I really didn’t want to be a warm man when I was reborn

Chapter 661 Bai Wei suffers on behalf of her best friend

In fact, as early as 2013, after Xiao Qiao took good care of her health but failed to get pregnant after more than half a year of pregnancy preparations, Li Zhe truly realized the problem.

He made an appointment with a top team of obstetrics and gynecology experts, and then took Xiao Qiao to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

The test results surprised Li Zhe. Neither he nor Xiao Qiao had any major health problems. The reason they couldn't get pregnant was because their genes were incompatible.

He has been writing novels for so many years, and his knowledge is quite broad, but this is the first time he has heard of the somewhat nonsense saying that you cannot get pregnant due to genetic incompatibility.

However, it is true that men and women cannot get pregnant due to genetic incompatibility, and the chance is about one in 10,000.

Genetic incompatibility is a chromosomal difference between men and women. Because the genes of both sides are incompatible, it is very difficult to have children. Even if a child is born, the child will easily die or have congenital defects.

Genetic incompatibility is not infertility, and both men and women can have children with someone other than each other.

Just like Li Zhe can have children with Zhou Ziyu and Shen Xinyi, Xiao Qiao can also have children with other men.

But how could he let Xiao Qiao have a child with another man?

However, this problem is not entirely unsolvable.

There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is, it only means that you don’t have enough money.

Difficulties in getting pregnant due to genetic incompatibility can be solved through third-generation in vitro fertilization technology. As long as you have the patience to try a few more times, you have a high chance of conceiving a healthy child.

But after careful consideration, Li Zhe gave up this method.

IVF is harmful to the woman's body and will cause greater psychological stress.

IVF is not guaranteed to be successful in just one or two attempts. The successive challenges will make the woman feel more and more stressed. Too much worry and worry may lead to psychological problems.

And Xiao Qiao is not the kind of person who can withstand pressure very well.

Li Zhe didn't want Xiao Qiao to take such a big risk just to have a child.

To be honest, his liking for Xiao Qiao has nothing to do with whether she can have children.

As the saying goes, each other is true love, and the child is just an accident.

Even if he was just an ordinary person and only had Xiao Qiao, there was no way he would give up on her just to have a child.

What he looked down on the most was the kind of man who told his girlfriend that he wanted a DINK when he was young, but then regretted it when he was old and abandoned his wife to marry another and have children.

This kind of person is so shameless!

So Li Zhe came up with another solution.

Let Bai Wei help Xiao Qiao give birth to a child.

Don't look at the deep love between sisters Xiao Qiao and Bai Wei. Even men can share it.

In fact, there is a very big hidden danger in the relationship between the two, that is, when they each have their own children in the future, will they really be as close and close as best friends now?

Xiao Qiao might not have thought of this problem, but Bai Wei couldn't have thought of it.

Therefore, after she had a real relationship with Li Zhe, she expressed that she would not have children in the future.

Now there is a way to get the best of both worlds. Bai Wei no longer has to deliberately give in, and her relationship with Xiao Qiao can be further developed.

That is, she would adopt a child to Xiao Qiao, and then have another child of her own.

One shares a man with his best friend, and the other helps her best friend give birth to the child. In this way, Xiao Qiao and Bai Wei can truly be good best friends for life.

When Li Zhe told Xiao Qiao this idea, her eyes suddenly lit up and she felt relieved as she was worrying about giving birth to a child.

It seems that her previous idea was right. Asking Sister Wei to help her give birth to a child would perfectly solve the problem.

Then Xiao Qiao and Li Zhe worked hard to sleep together... ahem, they convinced Bai Wei and made her agree.

In this way, Xiao Qiao felt relaxed, but Bai Wei worked hard.

This guy Li Zhe used the excuse that the two of them wanted to have a child as soon as possible to make Xiao Qiao feel at ease, so he bullied her in different ways.

Even in her company... she almost lost face in front of her subordinates.

Fortunately, Bai Wei's efforts for Xiao Qiao were not in vain, and the pregnancy preparation was successful in just one month.

Soon after her meeting with Li Zhe at the company, she was confirmed to be pregnant.

It turns out that a stimulating environment is conducive to...

She got pregnant in June 2014, and in March of the following year, Bai Wei helped Xiao Qiao give birth to a boy named Li Enran.

He is also Li Zhe's third son.

It had only been more than half a year since Bai Wei gave birth to Xiao Enran, and Li Zhe had been dragging her to prepare for pregnancy again, insisting that she have another child of his own as soon as possible.

However, this really doesn't mean that Li Zhe doesn't understand Bai Wei's hard work and insists on letting her have children in succession.

But he wants to ensure that the friendship between Xiao Qiao and Bai Wei will not change because of the child's problems.

It's just that this time the efficiency was a little worse. Li Zhe bullied... ahem, it was only after working hard with Bai Wei for half a year that he was successful in preparing for pregnancy again.

Whoever makes Bai Wei refuse to agree to stay with him in the company... can only rely on the odds.

In May 2016, Bai Wei became pregnant again and gave birth to a boy again in February this year, named Li Junye.

He is also Li Zhe's youngest son.

It has to be said that Bai Wei is indeed the one with the best figure among them. She has given birth to two children in three years, and they are both boys. She is really good at raising children.

If Bai Wei hadn't refused to have another baby, Li Zhe would have wanted her to have another baby in two years to see if she could have a girl.

Although he also gave birth to a daughter besides Xiao Junting, the daughter born under Bai Wei's conditions will definitely be particularly beautiful.

Xiao Qiao and Wang Zhining, who came behind Xiao Junting, greeted each other, then took Xiao Enran from the arms of nanny Sister Zhang, and carried him into the villa first.

Baby room on the third floor.

A young nanny in her mid-twenties was breastfeeding a six- or seven-month-old baby boy. Seeing Xiao Qiao walking in with Xiao Enran in her arms, she quickly stood up and said, "Miss Qiao, you are back!"

This room was originally Li Zhe's study, but after Xiao Junting was born, he had it turned into a baby's room.

Xiao Junting, Xiao Mingrui, and Xiao Enran have all lived in this room for two or three years, and now it has become the nursery of Xiao Yunze and Xiao Junye.

Xiao Xuyao ​​has been following Zhou Ziyu and spent most of his time on Hong Kong Island.

Xiao Qiao nodded to the nanny and said, "Xiao Cai, please take a rest. I'll feed Jun Ye."

This baby boy is Li Zhe’s youngest son Li Junye.

Xiao Junye was a bit pitiful. Bai Wei, her biological mother, was very irresponsible. Less than a month after giving birth to him, she left him completely to the nanny and went to the company to work as usual.

You can only eat frozen milk or milk powder.

On the contrary, Xiao Qiao, his aunt, took care of him in every possible way, and was much more caring than Bai Wei.

For a strong woman like Bai Wei who is dedicated to making troubles, having children is a burden.

If it weren't for Xiao Qiao, she wouldn't have had a child.

These two children even delayed the development of CIEL Group.

Xiao Qiao put Xiao Enran on the bed and let him play with building blocks. Then he took the bottle from the nanny Xiao Cai and continued to breastfeed Xiao Junye.

She had raised Xiao Enran with her own hands, and she was very familiar with feeding the child.

"Jun Ye, you are so pitiful. You can only eat frozen milk when you are just one month old, and your incompetent father is still competing with you for food rations..."

When Xiao Qiao fed Xiao Enran, he never let him eat frozen milk.

Bai Wei was busy with company affairs and could not help her feed her child at any time, so Xiao Qiao went to the CIEL Group several times a day to personally pick up rations for her son.

But Xiao Junye is Bai Wei's child, so she has no way to control it anymore.

In fact, Xiao Qiao felt a little guilty towards Bai Wei.

Xiao Enran was born to Bai Wei, but he could not recognize Bai Wei and could only call her Aunt Bai.

After Bai Wei gave birth to Xiao Enran, Li Zhe warned Xiao Qiao, Zhou Ziyu and all of them.

From now on, this child will be Xiao Qiao's, and no one is allowed to tell the truth. If any of them "accidentally" leaks the truth, their children will lose their inheritance rights.

Even Xiao Qiao is the same. If she reveals the truth about her life experience to Xiao Enran, he will lose his inheritance rights.

When they know that they are not their biological children, most people will subconsciously create a gap with their parents.

The issue of blood relationship is not only related to blood relationship, but also to psychology.

Of course, there are also children who are grateful and will treat their adoptive parents better than their biological parents.

But Li Zhe doesn't want to gamble on human nature.

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