I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 229

Although he trusts his mother's strength and fruit ability, Katakuri doesn't like to rely on Charlotte Lingling's power.

Because of the countless unexpected bulimia outbreaks, I have told these children one thing: they must not completely rely on this "mother".

Cracker waved his arms one after another, constantly creating strong biscuit soldiers: "This is the largest invasion of the Navy headquarters since the founding of Totland! And our opponents are definitely not other pirate forces that are loose and have a backward system." .”

Mentioning the name of the admiral, he still couldn't help but see a lot of cold sweat on his forehead: "That was the notorious expeditionary force in the first half of the great voyage. Even in the New World, they entered the island in batches of hundreds of people many times. A hunting operation against powerful pirates. The leader of the legion is said to be a demon in human skin!"

Seeing that his younger brother defeated himself before fighting, the eldest brother, the Minister of Candy, shook his head inadvertently.

[It's still too tender. 】

On the one hand, Akainu's fierce reputation is too strong, on the other hand, how good would it be if he waited ten years?

He didn't intend to criticize this excellent younger brother, because most of the younger brothers and sisters nowadays are too young.

I have never seen big winds and waves, let alone experienced such a massive battle.

In order to boost morale, Perospero pretended to be aggressive: "I'd like to see how strong the Burning Legion, which claims to be the elite of all battles, is!"

256. Opening the Portal (Medium)

The highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family refers not only to its strong strength, but also to its excellent resilience and consistent calmness in emergencies.

A series of orders were issued from Katakuri's mouth in an orderly manner, assisting defense, guarding, investigating, and dispatching.

His existence seemed to be a shot in the arm, a reassurance, and finally calmed down the panicked ministers.

With this man present, Totland will not be dead! The war machine of the nations is finally working.

"Let the eastern islands send all the warships!"

"Cheese Island to the west of Cake Island, Biscuit Island to the northwest, and Candy Island to the southwest are on alert. Arrange for Dafu and the others to approach Cocoa Island after their investigation!" As the nearest island to the Navy fleet in the current Totland Sea, the island is an outpost of the western islands.

And there will be the battlefield for their first direct contact with the Burning Legion!

"Connect to Cocoa Island, I want to know the current situation there." The general gave the order again, but the phone bug rang in advance.

"Hey, Brother Katakuri!" The triplet brother Daifuku's panicked voice came from the phone: "The situation is not good! The fleet deployed on the defense line along the coast of Cocoa Island was destroyed by a large number of volcanic bombs falling from the sky!"

"Volcano bomb!"

"We are retreating now. Without the help of our mother, Nimitz, it will be difficult for us to hold the battlefield at sea." Recalling the hell-like scene a few minutes ago, Daifuku gave his intuitive feeling.

[Unable to defend] Katakuri is also aware of the anomaly. The Burning Legion with Akainu sitting in command is bound to be extremely powerful in naval warfare.

The two top Nimitz around Charlotte Lingling can be said to be fakes made by deliberately imitating the natural department.

Even though the range and damage intensity are far from the real thundering fruit and burning fruit, they are still invincible in many previous naval battles.

The magma fruit with its ultra-long-distance and large-scale strike capability is definitely a nightmare in naval battles.


Just half an hour ago.

A strange-looking warship is parallel to the flagship under the three-tiered and outer-three-tiered guard of many heavy warships. Instead of installing the most conventional turrets on its deck, it is a huge hemispherical metal cover.

"At 9 o'clock in the sea ahead! At 9 o'clock, the distance measurement is 27,300 meters, and the enemy's small fleet has been detected!" Anilu sat in the center of the gold conduction platform, with a half-bowl on his head. The booster was bored and reported to the flagship what it had just detected.

Originally, the combination of his Thunderbolt fruit ability and his own knowledge and arrogance possessed radar-like detection ability.

However, this "giant radar amplifier" customized for Enilo by Caesar, Gage, and Vegapunk can help him expand the detection range by nearly 10 times.

"Huh? It looks like it should be the garrison troops gathered around Cocoa Island." Lindeman marked the information he had just received on the huge sea chart.

Entering the enemy's sea area, Kuzan rarely became serious, and kept marking information on several target islands and sea areas on the sea chart.

"Moria's giant three-masted ship is as slow as a snail." Sakaski couldn't help complaining: "Send the order, the fleet slows down, and don't let the old zombie ship behind us get out of touch."

Kuzan almost snickered when he heard the words: "Brother, don't dislike the big bat anymore. Before you say this, think about what you were forced to load on the three-masted ship when you were in the headquarters."

Seeing that this guy actually spoke for outsiders, Sakarski muttered angrily: "That's because he was originally slow!"

"Yes, yes, brother, you are right." Kuzan boy comforted the dog's head across a chart table: "This has nothing to do with the giant you stuffed him into a boat!"

Enilo's voice came from the phone bug again, interrupting their chatter: "At 28,000 meters, at the direction of 12 o'clock, another pirate fleet appeared, with only 4 ships, but the ship type It is the main force of the enemy."

Robin, who was in charge of writing and recording the information, couldn't help but interjected: "If you change the frequency, can you bug the other party's phone?"

"Do you think I'm a god??!" His Excellency Charles Pishen Enel's roar echoed in the command room...

The fleet of the expeditionary force slowed down and approached the pirate fleet that had already revealed its position.

In this low-tech world where saloons are usually fired at a distance of hundreds of meters, detecting the opponent's location and whereabouts within 10,000 meters is simply a great convenience for the expeditionary force.

I don't know where to order, Mr. Sa no longer has to worry about me being ambushed.

Kuzan stared at the coordinates of the two fleets and asked softly: "What do you think, brother? Is it a defense?"

"I don't think so," Sakaski pointed to the four enemy cadre ships whose whereabouts were exposed in the second report: "They are staying in the rear, obviously watching, and plan to rely on the front scout fleet and servants to find them." Test our strength and intelligence."

Seeing Moria's giant ship finally appearing behind the fleet, Sakaski walked out of the command room with a phone bug in his hand: "The previous targets were all being tested, so I will take the shot this time."

"Eh? Don't we need to fire a few more shots?" Moriah's disappointed voice came from the phone bug.

"Tomorrow you have time to work hard. Now, report to me the parameters that Enilo sent to you." Even Sakaski, who has excellent eyesight, can't see the target in front of him clearly. There is no essential difference between a meter and a three thousand meter—it is just a small point anyway.

At this time, an accurate shelling coordinate is so important.

After reconfirming the coordinates, Sakaski put the phone bug in his pocket and strode forward.

Passed over the rudder platform where the ghost spider personally steered, passed the deck combatants who were waiting in full battle, and passed the turret base in front.

Standing at the bow of the ship, the admiral's arms surged with rolling magma. The next moment, he suddenly raised his hands and raised them up to the distant sky.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Sakalski seemed to have become an erupting crater, with ash surrounding him.

Accompanied by a deeper and more powerful roar than the fleet's heavy artillery salvo, huge fist-shaped lavas were pushed into the clouds under the unparalleled explosive force of the volcano.

"Why is the sky over there dark? There's something wrong with the color of the clouds!" The pirates realized the seriousness of the situation even though they were two kilometers away.

More and more huge shadows appeared on the fiery red cloud.

"Evade!! It's a volcanic bomb!"

A hoarse warning sounded from Wan Guo's scouting fleet.

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