I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 232

In this way, in the waters around Jam Island, as long as you know the opponent's strength, you can mobilize the large fleet and the navy for a decisive battle!

258. There is a kind of sword demon called one-hit-five

The pirates and the navy unintentionally reached a delicate balance between offense and defense.

Sitting on a favorable location, the Big Mom Pirates tried to dispel the continuous rapid-fire pace of the navy's initial outbreak through the confrontation of heavy troops.

Relying on the kingdom's troops to fight every step of the way, the expeditionary army, a rootless tree, was completely dragged to death by long-term front confrontation and consumption.

Meanwhile, the Burning Legion, who grasped the timing, maintained a front line with the opponent on the surface, but actually implemented a strategy of delaying troops.

Waiting for their Supreme Commander to open the portal and circle around.

Although both sides have ghosts, they both hope to control the rhythm of the war in their own hands.

Its purpose is quite consistent - "drag"

That's why a strange phenomenon has formed on the huge battlefield confronted by more than 50 warships.

Whether it is the navy or the nations, the highest combat power is standing still.

The commanders-in-chief of the two sides seemed to be transformed into chess players. On the basis of leaving some room, they used the battlefield as a game to test each other's "level of chess power".

This kind of detrimental temptation quickly escalated into a confrontation between the nations and the grassroots forces of the Burning Legion.

"Report! Our ship has been merged into the battle line and is ready for bombardment at any time." Bermel reported to the second ship captain Gion Hui.

Even though the water column swayed by the shelling was drawn beside the warship, the veterans still calmly waited for the commander's order.

The soldiers who participated in the expedition showed excellent military qualities. They quickly tightened the sails so that the warship could better take advantage of the wind to accelerate.

The artillerymen below several decks are measuring distances in an orderly manner, and the medical squad and damage control team are already in place.

According to the number, Kuzan dispatched 6 warships one after another to target the reinforcement fleet of the nations that came from both sides.

Although the purpose of both parties is on the same word, but each other's small actions have not stopped since yesterday.

This kind of blockade and anti-blockade warfare at sea, according to normal circumstances, should be the navy surrounding the pirate ship and finally annihilating it, but the situation has reversed on the territory of the pirate country.

Gion caressed the blade of the famous sword, she took a deep breath, and the tip of her tongue was like spring thunder: "The bombardment begins! Break the opponent's blockade attempt!"

"Range measurement complete! Fire!"


Even though naval warships have an innate advantage in configuration, the painful hit rate of shells in naval battles still makes a small number of shells lose their accuracy.


Sawdust was flying on the pirate ship, and the experienced pirates half-bowed to cover their mouths and noses, avoiding the shattered wood slag and iron sheets hit by shells.

The pirate captain who received Katakuri's order to lead the team to carry out the blockade war just wanted to scold his mother at this moment.

Although a small part of the navy's artillery shells missed, they hit the enemy with three random shells in the same round of salvo.

"Fuck, that's why I fucking hate fighting veterans." The pirate captain attached to the flag of Wanwan spat on the deck.

These experienced old gunners showed their due value at the moment of engagement.

As a veteran pirate, the captain of the pirate knows it well.

The first round of shelling, which is almost face-to-face, can be accurate like this, so the second round of salvo after re-adjustment-the picture should not be too miserable.

"Adjust the shooting angle again, and the reloading is complete!"

Gion stands proudly at the helm of the ship, and these artillerymen who have spent most of their lives handling guns are the gods of death at a distance.

Right now, I don't bother her, the captain, to say anything more. The veterans of this ship are carrying out routine combat readiness exercises at the same time. .

The roar of the second round of shelling startled the pirate ship that was still loading ammunition hundreds of meters away.

The accuracy is not good, and the reloading speed is not comparable, so it's still playing a calf.

The number of artillery pieces assembled by naval warships is not less than 42 pounds! There are even 12 56-pound super-heavy guns laid on the bottom turret.

You must know that most of the coastal defense guns they deploy on the shore are only about 47 pounds.

After two rounds, the pirate ship was directly destroyed.

What a fool! The pirates started to evacuate without even thinking about it, trying to get rid of this heavy top-level sailing warship with speed.

Seeing that the pirate ship on the starboard side whose speed has dropped sharply due to the heavy damage is about to flee, where can the naval artillery chief agree?

"Third round, fire!" He personally adjusted the shooting angle and locked the breech.

The caliber of justice once again roared on the sea of ​​Totland.

"Knock your mother! What the hell is this speed of fire!!!" The pirate captain is really desperate. They are still loading gunpowder after the first round. The faster gunner is shooting the gun from the muzzle The iron spherical bullet slides in.

But the opponent has already started the third round with a volley of heavy artillery!!!

The pirate ship that was directly paralyzed on the sea wanted to call the neighboring ships that participated in the blockade to rescue one or two, but turned around and saw that the 6 pirate ships that were supported by our side from the eastern islands on the sea thousands of meters away had already arrived. All collapsed on the spot, and smoke and fire rose.

The worst one seemed to be chopped into several pieces by a giant knife.

"Tsk, did the blockade fail again?" Katakuri frowned and muttered to himself.

This is not the first time that the fleet that came to aid was sunk halfway, although these ordinary ships are indeed not as well-equipped as the cadres who served as the main ship in Wanuo.

But how can it not be crushed into such a situation!

"Let's try it out, brother." Daifuku, who was standing beside him, suggested that every time the cadre ships they supported from the second line of defense had to return without success.

This feeling of being pressed and rubbed on the ground is really more uncomfortable than eating shit.

This time, the person with the ability of Nuo Nuo fruit agreed. The opponent has only 6 warships, and they have sent as many as 9 cadre ships, almost a two-on-one situation.

Coupled with their ministers and master generals sitting in command, it is difficult for the artillery fire that threatens ordinary pirate ships to have an effect on them.

"Attack! It's time to test the quality of the generals of the legion."

The speeding up of the distant cadre ship was immediately conveyed by Enilo to the lieutenant generals who had just completed the anti-blockade mission.

Sorry, you can really do whatever you want with the full picture hanging. There is no bullshit fog of war, and the role of radar on the battlefield is almost like the hand of God.

"Hey! Shiliu! Reinforcements are coming from the opposite side, what should we do?" Gion immediately got in touch with the deputy army chief through the encrypted sharing channel.

Before Shiliu could speak, Dauberman's voice came in: "Let's fight? Let alone the advantage of warships, five lieutenant generals plus you, you can be reckless."

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