I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 299

【Is your Meng Qi family born to be against me?】

303. Sakaski's life of wanting to make trouble

No one expected that the current number one mad dog in the Navy Headquarters - [Red Dog] Sakaski, met his lifelong enemy of the brain and blood vessels today.

[My name is Sakaski, 43 years old.

Lives in the core area of ​​the Marlin Vanduo family area, and is engaged.

Guarding the headquarters, he is an ordinary admiral.

I have to work overtime with Warring States every day until 11 o'clock in the evening before going home.

Cigars are smoked, wine is only tasted.

Get up on time at 6 o'clock in the morning, and have milk, coffee and bacon every day, for decades. At lunch, I will definitely drink a glass of lemonade, and then use the spare time in the afternoon to make 20 minutes of Pirate Head figurines.

The military doctors said I was healthy, except for some obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoia.

In fact, I want to live a troublesome life of killing pirates every day. 】

Sakaski, who was already a little hypertensive from being angry with the iron-headed baby, suddenly had thousands of thoughts rushing to his mind.

It is not in line with his usual style to kill a kid for no reason.

Forcing a peaceful mind, Mr. Sa is determined to care for the hard-boiled children and the mentally handicapped old man.

The high-ranking naval commander shook his head again and again, rejecting Luffy's previous point of view: "You are wrong."

Luffy originally thought that this burly man would slander his dream like his grandfather, but the rubber boy widened his eyes, preparing for the foreseeable denunciation and stormy accusations in the future.

"So, I'm going to say that you're wrong." Sakaski put on a contemptuous face like a young boy: "Arranging you to go to the training camp is just because there are more people of the same age there. Other thoughts."

(It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If you want to entice the other party to do what you say, then it must first look harmless.)

He stretched out a hand, pointed at the ships coming in and out of the military port, and vividly testified: "Every day, the Navy Headquarters needs to deal with various crises and dangers in the vast sea, and the sailors are born to die, so they don't have time to accompany you to continue." Playing house. Based on this common phenomenon, this general’s suggestion is——you’d better have some playmates in Marlin Vanduo.”

Seeing that Sakaski did not blindly let himself join the navy camp but carefully explained the whole story, especially the fact that he was able to make many friends of similar age, Luffy felt that it made sense.

Wouldn't it be a lonely death on this island to have a childhood without friends?

(The second is to let the other party see the aspects that are beneficial to you.)

"Entering Boy Scout training, on the one hand, you can find friends, and on the other hand, you can learn survival skills at sea." Sakaski led Luffy quickly to the edge of the training ground, and showed the little guy See how Boy Scouts learn a variety of practical skills and gymnastics.

Demonic whispers lingered around Luffy: "[Basic Navigation Course] can ensure that you will not be caught blind and wait to die alone at sea, [Theory and Practice of Wilderness Survival] can teach you to gain body heat in wild and changeable environments , identify useful vegetation and creatures, and transform them into tools and ingredients for your survival." Sakaski explained the process one by one: "Little Luffy, you don't need to be overwhelmed by skills. Although you will Find crew members in all aspects of the division of labor, but before that, you have to ensure that you can live to meet them. There are many branches and advanced courses in the training camp."

The wild Luffy started to waver, and it doesn't sound unreasonable!

(In the end, you have to let the other party feel that this is an optional proposal. There is no coercion or force. You can choose to do it or not to do it. Let yourself make the decision.)

Sakalski came up with a conclusion: "It's up to you to decide whether to be a soldier or a pirate, but the ugly words come first, no matter if you are a soldier or a pirate, you can't even protect yourself without training If you don’t, it’s all empty talk.”


After a brief silence, Luffy tentatively replied: "Well, then I'll go to the Boy Scouts training camp?"

(See, Simple Psychology.)

Rossinandi and Lindemann, who followed Sakaski, had expressions of pity on their faces.

Undoubtedly, this is another cute boy who fell under the bewitchment of the devil.

【President Sa is playing dirty tactics again! 】

After briefly filling in the basic information, Sakasky personally took Luffy into the training camp.

But the slap in the face happened in an instant, and the training team who were studying in the camp collectively left behind Mengxin, who was similar in age, and put all their attention on the uncle Sakalski.

"Mr. Sa! I can basically draw with Drake recently!" A certain black-haired and freckled boy seemed to be brimming with fighting spirit and passion when he saw the visitor.

This is also the first time Monkey D. Luffy met Potter Carter D. Ace.

The straw hat boy carefully looked at the boy who was rushing towards them, his active and cheerful demeanor was as friendly and easy to get along with as the afternoon sun.

It is also like a burning flame, gorgeous and unrestrained.

"Eh? Another newcomer?" Ace quickly turned his attention to the thin figure beside Mr. Sa.

Immediately, the freckled boy, who was determined to lead the expeditionary force, extended his palm to the new trainee: "I am the team leader Ace, nice to meet you. From today onwards, we are team members receiving training in the same team!"

"Huh?" Luffy blinked his eyes vigorously, this sense of unreality made him at a loss.

I didn't expect to make friends so easily and directly, Little Straw Hat thought it was so difficult.

"By the way, don't underestimate that newcomer." Sakalski suddenly smiled proudly, and carried out his black belly to the end: "He is the ruthless man who broke one of the red-haired Shanks' arms."

"..." The fox opened his mouth, sincerely admiring his boss's skills in speaking skills.

This is the foundation of professional fraud, and he, the "fraudster", is almost like a younger brother.

Nothing in Sa's words is a lie, the red hair did break an arm to save Luffy.

However, when these words came out of his old man's mouth, why did the taste change instantly?

As expected, as soon as this remark came out, the militants in the training camp looked sideways.

"That red-haired Shanks who dominates in the new world?!" Ace turned his head to look at his idol and role model in disbelief, trying to confirm the authenticity of the matter from the change in Sakaski's expression.

And Akainu, who is usually expressionless, has the corners of his mouth pulled down more and more, which seems to be more solemn and dignified.

"Hey, is it true?"

[Looks thin and weak like a monkey] The trainees looked at this newcomer in amazement, thinking that their ears were deaf.

[Could it be that he is hiding some ability? 】

Not to mention that Drake, Ace and others were shocked, so was Enilo. The thunder fruit ability user who was cultivating knowledgeable domineering aura at another training ground naturally also "heard" the exclamation from the training ground.

Compared with the brats like Ace, he has seen the power of the [Four Emperors].

The more Enilo knew the gap between himself and the top group of pirates, the more he became interested in the little ghost head that Mr. Sa said could lose an arm with red hair.

"Huh, this kind of thing..." A slightly arrogant voice came from far to near on the training ground in the distance, and it was his weird outfit full of technological sense that attracted the most attention.

The young man is shirtless, with beautiful eyelashes under a white turban with a seagull logo tattooed on it.

Four huge golden taiko drums were suspended on his shoulders and back, but there was no connection between the metal and the body, and they slowly rotated in a clockwise direction accompanied by the occasional electric current that appeared on the surface.

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