"Auntie, how do you like it?" Zhou Ziyu put a piece of twice-cooked pork into Mother Li's bowl.

"Well, it tastes good! Xiao Zhou, you are so beautiful and you cook so well." Mother Li nodded and said with a smile.

"Auntie, you're flattered!"

Li Zhe glanced at his mother and noticed that her attitude was a little wrong. Compared with just now, she was a little distant and cold towards Zhou Ziyu.

What's going on?

Li Zhe shook his head in his heart. His mother seemed gentle, conceding, and kind to others, and didn't care about anything. In fact, she was extremely strong-willed, very face-conscious, duplicitous, thinking too much, and thinking too much.

He grew up listening to his mother's complaints, so he always had understanding and sympathy for her in his heart and felt that it was very difficult for her.

He never doubted what his mother said, he believed everything she said.

It was not until many years later that Li Zhe no longer looked at his mother emotionally but rationally that he discovered her character problems.

The biggest problem is that you think too much and care too much.

Before his rebirth, he no longer dared to talk to his mother, because she might misinterpret your unintentional words into something else, and she would always hold them in her heart.

He is obsessed with saving face, has a very high self-esteem, and keeps things quiet when dealing with others. He does not want to break up with others, so he can only vent his grievances against others on the people closest to him.

But this is his mother.

There are many things that people cannot choose, such as their origin, wealth, and parents.

Although we cannot choose, we can work hard to change.

In this life, Li Zhe already knows how to get along with his mother, just don't get too close.

She is like a hedgehog. She may not want to hurt you, but she will get hurt if you get close.

Intimacy is family affection, and treating each other as guests is also family affection.

In his last life, Li Zhe chose to be intimate, but in this life, he chose to treat each other with respect.

There were only three people eating, so it was actually a bit deserted. In addition, Li Zhe and Li's mother talked very little, so the atmosphere was rather dull.

Li Zhe found that his mother seemed a little dissatisfied with him. After thinking about it, he understood a little bit.

She thinks too much. She probably thinks that because Zhou Ziyu is so beautiful, he will definitely have a girlfriend and forget about his mother.

He couldn't help but think of the time when his brother was getting married, and his mother was nagging her every day that her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law couldn't get along and so on.

yes! The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not often good, but if you treat something with a negative attitude from the beginning, it will be more difficult to achieve a good result.

Mother Li glanced at Li Zhe and asked, "You said you can make money by writing books online. Is this true?"

"Well, about ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan a month." Li Zhe nodded and said.

"Ten or twenty thousand?" Li's mother sounded extremely surprised.

"You won't be cheated, will you?"

The small health clinic she runs makes only seven to eight hundred yuan a month, excluding rent.

To put it bluntly, in a small private health clinic like that in the village, if you don't know how to infuse and just sell some medicine and treat minor illnesses, you won't be able to make much money.

"They transferred all the money to my card. Why did they lie to me?" Li Zhe said with a smile.

"Can you really make ten thousand or twenty thousand?"

"If you still don't believe me, you can ask Ziyu. She also knows about my book writing."

Mother Li looked at Zhou Ziyu, who smiled and said to her, "Auntie, Li Zhe can really make so much money by writing books."

After hearing Zhou Ziyu say the same thing, Li's mother finally believed it and immediately beamed with joy and was in a good mood.

She also somewhat understood why such a beautiful girl as Xiao Zhou fell in love with Li Zhe.

Due to the limitation of knowledge and vision, Mother Li thinks that earning 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month and 200,000 yuan a year is considered to be a lot of money.

"Xiao Zhe, what kind of book do you write online that can make you so much money?"

"It's a fantasy novel."

"Fantasy novel?"

Seeing that his mother didn't understand, Li Zhe explained: "Mom, you can understand that martial arts novels with more exaggerated descriptions will be earth-shattering once they start fighting."

"That's not even more nonsense than a martial arts novel."

"It's okay if you understand that way."

Mother Li thought for a while and said, "It's not okay to let your brother write novels. You can teach him how to earn less. It's better than him working in a factory and working hard to earn only one or two thousand yuan." ”

"And he used to like reading martial arts novels the most, especially those about Gu Long. Now there are many novels he bought in the box."

Li Zhe neither agreed nor disagreed, "Mom, you should ask my brother what he thinks first. If he means that, let him read novels online in his spare time."

"If you want to write a book, you must first read it. Internet novels are very different from previous martial arts novels. After he reads a section of the book and understands the Internet novel better, he can try writing it. If he doesn't understand, he can ask me."

In his previous life, Li Zhe also taught his brother to write books, and it could be said that he taught him everything he could, but he didn't appreciate it.

Later, he stopped teaching others to write books. This kind of thing was thankless and laborious. When he wrote the results, people thought it was him who couldn't write the results, so he was blamed.

"What does he have in mind? If he can make money by writing a book, it's no better than working now." Mother Li said nonchalantly.

Li Zhe smiled and didn't answer.

After dinner, it was already past twelve o'clock.

Li Zhe turned on the old TV, and the three of them watched TV together.

After watching TV for a while, Li's mother winked and called Li Zhe out.

When they came to the outhouse, Mother Li asked: "Xiao Zhe, you have been writing books for several months. You should have saved some money, right?"

Li Zhe nodded, "The novel was put on the shelves in November, and I got the first royalties in December. I have received two months of royalties now. Excluding the money to buy computers, mobile phones, clothes, and daily expenses, is it still There’s some left.”

Then give it to me first. "Mother Li was not polite to her son either.

"Isn't your brother about to get married? The money to buy a house is still tens of thousands short. Your fourth aunt is almost scared to death. She doesn't even dare to say anything to me for fear that I will ask for a loan. If we can get the money together, Go ahead and buy the building directly, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

"Seriously, when your nephew is getting married, you shouldn't be able to help when you are an aunt or uncle? If you can help me raise three to five thousand, the money will be enough! Even if I ask, do you need money for your eldest nephew's wedding? Do it? It looks like the same thing..."

Li Zhe had been hearing such complaints for more than 20 years. He really didn't want to hear them anymore and couldn't help but interrupt directly: "Mom, how much money do you still have?"

"I have more than 160,000 yuan in total, and I am still short of about 30,000 yuan to buy a house. But including the gift money and the wedding money, I am at least 70,000 yuan short."

After saying that, Mother Li sighed and couldn't help but start to complain again: "Your brother is also not up to expectations. He is smarter than you and has better academic performance. If he studies hard, he will definitely be able to get into a good university. No matter what, It’s no better than it is now.”

"When you marry a daughter-in-law now, you don't have any opinions at all. You just listen to the daughter-in-law, the father-in-law, and the mother-in-law. He will agree to whatever they want..."

His brother and his girlfriend Han Fei have reached the point of discussing marriage.

But Han Fei's parents proposed that they must buy a house in the city, and they couldn't get a loan.

At this time, although housing prices in Yongji District have not skyrocketed, they cost more than 3,000 per square meter. Buying a small two-bedroom apartment with more than 60 square meters costs 200,000.

"Mom, there are more than 50,000 yuan in this card. Take it first." Li Zhe took out his wallet, pulled out a bank card from it, and handed it to his mother.

"In a few days, my January royalties will arrive, and I will transfer another 20,000 yuan to you."

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