I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 140

The corners of Zhan Guo's eyes twitched imperceptibly, he lowered his voice, and leaned into Brother Kong's ear: "Why do I think that the skeleton has a strong desire to survive?"

When several people reached a consensus, all the wailing of the pirates stopped. And at Moria's feet, ten prisoners who had removed their shackles and handcuffs lay lying down in a haphazard manner.

"Your ability is to make them faint?" Magellan hadn't understood what the other party wanted to do.

Moria smiled strangely: "The short-term coma is just a side effect of the shadow being taken away. If you want them to wake up faster, just splash cold water on them..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Sakaski walked among the pirates, and his red palm burned towards the arms of the prisoners.

"Ahhhhhh! It's so hot!"

"It hurts!"

"What is this! A new instrument of torture??"

"It's a soldering iron, right! It's a soldering iron, right!"

Watching the unconscious test subjects wake up one by one, Sakaski clapped his hands: "Just now I thought some of you who were unconscious later have seen this skeleton voluntarily cooperating with the Navy."

He raised the brim of his military cap: "I, Sakaski, am not a devil, and I will give you the same chance."

The prisoners looked at each other, and one of the pirates dared to ask: "Does this opportunity refer to cooperation with the Navy? What about music cleaning?"

Sakasky shook his head and rejected the other party's unreliable answer. He said nonsense solemnly: "It's simpler than that. The deep sea prison is estimating the fastest speed for prisoners to escape. The jailers will not stop you. And among the ten of you, whoever rushes to the gate of the prison first, I will give you the dream..."

He deliberately paused, and then said the reward with a smile: "...freedom"

"What? Can you leave here?" The prisoners' voices suddenly became louder. "is this real?"

"Whether it's true or not! But at least there is hope, right? I've had enough of this hell!" A prisoner spat on the ground with a mouthful of thick phlegm.

Sakaski looked at the eyes of these pirates gradually seeing hope, and nodded: "Whoever rushes to the door to see the sun first will be released. As I said, I, Sakaski, am not a devil, no You will be imprisoned here for the rest of your life."

"Now, run!"

The ten pirates ran towards the gate like crazy, pushing each other, desperately running towards Hope.

The fastest of them all was a lean prisoner, with good feet, who came from behind to overtake the others, striding toward the sun.

Sunlight! That was the sunshine that he never saw after he was imprisoned! So gorgeous, so eye-catching, under the light, he will usher in his own freedom!

The bright sunshine finally sprinkled on his body, but it was not as warm as imagined.

"Ah!" The prisoner who was bathed in the sun screamed in horror. He looked down and saw that his body gradually melted like a snowdrift under the sun. In the blink of an eye, it turned into nothingness.

"What's going on? Why is he missing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss.coms!'" The prisoner who followed the first one didn't understand why the guy in front of him suddenly turned into a shadow, but his footsteps were too fast.

Under the terrified eyes of the other prisoners, he was engulfed by that gorgeous brilliance.

"Don't go into the sun!" The pirates retreated as fast as they rushed before.

Sunshine has become a deadly hope, elusive but elusive.

"You lied to us!" the pirates roared angrily.

Sakaski still had that smile on his face, and his words were full of sarcasm: "No, I did give you what you wanted. Although you lost your life, you have freedom."

175. Water of Life (Part 1)

Sakaski ignored those pirates, he turned his head to admire the surprised expressions of Sengoku and others.

"What do you think?" Sakaski asked Warring States softly.

The Great Buddha did not answer Sakaski's inquiry. He noticed that when the prisoners who were used as test subjects ran vigorously, the wall lights of the prison could not reflect the shadows of the soles of their feet.

It was the first time he looked at Moria seriously, and he didn't expect that Yingying Fruit would have such a weird and terrifying ability.

"It's like experiencing a terrifying legend, Moria, those pirates lost their shadows, and under the sun, is their disappearance permanent?" Warring States gave the other party a high evaluation.

The pale-faced weirdo laughed loudly: "Hehehe, of course! Mr. General, no matter who they are, as long as they lose their own shadows, once they are exposed to the sun, they will only be greeted with death."

"So that's how it is," Sengoku finally understood Sakaski's plan. This is undoubtedly a win-win cooperation. Moria, who encircled and suppressed pirates in the first half of the great route, got a tool to enhance his own strength, and the deep sea prison has a trump card that can turn the table.

Even if it is Red and the frozen Momo fruit ability user, once the shadow is taken away by Moria's fruit ability, unless they are willing to die, the world of sunshine will say goodbye to them forever.

For the prisoners who have lost their shadows, this large prison is a hell to imprison them, and it is also the last shelter for them to linger.

But in the view of the Warring States Period, the most wonderful thing about this move lies in the benefits of the navy.

Moria seems to have benefited from the shadows of these strong men, but these prisoners who have lost their shadows have also become his constraints.

The navy will reap a Qiwuhai under control, and a deep sea prison that is completely settled.

"Sakaski, I found out that compared with your sinister routine, the intrigues among those pirates are just playing tricks!" Kong sighed lightly, and he couldn't help being curious: "How do you thought of that?"

"Are you... are you praising me?" Sakaski went through the marshal's words twice in his mind, but he couldn't figure out whether he was praising himself or hurting himself.

He pinched the bridge of his nose: "I have dealt with pirates on the front line a lot these years, and found that they, these pirates, always like to find some high-sounding reasons to arm themselves and soothe their uneasy conscience in the process of doing evil. .”

"Freedom, that's what they said." Sakaski looked at the pirate prisoners who were hiding in the shadow of the prison gate with lingering fear.

"For the sake of the so-called [freedom], they can attack a peaceful town for no reason and disturb the lives of others; for the sake of [freedom], they can kill innocent people recklessly and disrupt the peaceful order; [freedom] has become a shield for evil , It seems that all the bullying and thug-like behavior can be explained in two words." Sakaski seemed to think of something, and his face was a little unhappy.

He pointed to the light that did not shine in from the prison door: "I want to teach these bastards to understand one thing - freedom without order is nothing but pure chaos and death!"

"Yes, freedom, this word is most likely to be misleading by some people with ulterior motives." As the chief staff officer of the Navy headquarters, apart from fighting and killing at sea, she spends more time digging the sea from tens of thousands of volumes of information and data. The cause and pusher of the era of thieves.

Although Roger is the fuse that ignited the era of pirates, there are a few people who contributed to the flames and added fuel to the fire in the process.

She sighed lightly: "Actually, those low-level thieves didn't know what they were after. They blindly followed the slogans shouted by others, and brought countless ruins to the civilians."

Sakalski responded silently. This is the sorrow of an era and the sorrow of this generation. And in his original world, there have been countless tragedies and tragedies that seemed familiar to him.

Freedom, this definition, has been interpreted one-sidedly, and then some countries with ulterior motives have blown it to the sky. It is so noble that it can split an originally rich and happy country, and it is so noble that it can ignore the homeland that is still burning with war.

The world government under the rule of the Tianlong people has accumulated a lot of problems, and Roger seems to have a sudden serious illness, which broke out all the problems accumulated in decades and hundreds of years.

"For freedom!" The pirates seemed to be brainwashed, shouting words that they didn't know what the hell they were, and indulged in hedonism in the chaos and chaos.

The small problems that could have taken time to adjust and alleviate became more prominent under the wanton impact of the pirate group, and those big problems that were already rotten to the root became poisonous in the increasingly corrupt situation.

Sakaski looked around at the prison, just as he hated pirates, in his heart he owed even half a favor to the privileged group of Celestial Dragons.

However, it must be admitted objectively that the world government, which is composed of more than 170 countries, and every world conference held are trying to make this chaotic world a better place.

It is impossible for Sakaski to kill all the kings with one shot because of the mindless deeds of the Tianlong people, and classify them as tyrants and mediocre kings.

"Sakaski! Don't be distracted, they're all gone!" Crane raised his hand angrily, shaking it in front of the son of a bitch.

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