavior, when Chen Han really said this, it still shocked him.

After a pause for a few seconds, he put down the pipe he was dangling from his mouth: "The control you are talking about, do you intend to run away after a wave, or rule?"

He is still not sure about the true strategic intention of Beiliang, mainly because of the great distance, even if he is well-informed, the information he gets is relatively scattered.

Say Beiliang wants to fish, just fish and run, there is no need to do so many meaningless operations.

Saying that Beiliang wants to rule is a bit similar, but Chu Yizhong didn't understand the purpose of doing so.

"Government, long-term peace and stability." When discussing this topic, Chen Han became extremely serious.

They are on the same front as Chu Yizhong, and some problems cannot be concealed if they want to be properly explained.

"You should know that it is a better choice to grab a wave and run, right? Running with hundreds of trillions will allow you to live the life you want in any galaxy."

"Government is not that simple. The problems you face will become more and more complicated, and you will even get nothing in the end." Chu Yizhong frowned slightly, as if he was asking questions, but also more like a reminder.

You must know that Beiliang is a gang of gangsters. They have no foundation in the Tianhe system, but are hated by many people. There is no way to rule like this.

Looting money and things is the smartest way. It is useless for gangsters to want those people and planets.

"I know, but we want to try to change something, and we have almost changed it so far, and we are just short of the last step." Chen Han nodded.

Of course he knew which was simple, but they had to choose the complicated one.

"Actually, before the latest public conference, we wanted to ask you what you should do."

"Because we don't know what to say in order to avoid being targeted by the Law Enforcer Federation of other galaxies."

"We want to rule the Milky Way, but we don't want to provoke too many enemies."

"It's just that you weren't there at the time, so we had to bite the bullet and think for ourselves..." After adding this sentence, Chen Han couldn't help but smiled wryly.

In the scope of the Tianhe system, their Northern Liang is powerful.

But for other galaxies, they can only be said to be insignificant.

"You have done a good job. Even if you came to me at that time, the advice I can give is no better than the choices you made." Chu Yizhong shook his head, with admiration in his eyes.

He also took the time to watch Beiliang's recent public conference, and probably knew what happened.

The first half of the content, especially what Beiliang said about the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, made him sweat.

Because this has touched the core interests of the Law Enforcer Federation as a whole, the Law Enforcer Federations of other galaxies will not sit idly by.

In the past, some unsightly forces tried to challenge the authority of the entire Federation of Law Enforcers in this way, and they were all wiped out in the end.

If Beiliang didn't pay attention to his speech skills, he would definitely end up that way in the end.

Fortunately, Beiliang knew this, and didn't say anything about the governance of the Tianhe system, but only said that it would assist in the management.

This is indeed a stroke of genius, and it didn't make people catch the conversation.

It was also a surprise to him that he could still think of these things without being reminded by outsiders.

After a pause, he took another deep breath: "But if you want to do something further, without alarming the Federation of Law Enforcers in other galaxies, there is a high probability that it will be impossible."

Now Beiliang has touched the bottom line of the Law Enforcement Federation as a whole, and if it crosses the pond, it will be killed.

"That's why we came here to look for you, and we need your help." Mu Qianye replied softly for Chen Han.

Knowing this, they wanted to consult Chu Yizhong.

"If you want financial support, we can give you money here."

"But there may be no way for materials such as warships."

"It's not that there is no such thing, but that the transportation team can't get through and is easily intercepted."

"And the star gate leading to your side is also closed, which is inconvenient..." Chu Yizhong thought for a while before saying.

At the end of the month, brothers, although I didn't dare to ask for it this month, the brothers still got more than 600 monthly tickets, which is touching.

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