I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 403

The terrifying power that Sakaski can arouse after awakening his fruit is equal to the unique characteristics of this legendary land creator, which shows his high hopes for it.

The magma eroded from all directions, leaving only the shock wave forbidden circle with a radius of hundreds of meters that could not be broken through.

The sea of ​​lava circulated around Sakaski, gently enveloping him. The thousands of meters of lava was directly divided into two by Whitebeard's knife just now, but it was filled and closed in an instant.

"At first, I thought that you and I just had different positions." Whitebeard suddenly sighed deeply. For him, this war was a battle that he had to fight, a situation that had to be fought.

Despite his psychological preparations, the father was deeply saddened by the loss of so many children here.

With eagle-like eyes fixed on the instigator of the disaster, Edward Newgate casually stuck his cherished naginata on the ground.

The strongest Superman, the person with the ability to shake the fruit, has strong and powerful arms with blue veins. This legendary old pirate who is much taller than ordinary people crossed his hands in front of his chest, as if he was shouldering a heavy burden, and he seemed to be pushing away something.

The next moment, with the area where Whitebeard was standing as the center, the atmosphere was like two interlaced mirrors, slowly separating from the center line up and down.

The cries of the children seemed to be still echoing on the second front, and Edward Newgate's knowledgeable domineering at its peak could not hear any "voice".

Whether it's a pirate or a navy, in Whitebeard's view, anyone who gallops in this sea is a child of the sea.

Not to mention that there are many younger generations on this battlefield that are worth protecting and cherishing. But the red dog launched the fruit awakening, the large-scale damage, and the indiscriminate killing made the old man feel sincerely angry.

Just the leakage of the escaping power caused a ray of sunlight to penetrate through the dark sky.

Without any warning, the entire island was completely torn apart by the sudden shock wave and divided into two halves.

Until then, the extremely violent vibrations overturned all the buildings on the island.

Whitebeard's roar exploded at the same moment: "Red dog! Tell me! With such a combat power on your shoulders, you deliberately kill the weak! Are you defending justice, or just guarding order?!"

On the lava ocean created by the magma, the man named Akainu slowly emerged. The fiery waves swelled, easily evaporating the seawater that hit the coastline.

"This is war! When you launched it, I thought you had already realized something. I can't protect everyone, but at least I can kill the enemy as much as I can!" Sakarski has a clear conscience, from In times of peace, he especially hated war, and he would not offend me unless he was attacked.

But since these pirates dared to join forces to attack, he was also determined to wipe out all the enemies outside his homeland.

Perhaps with his fruit awakening ability, he did kill many of his own people. But the Whitebeard Pirates were almost wiped out here except for some high-level cadres.

War has never been based on morality, nor benevolence and righteousness. From the perspective of battle damage and casualties, this is the strength that Sakaski should exert in this vast war.

The ocean of magma was rolling wantonly, with waves rising one after another, and the waves rose to a height of tens of meters, surrounding Whitebeard from all directions.

Sakalski lightly pressed the brim of his hat, and repeated the white beard's question to himself, his open hands suddenly closed together: "[Are you guarding justice, or just guarding order?] Heh, let me tell you again. Let’s just say, only order can bring true justice.”

The scorching ashes that symbolize despair are still floating in the air, and the monstrous lava tsunami surges down.

378. I, Sakaski, have no feelings

"Destroy them!" The main force of the navy on the third front finally showed its hideous face. In the face of these pirate crews and cadres who had managed to escape from the second front, they waited for work and beat the dogs in the water.

Most of these pirates who were able to escape from the second front were quite strong, but faced with the navy's almost shameless human sea tactics, they complained endlessly, and their defeat was only a matter of time.

Especially those famous pirate captains and team captains were besieged by more than a dozen admirals.

"Marco! Hasn't our support arrived yet?" Diamond George, the captain of the third team, was already a little restless at this time. Before, Shiliu could handle it easily by himself, but now these admirals actually formed a rather strange group. A large-scale live killing array.

The stormy sword energy, bullets, and heavy punches forced him to maintain an all-out defensive posture.

While speaking, the Ghost Spider had switched places with Dauberman who was opposite George earlier. The master of field control swiped fiercely at the air in front of him with hooked fingers.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the captain of the third division wanted to shoot backwards, intending to get away from the silk thread that was coming from nowhere.

However, the generals around did not give George this opportunity to escape. The lieutenant general Shi Tieraisi and the lieutenant general Flying Squirrel, who had just achieved the achievement of riding a dog, stepped on the moon, one left and one right from different directions. .

The sword energy did not cause the slightest damage to George's indestructible diamond body, but the two forces exerted on him were enough to push the opponent back to the original place.

In the next moment, the captain of the third squad was trapped by an invisible silk thread.

But this sturdy pirate giant didn't feel anxious, so what if he was controlled? These lieutenant generals wanted to destroy his defense with domineering swords.

The screams came from the other side of George.

Only at this moment did this giant who is known for his defense suddenly realize that the real target of these lieutenant generals was not himself.

Even if it was just a few seconds of the control of that sinister ghost spider, it was enough to restrain him from pulling away to support his companions.

Sachs, the captain of the Fourth Division, finally escaped from the second front. Before he could wipe off the black ash on his cheeks and hair, he was besieged and killed by several admirals who had already ambushed here.

Narrowly and narrowly dodging the knife head of the well-known titan Dauberman, there were several bursts of wind from behind the captain of the fourth team, Sachs - it was Stornoberry and Zhengxiang who used the double knife style to fight against the enemy. Dalmatian-type ability user Dalmesia, the fruit of the dog who vented his anger on pirates.

Before he could turn around in time, Saqi took the two attacks with his armed domineering aura. For the time being, his back was saved from being torn and bruised, and before his tense nerves could relax, a pitch-black stick shadow swung round from the side and hit his waist and ribs.

"[Ghost Bamboo!]" Virgo's long-planned blunt attack made the domineering defense that the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates reluctantly gathered at the waist and ribs completely useless.

With the crisp cracking sound of bones, Sach flew out with a scream.

However, there was already a person waiting in the air, and the leopard man who maintained a beast-like human body passed by the captain of the fourth division.

Just at this moment, the pirate captain's chest and neck were pierced with countless blood holes by Huang Lian, a domineering finger gun attached to a tyrannical weapon.

"Sa! Qi!" The eyes of the diamond man who valued love and righteousness suddenly turned red. There is nothing worse than the death of a brother who has been with him day and night in front of him.

This gigantic man with natural supernatural power struggled hard, and actually pulled the ghost spider who was maintaining the control of the silk thread to his knees.

Maintaining his ability form, he wanted to forcibly break the siege of the naval officers.

However, the murderous cold hum from above George's head made his scalp tingle.

Shiliu adjusted the angle of attack in the air with moon steps, and chopped the "whetstone" down on one knee with a fierce top-to-bottom slash.

What happened to him was similar to Foil Vista.

The top fighters of the Whitebeard Pirates, without exception, have received special attention from these elite sailors.

With just one blow to force Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan with a garlic nose, Foil Vista was stopped by a slightly wretched-looking man with a wave of his hand.

Being forced to this point, Bista did not show the slightest timidity. Instead, he laughed loudly and said: "[Tea Dolphin] plus, Huoshaoshan, and Lieutenant General Gumir who used to guard G2, you really gave me Face!"

He swung the two swords faster and faster, as if he had entered a mysterious state.

"Tsk, that's why I hate fighting big swordsmen!" Jiaji, who was wearing tea-brown clothes, grinned in distaste. Baojian intercepted it.

From beginning to end, he never broke through the opponent's sword encirclement.

With the help of several people's tossing and turning figures to cover, a figure in a white coat suddenly cut into the battlefield.

The Commodore, who covered his face tightly with a mask, wanted to grab the weapon in Vista's left hand with his hand.

Fortunately, this sturdy big pirate looks rough but is actually quite delicate. Bista has a great reputation, and I have never seen anyone who dared to grab his own weapon so carelessly with his bare hands.

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