I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 276

"Huh? What's the matter?" Bellemel followed Lieutenant General He's line of sight, and Dashi was lying on the grass, empty.

"Hey, an old thing that's too old to learn well." Crane sighed inexplicably, and walked over there. Halfway through the journey, she finally gave Karp a face: "Gion, you take Belmer to soak first, and I'll be right there."

Gion applauded lightly: "Oh, Miss He's eyes are sharper now."

However, the few people in the male soup still had no idea what was about to happen.

Sakaski raised his hand, and seemed to be very emotional: "Who is the owner of this shop?"

To be able to think of opening a hot spring hotel in Marin Vanduo is a real business acumen.

The island is rich in rain, and most of the fresh water supply for the Navy headquarters is first collected by rainwater collectors, and then scattered and stored in dozens of large reservoirs around the island.

No one had ever thought of running a hot spring under the Navy's flag with such advantages.

Zhan Guo and Kuzan looked at each other, and said in unison, "...you'd better not know."

"Is it a pirate?" Sakaski made a bold guess based on the reaction of the two, which was already the most outrageous answer he could think of.

[Although it is the first time for the Navy Headquarters to accept an industry under Shichibukai's banner, it is not beyond the rules anyway]

He always felt that His Excellency Marshal's expression was a bit weird, obviously not the expression of the correct answer.

"Well...brother, don't you think this kind of hotel environment with a strong literary and artistic atmosphere seems familiar?" Kuzan still couldn't hold back, and gave a small reminder.

"Atmosphere?" Sakarski carefully looked around at the specially created scene, which is indeed suitable for some young people and couples to come and pose for a photo

But as Kuzan said, this style does seem familiar, it seems very familiar, and for a while, I can’t remember where I saw it.

Finally, a scene flashed through Sakalski's mind. This literary and artistic setting was very similar to a room in his home.

"You mean Robin?!"

"It's impossible! Where did my stupid girl get the funds to operate?" Sakaski shook his head repeatedly, and he couldn't believe that this hot spring resort hotel with a booming business would come from Robin.

287. Come out to mess around, sooner or later you have to pay it back

It was rare to see Sakaski's surprised expression, and the Warring States suddenly brought up a past event: "Do you still remember the fruit that Kuzan brought back?"

"Of course." Sakaski understood without a detailed explanation from the wise general: "Golden fruit, I didn't expect to try it out here."

There was no suitable candidate for this important devil fruit before. Among the strong men in this department, there are many who can fight, and even more who can fight and cut people, and beat people into mentally retarded people.

But if you want to select a few business talents who can help with financial management, judge economic trends, and formulate economic plans from this group of sailors who have begun to grow muscles in their heads, it is even more difficult than selecting generals!

"The old man made a check list, starting with elements such as sense of belonging, business acumen, and individual potential, and trying to find a loyal economic talent as the host of the golden fruit."

Warring States lifted a hand from the hot spring and snapped his fingers: "Zefa, Garp, Jonathan, Kong Ming... are all on the candidate list."

As he spoke, he covered his old face, as if he felt quite ashamed: "Everyone is the mainstay of the navy, but they are idiots in economics, auditing, and credit like a child!"

If the Navy Headquarters wants to achieve financial independence in the future and allocate its own budget, an economically sensitive person who understands operations is essential.

"Then who did you distribute the golden fruit to?" Sakaski had already vaguely guessed the answer. These old guys are unreliable, and the Warring States Period will naturally turn its attention to the younger generation.

General Zhi didn't answer this question directly, but asked instead: "What do you think of this hotel?"

He praised repeatedly in an amazed tone: "Robin accidentally heard Karp mention the geothermal hot spring you burned. This is the source of inspiration for the hotel. From the start of construction, design, layout, and operation, it was all done by a few small staff. The children cooperate and divide the work to complete."

"This is really unbelievable." Only then did Sakaski know the reason why the Warring States, who had experienced great storms, highly praised this hot spring.

Because, even if he brought Shiliu, Ghost Spider and others with him, he might not dare to say that he could achieve the current level.

"The stupid girl in your eyes is an excellent handsome talent in the eyes of this old man." Zhan Guo continued to talk about the great achievements these children made under his nose: "Robin's comprehensive knowledge is an advantage. All kinds of information stored in her mind are effectively used, but her real highlight is knowing who should do what and strategizing, and everyone is properly used in the most suitable position."

Even though Sakalski had a staid temper, he couldn't help feeling a bit of parental pride.

He humbly admitted to the Warring States: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she still lacks too much experience and knowledge."

Hearing this, Sengoku's expression became more and more embarrassing. He looked at Kuzan, put a hand on Akainu's shoulder lightly, comforted (xin) and said:

"...No, Sakalski, we all agree that this probably has little to do with you."

There is a reason why the Admiral of the Navy is so sure. Sakaski may teach a lot of military knowledge and combat skills.

But Robin can quickly choose a candidate and implement it after thinking of a feasible plan.

Looking for two disciples of Murloc Tom to design and manufacture boilers and pipe laying.

Find Ace who is the most popular in the training camp to act as MC,

The curative effect of hot springs and medical tests can be found here,

Arranging a small money fan to manage and manage, and other behaviors are not like what a big boss like Sakalski can teach.

"Stop going around in circles! Who is the golden fruit capable person!?" Mr. Sa, who was provoked into embarrassment, cocked his neck and forcibly changed the subject.

Half a life as a soldier, the Warring States period is the happiest now, because there are successors in the headquarters!

A large number of excellent fresh blood is the root of supporting the behemoth of the navy for a long time!

He buried his whole body in the hot spring, with only his head exposed above the water, maintaining this comfortable posture and telling Sakalski "Robin, Nuoqigao, Ace... There are many other children, all of whom I investigated. But I finally chose a kid named Nami."

Sakaski's expression was a little stiff, and Nami would actually interact with him in this way. Should it be said that he is a money fan who has fallen into the eyes of money?

Before he could finish his words, Lieutenant General He's voice came from the female soup next to the wall: "Sakaski, Warring States, come out of the male soup. I'll wait for you in room 250."



The two big men stared at each other, not knowing what happened.

【what happened?】

【How does this old man know? Let’s talk about it later】

With one eye contact, Sengoku and Sakaski finalized the plan.

The two got up and left the bath, quickly dressed and found the agreed room.

[Okay, the old man knows. 】

【This general also knows】

Looking at the two young men who had been washed and hung on the hangers, Mr. Sa and the War Commander put on a straight face at the same time.

Lindeman, who is capable of transparent fruit, and Rosindi, who is capable of silent fruit, these two guys should be able to guess what kind of operation this is if they are not brain-dead.

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