I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

November summary and December update plan


The head rolled to the ground.

Blood sprayed on the ground, dyeing the dark ruins scarlet.

Yun Qinghong's eyes were open until he died, as if - he still couldn't understand why his own sister would kill him.

Even the soul was directly killed.

Unfortunately, he could no longer wait for the answer.

"Qinghong, go in peace."

"Do you know why I want to kill you?"

"It's not just you who humbles and humbles yourself to please that hypocritical woman!"

"What's more important is that in your heart, you only have the personal relationship between your children, and the rest is not important at all to you! The blood of my Yun family is so noble, but you are like Junior Brother Que Xinyan, just like... You are a despicable dog, trying every possible means to please a woman who is completely unworthy of you!"

"I think my Yun family was a goddess ten thousand times more noble than Hua Ziyan, so I still have to flatter her!"

"We in the Yun family don't have such a charming and servile person! Not to mention, if you humble yourself to please her, what will you get in return?"

"Look, Master Su has saved their father and daughter so many times, but what has happened to them now?"

"Qinghong, that's all. The Yun family is in decline. It doesn't matter if you forget the ancestral precepts and the nobility in your bones."

"But you should never, never, never forget your hatred completely!

"Actually, sometimes, death is really a kind of happiness."

"How I wish I could die ignorant and carefree like you."

"But, I can't."

"Because I have to live and avenge my father and mother, my aunt and my grandfather."

"So, I must be ruthless enough in this life. Only in this way can I survive with more certainty."

"Qinghong, open your eyes and see how ironic this world is. An innocent person like Holy Lord Yun, like many conscientious and diligent junior brothers and sisters in the sect, but... After all, it is just a tool to be used, just soul food to be harvested."

"Please forgive me, my sister couldn't protect you, so in order to prevent you from suffering more painful torture, I took it upon myself to do it."

"The Death Soul Tea Can, with the power of your soul and the blood sacrifice of your Flame Thunder Spirit Body, you can unleash greater power."

"In this way, just waiting for my sister to take revenge will mean that we, my sister and my brother, will take revenge together. If my sister and my brother are of the same mind, the great revenge will be avenged."

"When the time comes, my sister will transform herself into a Taoist priest at your grave."

"And now...Qinghong, please forgive me for not being able to give you a grave, because your death needs to be temporarily concealed to facilitate the continuation of my sister's plan."

After Yun Qingxuan finished speaking, a tea can that had turned dark in her hand suddenly enlarged.

The lid of the tea can rises on its own.

The tea can tilted up, and a dark red light burst out from it, illuminating Yun Qinghong's body.

Yun Qinghong's body, including the dead head, began to melt rapidly like the white snow under the blazing sun at this moment.

Soon, Yun Qinghong disappeared completely, completely.

There was not even a trace of scarlet blood left on the ground.

Yun Qingxuan stood there quietly, with a calm expression, she put away the tea can of dead souls and closed the lid.

Then, she took out a small tea cup, turned the Yun Lei Spirit Fire, brewed the tea for a while, and poured out a cup.

Holding the tea cup in hand, she moved lightly with lotus steps and soon arrived at the void area where Su Li was.

This area, the hidden cage, is now almost ineffective.

Therefore, there are already some vague and subtle outlines.

"Master Su, don't you want to say something?"

Yun Qingxuan stared at the invisible place in the void, as if talking to the air.

However, Su Li's figure was already reflected in her eyes.

Su Li, who was meditating quietly, opened his eyes.

Then, in his eyes, the faint power of heaven gradually disappeared.

"What's there to say?"

Su Li glanced at the cages that were sealed around him but were about to disappear, and said with an indifferent expression.

"Let's do this, sincerely submit to me, act like a cow or a horse by my side, and be truly willing to serve with all your heart, and I will guarantee that you will be above the heavens in the future."

Yun Qingxuan said every word.

Su Li sneered and said, "I'll treat you as a cow or a horse? Will you give me grass?"

Yun Qingxuan said calmly: "As long as you agree, you can eat any grass."

Su Li said coldly: "I am serving you with all my heart, above all the heavens, but only below you?"

Yun Qingxuan said: "When my great revenge is avenged, you can be on top of me if you want."

Su Li smiled.

Yun Qingxuan also laughed.

Su Li sighed softly and said: "I know that I am very stupid in your eyes. But no matter how stupid I am, I should know what will happen if I seek the skin of a tiger. A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds, but you even killed your brother. He even sacrificed his soul and blood in a tea can, used his blood to make tea, and drank it deliciously!

Do you think I will believe you? "

When Yun Qingxuan heard this, she smiled as brightly as a flower.

However, while smiling, she couldn't help crying.

"Master Su, I believe that you have deduced Mu Yuxi's future. Master Su, tell Qingxuan that Mu Yuxi was alive and then tortured in various ways in the future, as if she was being harvested again and again. , insulting Happiness? Or killing Happiness with a sword from the person she cares about most when she has no idea of ​​her future fate?"

Yun Qingxuan's logic.

Very invincible.

Who wants to die if he can live?

Perhaps Mu Yuxi's future will be cruel, but doesn't she have the right to know? Can't she make her own choice?

In the same way, Yun Qingxuan must control Yun Qinghong's fate?

Many ordinary people will suffer a lot in this kind of world. Does that mean they don't need to be born? Even if the right to reproduce is gone, just kill them all?

This idea, if you dig deeper, is so terrifying!

The autumn wind is bleak.

The autumn of this world is deep.

Yun Qingxuan's voice continued: "Master Su, why don't you speak?"

Su Li shook his head and said firmly: "I will not help you again. "

Yun Qingxuan said: "Master Su, in fact, a large part of the reason why I chose to fight against the odds was all caused by you - originally, I had no hope at all, but you let me drink that cup." Jiu Yao Wen Xin Tea'. You said that if you were not modest at that time and drank all this by yourself, or just accepted the 'Jiu Yao Wen Xin Tea', there wouldn't have been so many things!

After drinking that cup of tea, Qingxuan suddenly understood so many things, as if her life was starting over again.

Originally, a lot of hatred and pain had been buried in time and had become very shallow.

But this cup of tea dug out even the biggest shadow in Qingxuan's heart. It was as if all the pain and hatred were experienced again. It was so unforgettable, as if a rune was carved into the depth of the soul. , close your eyes, it’s all those miserable scenes...

Master Su, I thank you, but I also hate you! "

When Su Li heard this, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Master Su, I have already thought about it. I will suppress you directly, and then destroy your Dantian and meridians, so that you will lose any possibility of practice - I know that Jiuyao Wenxin Tea has already solved part of your body. Ability that allows you to use some basic auras.

In your hands, you probably have some life-saving means that Mu Yuxi or Hua Ziyan gave you, but I can't give you the chance to use them. "

Yun Qingxuan spoke again.

Her mood has returned to normal, and her voice is more gentle.

However, these words sounded particularly cold and chilling to Su Li's ears.

This woman is so damn crazy!

Is this a fucking twisted mind? ! No pop-ups, timely updates!

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